Tong Yu successfully took a picture of the [Glutinous Rice and Sorghum], and after paying with igo's unlimited credit card, she immediately went to other places to pick out ingredients.

Maybe my food luck was really good today. I came across a lot of good ingredients and bought them all smoothly.

3 hours later, the backyard of the villa

"Bliss rice, golden wheat, bone-wrapped corn, and other essential ingredients for making liquor. They are all top-quality ingredients. They should be able to brew a very good liquor."

Tong Yu looked at the ingredients he just bought from the Food Central Wholesale Market and was very satisfied. Now he had all the ingredients to make liquor.

"Tong Yu-kun, have you decided on the type of liquor you want to brew?" Ryoko Sakaki asked.

Tong Yu nodded and said, "Yes, there is a kind of liquor in my hometown called Wuliangye. As the name suggests, it is a liquor brewed from five kinds of grains. Sorghum, glutinous rice, rice, corn, and wheat. The five main ingredients are all available. Now only Just brew it directly if you need it.”

In Tong Yu's original world, Chinese liquor, represented by Wuliangye, has a brewing history of more than 4000 years and can be called one of the oldest and most mysterious food manufacturing industries in the world.

As a wine product, it is also one of the top ten spirits producing areas in the world. It is brewed with five kinds of grains: sorghum, rice, glutinous rice, wheat and corn, using ancient craft recipes. It is the first in the world to use five kinds of grains for brewing. The hard liquor brewed has a multi-grain solid state brewing history that has been passed down for more than a thousand years.

In the brewing process, we pay attention to the four secrets of "brewing", "selecting", "aging" and "adjusting".

Its ancient brewing cellars began in the first year of Hongwu in the Ming Dynasty, and live brewing continues to this day. It is a very important cultural heritage.

The specific brewing method of Wuniang Ye is a secret, and Tong Yu naturally does not know it, so the brewing process this time needs to be studied and pondered slowly.

Tong Yu is not in a hurry. He has time, equipment and many high-end ingredients. If it doesn't work the first time, he will try it a second time until he succeeds.

Just do it, Tong Yu immediately, together with Ryoko Sakaki and Megumi Tadori, slowly moved the ingredients to the underground wine shop and started making it.


Tong Yu began to work hard to make wine, and was bound to make the best wine in the world.

The few die-hard fans scattered in various places have undergone different changes in this month... In other words, they have begun to take root in this world with their own abilities.

City X, a famous local cooking competition.

"It's... so surprising. Subaru, the contestant who participated in the 'X City Elite Chef Competition' for the first time, actually made almost the same dishes as his opponents. From the outside, there is no difference between them!"

In the middle of the cooking area, a host holding a microphone looked at the dishes completed by the contestants on both sides and couldn't help but be surprised.

The dishes of Mimasaku Subaru and the other contestant were exactly the same, with almost no difference.

You must know that the finals are based on a live draw, and there is no chance to investigate the opponents. It is almost impossible to make the same dish.

Even the well-informed host on the side looked surprised after seeing the exact same dish in front of him. He couldn't believe that the scene in front of him was real.

Meisaku Subaru grinned at everyone present, showing his signature smile.

"Exactly the same? Don't laugh so hard. The taste of my food is countless times stronger than this guy's. You will understand after eating it!"

Afterwards, the three judges tasted the dishes of Mimasaku Subaru and another contestant.

After tasting it, everyone looked surprised and immediately announced that Subaru Mimasaku had won the competition.

In this way, Mimasaku Subaru won the famous competition in X city, and also won the first title in this world, "Copy Chef".

After learning about this title, Mei 860 Subaru was dismissive. In his eyes, this was not a copy at all.

J City, a two-star restaurant

" handsome~~Aldini doesn't have a girlfriend yet? Do you want to consider us two sisters~~~"

In the restaurant, Takmi, who was serving as a waiter in a black vest, delivered the prepared dishes to the two female customers.

Among the few die-hard fans, Takmi is the most popular with women. No matter where he goes...even in this world, his luck in love affairs is stronger than his luck in food.

Tuckermi has become accustomed to this.

"Guest, let's taste the food first."

After speaking, Takmi turned around and left coldly. The two female customers who were looking at him were both infatuated.

When I came to the kitchen, I saw that except for the chef, who was a middle-aged man, the rest were women in their 20s and 30s.

In fact, with Takomi's popularity, he could have taken up the position of chef in this restaurant, but he chose to start as a basic waiter just to gain experience in this world.

In short, Takmi had a good life in this restaurant, and occasionally worried about the safety of Tong Yu and others.

In addition, Kuaga Teruki in the healing country and Yukihira Soma in the Setsuno cafeteria also made great achievements.

Within a few months, their fame was bound to spread.



Chapter 364: Rain and cool dew

After 20 days.

Tong Yu got up very early today and took Ryoko Sakaki to the underground brewery.

Tong Yu seemed very excited because today was the time to witness the results.

Seeing that Tong Yu was as excited as a child, Ryoko Sakaki felt better.

