"I understand, you no longer have any expectations for... the 'external' chefs, and you want mutual help and competition between chefs who only have 'superpowers', so you arranged for the late-night cook to get rid of the external chefs. Right?" Erina said, looking inside the curtain.


"But, you just think that among these abilities, the only one called 'God's Tongue' is not necessary to fight, right? Mother, you think so!"


When Anne heard this, she was stunned for a long time.

I thought that Erina walked in straight away, and she must be acquainted with the special executive officer, but I never expected that it was a mother-daughter relationship?

Soma and the others who were eavesdropping outside were also stunned.

This willful special executive is actually Erina's mother?

Wait, the personalities of these two people...

No wonder.

At this moment, Soma, Takemi, and Tadokoro seemed to understand something.

"Pull the curtain up!"

Nakiri Shinagi said to Annie who was still in a daze.

"Ah, yes!"

Anne, who was still in a daze, came to her senses and pulled up the curtain.

Nakiri Shinagi revealed his true face, which made Soma and the others outside the room widen their eyes. They finally saw the face of this legendary special executive.

"Ah, they look similar to Nakiri-san. They are indeed a mother and daughter!" Tadokoro said in a low voice while hiding behind the door.

"Hmph, she is making things difficult for us, right? No, I have to go up and ask her to arrange the same opponent for me as Nakiri!"

"Xinghei, don't be so loud, you will be in trouble if you are found out."

The three people eavesdropping outside the door did not know that they had been discovered by Nakiri Managi's keen hearing, but they just ignored them.

Nakiri Shinagi put his right hand on his chin, looked at Erina in front of him and said: "Long time no see, Erina. You are already so graceful!"

"Please answer my question!" Nakiri Erina stared at Nakiri Managi and said coldly.

The smile on Nakiri Shinagi's face gradually lost, and her tone was a bit cold: "There is no need to come back at all, right?"

For a while, the atmosphere in the room fell into silence.

After a few seconds, Nakiri Erina said loudly to Nakiri Managi: "In that case, just sit here and take a good look... See how I dominate BLUE, and let you see my Nagi. The power of Kirina's 'God's Tongue'."

After saying this, Erina turned around and never looked back.

"Then I wish you a good time, mother... no, my lord, the special executive officer."

After saying that, Nakiri Erina strode out of the house.


Because Erina left so quickly, Soma and the others who were eavesdropping outside the door didn't even remember to react.

When he opened the door, he saw several people trying to escape.

"Well... well, good morning, Nakiri."

Chuangzhen's movement of raising his right leg stopped in place, looking very embarrassed.

Erina frowned slightly, stared at the people in front of her, and said in a cold voice, "So you were all here just now? You heard what you just said, right?"

850 "Um, okay... I think I heard it."

"Then... that we... all blame this guy Yukihei. He had to come over, so we..."

Takemi was about to explain, but Nakiri Erina coldly interrupted everyone and said: "No explanation, it doesn't matter even if you heard it. You'd better not interfere in this matter, just obey the arrangement honestly, if you disobey It’s not good for you.”

After another cold words, Erina walked around everyone and left.

At this moment, Erina was so cold in the eyes of everyone.

Ruthless and ruthless, she seems to be just a war machine... just to prove her existence, or to be precise, to prove that her "God's Tongue" is not a useless power.

"Sorry, excuse me."

After saying these words, Erina turned and left.

Facing such a cold Erina Nakiri, everyone just felt so strange. Is this still a good friend who fought against the "Nakiri regime" together?

He has completely transformed into another person.

It feels so strange.

Just when Soma and others were at a loss, Nakiri Managi's voice came from inside the house.

"It seems that the guest is not just my daughter. You can also come in with the others outside."

As Nakiri Shinagi said these words, Annie also trotted outside.

"Hey, you...why are you here? This place is strictly prohibited."

Anne looked at Soma, Takemi, and Tadokoroe and exclaimed.

Chapter 349: Nakiri Managi’s Secret

Soma, Takemi and Tadokoro were hiding outside the house and eavesdropping, and they had already been noticed by Managi Nakiri.

