"Okay… okay."

The three of them ate the crocodile's barbecue without knowing how full they were.

Strange to say.

Tong Yu has a gourmet cell demon in her body, and she also understands the meaning of food. She has a large appetite and can eat a lot of things, which is okay.

But Ryoko Sakaki and Megumi Tadori also ate a lot, which was strange.

Logically speaking, the five or six kilograms of crocodile meat that the two women could eat was already the limit, but after so long, the two women had eaten far more than that.

Could it be that because of the special texture of the crocodile's meat, it is absorbed by the body and turned into nutrients within a short time of eating?

This possibility cannot be ruled out.

However, Tong Yu always felt that there were other reasons.

After tasting for a full 2 ​​hours, the three of them stopped.

However, the amount that Tong Yu and the others ate was less than one-tenth of the entire Gala crocodile meat.

There is no need to worry that the Galara crocodile's meat will be eaten by other beasts. The dead Galara crocodile still exudes a terrifying aura, and other beasts dare not approach it.

In this way, the three of them rested in two camping tents for a night respectively, and returned to city A on the plane sent by Johannes the next day.

Tong Yu only took a few dozen kilograms of crocodile meat and left it to taste slowly, leaving the rest to Johannes to handle.

After taking a bath, Tong Yu lay on the sofa and rested.

Ryoko Sakaki, who had also just taken a bath, very virtuously served Tong Yu a cup of hot tea.

"Tea? Hey, Ryoko, can you have some white wine? It's going to be very uncomfortable if you don't drink for a day now." "

Tong Yu said this, but still took the hot tea brought by Liangzi and drank most of it.

Ryoko Sakaki smiled softly: "You drank a lot yesterday, so don't drink for now. Drinking too much alcohol can be harmful to your health."

Although Tong Yu wanted to tell Ryoko Sakaki that there was such a thing as a gourmet cell demon in his body, it would be okay no matter how much he drank, and the more he tasted delicious wine, the more excited the gourmet cell demon became and his strength improved faster.

Of course, not everyone’s gastronomic demon loves wine.

The gourmet cell demons that live in some people's bodies hate alcohol. Drinking it will not improve the body, but will damage the body.

But some people are "devils" who are born to love drinking, and they can't be happy without alcohol, and they even need fine wine to exert their full strength.

Ryoko Sakaki also brought a cup of hot water, sat next to Tong Yu and asked, "Tong Yu-kun, what are your plans next? Have you thought about what ingredients you are looking for?"

Hearing this, a smile appeared on Tong Yu's face, and Sakaki Ryoko knew that he had an idea in mind.

"Does this need to be said? Of course, we must continue to look for the perfect ingredients for wine making. Rainbow fruits are the ingredients that must be obtained. And according to the development of the comic story, the maturity date of rainbow fruits will be in these days..."

"In order to prevent the Rainbow Fruit mission from being taken over by Alu, it's better to tell Director Johannes in advance."

"No need, I've been paying attention to the tasks commissioned by the Food Bureau recently. Once there is the latest news about the rainbow fruit, I will know it as soon as possible."

Rainbow fruit, known as the "Fantasy Fruit", is said to change its flavor into a seven-color dreamy fruit depending on the temperature and humidity. A drop of juice can turn the water in a 25-meter swimming pool into thick and mellow juice. The price of one fruit can make People have more wealth than they can use up in a lifetime.

There is no doubt that rainbow fruit is one of the rare high-end ingredients in the human world, and it is also the best ingredient for Tong Yu to make fruit wine.

Fruit wine, whether in the world of Shoji, Tong Yu's original world, or the captive world of gourmet food, is one of the favorite drinks for those who love drinking but are not strong enough to drink.

Common ones include plum wine, strawberry wine, peach wine, loquat wine, bayberry wine, mulberry wine, etc.

The principle of making fruit wine is to use the sugar of the fruit itself to be fermented by yeast into alcoholic wine, which contains the flavor and alcohol of the fruit, also called fruit wine.

