"Now, am I the biggest in Hongxing?"

As soon as this word comes out.

Jiang Tiansheng's expression suddenly changed.

The other talkers were also shocked by Chu Feng's words.

Last time at Jiang Tiansheng's house, Chu Feng was about to scream and smash Jiang Tiansheng's faucet chair. 0

Now, he asked this question directly.

Obviously, he wants to trample Jiang Tiansheng under his feet!

"Chu Feng, you..." Upon hearing this, the prince immediately stood up angrily.

"Prince!" Jiang Tiansheng glared at the prince.

The prince had no choice but to sit back in his seat and stare at Chu Feng.

at the same time.

The unscrupulous, Ma Wangjian, and Daewoo people also have bad eyesight.

This guy Chu Feng, in the red fight between Zhong Xinyi and Hong Xing, suffered the least loss and gained the most benefit.

Naturally, they were extremely jealous.

"What, Jiang Sheng?"

"Aren't my contributions to Hong Xing not great enough?"

Chu Feng asked with a sneer.

Now, the two sides are basically in a state of absolute opposition.

Both sides are looking for opportunities, and as long as they find an opportunity, they will kill each other mercilessly.

Naturally, Chu Feng would not give Jiang Tiansheng any face, let alone be the least polite to Jiang Tiansheng.

Under Chu Feng's gaze.

Jiang Tiansheng's expression changed again and again.

Chu Feng had directly embarrassed him when he came up, and now that he heard what he meant, he still wanted to sit in the front seat.

At this time, whether Jiang Tiansheng agrees to Chu Feng or not agrees to Chu Feng, he will fall into Chu Feng's trap.

If you agree to Chu Feng.

That proves that his status as the leader is far inferior to that of Chu Feng.

But if you don't agree to Chu Feng, you will directly deny Chu Feng's achievements.

Although the relationship between the two was like fire and water in 1.7, Jiang Tiansheng also knew that Chu Feng was now in the limelight in the entire Hong Kong Island.

With a sitting position at the entrance of the hall, it occupies an area that is almost as big as the original first-class club like Zhongxinyi. Such an honor has never been achieved before or since in Hong Kong Island.

If Jiang Tiansheng even denies this unprecedented achievement.

Then his reputation of suppressing Chu Feng will be confirmed.

By the time.

I am afraid that not only Chu Feng will deal with him, but also the entire Hong Kong community will criticize him, Jiang Tiansheng, thinking that Jiang Tiansheng is narrow-minded, willful, and does not have the ability to recognize people.

How to do?

Just when Jiang Tiansheng was riding a tiger and couldn't get off.

"Gentlemen and ladies!"

"The third Marseille is about to start today!"

"Our contestants and horses are invited to enter!"

The voice of the Marseille host sounded from the loudspeaker.

267 Chu Feng, do you want to take a gamble?

"Our contestants and horses are invited to enter!"

The voice of the Marseille host sounded from the loudspeaker.

Fanling Club holds more than ten horse races every day, and now it is the third horse race’s turn.

There were many John Bull ghosts in the audience.

Modern horse racing is undoubtedly a hobby engraved in the bones of John Bull.

In an instant.

Many John Bull ghosts in the venue cheered loudly.

Other customers were not interested in Marseille itself.

But the most important thing that makes Marseille so fascinating lies in the countless handicaps it has set up on the outside.

Many people here had placed bets on the Marseille. Seeing that the Marseille was about to start, they all came to the handrails in the corridor to observe the situation in the racecourse.

The noise in the racecourse also alleviated Jiang Tiansheng's embarrassment.

"Marseille has started?"

"I didn't know that this time, a dark horse could win the championship."

Jiang Tiansheng glanced at the prince and others, "Let's go take a look."


Jiang Tiansheng led the prince and others to the armrest.

As for the Hong Xing talkers behind Chu Feng, they all looked at Chu Feng and did not move.

"I have nothing to do. Why don't I go take a look." Chu Feng spread his hands and led Liangkun and others to the fence.

In the midst of cheers.

The rider rode the horse and came out of the stall.

There are nine horses in the entire field.

These racehorses are all first-class tall horses with bright coats.

As for the riders, most of them were John Bull ghosts. They all wore protective gear and sat on their horses, ready to go.

"Which horse do you think will win?" Jiang Tiansheng asked abruptly.

When the prince and others heard this, they immediately began to speculate.

"I think horse No. 9 will win. He's very strong."

"I think horse No. 9 is definitely going to lose, and horse No. 3 has the best chance of winning."


"You don't understand this. Although Horse No. 9 is tall, horses like this are generally explosive but have poor endurance. Horse No. 3, on the other hand, is medium-sized and has strong muscles. Horse No. 3 must win! "

"Something's wrong, I think horse No. 9 can win."

"I think horse No. 5 can win. It's a red rabbit!"


The prince and others were all talking and discussing.

As for Chu Feng, Chu Feng did not speak, and the others also chose to remain silent.

Jiang Tiansheng glanced at Chu Feng, who was silent, and asked casually, "A Feng, how are you doing? Why don't you take a guess?"

"I don't know how to watch horses." Chu Feng shook his head and said.


Having said that, Chu Feng felt happy in his heart.

Jiang Tiansheng asked Chu Feng to come to the racecourse. Chu Feng had already guessed what medicine Jiang Tiansheng was selling in his gourd.

Now it seems that it is.

Betting on horses?

Jiang Tiansheng was accompanied by a stranger today. This stranger wore a groom's hat and looked like he was a master of playing horses.

If you bet against yourself, you have a great chance of winning.

of course,

If it was before yesterday, that would be the case.

But today, Chu Feng had a horse-drawing master beside him.

Bad eyes!

Today's Lan Yanke has integrated Han Baoju's template, and in addition, he has integrated the domineering look of Fujitora Yixiao.

you could put it that way.

After using the Haki of Seeing and Hearing, Lanyanke appears to be blind, but in fact he can sense the surrounding situation better than anyone else.

He can use his knowledge and knowledge to analyze a horse in all aspects to obtain data that is countless times more accurate than what can be seen with the naked eye!

of course.

Chu Feng would naturally not talk about this matter.

Jiang Tiansheng wanted to cheat Chu Feng's money. Why didn't Chu Feng want Jiang Tiansheng's money?

If you want to act, naturally act a little bit like you.


After Jiang Tiansheng heard Chu Feng's words, a smile suddenly appeared on his face.

"It's just a guess, we didn't place any bets."

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