Nakiri Shinagi's words directly showed Tong Yu's status in her heart.

Come to think of it, if Tong Yu hadn't come up with a dish that could heal Nakiri Shinagi in the BULE competition, she would still be suffering from pain and torture.

"I remember Tong Yu, who had no family."

Another sentence spoken by Nakirisen Zuoe made everyone at the dinner table who didn't know Tong Yu stunned again.

"No family? Grandpa, what does this mean?" Alice asked.

Nakiri Senzaemon then said: "I have investigated Tong Yu's life experience before, and found that he actually grew up alone, and there is still a blank period of information."

After saying this, everyone present was even more surprised.

"Does Tong Yujun have no family in China?" Alice Nakiri asked.

"According to the investigation, he has never returned to China for so many years in Yuanyue. I also heard from other students that this is the fact."

Everyone fell into silence after hearing this, especially Nakiri Shinagi, who was surprised but also felt uncomfortable in his heart.

Can everyone in the Nakiri family sit together, but in the end it's because they have no father or mother, and no relatives in this world to help them?

"Now I finally understand the reason why Tong Yujun values ​​​​the friendship in Jiexingliao dormitory... Apart from friendship, he has no family ties at all." Nakiri Erina said this, already feeling sad.

The words are divided into two parts, Jixingliao dormitory

"Tong Yujun, are you leaving?"

Ryoko Sakaki walked into Tong Yu's dormitory and asked with a smile.

Outside the house, Soma Yukihira and Megumi Tadokoro have also been preparing for a long time.

Tong Yu simply packed the luggage he wanted to carry, and then stood up: "Well, it's almost done."

"Misaku, Takemi and Kuga-senpai have arrived at the designated place and are waiting for us to meet up."

"Well, let's go."

Tong Yu and others set out from Ji Xing Liao. The group only carried small bags, which contained at most a change of clothes and not much luggage.

At this moment, except for Tong Yu, the remaining die-hard fans were extremely excited, because after months of preparation and anticipation, they were finally going to the world of high-end gourmet food - the captive world of gourmet food.

That's right, after several months of hard work, all the hardcore fans have reached the basic conditions for this world and have become "Dragon Chefs" in the culinary realm.

Tong Yu has already broken through the "King of Heaven" and is on the verge of breaking through the "Legend".

"Is it true that Tong Yu-kun doesn't want to call Nakiri and Nito-san?"

Before leaving, Tian Suohui couldn't help but ask.

"I have contacted Nito before. Erina has been busy recently, and I heard that the Nakiri family has just been reunited. It is not appropriate for her to go to the new world with us now. After we have established a solid foundation in the new world, , it’s not too late to pick her up.”

Hearing this, the others stopped talking.

In this way, a group of seven people finally went to the final advanced world, and what awaited them would be a brand new and delicious world.

——Gorgeous dividing line——

Someone once said that there is a beast whose whole body is made of snowflake meat that melts in the mouth.

There’s also a lobster with firm, plump flesh, and a tree that grows king crab meat year-round.

A fountain of high-quality, fragrant and mellow amber brandy from a continuous fountain.

This is an unknown delicacy, and people are fascinated by it.

Exploring unknown and delicious ingredients, this is an era of gourmet food.

"Prisoners of Food"

Chapter 356: Captive of delicious food

[Ding, have you entered the comic world "Prisoners of Food"? 】


[Confirmation is complete and we are about to enter the comic world. Now the host has 5 minutes to consider whether to use the 'Character Bead'. 】

Character bead, this is not the first time to use this prop. Tong Yu used this prop before when entering China Ichiban.

One of the reward props that Nakiri Erina and Nito Hisako received when they became Douyu's seventh and eighth biggest fans.

The role of the character beads is to provide identity choices when entering a new world (for the first time).

You can substitute any one of the roles provided by the system.

Soon, the system listed identities suitable for Tong Yu.

First, the director or deputy director of the Igo Food Management Bureau.

Second, the owner and chef of a five-star restaurant.

Third, the food hunter is as famous as the Four Food Kings.

Fourth, be the branch director of any branch of the Food Club.

Fifth, an ordinary office worker has no reputation.

Seeing the five identities listed in the system, Tong Yu fell into thinking.

The fourth and fifth identities can be eliminated first.

Ordinary office workers?

