Susu's car parked beside the road below the abandoned hut.

The kidnapper who was responsible for keeping track immediately cheered up and stepped forward to investigate.

After seeing that it was Su Su and Luo Dingfa, he relaxed his vigilance.

Susu and Luo Dingfa took the squab into the hut.

There were four kidnappers in the hut.

"Everyone, come and eat squab. Sister Su is treating us." The kidnapper who was in charge of watching said with a smile.

Hearing this, the other three kidnappers immediately gathered around him happily.

I heard the word Sister Su.

Susu's face changed slightly.

She looked around without leaving any trace and saw a secret door in the corner of the house.

The secret door was half open, and a large iron cage could be faintly seen inside.

Seeing this scene, Su Su could no longer hold back the murderous intention in her heart.

If nothing unexpected happens, Tang Liyu will be locked in this big iron cage.

These kidnappers took Sister Susu one by one, completely forcing her to a dead end!

Absolutely no one of these kidnappers can be left alive!

And Tang Liyu...

Can't stay either!

Su Su felt cruel and sentenced several people to death in an instant.

But there was still a smile on her face, and she enthusiastically greeted several people to the table.

"I will definitely get the money, so don't worry."

Susu comforted everyone.

Then, he glanced at the kidnapper beside him and said, "Oh, no one eats pigeons like this! They don't look like men, they use their hands, two hands! That's right, that's it..."


At this moment, Afa's expression suddenly changed.

Throwing the squab in his hand, he drew his gun instantly.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

Several gunshots were fired in succession, and the kidnappers fell to the ground.

As for Su Su, she was well prepared and quickly hid aside when Ah Fa stood up.

The kidnappers had been dealt with. Susu looked dull and came to the kidnapper who was talking to him on the phone.

Holding a pistol in his hand, he hit the dead kidnapper on the head with the butt of the gun.

Su Su stopped after hitting her brain until her brain burst.


Su Su shouted hysterically, and with the blood covering her face, it looked extremely oozing.

Even Ah Fa on the side took a step back without leaving any trace.

At this time, he actually regretted it.

Susu really looked like she had gone crazy!

After venting hysterically.

Su Su wiped the blood off her face and walked to the dark room in the house with Ah Fa.

The dark room looked dilapidated, with only a large iron cage.

Tang Liyu was locked in an iron cage, his eyes were blindfolded, his hands were tied, and he had no idea what was happening.

"Help, help!"

"Don't kill me, don't kill me!"

"I don't want to die. I'll give you whatever money you want."

"I beg you to let me go. I will not call the police or take revenge."

"Please let me go, let me go..."

Tang Liyu had heard the gunfire outside just now, and now he heard the footsteps and quickly begged for mercy.


Su Su suddenly shouted loudly.

Tang Liyu was also startled by the sudden shouting, and his begging for mercy stopped abruptly.

"Crack clap-"

Susu took the gun and scratched it on the iron cage, making a harsh sound.

There was a long pause.

"Who am I?" Susu asked in a gloomy tone.

When Tang Liyu heard this, his body trembled.

Susu's voice is hoarse and distinctive.

Tang Liyu obviously heard it.

But after a moment of pause, Tang Liyu still pretended to be scared and said, "I don't know, I don't know, I really don't know anything..."

Seeing this, Su Su hesitated again and again.

Finally, she slowly raised the gun.

This matter must be foolproof, and there must be no mistakes.


Gunshots sounded suddenly.

Since it was indoors, it was extremely harsh.

But it was not Su Su who fired the shot, but the person outside the door.

A bullet accurately hit the gun in Susu's hand, knocking it aside.

Luo Dingfa beside Susu was about to draw his gun.

"Don't move, you're not as fast as me."

A cold, hoarse voice came from outside the door.

Su Su and Luo Dingfa looked back, and their expressions suddenly changed.

The person outside the door was none other than Ah Jin.

At this time, the gun in Ah Jin's hand was already pointed at Luo Dingfa.

With his shooting skills, as long as Luo Dingfa makes the slightest move, he can make Luo Dingfa's head explode.

"It's you!?" Su Su said in shock.

When Chu Feng attended before, Ah Jin followed him all the time.

Both Su Su and Luo Dingfa were no strangers to this man with prosthetic limbs.

"Why are you here? Who asked you to come?" Su Su asked in shock.

What she fears most now is that the matter will be exposed, and she will even take the risk to kill Tang Liyu.


Ah Jin is here, Su Su has obviously lost her bearings.

at the same time.


The window on the wall suddenly broke, and Asiu jumped in from the window and rushed towards Luo Dingfa.

Before Luo Dingfa could react, Ah Xiu subdued him, took out a pair of handcuffs and held Luo Dingfa tightly.

"...Chu Feng asked you to come!?" Su Su understood everything in her heart when she saw Ah Xiu and Ah Jin appear.

There was also a look of despair on his face.

If Ah Jin comes alone, Susu can try to bribe him.

But now, even Ash is here.

Will Chu Feng be far away?

Sure enough, Su Su had just finished speaking.

"As expected of the loyal treasurer, he has guessed everything."

"It's just a pity that it's a step too late."

A hearty voice came from behind Ah Jin.

In no time.

Chu Feng slowly walked in from the outside and stood not far from Su Su, "Brother Yu is a loyal and loyal sponsor. Sister Su, if you do this, if Lian Haolong knows about it, do you think it will be... What are the consequences?”

"It's really you..."

Su Su smiled bitterly when she saw Chu Feng standing in front of her.

All the way to lose!

Although she didn't know when Chu Feng started paying attention to her and Luo Dingfa's actions.

But at this time (Wang's), Chu Feng appeared.

Su Su knew that she had completely lost and was completely manipulated by Chu Feng.

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