Six flavors and aromas in your mouth, perfectly combined.


A few days later, in the backyard of the villa.

Dozens of delicacies were placed on the rectangular Western-style dining table, and the wine glasses were filled with fragrant white wine.

"々. This is the liquor you brewed? It smells very good. Have you been making this for the past few months!"

Johannes picked up the wine glass and looked at the white wine in the glass, smelling the aroma of the wine and said: "It's not an ordinary product, let me try it first."

As the director of igo Food Management Bureau, Johannes is also a wine lover and will never refuse good wine.

Tong Yu looked at Johannes who raised his wine glass, with a full smile on his lips.


After taking the first sip, Johannes had a look of shock on his face!

Yes, shock!

"It's not a strong drink, but it has a strong and honest taste! The fragrance of the wine fills your mouth, and it's so smooth when it passes through your throat... After drinking it, the fragrance still lingers for a long time. I can't help but close my eyes and take a closer look. Aftertaste.”

Johannes took a sip and was attracted by the delicious taste of the white wine.

This is the first time, this is the first time I have tasted such a fascinating liquor.

After a long time, Johannes opened his eyes, looked at Tong Yu and asked, "Does this wine have a name?"

"You can call it Yulianglu..."

This was not the name at first, because there was an additional ingredient on top of Wuliangye, so it was called Liuliangye. However, the name sounded strange, and the name came about later.

Yu represents Tong Yu’s name.

Liang represents the name of Liangzi Sakaki, and also sounds homophonic to "grain".

Finally, it was decided that the thing should be named after "Yu Liang Lu".

Johannes drank about half a kilogram of white wine left in the glass in one gulp and said, "Yulianglu... I haven't tasted such a beautiful wine for a long time. You can directly apply for a patent for a wine of this quality."

"Well, I think so too. I will launch this series of liquor for the time being. I will also make different liquors in the future, and the taste will only be better than this!"

"I didn't expect you to be so talented in winemaking. You must inform me as soon as possible when you have good wine. By the way, I have other things to come to you for today..."

Johannes then stated the purpose of his visit.



Chapter 365: The plot begins

Johannes came here to see Tong Yu today, as long as the purpose was not to drink, but for other important matters.

"Look at this."

As he spoke, Johannes handed a letter to the man next to him.

The man in a suit and sunglasses came to Tong Yu with an envelope and presented it with both hands.

Tong Yu took the envelope and realized that it was a letter of entrustment.

A letter of entrustment generally refers to something (a task) that a diner entrusts a food hunter or a team (IGO, etc.) to do for help.

After the task is completed, you can get the reward agreed upon in advance.

After Tong Yu opened the commission letter, she discovered that it was an ingredient commission from the igo five-star hotel.

"What, let's prepare the Galacrocodile? Hey, what is going on in this Igo Hotel? Is it going to host the head of a certain country again?" Tong Yu couldn't help but be surprised after reading this commissioned task.

The reason for surprise was not the search for Gala crocodile, but this matter.

In the original work, the first thing at the beginning of the plot is to find the Galacrocodile.

Igo wants to receive heads of state, and the dining venue is set at Igo's five-star gourmet hotel, and Komatsu, the chef of the gourmet hotel, becomes the main person in charge of this matter.

Because we were entertaining heads of state, the food must be well presented, so we asked for a main dish to be made with Gala crocodile as the main ingredient.

860 Xiaosong, who received this task, also had a headache. After some decision-making, he entrusted the task of capturing Gala Crocodile to Alu, one of the Four Food Kings.

The plot of the story also unfolds from this.

In other words, now that the plot has begun, something unexpected seems to have happened...

Because according to the development of the original work, the task of capturing the Galara Crocodile was completed by Alu and Xiaosong. How come it is in their hands now?

Tong Yu thought for a while and finally came up with the possibility that the character Zhu affected the plot of this story.

Character beads, choice of identity, and forced intervention of characters will more or less have a certain impact on the plot.

"I understand that the Food Hotel has given us a difficult task, right? Gallagher, for many food hunters, that thing is not easy to catch." Tong Yu said with a smile.

Johannes stroked the sunglasses on the bridge of his nose, looked at Tong Yu and said, "It is true that ordinary food hunters cannot even enter the Baron Islands, but this should not be a problem for you."

The Baron Islands are islands located in the South China Sea. The island is surrounded by a rocky reef called the "Baron Shield". In the southernmost forest area, it was ruled by a Keira crocodile that was over 300 years old decades ago. And hunting in large quantities harms the ecology of the island.

