A showdown between the strong, the war is about to begin! .

Chapter 351: Faceless again

"There's no point in defeating you if you don't show your full strength."

Nakiri Erina looked at Tong Yu seriously and said, which was tantamount to a declaration of war.

"My full strength? To be honest, I don't know where my limit is. But before the duel begins, I still have something to say to you..."

"what do you want to say."

"I know how to cure God's Tongue, both you and your mother~, I can do it."

"You... what did you say?"

This time, it was impossible for Erina not to be surprised.

Nakiri Shinagi ran away from home when she was five years old, all because of the curse of God's Tongue. In order to solve this problem, Senzaemon turned white in just a few days.

The Nakiri family has a history of nearly 300 years. Regarding the curse of God's Tongue, they have been looking for ways to break it, but they have failed every time.

How powerful the tongue of God is in terms of taste, so will its side effects.

"It's impossible. The Nakiri family hasn't lifted the curse of God's Tongue for hundreds of years!"

"Believe it or not, I have already said it anyway. Then, let's start the duel..."

At this time, the host also announced the start of the cooking showdown.

"The theme of this duel was personally formulated by the Special Executive Officer. There is no restriction on dishes or styles, but the dishes must satisfy the 'noodle' and at the same time be 'non-noodle'..."

When this theme was announced, everyone was in an uproar.

"Faceless? Wait... wait, why is this theme so familiar?"

"I remembered, this...isn't this the plot of the popular food comic "Zhonghua Ichiban" that is popular throughout Asia?"

The comic "Zhonghua Ichiban" created by Tong Yu in this world has become popular throughout Asia, with sales of over [-] million copies.

The theme showdown that appears in the comics now actually appears in the BULE competition.

This is a world-class competition. Isn’t it too casual to apply the settings of the comics to this place?

However, this is indeed in line with Nakiri Shinagi's wanton personality.

After everyone thought this through, they felt relieved.

When Tong Yu heard this theme, she couldn't help but smile.

"I didn't expect that this willful special executive officer is also a fan of mine. How cute. This is a favorable theme again... I see, you want to use my hand to erase Erina from the BULE competition, right? .”

Tong Yu thought this, and said to Erina, who was also in a daze: "Nakiri, if you are not satisfied with this theme, we can change to another theme."

This is not the first time that Tong Yu has encountered the theme of "face is not face". During the residential training, Kadozaki Taki used this theme to test his opponents.

At the same time, Taki Kadozaki suddenly had the idea to use this as a theme to test everyone after reading Tong Yu's comics.

Erina didn't think much and said: "No need, just use this as the theme."

After saying that, Erina turned around and walked to the ingredient warehouse next to the venue, and began to select and make the ingredients needed for the dishes.

At this time, Erina has completely changed into a different person.

Ryoko Sakaki and others in the audience also noticed her gaze, with worries in their expressions.

"Nakiri-san seems a little strange today... With this expression, it feels like she is under a lot of pressure."

Ryouko Sakaki said it more tactfully, but Erina's eyes were filled with violence now. This was a sign that she was bound to defeat everyone at all costs!

Only then did Tadokoro tell Sakaki Ryoko about some of the news he had just learned from the castle tower...

In fact, Ryoko Sakaki had just learned this information from Tong Yu.

Only a handful of people in WGO know the true identity of Managi Nakiri.

There is no doubt that the two of them are indeed mother and daughter. Nagi Nakiri also has the "God's Tongue". In the days when she was constantly pursuing delicious food, one day she suddenly seemed to be completely desperate for taste.

The result of this is also obvious. Nakiri Shinagi is unable to eat, which is what Tadokoroe, Takemi, and Soma saw in the castle tower - relying on drips to absorb most of the nutrients.

She abandoned her young daughter and left, so there was a reason why Nakiri Erina looked at her with hatred now.

But that's not the scary part... After his mother abandoned him, Nakiri Thistle forcibly distorted his understanding of food on the pretext of training his "God's Tongue".

Looking back carefully at Nakiri Erina's childhood, it was extremely tragic.

Tong Yu also knows this and sympathizes with Erina's childhood.

But in this game, Tong Yu also had a reason to win.

"Huh, there is no trace of calmness in such a stern expression. The intimidating sight is really unimaginable to be the Nakiri Erina I knew before. I hope this duel can help you find yourself..."

Tong Yu said, taking out the Yongling Sword and the Garuda Sword.

Tong Yu didn't care about two legendary kitchen utensils appearing in this competition. Even if others discovered the secret of the kitchen utensils, it didn't matter to him.

