"This kind of guy who has no strength and can only bark randomly should disappear as soon as possible. And like you... I don't want to waste too much time in a place like this. Let's end it as soon as possible. The next world is waiting for us."

Meisaku Subaru's expression was filled with anticipation, and he couldn't wait to go to the next world.

"That's right. Zaiha Chaoyang has fallen, and the rest are just clowns. Let's leave it to Tadokoro and the others to deal with it. It's time to leave here... no, this world. But before that, there is one more thing Things to do.”


Chapter 354: Reunion

According to the original development, without the intervention of Tong Yu, the time traveler, Caiha Chaoyang would have entered the final competition unimpeded, and faced Soma Yukihira in the semi-finals, but was ultimately defeated.

But now, because of the appearance of Tong Yu and his party, the current situation has been disrupted.

With the help of the system, Tong Yu's strength has already broken through the ceiling of this world. After honing himself in the Chinese world, his strength has reached a level that others cannot imagine or achieve.

The following six die-hard fans have also reached the top level in this world.

Tong Yu is not surprised at all that Meisaku Subaru can defeat Zaiha Chaoyang.

Saiba Chaoyang was defeated by Mimasaku Subaru using a "special" method. He is now lying in the hospital and will not be able to recover in less than half a month.

Moreover, the psychological fear Misaku Subaru imposed on him would not be able to get out of the shadows for a year and a half if he did not have a strong will.

This is the terror coming from the Dark Shove Halberd.

Tong Yu did not ask for the kitchen knives collected by Meizu Subaru, letting him handle them by himself, throw them away, sell them and keep them for himself, whatever he wanted.

Caibo Chaoyang was defeated, and his group of people were all small characters with little strength.

Tong Yu had no nostalgia for the BULE competition. Three days later, Nakiri Erina was found in the castle tower.

"Tong Yujun, why do you want to see me so late?"

At the door of the room, Erina opened the door, looked at Tong Yu outside the station door and asked doubtfully.

"I'm saying goodbye to you. By the way, I want to ask you at the end, do you want to go with me to a place where high-end ingredients are everywhere? That place can save your mother, you and the entire Nakiri family..."

"A place full of high-end ingredients?"

This was not the first time that Erina heard Tong Yu say similar things.

"Tong Yujun, my mother has told me about your cooking... After eating it, she relieved her heartache and agreed to return to Nakiri's house with us to slowly receive treatment. Thank you very much." "

Erina seemed to have returned to her previous appearance, and there was no longer any coldness in her eyes.

"No need to thank you, it's just a small effort. I still say the same thing...are you willing to go to the 'New World' with me?"

"New...new world?"

"That's right, a whole new world, a new beginning."


A week later, the BULE competition finally came to an end. The top three... no, it should be the top seven were all students from Totsuki Academy.

This situation refreshed the record of the BULE competition.

Tong Yu became the champion without any doubt, and it didn't make any sense who the next few were, because they were all his die-hard fans.

After hearing that the others had achieved such good results, Wenxu was so happy that he personally cooked a table of delicious food for everyone to wash away the dust.

After a group of members of Ji Xing Lao had a party for several days, the matter calmed down a little.

At the same time, the news of Tong Yu winning the championship spread all over the world, and for a time Tong Yu was also given various titles.

"Genius Chef", "Toyue's Strongest Number One", "The God of Chinese Cuisine", etc...

No matter what the outside world calls him, Tong Yu's heart remains unmoved. Now he has become very indifferent to fame and wealth in this world, and it is dispensable to him.

However, before he was about to set off, he decided to finish the comics he was publishing first.

Tong Yu originally planned to take everyone to the captive world of delicious food after the competition, but due to the addition of new die-hard fans, the plan had to be stopped.

You must know that there are conditions for entering the prison of gourmet food. The strength of the die-hard fans who enter must not be lower than that of "Chef Lin", and Tong Yu's strength must reach the level of "King of Heaven".

The plan to enter had to be postponed again, and Tong Yu estimated that it would take at least a year to qualify.

Chef Lin doesn't just take time to achieve, it also requires a certain amount of talent and hard work.


Another month passed, the main entrance of Nakiri Residence

In front of the gate, all members of the Nakiri family stood at the gate.

Nakiri Senzaemon stood at the front, followed by Nakiri Erina, Nakiri Mune, Nakiri Leonora, Nakiri Alice and other members of the Nakiri family.

Even members outside the family, Kurokiba Ryo, stood aside and waited.

Kurokiba Ryo was not wearing a headscarf and had a pair of panda eyes with a lazy look, and he didn't understand what he was doing.

"Miss, what are you going to do today? Why is everyone back? Are there any important activities today?" Kurokiba Ryo asked Alice in a low voice.

"It's Aunt Mangi who's coming home."

