In this world, there are many natural ingredients, but many of them have certain "defects". igo eliminates the disadvantages and optimizes them, making the ingredients more delicious.

This is also one of igo's main responsibilities.

"Is the food material improved? Maybe we can use this as a breakthrough."


Tong Yu looked at the news in front of her and an idea came to her mind.


Wine was also called Dukang, Huanbo, Cup of Things, Jinbo, etc. in ancient China.

In China, wine production has a long history.

The technology of using koji to make wine first emerged in China. The Chinese people used koji to make wine more than 3000 years earlier than the Europeans. This is related to the long history of agricultural civilization in China.

In the Spring and Autumn Period, people were good at making wine. After the wine was brewed, they poured it into large poppies, soaked the stems and leaves of nine kinds of flowers, and stored it for more than 10 years before drinking.

Real wine, clear and transparent, delicate green, fragrant when unsealed.

Wine culture has also become a major feature of China.

There are countless fine wines in the captive world of gourmet food, but most of them exist in nature, and there are very few wines that are truly artificially brewed.

Almost all food hunters cannot live without wine, and so do many cooks.

Wine and food go hand in hand and have become indispensable items on people's dining tables in the gourmet era.

"Then let's brew a wine that's unique in the world... In this way, it can be considered a contribution to the entire culinary world, right?"

Having made up his mind, Tong Yu put it into action and immediately went to the Gourmet Central Wholesale Market with Ryoko Sakaki to purchase the ingredients needed for brewing fine wine.

It just so happens that Sakaki Ryoko is also proficient in fermentation, and she once made wheat juice, wheat wine, etc. at Jokuseiryo.

It can be said that she has her own unique insights and experience in wine making.

Chapter 362: Wine

The traditional liquor brewing technology process generally includes the following processes.

There are 8 processes including crushing and grinding, batching, moisturizing and mixing, cooking and gelatinization, cold powdering, adding koji, adding water and accumulating, entering the tank for fermentation, and leaving the tank to steam the wine.

Crushing, in the tenth generation when science and technology was not developed, stone mills or donkey-pulled mills crushed sorghum into four or six petals into a plum blossom shape, and then used an electric mill to grind the sorghum into raw materials that passed a standard sieve.

The raw material for making liquor is not only sorghum, but also any whole grain.

Ingredients refer to the crushed raw noodles and steamed auxiliary ingredients (rice husks) according to a certain proportion, and manually stirred evenly.Generally, 25% of auxiliary materials are used in summer and 30% of auxiliary materials are used in winter. This is also Sakaki Ryoko's many years of experience.

Moisten and mix the ingredients. Add water to the prepared dough according to a certain proportion for moistening. The water temperature should be normal temperature and stir evenly.

Steam and gelatinize the noodles. Place the noodles in a steamer for steaming and gelatinization. Stir the noodles again before steaming and gelatinizing. Then use a wooden spade and spinach to put the noodles into the steamer one by one. Wait until they are steamed. Steam and gelatinize for about 1 hour, so that the noodles are cooked but not sticky, and there is no raw material inside. An experienced winemaker can twist it with his hands to feel the degree of cooking.

To cool down, use a wooden spade to shovel the steamed noodles out of the steamer, place them on a clean floor, spread them out thinly, mix well, and allow them to cool naturally.

Add koji and water to accumulate, add the koji powder to the chilled hawthorn in a certain proportion, add about 50% of water, the water is at room temperature, stir with a wooden spade to make it uniform.

For fermentation in the vat, the accumulated fermented grains are manually loaded into the vat using bamboo baskets, and a stone cover is placed on top for fermentation. The vat is usually buried underground, with the mouth of the vat flush with the ground. The fermentation cycle is generally 21 days.

Steam the wine out of the vat. The fermented grains fermented for 21 days are carried out in bamboo baskets to the side of the steamer for distillation. When loading the steamer, the operation should be carried out in accordance with the principles of "stable, accurate, fine, even, thin and flat". When loading the steamer, steam The operation should be carried out according to the principle of "two small ones and one big one". When the wine is flowing, the steam should be carried out according to the principle of "medium wine flowing, atmospheric tailing".


It took Ryoko Sakaki three days to tell Tong Yu in detail how to make basic grain wine.

Needless to say, Tong Yu's talent in this area needs no further explanation. You can remember it once you mention it.

Traditional wine making takes about 1 to 2 months, and this also refers to the production form using ancient methods.

In today's modern technological society, the time to make liquor has been shortened to one month. In this captive world of gourmet food, the time to make liquor is even shorter...

Different instruments, ingredients, etc. will affect the speed of production.

Tong Yu’s principle is that if you want to do something, you must do it the best, so preparation is essential.

The goal is also very clear. It is to make the best wine in the world, the best, unprecedented and unprecedented, just like the soup of the century cooked by Komatsu in the original work.

Tong Yu did not rush to make wine immediately, but made the preparations first.

As the deputy director, he used part of Igo's power to build a spacious brewery underground in the villa where he lived.

Equipment and facilities are all produced using igo's most advanced technology.

A total of two floors were built, each covering an area of ​​more than 800 square meters.

