In this kind of competition, there are not many contestants whose names can be remembered by special executives. Being remembered either means they are very good or have something particularly outstanding.

"That's right, are you finally going to arrange a powerful opponent with me?" Chuangzhen said with anticipation.

A mysterious smile appeared on Nakiri Shinagi's face, and he looked at Soma and said slowly: "々. You are very curious about why I want to arrange consecutive opponents for myself Erina? I will tell you the reason now... …”


More than ten minutes later, Takemi and others walked out of Nakiri Managi's room.

The three of them all had different doubts on their faces, and Annie walked out with them.

"Miss Anne, is that person really Nakiri-san's mother just now?"

The reason why Tazoe raised such doubts was because she heard Nakiri Managi and Nakiri Erina confronting each other outside the house just now.

The posture just now almost caused a quarrel.

Anne nodded and said, "Well, it's true that they are mother and daughter. According to my understanding of the Special Executive Officer, there is no need to lie. Besides, don't the two of them look very similar?"

"If it is really her mother, why do you force her to fight continuously? This is not good for her at all. Besides, the illness she just mentioned..."

Anne shook her head and said that she was not very clear, and said: "I heard for the first time yesterday that they are very stubborn about this mother and daughter. This is the most troublesome thing. But what I am most worried about now is the current competition. .”

"Worried about the current competition?"

Hearing Annie's words, Soma and the others present felt confused again.

"Did the special executive officer change the order of the competition at will, which would cause dissatisfaction among other players?" Tuckermi guessed.

"It's not about this, it's about the fact that among the remaining contestants in the current position, apart from you, the only one left is the late-night cook."

With Anne's reminder, Tuckermi and others remembered that the list they had seen before seemed to be all chefs from "inside".

Seeing Takmi's understanding look, Annie couldn't help but continue: "You understand, now only a few of you are left to fight against the late-night cook."

Chapter 350: Xian Yuanyue’s Peak Showdown

Takemi, Tadokoroe, and Soma walked out of the castle tower with Anne, and also talked about the arrangements for the on-site battle.

Regarding this random arrangement of Nakiri Shinagi, everyone gradually understood the real reason...

As Erina's mother, Nagiri Nagi didn't want Erina to participate in this competition at all, so she wanted to eliminate her through continuous battles.

As Anne walked away, she said: "You may not know that, except for you and Erina Nakiri, the rest of the people are all late-night cooks. This is not a good thing in my personal opinion. Although the Chief Executive Officer She is determined to pursue the food she wants, and she will also let the chefs in this year's BULE competition, but this recklessness will cause another problem. "

"Another question?"

Anne looked worried as she said, "If she can't find the delicacies that the Special Executive Officer wants in this competition, she will also be completely desperate for delicacies, and it is very likely that she will be completely..."

In the history of the Nakiri family, due to the side effects of "God's Tongue", they were unable to eat, causing their body to become worse day by day.

Although nutrient solution is injected into the body, this method can only solve short-term problems. In the long term, the body will still be unable to bear it...

When both arms were riddled with holes due to intravenous infusion needles, and there was no longer any place to insert them, the body of the owner of the God's Tongue finally collapsed.

Dying in despair for delicious food is the tragedy of God's Tongue, and it is also the tragedy behind the glory of the Nakiri family that is not known to the public.

Therefore, Nakiri Senzaemon originally invited many outstanding students of the same age as Nakiri Erina to enter 850 Totsuki, using this competitive method to stimulate Erina's potential, break through the limits of God's Tongue, and get rid of "God's Tongue". tongue" curse.

Although Erina Nakiri may not repeat the same mistakes and follow the same path as the owner of the God's Tongue in her family's history, Shinagi Nakiri has already embarked on this path and has been stuck in a quagmire unable to extricate herself.

Such a BULE competition is also Nakiri Shinagi's only hope.

Therefore, when Shina Nakiri saw her daughter appearing in the competition with the "God's Tongue", she thought about the curse and felt extremely irritated, so she ignored the objections of others and modified the battle list so that Nakiri Erina is erased from the competition.

Except for Souma, who is mentally retarded, both Takemi and Tadokoroe already know almost everything, and they are also very sympathetic to Erina at this moment.

"No...I didn't expect that the 'God's Tongue' from Nakiri-san's family would have such side must be very painful to not be able to eat." Tadokoro said with a distressed look on her face.

Takmi also nodded and said, "Well, we can't understand the pain of not being able to eat normally and having to rely on nutrient solution to sustain life. The only one who can solve this problem now is probably Tong Yu."

"You are talking about Tong Yu."

Annie suddenly thought of something. She looked at Takemi and Tadokoro and said, "If I remember correctly, after Nakiri Erina defeated her opponents in a row, her next opponent will be Dou Yu."


The three of them were all surprised that these two were dueling!

As die-hard fans, the three of them are very aware of Tong Yu's strength.

If Erina had a chance of winning against any of the die-hard fans, she would have no chance of winning against them.

This is something they are sure of.

"What... what should I do?"

"What should I do? Of course I'll go and watch right away. Isn't it exciting to see Tong Yujun show his true strength?"

Chuangzhen didn't expect that much, and felt that this was a wonderful showdown that he couldn't miss.

