Continuing forward, we encountered a lot of beasts along the way, but they were all beasts with capture level 2 or below. We never encountered high-level beasts (capture level 3 or above).

After walking for most of the day, the two women also felt a little tired.

Seeing that it was getting late, Tong Yu camped in an open space.

Raise a fire and roast the snake frog you just caught on the rack.

Ryoko Sakaki and Megumi Tadano also helped with other ingredients, and the three of them started preparing dinner... .

Tong Yu was looking forward to the snake frog meat. He grilled it on the rack and sprinkled the spices he brought with him on the meat.

The aroma of spices and roasted snake frogs quickly mixed together, and this unique aroma made Tong Yu swallow her saliva.

"Hehe, so you can't judge the delicacy of the ingredients by the capture level. Even if the fragrance is a beast with a capture level of 10, it may not be comparable to it."

However, as the smell of food spreads, more and more beasts came smelling the fragrance.

Baron one-eyed lion, centipede, camel, strange bear, tiger parrot, etc.

Dozens of ferocious beasts were surrounding them, but these guys did not dare to approach Tong Yu and the others easily. They could only watch from a distance with saliva.

Ryoko Sakaki walked out of the camping tent and looked at the beasts gathered around her. She was not afraid, but felt a little strange.

"The genius has just darkened, are there so many beasts around?" Ryoko Sakaki asked as he looked at the beasts gathered around him.

The capture levels of these beasts are insignificant, and their aggressiveness is not very high.

Tong Yu glanced at the beasts around him, ignored them, picked up the roasted snake and frog meat and ate it.

"I'm hungry. I'm already as skinny as a stick. I want to ask for some scraps. This island should be rich in prey, but it has become short of food. This is all related to the Gala crocodile." Tong Yu said.

0.8 Ryoko Sakaki also nodded and said: "Yes, I think Director John asked you to personally deal with the Galara crocodile in the Baron Islands this time to maintain the ecological balance here."

"Well, it is indeed like this. It is indeed a bit embarrassing to deal with Galacrocodile as the deputy director. Well, it is pretty much what I expected. The smell of barbecue is indeed the most deadly..."

As soon as Tong Yu finished speaking, the beasts that had gathered around suddenly ran away like crazy, as if they smelled some danger.

One reason for roasting the snake frog was that Tong Yu wanted to taste the roasted snake frog, and the other reason was to attract the crocodile.

Gallagher has a voracious appetite and a strong sense of smell, and can smell the scent of food even from several kilometers away.

Yes, this snake frog can be said to be bait.

Chapter 368: Easily captured

The snake frogs that Tong Yu was roasting in his hands were one to satisfy his craving, and the other to lure the crocodile to come to his door.

In addition to its huge size and amazing bite power, the Gallagher has a strong appetite and is very greedy.

As long as you use some tricks, this guy will definitely take the bait!

"Galla crocodile is originally an omnivorous guy. If the igo data is correct, there is no doubt that the current situation of the entire Baron Islands is caused by this guy... If it continues to wreak havoc, the 20 species of creatures on this island will Facing the disaster of extinction." Tong Yu analyzed.

Ryoko Sakaki also nodded and said: "So, this is the real purpose of Director John asking Tong Yujun to come here."

"Yes, okay, you and Tiansuo go to a safe area, that guy is here."

After Tong Yu finished speaking, he stood up and looked directly at the forest in the distance.

Now, it is already evening, and the environment will become more severe throughout the Baron Islands.

However, this is an excellent hunting opportunity for the Gallagher.

In the dark night, a pair of eyes about the size of a lantern were staring into the night.



Boom boom boom!

A deafening and huge sound was heard in the distance, and a terrifying aura spread all around.

The beasts that originally surrounded Tong Yu and the other three people, ready to share the scraps, had already fled.

The loud sound gradually approached, and the trees in the distance were already swaying.

Soon, a huge Gala crocodile appeared, staring at Tong Yu with a pair of lantern-sized eyes.

The appearance of the Galacrocodile is no different from that of an ordinary crocodile, but its size is unknown how many times larger.

Tazoe and Ryoko Sakaki, who were hiding in the distance, were also startled when they saw the Galacrocodile in front of them.

"This... this is not a crocodile at all. Even the Tyrannosaurus rex cannot be as big as this!"

"It' scary. Do you want to capture this beast?"

While surprised, the two women couldn't help but worry about Tong Yu.

The system had said before that Tong Yu was strong enough to deal with beasts with a capture level of around 150, but the Galaracrocodile in front of him could only survive with a capture level of 10.

With such a huge disparity in strength, it is no exaggeration to say... Tong Yu can kick the Galacrocodile's head off without using her hands, even with her feet.

