Is it really okay for the two of them to be in this state?

Just as the two were arguing like children, a tall figure walked over.

"I said, you two are very leisurely and relaxed... If you lose here, I'm afraid you won't be qualified to enter 'that place'."

This voice may be unfamiliar to other people, but Soma and Takemi are very familiar with it.


The two of them turned around almost at the same time and looked at the person.

"Misaku, what stupid things are you talking about? Will we lose?"

"Just watch quietly from the sidelines!"

That's right, the one who came was Meisaku Subaru who had just won and defeated his opponent in a crushing manner.

Mimasaku Subaru, like Takemi Soma, was arranged for a special duel by the special executive officer. Although the form of the duel was not a team, the nature was similar to what is happening here... Anyway, it all started because of Nakiri Shinagi's whim.

Mimasaku Subaru doesn't care who his opponent is at all. As long as he is standing in front of him, he will defeat him, no matter what means he uses... This is somewhat similar to the late-night cook's style, but the difference is that Mimasaku Subaru insists on himself. On the basis of principles, he adopts desperate methods to defeat his opponents in cooking.

He would not do things like kidnapping his opponent's younger brother to prevent him from exerting his strength now.

Mimasaku Subaru's words undoubtedly stimulated Soma and Takemi.

The two stopped talking and started to cooperate.

In the surprised eyes of Dong Mako and others, Chuangzhen and Takemi held Ban Yue together.

"Hmph, although it was not my intention to give you this kitchen knife, you have to work hard and don't hold me back." Takemi deliberately said to Chuangzhen.

"Ah? You bastard, what's your tone? Who do you think you said before... has been helping you keep such a big kitchen knife!" Chuangzhen counterattacked without mercy.

The two bickered for a while and started cooking the ingredients at an alarming speed.

No words were spoken during the cooking process, but the actions were surprisingly consistent, and the division of labor between the ingredients they had to handle was clear.

The people watching who didn't know Soma and Takemi were suddenly surprised.

"Then...the movements of those two brats handling the ingredients are so smooth and easy!"

"It's really dizzying. It's like high-speed gears. It's like a passionate tango or a smooth ballet. The graceful and coherent movements are dizzying!"

Adolf was still watching from the sidelines, and finally turned his attention to Takmi: "Aldini's superpower... is beginning to appear."

That's right, Takmi is now full of firepower, and Ban Yue has become the most powerful supernatural weapon in his hands.


Such a sound came from the cooking table, and I saw Takemi using the cooking skills of Ban Yue to quickly process the ingredients on the cooking table.

"Wow! What kind of skill is this!"

"It's really gorgeous. Just like a dancing stick, MEZZaluna rotates at high speed with the help of his palms and fingers, and the ingredients are...reliably divided in an instant. I have never seen Aldini perform such a skill before!"

If I had to give this move a name, it would be called [Battle Dance].

If Takmi had not honed his skills in the dark cuisine world, his skills would never be as skillful as they are now. This is a powerful cooking skill created by Takmi's own exploration and combined with the cooking techniques of the dark cuisine world.

[Battle Dance] is a dance performed in front of the cooking table. By making full use of the half moon of the kitchen knife, the shape is based on arc motion and rotation motion as the theme of cooking.

Cooking speeds and complex processes that are usually impossible to achieve can also become possible.

As long as it passes through Takmi's hands, any dish can become deeper and more vivid, and its deliciousness can be doubled.

Moreover, this ability is... the most dazzling in group battles... the ability of collaboration.

In other words, Takmi's superpower exists for team battles.

Dong Mako was completely panicked now. He never expected that Chuangzhen could use Takmi's superpowers so vividly.

"Why, why! Why can he cooperate so well with Yukihira Souma!"

Dong Mako held his head and shouted in disbelief: "Can we be together with Takmi? Isn't it right?



Chapter 346: Win!

Dong Marco originally thought that by capturing Takmi's younger brother Isami, Takmi's powers would be unable to be used.

In this way, Takmi can be defeated effortlessly...

But there is a saying in China that people’s calculations are not as good as God’s calculations.

However, Dong Marco did not expect that Takmi would also have the help of Chuangzhen, who had a deep friendship bond.

In a sense, Chuangzhen is able to bring out Takmi's special abilities...

If Isami can bring Takmi's power to 100%, Soma can bring it to more than 120%.

Dong Marco's behavior is a typical example of shooting himself in the foot.

Soon, Takmi, who was sweating profusely, delivered the prepared food to the three officials.

It is also served in exquisite transparent glass cups.

However, they soon discovered something different...

The dishes that Takemi and Soma made together only have two colors.

The two colors on the surface surprised several executives.

"Hey, are there only two colors? If that's the case, it can't be called Verrine, right? Wait...wait, these two colors are the shape of yin and yang?"

