I believe that tomorrow at most, the police station will strike hard and punish Zhongxinyi.

It is even possible that loyalty and trustworthiness will be directly erased!

But now, the prince is more worried about himself and Tsim Sha Tsui.

"Damn it, didn't I just sweep away dozens of your Lian Haolong's places?"

"How can it be so overwhelming!?"

The prince cursed secretly.

Seeing the loyal and righteous gangsters on the street beating him more and more fiercely, his little brother could no longer resist. Lian Haolong quickly called and invited Wuliang, Ma Wangjian, Dayu and other close friends to come to Tsim Sha Tsui for support.

After getting the promise of sitting in other halls.

The prince also held a knife in his left hand and a gun in his right hand, and joined the battle with a group of disciples.

The battle between the two sides entered a fever pitch from the beginning!

The original Young and Dangerous brawl didn't involve the use of guns.

But this time, Zhongxinyi actually used a lot of pistols and assault rifles.

".` Da da da da——"

The gun on Zhongxinyi's side spurted out tongues of fire.

All the Hong Xingzi were caught off guard and were swept down.

Even the prince himself was targeted by Lian Haolong.

Lian Haolong's marksmanship was perfect.

However, the prince is no ordinary person. His fighting skills are at the peak of his abilities, and his perception of danger is also different from ordinary people.

The prince who was fighting suddenly felt an ominous premonition in his heart, and his body turned subconsciously.


The clear and loud gunfire of an old-fashioned rifle rang out, and a rifle bullet grazed the prince's shoulder (the king's), leaving a piece of flesh and blood.

"I rely on!"

After walking on the verge of life and death, the prince suddenly felt his scalp numb, "Zhongxinyi and his gang are going to risk their lives. The copycats are going to fight back!"

The Hong Xingzi, who had been suppressed in the first place, quickly returned to the secret room at the entrance of the hall, armed themselves one after another, and used heavy firearms to fight against Zhongxinyi. Only then could they stabilize the one-sided situation.

But although Hong Xing temporarily focused on it, the ordinary citizens around him suffered.

Especially those living in commercial and residential buildings on both sides. Many people were injured by stray bullets and ricocheting bullets that passed through the wall, and lay on the ground wailing!


Although the prince's men were good at fighting, they could not withstand the large number of loyal and righteous people.

This time, Lian Haolong can be said to have mobilized all the people who can be mobilized!

There are even some temples in remote areas that have sent out people and are on their way to help.

This time.

Lian Haolong completely broke up with Hong Xing!


234 Defense?The prince is losing ground!

The prince's men were retreating steadily, and the windows of the surrounding shops exploded and made loud noises from time to time.

There were reflections of sword light and soaring blood everywhere.

"Why don't you come!?"

The prince looked at his watch and found that less than ten minutes had passed.

It would take another 10 minutes to reach the nearest reinforcements in Western District.

Seeing the people around him fall down one by one, the prince couldn't help but panic.

Although the prince is known as the Hongxing God of War, most of Hongxing's fighters are also concentrated in the prince's boxing gym.


The bad guy on the loyal side, because of the conflicts in the past few days, the anger in his heart has reached its peak.

In addition, the number of people on the Zhongxinyi side was several times that of Hong Xingzai, the prince's subordinate.

What's more, the leader Lian Haolong personally leads the team?

With the support of various BUFFs, the combat effectiveness of the loyal and righteous gangsters who were originally weak in strength increased significantly.

The prince's side only resisted for a while and fell directly into the disadvantage.

"Quick! Go back to the field and guard!"

Seeing that his men were getting fewer and fewer, the prince couldn't help but put people on the defensive.

Although he didn't know why Lian Haolong seemed to be crazy and swept away his place regardless of the consequences.

But now, if no measures are taken, all his wealth will be wiped out.

As long as they can hide in the place, no matter how many loyal people there are, only a few can come in at a time.

This will not only reduce Zhongxinyi's numerical advantage to the greatest extent, but also greatly reduce the situation where the members of the gang are attacked from both sides.

The key is.

The prince could also see that bad guys like Zhong Xinyi had a certain energy.

As long as it drags on for a long time, this vigor will inevitably disappear.

When Hongxing's reinforcements arrive, there will be a chance to turn defeat into victory.


If the prince's side confesses to being here before Hongxing's reinforcements arrive, everything will become meaningless.

After hearing the prince's order, all the Hong Xing boys retreated while fighting and hid in Hong Xing's place.

This trick really works.

The loyal and loyal gangsters were blocked outside the door and could only rush in three or four at a time.


After Hong Xingzi retreated into the venue, he guarded the door tightly. If anyone rushed in, he would kill him without saying a word.

Although Zhong Xinyi's attack was contained, Hong Xingzai, who was running slowly, was hacked to death by his fellow disciples who thought he was Zhong Xinyi when he entered the field.

Fortunately, the situation was held for the time being.

However, this situation did not last long.

"These Hong Xing boys are just fools!" Lian Haodong ran to Lian (babh) Haolong and said breathlessly.

At this time, Lian Haodong's face was also covered with blood, and he had obviously fought hard just now.

"Hide in the place? If you can hide for a while, can you hide for a lifetime?"

"Get on the forklift!"

Lian Haolong waved his hand.

The forklift that had been prepared long ago rushed directly to the bars and nightclubs in Hongxing.

These nightclubs have strong lighting requirements, and many of the windows are floor-to-ceiling windows.

No matter how hard the glass is, how can it prevent the impact of a forklift?

More than a dozen forklifts rushed to Hongxing's nightclub.



As the glass burst, the forklift rushed directly into the nightclubs.

The Hongxing boys hiding in the nightclub were unable to dodge, and were either forked into meat skewers by a forklift, or driven to death and maimed.

Lian Haodong, on the other hand, led a group of loyal and righteous bad guys, holding a lit Molotov cocktail in his hand, and threw it into Hong Xing's field. After a while, Hong Xingzi, who was burning all over, rushed in wailing. come out.

Before he could be burned alive, he was chopped into eight pieces by those angry loyal and loyal men.

How could the scene be described as tragic?

The sound of wailing, the sound of burning flames, and the loud noise of bursting glass echoed in the ears of both parties.

In addition to infiltrating people, the most primitive and violent scenes also greatly stimulated the nerves of these bad guys, and the two sides fought even more desperately.

It wasn't until reinforcements from Unscrupulous and Ma Wangjian arrived one after another that the prince's crisis eased slightly.


Zhongxinyi, reinforcements are also coming one after another.

Judging from the current situation, the fall of Tsim Sha Tsui is obviously a foregone conclusion!

This scene on the streets of Tsim Sha Tsui was also clearly seen by Li Shan who was hiding on the roof of an office building.

"It's just like Brother Feng guessed!"

"This guy Lian Haolong lost his mind after hearing that Tang Liyu was killed."

Li Shan looked at the chaotic scene downstairs with sincere admiration on his face.

In just two and a half days, Hong Xing and Zhong Xinyi went from being at peace with each other to being in a fight to the death.

All this depends on Chu Feng’s layout!

"Outsiders say that Brother Feng's success is all due to the brothers below."

"These people are really crazy."

Li Shan secretly admired.

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