........ ...... 0

Because Tong Yu has made the decision to go to the world of high-end gourmet food, it may be difficult to return to this world.

"Then, don't let this final showdown leave any regrets, the BULE competition..."

This time, Tong Yu will show her true strength and completely defeat Erina.


more than an hour.

"It's great. Contestant Erina Nakiri has finished her cooking. The dishes are shining like light, which is amazing!"

The host picked up the microphone and shouted excitedly. Nakiri Erina's dishes shocked everyone present.

Although the theme is "noodles are not noodles", since there is no restriction on dishes, Nakiri Erina still chose her best Western dishes.

The characteristics of Western dishes, such as fine selection of ingredients, exquisite seasonings, individually made sauces, rich combinations, and comprehensive nutrition, are all fully reflected in Erina's dish.

Just as everyone said, this dish really shines with brilliance, just like Erina standing in the middle of the venue at this moment, so shining and eye-catching...

The three executives were all "knocked down" after tasting the food she cooked. The deliciousness was too strong and beyond their ability to bear. They froze in place like mentally retarded people.

At this moment, the entire audience also clearly saw the powerful strength of this "Ice Witch".

Chapter 352: Too great disparity in strength

Erina Nakiri at this moment can best be described by the words "Ice Witch".

With her cold eyes and magical cooking techniques, even the three executives were toyed with and applauded by her.

The overwhelming deliciousness is frozen in the snow.

The Ten Heroes study food all the time, but for Nakiri Erina, the ice witch, studying is essential, but it seems that with just a little effort, everyone will be completely defeated.

Some people say that Erina Nakiri is the zeroth seat of the Ten Elites... This chef is seriously sharpening his fangs. The nature of the fights so far has been different, but now it is almost murderous.

"With terrifying strength, this new commander-in-chief of Totsuki will probably become the most terrifying existence in the history of the Nakiri family. His accomplishments in cooking will set a new level for everyone!" Aizawa held the glasses frame on the bridge of his nose, forehead. He said with a big sweat dripping from his eyes.

"Indeed, Erina Nakiri may have reached the highest height in the history of the Nakiri family. But among the chefs other than the Nakiri family, there are scary guys... If she is a witch, then this person is the great devil!"

Daquan stared at Tong Yu in front of the cooking table, and said with a big drop of sweat on his forehead.


Tong Yu put the food on the plate, and after the plate was successfully placed, he presented the prepared food in front of the three judges.

In an instant, golden light shot out from the plate. The three executive judges who were "knocked down" because of Erina's cuisine also woke up at this moment and looked at the light in front of them in shock.

"This...what's going on with this golden light!"

"Lighting up in the dishes? I seem to have heard that there is such a thing in Yuanyue!"

"What do you mean, is there a spotlight on the food? How is such a ridiculous thing possible!"

Everyone around was shocked, but for everyone in Yuanyue, this was not the first time they had seen it.

Reproduce luminous cooking, and cook it using Dual Legend kitchenware.

The irresistible light illuminates the darkness in everyone's hearts.

Anne did not act as a judge this round, but looked on as a staff member maintaining order.

After Liu Yu delivered the three dishes to the three executive officers, he then sent one of the dishes (with the lid closed) to Annie and said, "Let the special executive officer have a try. This is what she has been looking for." The delicious food will definitely satisfy her taste buds, and after tasting it, she will think carefully about Erina, after all, she is his daughter..."


After Annie hesitated for a moment, she took the food from Tong Yu.


A few minutes later, the three executives tasted Tong Yu's dishes and did not faint because of the delicious food.

It was obvious that Tong Yu's cooking was far more delicious than Erina's just now, but he did not overbearingly knock everyone down.

Delicious and strong, it's like being a baby in your mother's arms, gently wrapping your whole body.

Warm and happy.

Yes, food that makes people happy is the highest level of delicious food.

Needless to say, the color, aroma, and taste of the dishes go without saying.

At the same time, inside the castle tower

When Nakiri Shinagi tasted a mouthful of Dou Yu’s food, she was surprised that she didn’t spit it out immediately…

You must know that Nakiri Shinagi cannot eat because any food he eats will be spit out from his mouth immediately.

This is the first time in several years that I have tasted food that can be put into my mouth.

Annie on the side was holding a trash can, prepared for Shinagi Nakiri to spit it out, but who knew...

"What's going on with this dish?"

Nakiri Shinagi almost couldn't control the "power" in her body. If it spread out, Anne on the side would be affected and her clothes would be "exploded" directly.

The right hand holding the chopsticks kept shaking as he picked up the food and put it into his mouth.

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