In this way, Caibo Chaoyang had another supernatural weapon in his hand, and his strength increased by one point... Eight.

Chapter 347: The Secret Behind It

Tong Yu and others once again defeated their opponents and entered the final group.

Before the final showdown, everyone finally had a chance to rest briefly in the castle tower.

That night, Tong Yu rested alone in her room until the next morning, when the voices of Tasori Megumi and Sakaki Ryoko came from outside the door.

"Tong Yujun, are you up?"

Tong Yu just got up and finished washing up. When she opened the door, she saw Takemi, Tazoe, Ryoko Sakaki and Soma outside.

I saw a trace of panic on Tian Suohui's face.

"What happened to you guys like this?" Tong Yu asked in confusion.

"Have you seen the appearance form for the next knockout round (final)? It's very weird."

"I didn't read it. Is there anything wrong with the participation form?"

Tucker Mi sent the battle form in front of Tong Yu and said, "You can read it yourself."

Tong Yu looked at the result form, and he couldn't help but be surprised after reading it.

First of all, Tong Yu and others were assigned to different groups and did not meet in advance, thus avoiding the occurrence of civil war.

But the strange thing is that Nakiri Erina's opponents...are actually continuous!

That's right, after this game, even if Erina Nakiri defeated her opponents in this round, she would immediately have to face off against No. 2 again, and the cycle would continue until all the opponents in her group were defeated.

In other words, Nakiri Erina faced an entire team.

Obviously, such a duel was deliberately arranged by Managi Nakiri... Only Tong Yu knew the reason. No wonder others were so surprised. This arrangement was not a 1V1 duel at all, but became a 1V. Multiplayer format.

After reading it, Tong Yu frowned.

The reason for frowning was not because he was worried about Erina, but because he was unhappy with Nakiri Managi's wanton behavior.

It's okay if you act randomly once, but if you do it many times, it's really willful.

As the leader of the dark cooking world, how could Tong Yu allow others to behave like this...

So Tong Yu secretly made a decision in her heart to give Nakiri Shinagi some color and let her understand the consequences of such arbitrary behavior.


Tong Yu snorted lightly and returned the list of duels to Takmi, saying: "She really likes to do whatever she wants. No wonder she can't find the food she wants for so many years. With her attitude, she doesn't deserve to have real food." delicious."


"What on earth is going on? It feels like it was done deliberately..."

Tong Yu found a piece of clothing from the house and put it on, closed the door and said, "Okay, let's go and have a look. Erina should be competing now, so go to the scene to see what's going on."

"it is good."

As for Misaku Subaru, he didn't see him, and everyone wasn't worried. They knew that this guy was usually elusive and unpredictable.

Soon, Tong Yu and his team arrived at the knockout stage. Although it was early morning, the mood of the audience was very high, and a group of people were cheering loudly.

The host also wiped the sweat from his forehead excitedly.

"It's... too intense. It's a duel beyond imagination. This difficult continuous battle is simply incomprehensible! The opponents are all late-night novice chefs, and there are also strong ones who have passed through the third door, but she... …doesn’t defeat all these late-night chefs who come one after another!”

The host exclaimed, extremely shocked by Nakiri Erina's strength.

It's no wonder that the audience at the scene was so shocked. The powerful strength displayed by Erina Nakiri exceeded their imagination, and she defeated enemies one after another with her powerful strength.

The continuous battles surprised and puzzled everyone in the audience. Some viewers felt that this was unfair to Nakiri Erina. How could such a continuous battle be arranged?

This was obviously done on purpose!

"Staff, please come out and explain what's going on. Let a little girl fight continuously without taking a break?"

"Do you organizers like to do this?"

When Tong Yu and others arrived, Nakiri Erina had already defeated three late-night cooks in a row.

However, after defeating three opponents, Erina was out of breath from exhaustion and obviously consumed a lot of energy.

After dragging her tired body and defeating her No. 4 opponent, Nakiri Erina walked towards the outside of the cooking venue.


When Totsuki's sponsors saw Nakiri Erina acting like this, they were all thinking about what was going on.

"It's getting more and more incomprehensible. Continuous battles of this level have an immeasurable drain on the chef. If he were an ordinary chef, he would have collapsed long ago."

"Yes... yes, as the commander of Totsuki, 'God's Tongue', Nakiri Erina can still have such strength, which is really surprising. But why is she the only one who has such continuous battles, and from the previous battle? Look, the battle with many unfavorable combinations has been strengthened!”

After a moment of silence, another Yuanyue sponsor said: "Do I need to say more? It must have been deliberately arranged by the special executive. The list of the knockout matches had actually been arranged last night, but suddenly this morning The lineup has been changed, and she is the only one who can do these things in such a short period of time..."

"He's acting like a fool as always. The other chefs must be troubled too."