I thought that Nakiri Shinagi would scold them or even disqualify them from the competition.

But Nakiri Shinagi didn't care at all about their "rudeness" and allowed them to enter to talk.

"Annie, let them in."

"Okay… okay."

The three of Takemi walked into the house where Nakiri Managi was and saw this willful special executive officer.

Looking closely, the three of them sighed again! [-].

Not to mention that she looks exactly the same as Nakiri Erina, but she is at least [-]% similar.

The purpose of Soma's coming here is to find theory with Nakiri Shinagi.

"I said, special class..."

However, before Souma could speak, Nakiri Shinagi suddenly fell to the ground, looking extremely weak.


Takemi, Soma, and Tadokoro didn't know what was going on, and they were confused on the spot.

Nakiri Shinagi, who was paralyzed on the ground, hurriedly asked for help from Annie: "Ann...Annie! My nutrition has been exhausted, hurry...hurry up, hurry up..."

"Yes, please wait a moment!"

Annie hurriedly pushed out the medicine cart that had been prepared from another room.

I saw a bottle of green liquid hanging upside down on the holder of the drug cart.

Anne was very skillful and took out an intravenous infusion needle.

"Don't hurt me, I'm going to hit you hard, Annie!"

Nakiri Shinagi didn't dare to look directly at the intravenous infusion needle in Annie's hand and turned her head to the side.

At this time, Chuangzhen and others on the side finally understood.

There was nutrient solution in the bottle, and Annie planned to inject the nutrient solution into Nakiri Shinagi's body.

The three of them were even more shocked, and at the same time extremely confused, why would they do this?

"Don't worry, Mr. Special Executive Officer. This is not the first time I have done this kind of thing. I will definitely be very careful." "

Annie said, first smearing alcohol, hydrogen peroxide, etc. on Nakiri Managi's arm, then picked up the intravenous infusion needle, found the vein, and inserted it decisively.

Soon, everything will be done.

As the nutrient solution was injected into the body bit by bit, Nakiri Shinagi gradually recovered.

"I finally came back to life! Glucose, vitamins, minerals, electrolytes... these nutrients slowly penetrated into my body. Sure enough, the domestic drip is unique."

Nakiri Shinagi closed her eyes and enjoyed it.

The corner of Takmi's mouth twitched. This was the first time he saw someone enjoying an intravenous drip.

This special executive officer is indeed a bit "unique".

"Please... are you feeling well? If you are sick, you should find a place to rest."

Tadokoro stepped forward and said in a gentle voice.

After hearing what Tasori said, Nakiri Shinagi smiled: "Sick? It's true, but you don't have to worry, I'm just eating."


"So that's it, the green liquid is nutrient solution!" Chuangzhen said after a while.

The green bottle clearly had the words "Nutrient Solution" written on it. Chuangzhen didn't realize it until now...

Takemi and Tadokoroe had long been accustomed to Soma's nerves and ignored them.


Takumi caught the key words of what Nakiri Shinagi said, and thought of the "God's Tongue" he possessed.

"Tong Yu said before that the 'God's Tongue' is an incompletely developed taste innate ability and has fatal flaws. Is this what he was referring to?"

Takmi understood something at this moment.

I also think of Nakiri Shinagi struggling to find the food she wants. Is this also the reason?

Soma's focus is not on the issue of Nakiri Managi's nutritional solution. Now he just wants to be like Nakiri... to have more opponents so that he can hone his cooking skills!

"I'm talking about Special Executive Officer, what do you mean by arranging so many opponents for Nakiri alone? You also arrange stronger opponents for us, otherwise it would be too unfair!" Soma said with an angry look on his face.

Normally it's a 1V1 duel, but for the first time there are people who feel that they don't have enough opponents and strongly demand to increase their opponents.

I'm afraid only a mentally retarded person like Soma would make such a strange request...

"I remember your name. Are you Yukihira Soma?" Nakiri Shinagi said, staring at Soma in front of him.

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