"Tong Yujun, don't worry...hey, just wait for me to comb your hair."

"It's okay, your long hair is beautiful~~"

The two of them came to the underground wine shop together, and as soon as they entered, they smelled an alluring aroma of wine.

I have been here these days and am used to the smell.

Tong Yu came to the big distillation jar, raised her right hand, and removed all the mud sealing the mouth of the jar.


As the soil sealing the mouth of the altar is removed, a special aroma of wine can be smelled.

Then, Tong Yu opened the lid again.

Immediately, a mixed aroma like soybean soy sauce and high-temperature chenqu came to your nostrils.

Ryoko Sakaki covered her nose and said in surprise: "The fragrance is so strong! It is indeed a liquor made from rare ingredients. The fragrance of this liquor is already better than most liquors."

Tong Yu wiped the saliva from the corner of her mouth, picked up the wine spoon on the side and scooped up a full spoonful.

Put it next to your nose, take a deep breath, the aroma enters your mouth, and you feel like all the alcohol bugs in your body have been hooked out.

Tong Yu brought it to his mouth and took a small sip.

"This taste..."

Tong Yu's pupils were dilated, and her face was full of disbelief.

"This liquor is so pure and honest. There is no astringency in the mouth. It is refreshing in the throat and the various flavors are very harmonious! The aromas of the five kinds of grains are intertwined together like a harmonious tune, playing a touching harmony in the mouth. Music! It’s delicious, so delicious!”

Even Tong Yu, who has "super taste", was also conquered by the taste and aroma of this wine.

Tong Yu doesn't mean to brag at all. If it tastes good, it's good, if it tastes bad, it's bad.

I didn’t expect that my first brewing trip would be so successful.

Tong Yu immediately scooped up a second spoonful and tasted it. This time, his super-taste ability expanded to its maximum.

After drinking this time, his brows furrowed slightly.

Seeing this, Ryoko Sakaki couldn't help but ask: "What's wrong, Tong Yu-kun, is there something wrong with the taste?" "

"Well, there is an extra odor. If you don't taste it carefully, you can't taste it. But if you are an industry professional, you can easily taste it. It should be that the proportion of ingredients is wrong and needs to be improved." Tong Yu said.

"Then let's try changing the proportion this time. You tell me first what the odor is..."

"The ingredient 'glutinous rice and sorghum' is too much, which masks the aroma of other ingredients. In addition, the proportion of alcohol should be a little more, and the pure and sweet taste is not enough. At the same time, when distilling, the time should be a little longer..."

Tong Yu used his super sense of taste to find out all the shortcomings of the Wuliangye brewed for the first time.

Ryoko Sakaki picked up the pen and notebook she had prepared in advance and wrote everything down.

Because it is still in the trial production stage, it is normal to have such shortcomings, but Tong Yu is already very satisfied with having such a taste for the first time.

In the original world, Tong Yu was also lucky enough to drink Wuliangye produced in China, but the taste was completely different compared to this one.

Apart from anything else, the ingredients used alone are not of the same level.

Secondly, the brewing technique is also different...the brewing technique may not have to be the ancient Chinese secret method, but with the improvements of Sakaki Ryoko and Tong Yu, it is not much different.

Moreover, Tong Yu has super five senses and can quickly find out the shortcomings in the cooking. If he continues to improve, he will definitely be able to make top-notch Wuliangye.

Adhering to the principle of not wasting, the first jar of Wuliangye in this trial was not wasted. Tong Yu kept some for himself and then distributed it to several of his subordinates.

By the way, in addition to Tong Yu, Ryoko Sakaki, and Megumi Tadokoro, there are four subordinates in the villa.

Two of them are bodyguards responsible for the security of the villa. They were quite capable food hunters before joining igo.

The other two are Tong Yu's personal guards and can also be understood as male secretaries.

Naturally, Tong Yu would not treat these four people badly and distributed the wine to them, but he did not forget to remind them that drinking would cause trouble, so just drink less.

But faced with such fine wine, the four of them simply couldn't resist the delicious taste.

That night, the four of them got Lin Ting drunk.

Fortunately, I can't get drunk after drinking this Wuliangye, so I just need to take a nap.


After more than 20 days of this, Tong Yu’s second trial of Wuliangye came out of the cellar again.

This time the aroma is stronger and the taste in all aspects is close to perfect. It can instantly beat most of the liquors on the market. Even the liquor brewed by igo is the younger brother in front of the Wuniang Ye brewed by Tong Yu.

But Tong Yu was still dissatisfied, and there were still flaws after tasting it with super taste.

Keep improving.

In the third brewing, Liu Yu added a sixth ingredient, which is also a type of grain.

Wuliangye contains five indispensable ingredients: sorghum, rice, corn, glutinous rice, and wheat, plus the high-end ingredient "carnelian soybeans" that is only available in this world.

Continuous improvement and bold innovation.

Continuously improve with the super five senses.

After three full months, Tong Yu finally made a satisfactory liquor.

Since there are no longer five kinds of grains, Wuliangye cannot be called... it should be called Liuliangye.

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