The Food Central Wholesale Market is a large wholesale market known as the "Kitchen of the World" with a total area of ​​300 HA. About 90 tons of ingredients are stored in the warehouse every day, and the revenue is about 1 trillion yuan. Rare ingredients from every corner of the world are gathered here. .

One of the main responsibilities of IGo’s Food Management Bureau is to collect discovered food ingredients.

In addition, we need to control the prices of food ingredients in the market.

In addition, igo has eight bureaus, namely the Secretariat, Administration Bureau, Publicity Bureau, Finance Bureau, Legal Affairs Bureau, Defense Bureau, Development Bureau, as well as the eight food ingredients bureaus currently managed by Tong Yu.

Chapter 357: Food Central Wholesale Market

The main responsibility of the Igo Food Management Bureau is to manage the food materials circulating in the market, such as controlling prices, standardizing the consumption and use of food materials, or immediately evaluating the value of food materials when they are discovered, etc.

Tong Yu took the list of ingredients handed over by the staff and looked at them. They were all ingredients he didn't know, and they looked delicious just by hearing the names.

After a quick glance, he put the list on the table.

"Prepare a plane for me, I want to go to the 'Food Central Wholesale Market' immediately."

"Yes, I will prepare it for you immediately."

In fact, it is about controlling the food ingredients. To put it bluntly, it is mainly about the control of the Food Central Wholesale Market, because almost 90% of the food ingredients in the human world will be sold and sold here. As long as this place is managed well, it is equivalent to controlling the food market in the world. Order is maintained well.

As the deputy director of igo's administration, he has certain rights and prestige.

In less than 5 minutes, the subordinates had the plane ready.

Soon, Tong Yu took a helicopter to the Central Food Wholesale Market.

The Food Central Wholesale Market, known as the "Monster Market", is where delicious ingredients from all over the world are concentrated. It is also called the kitchen of the world.

The helicopter landed at the airport, and Tong Yu walked into the Food Central Wholesale Market alone.

As soon as I walked to the gate, I heard the sound of lively sales coming from inside.

At the entrance of a food store, an auction of rare food is taking place.

In order to conduct this kind of auction in this food material, it is necessary to obtain permission from the Food Food Management Bureau.

"500 million yen!"

"I'll pay 700 million!"

"I'll pay 800 million!"

At this moment, the food a group of people are fighting for is a silver king crab.

Silver King Crab is a catch level 2 ingredient. Its appearance is no different from ordinary king crabs, but it is over 3 meters in length and 1.5 meters in height. The meat is fresh and tender.

At the same time, the shell is beautiful silver-white and is often used to make exquisite utensils.

The owner of the auction house had an excited face, and he was also excited when he saw that the prices of ingredients were constantly being raised.

"Wow, someone offered it for 800W yen. Is there a higher price than this? Is there anyone else?"

800 million yen, a capture level 2 ingredient, can be sold for such a price, indicating that this ingredient is relatively rare.

Seeing that no one was raising the price, the owner of the auction house hammered down and announced loudly: "Okay, this silver king crab, with a total weight of 200 kilograms, was bought by Mr. No. 800 for 56 million! "

Once an ingredient is sold, the owner of the ingredient store immediately introduces new ingredients to everyone.

I saw, this time, a turtle with a shining appearance.

"Okay, next is the little hammer turtle, the starting price is 100 yen, start now!"

Tong Yu stood aside and looked at the various high-end ingredients displayed in the food store. He couldn't help but sigh: "There are so many good ingredients today. It's dizzying to see so many ingredients. It is indeed the kitchen of the world. It is precious and rare." The ingredients are piled into mountains.”

"Yes, under the management of igo and adults, the prices of ingredients are very stable. Merchants can sell at a high price, and diners can buy the ingredients they like. That's why it is so lively."

The staff who came with Tong Yu said from the side.

!?[-] "Yes, if the market can remain stable and people can live and work in peace and contentment, this will be better than anything else..."

While chatting like this, Tong Yu and his men walked forward, and soon they met Shi Meng, a well-known ingredient merchant.

Shi Meng is very familiar with the gourmet Alu. He has been to many dangerous places in the human world and knows the terrain very well. He is an experienced ingredient merchant.

"Isn't this Master Tong Yu from the Administration Bureau? You are here again today!"

Due to the integration of character beads, Shi Meng and other food merchants know Tong Yu.

Think about it, as the deputy director of the Food Management Bureau, Tong Yu will often deal with the food merchants here. After all, stabilizing food prices starts with these big food merchants.

According to the memory conveyed by the character beads, most of the businessmen here are quite convinced of Tong Yu and will take the initiative to say hello when they see him.

It is also worth mentioning that the director of igo Food Management Bureau is a middle-aged man in his 40s named Johannes. He was a popular food hunter when he was young.

"Shi Meng, it seems that you have obtained a lot of good ingredients recently. Can you sell some to me at a cheap price? My food intake has increased a lot recently."

When Shi Meng heard Tong Yu's words, he immediately put down the box in his hand and said, "Did I hear you right? Lord Tong Yu wants to purchase ingredients at a low price. Is this considered disrupting the market price?"