At this moment, Yukihira Soma also turned into a mentally retarded person, and said angrily: "It was the same with Takumi before, and now Nakiri is also being treated unfairly. It's so unpleasant! No, I'm going. Go to her and ask her why she is targeting our Yuanyue students..."

The previous words were not the point. Souma's next sentence, which looked retarded, made others understand what he meant.

"This is not fair at all. Why is it that only Nakiri has so many battles? I also want to have more fierce battles with those chefs!"

"So you're angry because of this. I really don't understand you."


Chuangzhen suddenly discovered something again. He clapped his hands with his right hand and said with a look of realization: "The most powerful person in BLUE is the special executive officer, right? Let's go find him right away and make a proper protest!"

After saying that, Chuangzhen quickly walked towards the castle tower regardless of everyone's obstruction.

"Idiot, you're just messing around right now, aren't you? You can't go to that place casually!" Takemi hurriedly stepped forward to chase Soma, trying to stop his good friend.

"Hey, you can't go." Tian Suohui finally caught up.

Ryoko Sakaki hesitated on the spot, looked at Tong Yu and asked, "Tong Yu-kun, don't you need to worry about them?"

"Let them go fool around, it's fine. The special executive officers all like to mess around, and we also follow suit. What does it matter?"

"That's right, but Tong Yujun, you should know something, right?"

"Hmm? Ryoko, what are you referring to?"

"I mean, Tong Yu-kun, you have already known the reason why the special executive officer deliberately targeted Nakiri and us, right?" Ryoko Sakaki said.

Faced with Ryoko Sakaki's doubts, Tong Yu nodded and said, "Well, it's ironic to say that such a powerful talent as 'God's Tongue' has become a dagger to kill himself."

"Eh?" Ryoko Sakaki didn't understand what Tong Yu meant.

"All of this started because of the 'God's Tongue'... In fact, the special executive officer is Erina's biological mother."


Ryoko Sakaki was stunned when he heard this. This was nothing short of shocking news to him.



Chapter 348: Nagi Nakiri

Tong Yu told Sakaki Ryoko that the special executive officer was Nakiri Erina's biological mother.

At the same time, he also told Ryoko Sakaki about the "God's Tongue" curse of the Nakiri family.

Including why the Nakiri family let Erina enter Totsuki, and why so many outstanding students gathered in issue 92.

"Actually, to put it bluntly, all of this is because of Nakiri Erina's 'God's Tongue'. Mr. Senzaemon made this move in order to prevent Erina from making the same mistakes as her mother."

Ryoko Sakaki felt incredible after hearing this.

"No... I didn't expect that there would be such a thing, that is, are we all the same pawns in issue 92?" Ryoko Sakaki said with a surprised expression.

"You can think so, but it doesn't matter to most people. The existence of God's Tongue does not affect everyone's daily life. Instead, it will arouse the emotions of some militants..."

From the moment he received systematic help, Tong Yu did not take Erina's "God's Tongue" to heart, and transcendence was only a matter of time.

Obviously, Tong Yu's strength has now surpassed Erina's.

At the same time, the super-gustatory ability is superior to the tongue of God and has no side effects.

In fact, as long as Erina is willing and becomes a die-hard fan of Douyu 31 and enters various worlds, the problem of the side effects of God's Tongue can be easily solved.

At first, Tong Yu also tried to communicate with Erina and asked her to become her biggest fan. Unfortunately, Erina did not understand Tong Yu's good intentions and finally refused.


The words are divided into two parts, the center of the castle tower is where the chief executive officer rests.

After defeating her opponents continuously, Erina walked off the court and walked all the way to the center of the city, where she found the room where Mana Nakiri was.

"You must have done it. The groupings of all of us who came to Yuanyue this time were all changed."

Nakiri Erina entered the room and asked in a questioning tone to Nakiri Managi who was sitting behind the curtain.

There was another person sitting in front of the curtain.

Anne looked at Nakiri Erina who walked in aggressively and did not stop her.

Nakiri Managi's leisurely voice came from inside the curtain.

"Who else has this right besides me? This is my competition after all!"

Just this sentence is enough to show how willful Nakiri Shinagi is.

Yes, you can have your own competition however you want.

She can do whatever she wants. As the top executive of WGO, she can really do whatever she wants, but others are helpless.

Like mother, like daughter, and Erina's arrogant character was also passed down to her.

Hearing this, Erina's expression suddenly changed: "You still haven't changed at all, you don't care about other people's feelings at all, you act recklessly!"

Nakiri Shinagi did not feel ashamed at all because of Nakiri Erina, and said with a smile: "In order to fulfill my long-cherished wish, I just provided convenience for it."

After all, they are mother and son, and Erina heard the hidden meaning of Managi Nakiri.

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