According to reports from his subordinates, the two people found were Tagumi and Ryoko Sakaki.

Tong Yu immediately asked his subordinates to send the two girls to the villa.

Half an hour later, the three met.

Ryoko Sakaki hugged Tong Yu quite excitedly. Although they were only half a day apart, she was still a little scared as a girl in this strange world.

The same was true for Tian Suohui. After seeing Tong Yu, her nervous heart finally relaxed.

After hugging, Tong Yu asked about the situation of the two girls. It turned out that the place where they landed was near the igo headquarters, so they were found so quickly.

"As long as it's okay, it's okay. We'll live in this place from now on. It's absolutely safe." Tong Yu said, pointing to the large villa behind him.

"I don't know where Soma-kun and the others are. I hope they won't be in danger..." Tasokoroi still looked a little worried.

Tong Yu immediately comforted him: "No need to worry, the places where they landed are very safe, and with their cooking skills, they can easily survive in this world. This can be considered a test for them."

Now Tong Yu also somewhat understands the system and why it restricts the strength of die-hard fans entering this world. They must reach "Chef Lin" or above, just to prevent this kind of situation from happening.

Tong Yu didn't go into details. The "Chef Lin" recognized by the system was equivalent to several star chefs in the world.

In the captive world of gourmet food, star chefs have ten levels from 1 star to 10 stars.

Correspondingly, the restaurant also has 10 stars.

Tong Yu initially estimated that "Chef Lin" is almost a 3-5 star in this world.

If it is the "King of Heaven", it should be above 5 stars.

Of course, this is not an absolute rating, it is a level calculated by Tong Yu himself.

"Liangzi, Xiaohui, please come and help me with the ingredients. I happened to buy a lot of ingredients, so come and help."


Then Tong Yu took the two girls to the backyard. When they saw the mountains of ingredients, they were stunned for a long time.

"There are...a lot of ingredients, all of which are very rare ingredients."

Before entering each comic world, die-hard fans have read the comics several times and have a general understanding of the entire world.

However, after seeing so many ingredients piled up in front of them, Tazoe and Ryoko Sakaki couldn't help but be surprised.

Some of the ingredients have been seen by the two women in the comics, but most of them are ingredients that have not been mentioned in the comics.

"We don't know how to handle these ingredients," Ryoko Sakaki asked.

"Ha, it's okay, I can teach you."

Tong Yu had never seen most of the mountains of ingredients in front of him.

But Tong Yu has "super touch" and can understand the basic information of the ingredients and even the processing techniques.

In addition, these ingredients are just common ingredients in this world, there is nothing special about them.

"Let's deal with this Shakulehanodon first. This guy's meat is excellent, but if he eats too much, he may gain weight~~"

"Ah, I'll eat less later."


City A, where Touyu, Tamokoe, and Sakaki Ryoko are located, is one of the most prosperous cities in the human world, and it is also where the igo headquarters is located.

Not only is Igo's headquarters building located in this place, but also famous food buildings such as the Food Tower are also in this city.

However, City A can only be regarded as one of the prosperous cities in the human world, because there are also other prosperous cities.

H city is one of them.

If we want to talk about the most prosperous and famous place in H City, of course it has to be a tourist destination and a healing country.

The country of healing is a tourist attraction and an excellent place for the recovery of injured 857 people.

This place is a country built around the "Healing Tree", the world's number one natural medicine tree. It gathers seriously injured and sick people from all over the world. It is an ideal place for everyone to seek natural medicine.

The hospitals here also use natural medicines for treatment, and are pure natural medical institutions.In other words, people in the gastronomic world have a great reverence for nature.

Healing Country, an open-air restaurant

"So... so spicy, so numb! But... but the more this happens, the more people can't stop. This spicy taste makes people want to stop!"

"Yes...yes, the 'Juicy Tofu Beef' is actually made spicy. I said, do you know the name of the dish?"

In front of the dining table, two diners were eating the food in front of them. Their faces and foreheads were so spicy that they were covered in sweat, but it was so spicy that they couldn't stop, as if it was magical.

Since it is an open-air restaurant, the kitchen is also made of open-air ropes.

Kuaga Teruki, who was in front of the cooking table, put down the pan in his hand, raised a finger and said: "The name of this dish is 'Kuga-ryu??騨?墢??Uen?Ti (right)???? ??????槧??????づ?Posthumous???

After Teruki Kuaga said that, he turned around and started cooking again.

A pungent and spicy aroma soon spread from the cooking station.



Chapter 359: Teruki Kuga and Souma Yukihira

Because there were some problems with the space tunnel, Kuga Teruki was sent to the healing country in H city.

Kuga Teruki was also surprised at first, being alone and separated from the others.

But Kuuga Teruki was not an ordinary person. Adhering to the principle of taking things as they come, he quickly calmed down.

Because I have read the comics, I have a certain understanding of the world of "Prisoners of Food". I know that if I have a skill, I will not starve to death, and my strength has reached the level of "Chef Lin".

