Lian Haolong took Dao Zaihong and left the room without looking back.

Chu Feng glanced at the sumptuous dishes on the table with some speechlessness.

"This table of food is wasted."

"Axiu, inform Thirteenth Sister and the others to be ready to do something at any time."


Lian Haolong and Dao Zaihong arrived downstairs and drove all the way back to Central.

Just returned to the turf.

Lian Haodong rushed to find Lian Haolong.

"Brother, I have figured out the matter."

"What happened to Fourth Uncle has nothing to do with Chu Feng. It was done by Sister Susu and Afa."

Lian Haodong said angrily as soon as he entered the door.

After saying that, Lian Haodong thought Lian Haolong would be surprised or even not believe it.

But he only saw Lian Haolong's gloomy face.

"Brother, you already know?" Lian Haodong was a little surprised.

Lian Haolong nodded gloomily.

Lian Haodong was even more surprised.

This news was told to him by the undercover agent named Lei Meizhen.

In fact, the police already knew that it was Susu and Afa who kidnapped Tang Liyu, but they had not announced it to the outside world just to wait for the internal strife between Zhongxinyi and Zhongxinyi.

But Lian Haodong has always been in charge of this nail.

How did Lian Haolong know?

"Chu Feng told me." Lian Haolong said in a bad tone.

"It's him? How did he know?" Lian Haodong asked in surprise.

"He saved Brother Yu and also let me talk to Brother Yu on the phone." Lian Haolong said.

Hearing this, Lian Haodong understood immediately.

According to Lei Meizhen's news, after Susu and Luo Dingfa kidnapped Tang Liyu, they seemed to have been tricked.

But who did it, no one knows yet.

Now it seems.

The mastermind behind the scenes was obviously Chu Feng.

"Brother, what should we do now?" Lian Haodong asked.

"Coder, look for a gun, I want to clean up the house today!" Lian Haolong clenched his fists, with an unconcealable murderous intent in his tone.

What is the most important thing for those who come out to hang out?


Being manipulated by his own woman and his men, Lian Haolong wanted to find a crack in the ground and crawl in.

And Lian Haolong even doubted it.

Are Susu and Afa having an affair?

As a gangster brother, it would be extremely embarrassing for him to be unable to look down on his own wife.

If it were an ordinary woman, that would be fine.

But Susu is different.

When he was still a spectator, Susu followed him wholeheartedly, and she followed him until she reached middle age.

Although Susu has been doing it before.

But not only did Lian Haolong not mind at all, he also loved her very much.

Even if there is an illegitimate child outside, it is just to inherit the incense, Susu is still the loyal first lady.

But now.

Su Su's betrayal made Lian Haolong furious and heartbroken.

After half an hour.

A group of elites under Lian Haolong have all been assembled.

Both light and heavy guys are all ready.

"Brother, I found out the location of Da...Susu and Afa."

“They are in a bar in Central right now. 0”

Ah Hong came to Lian Haolong and said.

When Lian Haolong heard this, he wanted to lead someone to kill him directly.

But after thinking about it, he changed his mind and said, "Let someone tell Susu to meet me at Tea Green!"


at the same time.

Central, inside a bar.

Susu and Afa were sitting on the sofa, with their close bodies on both sides.

"Sister Susu, do we really want to fight?" Afa asked hesitantly.

When Su Su heard this, a look of confusion flashed across her face.

Luo Dingfa didn't expect to reach this point, and Su Su didn't expect it either.

After a long time.

Su Su looked grim.

"Afa, as you said before, there is no choice."

"Now that we've come this far, even if we don't fight, can Aaron let us go?"

"But fortunately, Chu Feng said he will support us, maybe we still have a chance."

Susu's only hope now lies in Chu Feng.

Before, she had planned to flee Hong Kong Island directly.

But Chu Feng suddenly sent someone to find her, saying that he could support her and let her fight against Lian Haolong.

Because of Chu Feng's promise, Su Su chose to stay.

But now.

It has been so long, but the support Chu Feng promised has not arrived yet.

"Afa, please call over there to urge me."

"I always feel like things are getting overwhelming."

Susu said to Afa beside her.

Yet at this time.

Outside, a loyal, middle-aged man walked in. 1.7.

Susu and Afa looked at each other, and their faces became pale.

This middle-aged Ma Zai belongs to Lian Haolong. He usually follows Lian Haolong. Why did he suddenly come to see them?

The middle-aged Ma Zai came to Su Su and Ah Fa, bowed and said, "Sister Su, Brother Fa, the eldest brother said he wants to see you."

"What's the matter?" Su Su asked.

"I don't know." The bad guy shook his head and said, "Big Brother said Sister Su had better call him."

Su Su pretended to be calm and called Lian Haolong.

"Hello? Aaron, what's the matter?"

"It's nothing, I just saw that you were absent-minded these past two days, so I wanted to take you out to relax."

"So that's it. Then tell me the address and I'll go right away."

Su Su slowly stood up, her eyes showing panic under her sunglasses.

Could it be that Lian Haolong really noticed something? .

257 Gunfight, call the police!

Thinking of this, Susu winked at Afa.

Afa immediately understood and waved to the horses behind him silently.

The group of people left the bar in a mighty manner.

Su Su followed the middle-aged horse boy into the car, while Ah Fa followed behind with a group of horse boys.

The convoy drove slowly towards the abandoned factory in Chaguoling.

After waiting outside the factory, Susu got out of the car, and Afa also came to Susu.

"Sister Su Su, the eldest brother said that only you and Fa Ge should go to see him." The middle-aged Ma Zai said.

Hear this.

Su Su and Luo Dingfa both panicked.

A bad feeling came to my heart.

Just the two of them?

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