Tong Yu didn't want to pay attention to this kind of guy who only chewed his tongue. As for Sadatsuka Nao, she was already used to this kind of remarks.

Tong Yu originally thought that it would be difficult to communicate with Sadatsuka Nao, but in a few words, their respective tasks were divided.

"That's it, I'll make the appetizer and main course, and you'll be responsible for the soup and dessert. Let's go to the ingredient library to pick out the ingredients first."

The two of them agreed on their respective parts, and the next step was to think about what kind of food to cook.

"Hey, you have to make interesting dishes, and this is the only ingredient."


Tong Yu was confused and saw Nao Sadatsuka squatting down and taking out two sacks from under the cooking table. There was something squirming in one of the sacks.

"This, what is this?"

"Hehe, good stuff. Even the ingredient library may not have this ingredient."

Tong Yu took a closer look at the sack to see if Rao was mentally prepared or was shocked.

"Holy shit, snake!"

That's right, there was a live King Snake in the sack.

"Did you catch it?" Tong Yu pointed at the sack with wide eyes.

"Yes, I went to the quarantine area yesterday to catch them. Not only that, there were also scorpions, hares, and ducks."

As Sadatsuka Nao spoke, she opened another sack and found that it was full of game.

Tong Yu now somewhat understands why Totsuki wants to deal with Sadatsuka Nao as a security guard. If she is not controlled, she will probably catch all the wild animals in Totsuki and stew them.

If anyone else saw Nao Sadatsuka taking out these ingredients, he would definitely be scared.

However, Tong Yu was not only not afraid, but also showed excitement.

Nao Sadatsuka saw Tong Yu's excited expression and couldn't help but chuckled: "It turns out you know these ingredients very well."

"Of course, these ingredients are enough to make several delicious dishes." Tong Yu thought of several recipes in his mind.

"Come on, let's go to the ingredient library to find some side dishes, and then we'll process the ingredients."

Sadatsuka Nao followed Tong Yu, laughing all the time on her cheeks covered by her hair, which made other students tremble.

Tong Yu didn't know why she was smiling strangely all the time. Could it be that she was happy because she had found "a person of the same mind".

Or is it a long-term dark personality and a habit developed?


Chapter 33 Appetizers and Soup

"Satsuka-kun, aren't you tired from walking in this kind of clothes?"

On the way back to the cooking classroom from the food store, Tong Yu looked at the black robe worn by Sadatsuka Nao and couldn't help but say.

Sadatsuka Nao's black robe was so big that part of it was dragging on the ground when she walked. If other students hadn't kept a distance from her, the clothes would have been stepped on by countless feet.

"Hey, if you go out wearing these clothes at night, you won't be easily discovered by others." Nao Sadatsuka replied.

Tong Yu was speechless for a while, it was obviously daytime now.

Tong Yu knew that Nao Sadatsuka would not be able to change the dark character that she had developed over a long period of time, so she did not continue to say anything.

Soon the two returned to the cooking classroom with the ingredients they needed. When they first walked into the classroom door, Tong Yu discovered that Suwon Fuyumi sitting in front of the podium was actually watching "Chinese Ichiban".

"Hey, Chef Suwon also reads this comic?" Tong Yu came to behind Suwon Fuyumi with curiosity and asked.

Mizuhara Fuyumi raised her head and glanced at Tong Yu, then lowered her head and continued to read the comics in the "Three Nothings" state.

"Well, why don't you read such a wonderful comic."

At this time, Mizuhara Fuyumi was reading the second chapter of the second volume. These chapters mainly told the story of the protagonist Liu Subaru overcoming numerous tests and becoming a super chef.

"What a coincidence. I am also a big fan of this comic. If I have time, I must discuss this comic with Chef Mizuhara."

"Oh, okay." Mizuhara Fuyumi said without raising her head.

Tong Yu didn't talk to Suwon Fuyumi much, and he had no intention of getting close to her.

I just feel that a "three-no girl" like Mizuhara Fuyumi also likes food comics.

Tong Yu returned to the cooking table with the ingredients, negotiated with Sadatsuka Nao again, and then picked up a sack on the ground.

"Then I'll deal with this."

Tong Yu poured the snake out of the sack. This action attracted several students next to his cooking table.

When I saw it was a snake, I jumped up in fright.

"Ahhh, snake! It's a snake!"

A student shouted, immediately attracting the attention of others.

Everyone looked at the King Jin Snake crawling slowly on the ground with fear in their eyes and backed away involuntarily.