Anne was a little confused when she heard the conversation between the three people, and didn't quite understand what they meant.


It took more than ten minutes for Annie, Soma and the other three people to arrive at the largest cooking showdown outside the castle tower.

This is where Tong Yu and Sa Ji had their cooking showdown.

A large number of spectators have gathered at the scene, which is larger than any previous showdown here.

Everyone present knew that Dou Yu and Erina Nakiri came from the same place - Totsuki Academy.

This is a civil war from Totsuki Academy, led by the current First Seat VS Totsuki.

"Have you caught up? The game hasn't started yet."

"It's great, I can see Tong Yujun's strength again."

When Soma and others arrived, Tong Yu was already standing in the middle of the cooking ground, waiting for the arrival of Nakiri Erina, her opponent this time.

Not far from Tong Yu, a non-executive staff member of igo served as the host of this duel.

The host specially introduced that this duel was a civil war at Totsuki Academy.

A few minutes later, Erina Nakiri, who had long blond hair and exuded a cold aura, walked out from another part of the contestants' tunnel.

Compared with a year ago, Erina's momentum, figure and other aspects have changed even more.

She has a strong aura, and her figure becomes more and more charming as she gets older. She has a well-shaped body and a cold aura, like a sacred and inviolable ice goddess.

"Here we go, another player, Nakiri Erina, is also on the stage! The red Fang Douyu and the blue Fang Nakiri Erina, two players from Totsuki Academy are about to start a fierce duel!"

Along with the host's words, the emotions of the audience were also moved.

However, a group of sponsors from Yuanyue were not excited because they didn't know which side to cheer for.

On one side is the current number one seat of Yuanyue, and on the other side is the commander-in-chief of Yuanyue.

"I didn't expect it to be a duel between the two of them... Although it will definitely be exciting, to be honest, I don't want to see either of them being beaten." Kita Shuji said while staring at the two people in the cooking area.

Anton Shingo on the side also nodded: "Yes, these two are the seed players representing Totsuki this time. One less person means that there is less powerful motivation to compete with 'ri'."

"It couldn't have been deliberately arranged by the special executive officer." Oto Yoshiki guessed.

"I don't rule out this possibility, but what is the meaning of the special executive officer doing this? Is it really just out of willfulness?" Doubts arose in Oizumi's heart.

No matter how confused everyone is, this showdown is about to begin.

Central location for cooking.

"you've changed."

Tong Yu looked at Nakiri Erina in front of her, and the first words she spoke were this.

After hearing this, Nakiri Erina's face did not change at all, and her expression was very calm: "I know that I have changed. If I remain the same as before, I will not be able to change the current situation. I will rely on my own strength to change the present situation." everything of!"

Erina had an unmistakable look of determination on her face.

"Rely on your own power to change everything now...Are you talking about your mother's God's Tongue, or your own destiny." Tong Yu said lightly.

After saying these words, there was an obvious change on Erina's cold face.

"What are you talking about?" Erina didn't want others to know about her family's God's Tongue, and she was sure that Tong Yu was referring to this matter.

Tong Yu looked at Erina and said slowly: "You, your mother, and Mr. Senzaemon are all very aware of the side effects of God's Tongue. In the history of the Nakiri family, there have been many tragedies. , people who possess the 'God's Tongue' are devoured by the 'God's Tongue', this must be your family's worry for hundreds of years."

Erina had a look of surprise on her face. She didn't know how Tong Yu knew these things.

But thinking about it carefully, it is not strange for Tong Yu, as the first seat, to hear other people talk about these things.

"I don't know where you know these things, but the Nakiri family's affairs don't need outsiders to intervene. I will solve them myself."

"An outsider? Ha, then Cai Bo Chaoyang...forget it, he is not an outsider to you."

Tong Yu knows the true identity of Zaiha Chaoyang. He is Erina's half-brother, and the two are related by blood.

Erina didn't know this, nor did she know what Tong Yu meant. When she heard Tong Yu's words, she felt nervous for some reason.

"I...I have nothing to do with Caibo Chaoyang, please don't think about it! No matter what, I will not lose to you in this match, Tong Yu!"

Are you not even willing to add "Jun"?

It seems that this competition and the "God's Tongue" thing are bothering you a lot.

No, you have lost yourself and can no longer find the direction on the way forward, so that others can take advantage of you.

"Okay, Nakiri-san. Since you said so, let's have a showdown where neither side will leave any regrets...I remember you said before that you wanted to see my true strength. This time I Let you get what you want."

With that said, Liu Yu took out the legendary kitchen utensils from the space.

Taking out something from the system space seemed to appear out of thin air in Tong Yu's hands.Since it was in a cooking venue, the surrounding audience couldn't see clearly at all.

Only Erina, who was standing in front of Tong Yu, and the host next to her saw it.

Both of them were confused as to why the kitchen knife suddenly appeared in their hands.

This is not the point. Tong Yu's calm expression gradually turned serious, and an aura...the aura that only the leader of the dark cooking world had spread around.

This momentum actually made Erina breathless.

But thinking about the purpose this time, Erina made up her mind again to use the power to break all the darkness and defeat all the enemies in front of her.

No matter who it is, they can't stop her this time!

"If you don't use all your strength, defeating you will be meaningless." Erina said loudly.

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