Kuga Teruki also knew that he would not be able to join Tong Yu and others for a while, so he could only temporarily settle down in the country of healing, and then look for others when he had the chance.

Ever since, Kuaga Teruki became a chef at the open-air restaurant in the Land of Healing...

At first, the boss here didn't believe in Kuga Teruki's cooking skills, but he gained trust after a small demonstration of his skills.

No, in just one morning, the dishes Jiu Ga Tongji cooked have been well received, and the classic Sichuan dishes have made diners want to stop.

In the captive world of gourmet food, there are no countries such as China and Neon Kingdom. In other words, a large part of the food culture in the world of Shoji and the Chinese world does not exist.

There is no so-called "Sichuan cuisine" in this world. There are spicy dishes, but they are more Sichuan cuisine.

That’s why diners were so surprised when Kuga Teruki presented classic Sichuan dishes such as Mapo Tofu to everyone.

Not only is there no Sichuan cuisine culture, but the ingredients used by Kuga Teruki are also unique to the captive cuisine, such as the Mapo Tofu. The main ingredient tofu used is "juicy tofu beef", which is a pure natural green color. Tofu ingredients have the taste of both tofu and beef.

This ingredient is perfect for making Mapo Tofu, because Mapo Tofu originally uses tofu and beef, which not only reduces the cooking time, but also increases the original deliciousness of the dish.

For die-hard fans from another world, a variety of novel ingredients they have never seen before have increased their interest in cooking and inspired their passion for cooking. They use high-end ingredients in recipes they have made and created before. The deliciousness will definitely go up a notch, or even several notches.

Kuga Teruki successfully settled in the Country of Healing, and at the same time, he was also thinking about the other people in his heart.

"I don't know where Xiao Yukihei and the others are. This world is so interesting, so don't die...`"..."

--split line--

City A, a gourmet town.

This is a gourmet amusement park, also known as the "full city". It is the center of the human world and a holy place where many gourmet foods gather.

Located in the center of the food town, there is the famous building Gourmet Knife Tower, which is also where many diners go. At the top of the tower is the highest ten-star restaurant.

However, almost all high-end restaurants refuse first-time customers, saying that even IGO guests may not be able to dine at this place.

In addition to the ten-star restaurants on the gourmet knife tower, there is also a seemingly very civilian canteen in a relatively remote place in the gourmet town.

Festival is the canteen.

It seems out of place with the luxurious restaurant decorated with gourmet knife towers, but almost 99.9% of humans dare not look down on this store. The reason is not for him. The chef of this restaurant is Setsuno Granny.

Setsuna is one of the only four national treasures of food in mankind. It enjoys a high prestige in the field of food in the entire human world.

No matter who saw her, they would bend down and respectfully call out "Grandma Setsuno", but...there were only a few exceptions.

Yukihira Soma is one of these few people.

Although Tong Yu repeatedly emphasized that he should read every comic he released, which was equivalent to preparation before entering the world.

Indeed, Soma also watched it, but he skipped it all... The reason is that it would be meaningless to go there after knowing the plot.

So much so that when he went to the Setsuno cafeteria and saw Setsuno's mother-in-law, "one of the four national treasures of gourmet food", he didn't even recognize her.

"Hey, old lady, your cafeteria is very similar to 'Yukihira Restaurant'. The layout of the restaurant and the location of the cooking stations are almost the same." Soma said as he looked at the "unattended" Setsuno cafeteria.

Setsuno and her apprentice Bubu looked at Soma in front of them in a daze, wondering how he got in.

"Who are you and why are you in the cafeteria? Bubu, didn't you lock the door?" Setsuno asked the shy 20-year-old girl next to her.

Bubu, Setsuno's only direct disciple, is one of the best among the younger generation in terms of cooking ability and talent.

"I locked the door..."


Setsuno put his hands on his rickety back, came to Souma and asked: "々. You are here to eat, right? Do you have a reservation?"

"Reservation, hey, do you still need to make a reservation in the canteen? You can order directly in public restaurants." Chuangzhen said with a puzzled look.

"Large...popular restaurant?"

Bubu looked at Soma in front of him with sweat on his forehead.

With Setsuno's qualifications, it is not difficult to open a restaurant on the top floor of the gourmet knife tower. However, in order to allow more ordinary people to taste her cuisine, the canteen was deliberately opened in such a remote place.

In addition to the civilian decoration, the cuisine is not inferior to any star-rated restaurants.

Therefore, saying that Setsuno's cafeteria is a public cafeteria feels like knowingly saying so, which is a bit insulting to Setsuno.

But Setsuno saw doubts in Soma's eyes, and there was no hint of contempt.

Soon, Setsuno realized a possibility... Soma didn't know her identity and thought it was an ordinary roadside restaurant, so she said what she just said.

"Interesting kid."

Setsuno lived hundreds of years, and Soma, who was less than 18 years old, could not hide any secrets from her.


At this moment, Soma's stomach made such a sound.

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