Snake is indeed a rare ingredient, but not all chefs can handle it.

"Is it Nao Satsuka who caught him again? Sure enough, he brought out such a disgusting thing again!"

"Ahhhh, get it away quickly."

A group of people were shouting and screaming, terrified of snakes, and they were still alive.

Mizuhara Fuyumi also saw the situation here, but she just glanced at it and ignored it. She lowered her head and continued reading the comics, as if this matter had nothing to do with her.

Tong Yu had some contempt for this group of students who were even afraid of snakes.

“It’s really laughable that a chef is afraid of ingredients!”

Tong Yu said this, stretched out his right hand at a very fast speed and grabbed Wang Jinshe's head. He already held the Greedy Wolf Sword in his left hand and stabbed the snake's heart.


Use the tip of the knife to gently pick out the snake gallbladder.

Taking out the snake's gallbladder, Tong Yu grabbed the snake's head and came to the cooking table.

Grab the head with your right hand and the tail of the snake with your left hand to pull the whole snake straight, then use a knife to fix the head and tail of the snake respectively.

After doing this, he picked up the Tanlang Knife, starting from the head, and cut it open along the belly to remove the internal organs.

From catching the snake, to removing the snake's gallbladder, and now to removing the internal organs, Tong Yu's movements are as smooth as water.

The other students were surprised to see that not only could they catch live snakes so unscrupulously, but they could also disembowel them so skillfully.

The group knew that this was definitely not the first time Tong Yu had dealt with such ingredients.

"No... I didn't expect this guy Tong Yu to be interested in this kind of food just like Sadatsuka Nao."

"The smell is the same, so stay away from these two guys."

Not only was Tong Yu's superb knife skills not recognized by others, but she was also excluded like Sadatsuka Nao.

Tong Yu disagreed with this. He didn't need the approval of these three-legged cat chefs. Whatever they thought, just let them go.

It didn't take a few minutes for Tong Yu to completely handle the snake.

At this moment, Tong Yu noticed Sadatsuka Nao staring at him.


Tong Yu turned around and saw Sadatsuka Nao staring at him with fanatical eyes.

"Um, Sadatsuka-san, don't you handle the ingredients?"

Sadatsuka Nao didn't seem to have listened to Tong Yu's words. She stared at Tong Yu with her right eye and showed admiration: "The way you handled the snake just now was so handsome and stylish!"

Are you suffering from nymphomaniac disease?

"Sadatsuka-san, hurry up and submit your work as soon as possible to shut up those guys who are laughing at us behind our backs!"

"Okay Master Tong Yu, I won't let you down!"

When discussing the division of labor just now, Tong Yu told Sadatsuka Nao her name.

However, Tong Yu did not expect that because of the incident of handling snakes, Sadatsuka Nao would worship him and call him "sir".

Tong Yu didn't stop her from calling him this, after all, he had planned to accept Sadatsuka Nao as a die-hard fan from the beginning.

Soon, Sadatsuka Nao also took action and began to cook the two dishes she was responsible for. She saw that she began to process the scorpions she had captured.

After processing, put the scorpions into the soup pot for stewing...

Tong Yu turned around and continued processing the snake meat.

In fact, there is a method for handling ingredients such as "snake" in "Zhonghua Ichiban".

In the third volume released, there is such a plot.

Liu Pleiades and his party passed by a village. There was a place called "Dragon God Marsh" in this village.

Local villagers rumored that there was a dragon living in Longshen Marsh.

Later, Liu Pleiades and his party figured out the truth of the matter. It turned out that there was just a huge eel in the lake.

The method of handling eels is similar to that of snakes, so Tong Yu handles it very easily without any difficulty.

Tong Yu's cooking speed has always been very fast, and he is also good at handling ingredients.

It only took him half an hour to prepare the appetizer.

However, he did not serve the appetizer immediately, and turned around to continue cooking the main course.At the same time, it is necessary to wait until Sadatsuka Nao finishes the two dishes she is responsible for before they can be presented together.

You know, the so-called "set meal" means that several dishes are presented without interruption. Only then can it be called a "set meal".

After the appetizer comes the soup. You can't finish the appetizer because the soup is not ready yet and the main dish is served to the guests. Then the meaning of the set meal itself is lost.

Chapter 34 Main Course Game Noodles

When the time came to 11:15, Tong Yu stopped what he was doing and turned around to look at Sadatsuka Nao.

"Satsuka-san, how is your cooking going?"

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