There are hundreds of thousands of beasts on this island, making it one of the most dangerous places in the human world.

"It's really not that difficult...forget it, I just need to collect the next batch of ingredients for brewing. I've been staying here for the past few months, so it's time to go out and get some fresh air."

"Okay, then please."

The matter was settled in this way, and the next day, Tong Yu took Ryoko Sakaki and Megumi Tadori to the Baron Islands.

This is the first time for the three of them to explore a dangerous place in this world, and the two women in particular are quite nervous.

City A, a certain port

"I'm sorry to bother you, Shi Meng, to give us a ride."

At the port, Tong Yu smiled and said to Shi Meng who was preparing on the ship: "Don't worry, I will give you a decent reward. You just need to send us to the shore of the Baron Islands."

"There is no need for remuneration. It is an honor for us food merchants to work for the Director-General. We just need the prices of food ingredients to stabilize in the future and not to increase prices at every turn. This gives me a headache... The one at my home Bit, I lost my temper recently because of the rising price of food ingredients."

Shi Meng said with a headache in the end. The prices of food ingredients were unstable, and those food merchants like them were the ones most affected.

In response to this, Tong Yu laughed a few more times and said, "I can't completely control the price of the ingredients. I can only do my best."

While saying this, Tong Yu took Ryoko Sakaki's hand and boarded Jumeng's boat together.

Shi Meng's ship is a small ocean-going ship used by food merchants. It has the equipment and facilities that an ocean-going ship should have, but it is only about 12 meters in length.

However, this is enough for most food merchants.

Tomon saw two frail girls, Ryoko Sakaki and Megumi Tadori, boarding the ship together, and couldn't help but said, "Mr. Director, are these two going to the Baron Islands together too?"

"Yes, they are my assistants."

"Assistant? Well, the Baron Islands are not a good place. Little girl, you have to be careful."

"thanks for reminding."

Ryoko Sakaki and Megumi Tadokoro were also quite nervous about this adventure. After all, it was their first time.

But thinking about having Tong Yu by his side, most of the tension was eliminated.

"Uncle Shimeng, don't worry too much about us~~~This is for you, you will definitely like it."

As Dou Yu's main palace, Sakaki Ryoko showed the expected momentum and behavior, and delivered a 500ml bottle of Yu Lianglu that she carried with her in front of Ju Yume.

"Hey, is this wine?"

"Yes, it's the liquor we brewed by ourselves. You can't buy it on the market now. You can try it."


It can be seen that Shi Meng is also a drinker. He opened the bottle cap and was immediately startled: "It smells so good!"


After taking a big sip, Shi Meng wiped the corner of his mouth and praised: "Good wine, so delicious! This... this is more than ten times better than whiskey or something. This... where can I buy this wine?"

Tong Yu smiled and said: "This is the cool dew I spent several months brewing. It is not available on the market right now. If you like it, I will give you a few bottles after the work here is completed."

"Brewed wine by yourself? That's amazing. The Director has such skills. Send me a few more bottles later. You will definitely need a lot of ingredients to make wine. I can deliver it to you for free."

Shi Meng is also a straightforward person and does not mince words when speaking.

"Okay, I may really need your help then. Pay attention to some ingredients."

"No problem, then please sit tight, the ship will leave soon."


There was a roar of a motorboat, and the ship moved forward quickly at a speed exceeding that of a speedboat.

If Tong Yu hadn't hugged the two girls in advance, they would have been thrown away by the huge inertia.

According to Shi Meng, even at this speed, it would take half a day to resist the Baron Islands.

This half day is just for sightseeing at sea and having lunch by the way.

After enjoying lunch, we have almost reached the area where the Baron Islands are located.

"We can already see the Baron Islands. We can dock in about 20 minutes." Shi Meng in the cockpit shouted to Tong Yu and others on the deck.

However, at this moment, a huge marine creature suddenly emerged from the sea on the right side of the ship.

I saw that the guy had blue skin and had a vicious appearance like a shark, but the part below the evil head was actually a crab.

Chapter 366: Baron Islands


A beast with a shark's head and a crab's lower body emerged from the sea and stared at Tong Yu and the others on the boat.

This beast looks nondescript, but to ordinary people, it is already a very dangerous creature.

Sharks and crabs, capture level 3, phylum Vertebrates, class Chondrichma, class Elasmobranchia.It has the ferocity and aggression of a shark, its mouth is full of sharp teeth that can tear prey into pieces, and its crab-like shell is so hard that ordinary shotguns cannot damage it.

However, its meat is rare and delicious, and its teeth and shell can make good tableware.


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