The two-story underground brewery has different uses.

I have to say that igo's work efficiency is very high. In less than half a month, the two-story underground brewery was built in the villa.

After the completion, Tong Yu took Ryoko Sakaki and Megumi Tadano inside to visit the completed underground winery and check whether the equipment and facilities could operate normally.

After spending half a day to make sure there was nothing abnormal, we started preparing for brewing.


At night, in the room on the second floor of the villa

There were only two people in the room, Tong Yu and Ryoko Sakaki.

After bathing, Ryoko Sakaki wore only pajamas and sat on the sofa.

Tong Yu sat aside and hugged Ryoko Sakaki's waist.

"Tong Yu-kun, the brewery is finally built, what type of wine do you plan to brew next?" Ryoko Sakaki asked.

There are many types of wine, which are classified according to traditional commercial habits, including white wine, rice wine, fruit wine, beer and medicinal wine.

According to domestic and foreign divisions, there are also cocktails, red wine, etc.

Different wines have different production methods and required ingredients, and their aroma, taste and other aspects will also be different.

After thinking for a while, Tong Yu said: "Well, I decided to start with liquor first. Baijiu is men's favorite..."

Liquor, simply put, is a high-concentration alcoholic beverage, mostly brewed from grains or potatoes... .

It has a different production process from fruit wine and rice wine. It is made by distillation, and its alcohol content is mostly around 50 to 60 degrees.

China, as a world-famous country with ancient wine culture, is unique in the history of wine making in the world.

As a descendant of the Huaxia Kingdom, Tong Yu decided to carry forward the legacy left by his ancestors in the world.

The Maotai-flavor liquor represented by Maotai, the light-flavor liquor represented by Fenjiu, the strong-flavor liquor represented by Wuliangye, etc. have formed a unique family of liquors with various flavors.

Liquor pays great attention to color, aroma and taste, that is, clear and transparent, mellow and attractive, and unique aroma.

"There are many kinds of liquor, sauce-flavored, light-flavored, strong-flavored, rice-flavored?"

"Haha, it's all fine, I haven't thought about it yet. I'm going to the market tomorrow to decide what ingredients there are, but before that I want to taste your glass of beauty wine. What do you think?"

Saying that, Tong Yu put both hands around Ryoko Sakaki's waist.

Ryoko Sakaki's face turned red, she lowered her head and said in a mosquito-like voice, "Yes."

The night is very quiet, the collision of body, mind and soul.


The next day, Liu Yu and Ryoko Sakaki departed from the villa where they were staying, took an exclusive private plane, and landed directly at the Food Central Wholesale Market.

After entering the market from the parking lot, I didn't take a few steps before I heard the high-pitched bidding sound of 0.8 cents in the market auction.

"I'll pay 200 million yen!"

"Wow, the gentleman on the 15th bid 200 million yen. Is there anything higher than this?"

"210 million!"

"I'll pay 230W yen!"

Hearing such fierce bidding, Tong Yu knew that there were good ingredients in Ping Auction House today.

"Ryoko, let's go take a look."

Tong Yu said, taking Ryoko Sakaki's hand and squeezing into the crowd.

Next to the owner of the auction house, I saw a huge plant with leaves, and red-brown fruits growing on the top of the plant.


Tong Yu was overjoyed. She was so lucky. When she came to the market, she found the ingredients she needed.

Chapter 363: Preparing ingredients

"This is 'glutinous rice sorghum'. It is an excellent ingredient for making wine. You are so lucky!"

At this time, the ingredient being bid at the auction house is glutinous rice sorghum.

[Glutinous rice sorghum], an ingredient with a capture level of 15. Sorghum is a herbaceous plant of the family Graminaceae. Its appearance is no different from ordinary sorghum. The main difference is the height of its growth.

Ordinary sorghum can reach a maximum height of 5 meters, but glutinous rice sorghum can grow to 10 meters. It is rumored that there are even thousands of meters in height in the food industry.

The outstanding fruit has a mixed aroma of glutinous rice and sorghum, hence the name.

It is a rare ingredient pursued by many breweries.

Although igo has successfully cultivated artificial glutinous rice sorghum in recent years, the taste is still much worse than natural ones.

Obviously, the stick of glutinous rice sorghum in front of you is a naturally grown ingredient, otherwise there wouldn’t be so many people fighting for it.

"It must be taken down."

Tong Yu picked up the number plate on the side and said loudly: "I'll pay, 500 million yen!"

Although the bidding was fierce, the price did not exceed 31 million yen. Then Tong Yu directly raised it to 300 million when he came.

During the auction, there are only two types of people who suddenly raise the price. One is a wealthy person, and the other is a person who really wants this ingredient.

Someone in the crowd quickly recognized Tong Yu's identity.

"It's Mr. Tong Yu, the deputy director of the igo Food Management Bureau. He directly bids 500 million yen. This means he is determined to get this ingredient."

"Well, it's not worth buying this ingredient at such a high price..."

There is another important reason. If you want to stay in this market for a long time, you still have to give Tong Yu, the deputy director, face. He has raised the price so much and you have to bid with him again. Isn't this a lack of face? ?

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