"々. Aunt Managi?"

"She is Erina's mother, my father's biological sister! She ran away from home for more than ten years, and now she finally wants to come back... No, I heard Erina said that she ate the food cooked by Tong Yujun, and got the disease of God's Tongue 'Getting better."

After a while, a black limousine stopped at the gate of Nakiri's house.

Then, two bodyguards in black stepped out of the car, approached Nakiri, and slowly walked out of the car with Anne's support.

"Sanagi, welcome home."

Nakiri Senzaemon was the first to speak.

"Sister, welcome home."

"Welcome home, mother."

"Welcome home."

Nakiri Shinagi couldn't hold back the tears in her eyes, looking at the home she had not seen for ten years, she felt filled with emotion.

Finally, Nakiri Managi returned to Nakiri's house, welcomed by the whole family.

Another half month passed.

Nakiri and Murasaki were allowed to return to Nakiri's house...all misunderstandings were resolved with the "curse" of God's Tongue.

At the same time, Nagi Kirihisa also told the "mistakes" he made that year.

Caibo Chaoyang is his son.

I thought that the Nakiri family would not accept Saiha Asahi, but at the strong suggestion of Nakiri Erina, Saiba Asahi was taken back to the Nakiri family.

Caibo Chaoyang, who has never felt the warmth of home, experienced the feeling of relatives for the first time.

Moved, he accepted the Nakiri family.

After becoming a member of the Nakiri family, Nakiri Chaoyang left the late-night cook and became an ordinary teacher in Totsuki.

This time, he was finally no longer a fake, but a serious Totsuki lecturer.

A year later, Tong Yu and others successfully entered the third grade of high school, and Yuanyue also ushered in a new graduation season.

Not one member of the Jokusei dormitory dropped out and was successfully promoted to the third grade. It is said that this is the highest promotion rate in Totsuki's history.

Chapter 355: Heading to the ultimate delicious place

Nakiri Residence, garden

In front of a long Western-style table that can easily seat more than 16 people, the Nakiri family is sitting together, preparing to enjoy a family reunion lunch.

"Oh, it's rare for the Nakiri family to get together." Nakiri Alice held a cup of coffee in her right hand and looked at the people in front of the table.

Nakiri Senzaemon, Nakiri Asahi, Nakiri Thistle, Nakiri Mune and other major members of the Nakiri family gathered around the dining table in a group.

"Huh, by the way, hasn't my sister Erina come back yet? I'm so hungry." Nakiri Chaoyang leaned on the stool and sighed lazily.

Nakiri Hisashi was sitting next to Saiba Chaoyang. When he saw him showing such indecent behavior, he immediately warned him.

"Ahem, Chaoyang-kun, don't be so rude...it's a lunch party now."

"Hey, it doesn't matter. Has anyone seen it? It's all family here."

Chaoyang's ability to say such words shows that he has come out of the previous psychological shadow. The fear of being dominated by Tong Yu and Meisaku Subaru has been gradually resolved by the warmth of family affection.

"You should stop when enough is enough, and you must have the consciousness of being a member of Nakiri's family..."

The two fathers and sons, Chaoyang and 853 Ji, began their daily bickering in recent days, and Nakiri Munue and others on the side have become accustomed to it.

"Haha, has it started again? It's like a rebellious son and father."

"They are originally father and son~~This also means that their relationship is so good that they will bicker all day long."

Always staying in one position in front of the table was obviously what Nakiri Erina had prepared.

Everyone waited for about a few minutes before Nakiri Erina, who had cut off her long blond hair and replaced it with sleek short hair, arrived.

"I'm sorry for keeping everyone waiting." Erina knew that this was a rare gathering for her family, so she came very late and apologized.

Although Erina arrived late, no one had any intention of blaming her, and they all asked her to take a seat with a smile on their face.

Soon, a warm family feast began, dishes were served one after another, and the whole family was enjoying themselves, talking and laughing.

While talking, Alice Nakiri inadvertently mentioned Tong Yu.

"The cooking method of this dish is very similar to one of Tong Yu-kun's dishes." Alice Nakiri said suddenly while tasting the food.

After saying this, everyone present was startled.

In particular, the reactions of Thistle, Asahi, Erina, and Senzaemon were the most obvious.

"Tong Yujun."

Erina put down the tableware in her hands and said slowly: "Speaking of which, he should be invited to this banquet."


Nakiri Chaoyang returned to normal, looked at Erina sitting opposite him and said: "He is not a member of the Nakiri family, why do we call him at our family gathering?"

"I can return to the Nakiri family all because of Tong Yujun's help. If he can become a member of the Nakiri family, it is the family's honor. In the Nakiri family for hundreds of years, no one has been able to cure the curse. The Tongue of God.”

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