"Seriously, as long as it is no less than 80% of the market price, anyone can comply."

"Haha, I was just joking. Don't take it seriously, Mr. Tong Yu. I got a lot of good stuff today. Are you sure you want them all?"

"It's all."

The system helped Tong Yu awaken 10% of the power of gourmet cells. To maintain the function of gourmet cells, a large amount of food must be consumed.

Although Tong Yu has learned the "food meaning", which can greatly reduce his daily energy consumption, he has just awakened the power of food cells and has not yet taken in food, which is equivalent to an empty stomach.

Hungry, Tong Yu now needs to eat. It is the first time he has entered the world of high-end gourmet food. The system will give him currency circulating in the world. These currencies are enough for Tong Yu to spend a while...

The other seven die-hard fans are no exception and all have "initial rewards" given by the system.

Tong Yu and Shi Meng completed the deal, and there was a commotion from the crowd in front.

Looking up, he saw a blue-haired Alu walking towards the crowd carrying a huge beast.

"Ah, it's... it's Aru, he's here again with ingredients!"

"Hey, it's so... such a big Shakulehanodon. This is the first time I've seen this size."

Shakule Hanodon is a pterosaur beast with a capture level of 4. It likes to live in dark and moist caves. It is very aggressive and has very plump meat all over its body. It is one of the scarcer trading ingredients.

The Shakulhanodon weighing one ton seemed so relaxed on Aru's shoulders.

Aru carried the big man and walked quickly, and the crowd made way for him.

As a leading gourmet, he is extremely popular throughout the human world.

Although he is a big eater and a glutton, he is also very keen on his work as a food hunter.

Currently, 30% of the 2 kinds of food ingredients circulating on the market, about 6000 kinds, were discovered by Alu.


Aru threw the Shakulhantooth Dragon to the ground, attracting crowds of people to watch.

Shimeng also put down what he was doing, came to Alu, looked at the Shakulensis on the ground, and said: "Oh, it's Shakulen. This guy is so fat, he probably weighs 1 ton." Above!"

"How about 4 yen per kilogram? 0.8 Ten Dreams. It has been finalized."

"Oh, have you done the knocking in?"

Knock in, this is a common saying among businessmen. In igo, there is a professional term called "point acupoint".

Various props such as fine needles are used to stimulate the nerve tissue in the cerebellum that controls movement, causing it to be temporarily paralyzed.

Through this, the live prey can be sold intact.However, practicing this technique requires a wealth of knowledge and experience. Depending on the prey, you may also need to obtain a license. It is said that there are many retired gourmets who live solely on this license, so acupuncture is also a skill. It's a job that ordinary food hunters simply can't do.

"Ha, I won't accept it today. Master Tong Yu has to buy a lot of ingredients." Shi Meng pointed with his thumb at Tong Yu, who was not far behind him.

"Hey, are you the deputy director of igo Food Management Bureau?"

Alu looked towards Tong Yu.

"Alu, the Four Heavenly Kings, long time no see."



Chapter 358: Hardcore fans scattered throughout the human world

This is the first time Tong Yu has met Alu, but because of the character Zhu, it is not the first time Alu has met Tong Yu.

"Alu, the Four Heavenly Kings, long time no see. If you catch any high-end ingredients, please be sure to sell them to me." Tong Yu said to Alu.

Alu is also a generous person. When he heard what Tong Yu said, he nodded and agreed without thinking too much: "Of course, then I will sell this Shakulehantooth Dragon to you at a price of 3W yen per kilogram. "

"Thank you."

Tong Yu didn't refuse.

After chatting for a few words, Alu was about to leave. Tong Yu suddenly thought of something and stopped Alu who was about to leave.

"Alu, you don't have a partner yet, right?"

Aru couldn't help but be stunned for a moment when he heard this, and then said: "No, I haven't found a suitable candidate, but I don't need to take care of people for the time being."

"Really? I do know a few excellent cooks. If I have a chance, I'll introduce you to them."

Alu didn't take Tong Yu's words to heart. After selling the Shakulhantooth Dragon, he turned around and left.

Tong Yu walked around the Food Central Wholesale Market and bought a lot of ingredients before returning to her home.

The home, which is the personal property of the deputy director of igo Food Management Bureau, was awarded by igo headquarters. It is not located in the center of the noisy city, but on a flat land outside the suburbs.

The house covers an area of ​​thousands of meters and is a luxurious villa.

Tong Yu returned to the villa alone and rested for less than an hour. The ingredients purchased at the Food Central Wholesale Market were also delivered.

All the ingredients are piled up into a hill in the backyard of the villa.

There are so many ingredients that even Tong Yu, who has awakened his gourmet cells, can't eat them all by himself, and handling them is also a hassle.

Just when Tong Yu was thinking about whether to find someone to help process these ingredients, a strange phone call came in.

"Master Tong Yu, the person you are looking for has been found. They are waiting in the lobby of igo headquarters now."

"Find them all?"

"No, there are only two..."

Just now, Tong Yu arranged for his people to help find the whereabouts of six die-hard fans. He didn't expect the results to come out so quickly.

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