After hearing that Chu Feng was still Lai Hao's spokesperson, these people in Hongxing already knew.

How terrifying is Chu Feng’s identity!

Although now, the era of money empire has passed, Lei Luo has escaped to Canada, and the cripple is in jail.

But Laihao's influence outside is still huge.

As long as you show your identity as Lame Hao's spokesperson, all the old members who have worked with Lame Hao will stand up and give strong support!


Although this level of identity sounds like nothing, the actual benefits are the greatest.

All the talkers stared in silence.

Especially Chen Yao, while having mixed feelings in his heart, he felt even more fortunate.

There is so much energy behind Chu Feng?

It seems that Jiang Tiansheng underestimated Chu Feng after all!

The silence lasted for a long time.

"Wow, Ah Feng! You're so big-hearted and you didn't even tell me." Liangkun's eyes widened and he shouted.

Chu Feng shook his head in confusion, "It's not that I didn't want to say it, and you didn't even ask."

"Of course I won't ask, who would have thought of it." Liangkun curled his lips and said.

"Now, don't you all know?"

Chu Feng smiled and picked up the wine glass, "Okay, everything that should come has come. Let's drink this cup together!"

After hearing the words, everyone in Hongxing quickly raised their glasses.

After sharing a drink.

"Now that everyone is here, let me talk about my next plan." Chu Feng looked around and said.

Everyone quickly put aside their doubts and became serious.

This gathering is not as simple as just having a meal.

Chu Feng had won a great victory this time, so he naturally wanted to strike while the iron was hot and consolidate his position in the world in one fell swoop.

".'A Feng, if you have anything to do, just tell me."

"We all have our full support."

"Now, we are so indifferent, we can do whatever we want."

Everyone quickly expressed their opinion.

Chu Feng called Li Shan over.

"Li Shan, how is the situation with Su Su and Luo Dingfa?" Chu Feng asked.

"Brother Feng, I have already gone to talk to them, and they also believe that you will support them."

"Originally Su Su and Luo Dingfa planned to run away, but after hearing that you were willing to support them, they decided to stay and fight to the death."

Reported by Li Shan and Chu Feng.

Others naturally listened to the content of these reports in confusion.

Listening to Li Shan's wishes, are Su Su and Luo Dingfa going to betray their loyalty?

Although they didn't know what was going on, they could guess that it had something to do with Chu Feng.

Everyone was curious about what Chu Feng was going to do next.

After hearing Li Shan's report, Chu Feng nodded slightly.

Then, look around.

(Wang Dezhao) "Everyone, the time to do big things is coming soon!"

"Loyalty and loyalty will fall before tomorrow night."

Before everyone could recover, Chu Feng once again released a piece of bombshell news.

Loyalty and righteousness are about to collapse! ?

Surprise appeared on everyone's faces, and they all looked at Chu Feng.

Seeing Chu Feng's expression as usual, without any intention of bragging, he couldn't help but become more curious.

Although everything is not going well for Zhongxinyi now, even discerning people can see that Zhongxinyi will collapse sooner or later.

But will it collapse tomorrow?

How can it be so fast?

Under everyone's doubtful eyes, when Chu Feng spoke again,

"The task I give you is very simple, there is only one."

"After hearing my order, all troops immediately mobilized to swallow up Zhongxinyi's territory."

"Swallow as much as you can!"

"Try to swallow up all the Zhongxinyi sites close to your territory before other societies react."


254 Rise!Pushed to the last link of loyalty and righteousness!

Chu Feng told everyone the target.

Although Zhongxinyi has lost troops and generals, his territory is still there.

It is impossible for a lion to open its mouth and swallow up all the territory of Zhongxinyi.

First, time is too hasty.

After the fall of Zhongxinyi, although people on Chu Feng's side took action immediately, Zhongxinyi was a first-class society in Hong Kong after all, and it would still take time to win the territory.

Other societies will also react and take action one after another.

As for the second one, it’s the distance issue.

Chu Feng's current allies can be said to account for more than half of Hong Kong Island, but there are still some places beyond his reach.

Instead of traveling long distances to get the territory in these places, it is better to abandon it and focus on the nearby places.

According to Chu Feng's estimate.

This operation should be able to eat up 80% of Zhongxinyi's territory.

It is enough to win these territories.

"A Feng, what did you say just now that Su Su and Luo Dingfa were going to turn against each other?" Liang Kun asked.

"This is more troublesome to explain." Chu Feng shook his head, "You just need to listen to my news when the time comes."


When Su Su and Luo Dingfa kidnapped Tang Liyu and prepared to fight, Chu Feng stepped forward to intercept Hu.

According to the original plot, after Su Su and Luo Dingfa killed Tang Liyu, the nail at the police station told Lian Haodong the news.

Lian Haodong told Lian Haolong again.

Su Su and Luo Dingfa didn't even have time to run away, so they started fighting with Lian Haolong directly, causing a great internal strife between loyalty, trust and righteousness.

In the end, Liao Zhizhong cleaned up the mess and wiped out all the senior officials of Zhongxinyi, while those below also fell into disarray.

But things are different now.

After Chu Feng intercepted Hu, Su Su and Luo Dingfa originally planned to run away.


How could Chu Feng let go of the opportunity for loyalty and righteousness to fight among themselves?


Chu Feng asked Li Shan to find Su Su and Luo Dingfa, expressing his willingness to support them and fight with Lian Haolong.

This is a good opportunity for Zhongxinyi to consume internally. The more it consumes, the easier it will be for Chu Feng to take over Zhongxinyi’s territory.

of course.

The so-called support means providing money and people.

Although Chu Feng agreed, whether he would send anyone there when the time came was another matter.

Both Lian Haolong and Su Su were basically no different from dead people in Chu Feng's eyes.

What kind of integrity can you talk about with the dead?

In order to gain more territory, this time Chu Feng not only called the fat guys Li and Brother Ji over.

Even Master Jiu’s power was used.

With Jiu Ye's strength, he only had to nod (babh). The number of bad guys killed from the Kowloon Walled City was definitely no less than those from the Chu Feng Alliance.

After finalizing the matter, everyone dispersed.

"A Feng, remember to put your pharmaceutical business in the southern district on the schedule as soon as possible."

Before getting in the car, Master Jiu suddenly turned back to look at Chu Feng, "If it goes really well, with my old face, I can still convince the other committee members to work with you."

"No problem, Master Jiu. After the Zhongxinyi matter is dealt with, the pharmacy in Jiulong can be started." Chu Feng assured Master Jiu.

Although it says so.

Dan Chufeng has decided in his heart that before all business can start, Jiang Tiansheng must also be taken care of!

if not,

Once these righteous businesses are started, they will inevitably be suppressed by Jiang Tiansheng.

To do these righteous businesses, you cannot use extraordinary means. If Jiang Tiansheng uses those shady means to suppress it, it will still be very troublesome to deal with it.

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