When the prince and others heard Chu Feng scolding themselves as useless, their eyebrows suddenly stood up in anger, and they immediately stood up and slapped the case, as if they were rolling up their sleeves and getting ready to take action.

".'What, did I say something wrong?"

Chu Feng glanced at them with disdain,

"Those territories were lost by you because you had no ability to do so. It's my business and Zhongxinyi's business to take them back from Zhongxinyi."

"You want to go to Lian Haolong for territory, how dare you?"

"My brother fought hard to conquer the territory from the front, and you just want to come back with just one sentence? You really want to take advantage of it!"

"If you really have the ability to seize Zhongxinyi's territory, go and kill Lian Haolong!"

The few people sitting in the restaurant who were clamoring just now were immediately silenced by Chu Feng.

Especially the prince, his face turned red and white.

They had just suffered a big loss from Zhongxinyi, especially Tsim Sha Tsui, which was managed by the prince, and was directly crippled by Zhongxinyi.

Chu Feng's words simply rubbed salt into their wounds.

But what Chu Feng said was true.

They have no ability to offend Zhongxinyi.

Even though there was a lot of anger in his heart, he was speechless by Chu Feng at this moment and could only hold back his anger.

"Okay, stop arguing!"

When Jiang Tiansheng saw that the prince and others had fallen into disgrace (the king's), he immediately scolded them.

Chu Feng heard Jiang Tiansheng speak and looked back at Jiang Tiansheng.

"Sheng Jiang? When did you come out?"

"Why don't you say anything and I'll send someone to pick you up."

"How have you been during this time? How about the food in the detention room and your appetite?"

Chu Feng asked with a fake smile, pretending to be enthusiastic.

These few words, which seemed like greetings, were actually rubbing salt into Jiang Tiansheng's wounds.

A leader, going to work as a boss?

What a shame and humiliation is this?

"Fortunately, I am the leader, why would I bother you sitting in the restaurant?" Jiang Tiansheng was angry and replied in a neutral tone.

While speaking, he patted the armrest of the leading chair without leaving any trace, as if to declare his leading position.


When Chu Feng saw this scene, he chuckled.

"Yo? This chair looks good. It's the same as the one I sit on at home."

As soon as this word comes out.

Everyone's expressions changed! .

239 Smash that chair for me!What grade is it? It's the same as the one I sit in.

Every club has a token dedicated to the leader.

These tokens either prove identity or declare status.

He Liansheng has a faucet stick, and Jiang Tiansheng's side is this faucet chair, which was passed down by Jiang Zhen.

But now, Chu Feng said that he has a chair at home that is exactly the same as Jiang Tiansheng?

When I say this, even the dogs don’t believe it.

But when Chu Feng could say this, the meaning was self-evident.

Declare your status!

Side by side with the leader!

Even... seize the spotlight, kick Jiang Tiansheng away, and become the leader himself!

To put it bluntly, it is rebellion!

Chu Feng's words were spoken directly without any cover-up, and all the speakers were shocked.

Are you speaking openly or are you confident?

All the people sitting in the hall looked at each other and were speechless for a long time.

At the same time, Jiang Tiansheng suddenly raised his head, staring at Chu Feng with burning eyes.

"Jiang Sheng, why are you looking at me like that?"

"is there a problem?"

Chu Feng asked with a half-smile.

Jiang Tiansheng has murderous intentions towards Chu Feng, so why not Chu Feng?

The reason why I held back before was entirely because my current strength was not as good as Jiang Tiansheng's.

Although later, Thirteenth Sister and others joined, but if they really fight with Jiang Tiansheng's faction, even if they can win, they will lose miserably.

But it's different now.

Now Jiang Tiansheng's cronies, the prince, 600 Ma Wang Jian, Wuliang and others have already been seriously injured.

With Chu Feng's current strength, combined with Liangkun and others, he can completely cannibalize Hong Xing step by step.

Now that we are sure of victory, why should we hold back?

Why do you need to look at Jiang Tiansheng's face?

Why do you need to give Jiang Tiansheng face?

"Chu Feng, you said you have a chair exactly like this one at home?" Jiang Tiansheng's eyes were deep and a sinister smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

"What, is there a problem?" Chu Feng asked with a smile.

"It's no problem at all... If you want to be the leader, or if you have any dissatisfaction with me, just say it. I can let you take my position." Jiang Tiansheng simply stopped pretending and his tone became less friendly.


When Chu Feng heard this, he looked disdainfully at the dragon chair where Jiang Tiansheng sat.

"Sorry, I don't like others to give in."

"I will fight for the things that belong to me. I don't need anyone to ask me to sit in the position that belongs to me."

Chu Feng said lightly, then walked away in disgust and sat in his seat.

Jiang Tiansheng gives way?

Do you need it?

After Zhongxinyi is destroyed, Chu Feng will naturally take the seat himself, and there is no need for Jiang Tiansheng to give up any position.

Before that, the minions around Jiang Tiansheng must also be eliminated.

Cut grass without eradicating its roots, but the spring breeze blows and grows again!

After Chu Feng sat down in his seat, Jiang Tiansheng didn't say anything.

Although this matter seems to have passed.

But everyone here knew that the conflict between Chu Feng and Jiang Tiansheng was about to break out soon.

But now, because loyalty and righteousness are facing a formidable enemy, the two sides are not at odds with each other.

After Jiang Tiansheng saw Chu Feng sitting back in his seat, his eyes swept over the faces of the Hongxing speakers, he coughed twice and said calmly,

"I called everyone here today for the sake of loyalty."

"I think that for the two sides to be in such trouble now, someone must be causing trouble."

"Some people suffered heavy losses, and some people used this conflict to expand vigorously. I don't want to pursue it today, and I am too lazy to pursue it."

Having said this, Jiang Tiansheng glanced at Chu Feng indifferently, "I plan to invite Lian Haolong to negotiate first. It would be best if this matter can be resolved peacefully."

When the prince, Wuliang, and Ma Wangjian heard this, they immediately became anxious.

Peaceful solution?

The three of them can be said to have suffered the most heavy losses in this conflict.

If it can really be solved peacefully and overshadowed by an understatement, then why are they working so hard?

However, before they could speak.

"Don't worry everyone!"

"For those of you who have suffered heavy losses this time, I, Jiang Tiansheng, will give you a satisfactory compensation."

Jiang Tiansheng glanced at the prince and others and said.

The prince and others originally wanted to say something, but after seeing the look in Jiang Tiansheng's eyes, they finally closed their mouths angrily.

As for Jiang Tiansheng's idea, it is also very simple.

As long as Zhongxinyi is dealt with first, he will be free to deal with Chu Feng.

As long as Chu Feng is dealt with, the territories under Chu Feng's command will be enough to make up for the losses of the prince and others.


Just when Jiang Tiansheng thought that this time he could make peace with Zhongxinyi and concentrate on dealing with Chu Feng.

"Jiang Sheng, what you did is really chilling to the brothers." Chu Feng, who had been silent all this time, suddenly spoke and shook his head with a half-smile.

Jiang Tiansheng heard this and looked at Chu Feng, "A Feng, what are your thoughts?"

"Of course we will continue fighting with Zhongxinyi!" Chu Feng said without hesitation, "Zhongxinyi's bullying was too much. It destroyed our Hongxing territory and how many brothers died? How can we just say it's final?"

When Jiang Tiansheng heard this, he suddenly became confused.

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