Tong Yu came to the captive world of gourmet food to pursue higher-end delicacies and explore unknown ingredients. If she wanted to be an ordinary office worker, why would she choose this world.

Secondly, even if you want to start from the "lower level", you will not choose the frustrating career of office worker.

Although Gourmet Club and Dark Cuisine are both the biggest villains in their respective worlds, their natures are different.

Most of the members of the Food Club are extremely vicious people who have no respect for food. In their eyes, they only see killing. In order to obtain ingredients, they can use any means.

The Gourmet Club's behavior is completely opposite to Tong Yu's insistence on gourmet food, so it is impossible to join them.

As for the third identity, becoming a food hunter, I will not consider it for the time being.

Although Tong Yu has gourmet cells, he has barely awakened them. His strength is completely insufficient, and he cannot even set foot in many places in the human world.

After some thinking, the only roles left for Tong Yu to choose were the restaurant chef and the igo food ingredient management department.

After careful consideration, Tong Yu finally chose the position of deputy director of igo Food Management Bureau.

Choosing a second identity, joining igo to become one of the cadres of the eight departments, choosing the deputy director, but not the director, is also just for laziness.

Tong Yu, who has had experience in this area, knows that the director must have to deal with many more things every day than the deputy director, just like Yuanyue's first seat.

Be lazy if you can, and hang on to a title just so you can do other things better.

After the identity was determined, the teleportation array was opened, and Tong Yu and six die-hard fans officially entered the captive world of gourmet food.

The dazzling white light disappeared, Tong Yu opened his eyes again, and was already standing in a spacious room.

Preliminary estimates indicate that this room alone is 500 square meters in size.

And this is just the place where the deputy director of the Food Management Bureau works on weekdays.

"Ding, the identity has been loaded. The current host's identity is the deputy director of the Igo Food Management Bureau. It has been detected that the host has entered the world of high-end gourmet food. The development of gourmet cells has increased by 10%, and at the same time, it has learned 'food meaning'."

This prompt sound from the system surprised Tong Yu.

The development of gourmet cells increases by 10%, which is equivalent to a big increase in strength, and also understands the meaning of food!

While Tong Yu was excited, an unprecedented power quickly enveloped his whole body.

Previously, in the world of the Spirit of the Shouting Halberd, Tong Yu activated the gourmet cells, but the development level was almost only 1%.It's not that Tong Yu doesn't want to develop it, but except for the captive world of delicious food, eating ingredients from other worlds has basically no effect.

The development of gourmet cells depends on the ingredients of this world.

The gourmet cells have basically not been developed, and Tong Yu doesn't even know what kind of demon is living in his body.

Fortunately, now, the system has directly developed 10% for free, completely stimulating the power in the body.


Close your eyes and merge with the awakening power of gourmet cells.

Deep in his consciousness, Tong Yu saw the approximate appearance of his gourmet cell demon...

He has a huge body, ears and temples like swords and halberds, a pair of horns on his head, holding a golden giant axe, and a ferocious face.

Just looking at the food cell demon, Tong Yu suddenly opened his eyes, with a few drops of sweat hanging on his forehead.

"What a scary guy. I was sweating profusely just by looking at him."

After absorbing all the power, Tong Yu also felt that there seemed to be endless power in his body.

This feeling of power filling my whole body is really great.

But when she looked back, Tong Yu realized something was wrong.

"What about the rest?"

Tong Yu was dumbfounded. The six die-hard fans who came to this world with him were not in the same place?

"System, where are the other six people?" Tong Yu asked.

"Answer the host, due to energy fluctuations in the teleportation space tunnel, the system cannot accurately locate everyone at the designated location. Now they are scattered around the world." The system replied.

........ ......

Hearing this, Tong Yu was stunned.

"Scattered in other parts of the world? Wait... wait, you should know the danger level system of this world better than me! They don't have food cells. What will they do if they encounter beasts and bad guys?" Tong Yu said anxiously.

"Host, don't worry. Although there is a deviation in the teleportation array, the approximate location is correct. They are all in a safe city. If they encounter danger, the system will notify them as soon as possible."


Tong Yu felt a little relieved.

At this moment, there was a knock on the office door.

"Please come in."

The door was pushed open, and then a staff member wearing a suit and sunglasses walked in.

"Master Tong Yu, this is the list of newly discovered ingredients in the Food Central Wholesale Market as of today. Please take a look..."

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