Yes, Verrine, which Takmi and Soma created together, only comes in two colors: black and white, but it exactly forms the shape of Taichi.

"White and black... are actually yin and yang. This is so weird!"

"The style of the dishes is completely different from those of my competitors, and it is also very beautiful and dazzling. This is the first time I have seen Verrine separated vertically!"

As Oto Yoshiki said, most Verrines are composed of overlapping layers from bottom to top.

But what Takmi did here was completely different. It used vertical layers, which made people feel very strange.

Mimasaku Subaru, who was watching from the sidelines, saw the two of them cooking such a dish. His face, which was not very good-looking to begin with, looked even weirder after he smiled.

"Hehe, I still made this kind of dish. I used what I learned in the dark cooking world..."

Yin and Yang and the Five Elements can be divided into "Yin and Yang" and "Five Elements".The two complement each other, the five elements must be combined with yin and yang, and the yin and yang theory must be combined with the five elements.Yin-Yang and the Five Elements are the core of Chinese classical philosophy and are ancient simple materialist philosophy.

Yin and Yang refer to two opposing yet interrelated forces that exist in everything in the world.

Applying the power of "yin and yang" to cooking is one of the directions that the dark cooking community has been researching, and it has also made great achievements in this.

Now, Takmi and Soma are applying the yin and yang cooking techniques they learned from the dark cooking world here.

The female executive picked up the spoon, scooped up the "black" and "white", and then put it into her mouth.

The moment he ate it, the expression on his face seemed to melt away.


An unprecedented delicious taste is spreading in your mouth.

"So that's what it looks like. This is an Italian dish similar to steamed eggs, cooked using the 'formato' technique!" the female executive said in surprise, covering her mouth.

Sformato, this is an Italian cooking method, similar to steamed egg custard. Except for the slightly different ingredients, the cooking steps are actually the same.

The white part of the dish made by Tacomi and Soma is to thinly slice the onions and fry them, then add melted fresh cream and Parmesan cheese.

Next, mix the eggs and melted butter thoroughly and steam them. This is the white Sformato with cheese as the main ingredient!

As for the black part, soft-shelled turtle is the main ingredient.

When they found out that turtle was added to this dish, everyone present was once again surprised and surprised.

After being surprised for a moment, Dong Marco burst into laughter.

"Ahahaha, I thought you would make some amazing dishes, but it turned out to be just that! What a stupid combination. Dairy products and freshwater fish and shellfish, the fishy smell of these two ingredients is... Two extremes, how can you pair these ingredients together?"

No wonder Dong Marco laughed so much. As he said, under normal circumstances, the combination of dairy products and freshwater fish is an unreasonable combination, because the fishy smell of soft-shell turtle will destroy the deliciousness of the entire dish.

"Really? Then why don't you try it and see if the turtle ruins the deliciousness of the whole dish..."

With that said, Takmi sent an extra portion specially made in front of Dong Marco.

After some hesitation, Dong Marco still chose to try it, but after eating it, he was completely immersed in the delicious taste of yin and yang.

It’s a lie, how can this smell be possible!

The soft-shelled turtle broth was so thick that his vision gradually blurred.And it is really blended with the deliciousness of cheese butter and their unique flavor, and the tongue is unconsciously wrapped and occupied. This is simply impossible!

Dong Marco was completely immersed in this delicious food and couldn't extricate himself!

"What's going on here? Why do cheese and turtles go so well together?"

Faced with everyone's doubts, Takmi revealed the key point of this dish.

Chopped nuts and melon seeds are added to this dish, which gives it a very unique texture.

........ ...... 0

Several executives came back to their senses and said: "So it turns out that fried nuts and melon seeds can produce a light bitterness and fragrance, which in turn has the effect of removing the fishy smell, and has also become the 'two flavors' The bridge, crunchy, smooth and refreshing allows diners to enjoy it without any burden on the stomach. This is my first time to taste this kind of AMUS!"

"Yes... yes, this is my first time to taste such a delicious and novel AMUS. I feel like I am enjoying it all."

A delicious taste they had never tasted before, which made everyone suddenly think of the taste that the special executive has been pursuing. Isn't it this?

Soon, the results of this game were also announced, with Tacomi? Gullbird Gu???????

Chef Piao won, and the group of people who supported Chef Piao were also very happy and cheered. At the same time, they also saw the hope of this competition.


The first thing Dong Mako did after his failure was to find Caibo Chaoyang and offer him the cocktail mixer as a supernatural weapon.

"Master Chaoyang, please accept it. My duty is over! Just treat this prop as if it were me... and use it!"

Dong Marco said as if he was at the mercy of others, so girly!

"What a good realization."

Caibo Chaoyang accepted the supernatural weapon from Dong Marco without any objection.

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