Gala crocodile came smelling the aroma of roasted snake frogs, but Tong Yu ate the remaining snake frog meat in front of it.

Galacrocodile looked at the ant-like human in front of him and roared like a wild beast.

"Hey, little crocodile, don't be anxious. It's a long night with no intention of sleeping, so don't be so anxious... Although I really want to taste your meat now, there is an old saying in China that you can't eat hot tofu in a hurry..."

At this time, this Gala crocodile was a delicacy in Tong Yu's eyes.

Crocodile meat is already a rare delicacy in the world of eating halberds, and the same is true in this world.

The delicious food was right in front of her, and Tong Yu's gourmet cells became excited.

"Okay, I'll just play with you for a little while, just think of it as exercise before meals..."

As he spoke, Tong Yu raised his right hand, and one-meter-long black chopsticks appeared.

At this time, Galacrocodile roared again, raised its front paws and smacked Tong Yu.

"Hmph, it's too much."

Tong Yu snorted coldly, raised her right hand, and the black chopsticks flew up quickly.


The black chopsticks, like sharp kitchen knives, pierced the entire huge front claw of the Galacrocodile.

Like nails, the black chopsticks firmly fixed the Gallagher's front paws to the ground.

The Galacrocodile made a painful sound, but Tong Yu's attack did not stop. He had already raised his left hand, and another chopstick penetrated the other front paw and fixed it on the ground.

The front paws are fixed, and even if the crocodile is very strong, it cannot break free. Only if it ignores the pain and lets go of the two front paws can it have a chance to break free.

In the Baron Islands, Galara Crocodile is the king here. It is used to "acting for tigers" on weekdays, but today it is ravaged by such a human. It is naturally extremely unwilling.

In fact, with the Gara Crocodile's IQ, when the battle progressed to this point, it also understood that the human in front of it was by no means an enemy it could defeat.

If it had turned into another beast, it would have fled in panic.

However, this huge Galacrocodile did not, because it only had a trace of the dignity of being a king in its heart.

In response, Tong Yu also nodded and said: "Very good, you still have a little bit of dignity. Your hard scales, strong teeth, and sharp claws. I'm afraid you have a bite force of 3 tons underground, which is also consistent." The king of the Balon Islands looks like that... Then, in order to respect you, let me give you a happy one!"

After saying these words, the two black chopsticks that fixed the front claws of the Gallagher were retracted.

The two chopsticks merge into one, forming a giant chopstick that is five meters long and half a meter in diameter.

No... it's not accurate to say chopsticks at this moment, it's like a black pillar!

"Chopstick Cannon!"

Tong Yu shouted loudly and blasted out a huge amount of energy from the chopstick's diameter, piercing through the Galacrocodile's neck.

With this move, Galaracrocodile's head moved away, and its huge body fell to the ground.

"thanks for treatment."

Tong Yu clasped her hands together, imitating the 863 look of the original Aru, and thanked the ingredients.

Galacrocodile was killed, and Ryoko Sakaki and Megumi Tadokoro also walked out.

Looking at the carcass of the crocodile that was as big as a small mountain, Ryoko Sakaki said: "Tong Yu-kun, how are we going to get the crocodile back when it's so big? It can't be moved."

Regarding this point, Tong Yu had already thought about it and could only call Johannes and ask him to send someone to transport it.

But before that, Tong Yu was also ready to taste the deliciousness of the Gala crocodile meat.

So, together with the two women, he lit a fire on the spot, cut off a large piece of Gala crocodile meat, and started grilling it.

The aroma is countless times better than that of the snake and frog just now. From this aroma alone, you can tell that this crocodile meat is definitely not ordinary.

After roasting, the three of them took one bite and were shocked by the delicious taste.

"This...such beautiful meat, the fat of the pork belly is shining! If Yu Mei sees this kind of excellent meat, she will be excited again!"

"Yes...yes, it's like gem-like meat."

"Okay, let's taste it quickly."

Tong Yu couldn't wait to put a piece of meat into his mouth. After eating it, he couldn't help but exclaimed: "This... this is so delicious. The texture of the meat is much better than other meats!"

"Well, it's really...really!"



Chapter 369: A short rest

Tong Yu, Ryoko Sakaki, and Megumi Tadokoro all exclaimed how delicious the grilled crocodile meat was after tasting it.

"It's so... delicious, and tastes better than A5 beef!"

"Yes...yes, and if you don't eat it carefully, you won't be able to tell that it tastes like meat."

Tong Yu cut off another piece of fragrant crocodile barbecue and put it into his mouth. He took another sip of the cool rain and dew and said he was satisfied.

In this world, you should eat meat and drink alcohol. This is life. This is life.

"It's so delicious. Let's bake more and eat it, Ryoko, Xiaohui!"

"Okay! I haven't eaten enough either."

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