Folk families often brew some fruit wine for drinking.Because there will be some wild yeast on the skin of these fruits, plus some sucrose, there is no need to add additional yeast to achieve some fermentation.

There is no doubt that the raw material of fruit wine is fruit.

The better the quality of the fruit, the better the taste of the brewed fruit wine.

Back then, Sakaki Ryoko brewed wheat wine and orange wine in Jokuseiryo, which were deeply loved by everyone.

dividing line of time

A few days later, Tong Yu brought Ryoko Sakaki to the Central Food Wholesale Market.

Along the way, many food merchants took the initiative to say hello to Tong Yu.

"々. Good morning, Lord Tong Yu, I heard that you killed the crocodile. Is this true? Can you sell me some crocodile meat? I really want to buy it!"

"Sir Director, let's take a look at the new ingredients I purchased today, and let me calculate the lowest price in the market for you. How about that?"

Faced with everyone's warm greetings, Tong Yu responded politely.

After walking around the food market, Tong Yu met Shi Meng.

"Mr. Director, you and your wife are here today. What ingredients do you want to buy?"

"No, I just came here today for a bit of shopping. I haven't had any ingredients I want to buy recently."

"That's it, what you promised me last time...Yu"

"Don't worry, I haven't forgotten. Someone has already sent it to your home."

"Hahaha, thank you so much."

After chatting with Shi Meng for a few words, Tong Yu continued to walk forward.

"Alu, are you here too today?"

After walking a few steps, I saw Aru carrying a carat dragon and communicating with the ingredients merchant.

Aru is also a frequent visitor here. As one of the Four Heavenly Kings, his reputation is not small in the entire human world.

Chapter 370: Doro King Kong

Tong Yu held Sakaki Ryoko's hand and strolled through the Food Central Wholesale Market.

Along the way, many food merchants took the initiative to say hello, and Tong Yu responded politely.

Soon, Tong Yu met Alu, one of the Four Heavenly Kings.

But he saw Alu selling a "Kladilong" to an ingredient merchant.

Alu is not only named in the Central Wholesale Market, but also in the entire human world.

After all, the Four Heavenly Kings have been famous for many years. Among the younger generation, those who stand at the top of food hunters are the "Four Heavenly Kings of Food".

Tong Yu didn't go to say hello to Alu, there was no need.

Alu also saw Tong Yu but did not come forward.

The two of them just looked at each other and turned to leave.

After returning to the villa, the director of igo Food Management Bureau, Tong Yu's subordinate, had been waiting in the living room for a long time.

"Chang Xin, why are you here today?"

Nakata Naganobu, the director of igo Food Management Bureau, is also one of Tong Yu’s most loyal subordinates.

"Master Tong Yu, Director Johannes has a new task for you." "Is it the rainbow fruit?" "Yes, the rainbow fruit is ripe." In the living room, two personal guards responsible for the security of the villa were listening. When the rainbow fruit matured, I became surprised.

"Wha...what, a rainbow fruit?" "It's...a dreamy fruit that is said to change its taste to seven colors with the temperature of 867?" "I heard that the concentration of its juice is so strong that it can swim at 25 meters. In the water, all it takes is one drop of rainbow fruit, and all the water in the swimming pool will turn into thick and mellow juice. I heard that as long as you trade one rainbow fruit, you can be idle for the rest of your life without having to work. There are also rumors that it has become extinct in nature. Right." Nakata Naganobu shook his head and said: "Rainbow fruits exist in nature, but only very few. The lies spread by some gourmet investors in order to raise the price of rainbow fruits have already begun to bear fruit in IGO's courtyard. Of course, the fruit cannot be said to be purely natural." Tong Yu's two personal guards also immediately understood that this was an improved variety of igo.

"Improved varieties? The taste will be much worse than that of nature." "Of course, artificial methods cannot achieve 100% delicious taste of ingredients grown in nature, but this is the only way to use rare ingredients..." "I know, So where are the Rainbow Fruits now?" Nakata Naganobu explained in detail, "Good ingredients must be cultivated in a corresponding environment, and the cultivation place of Rainbow Fruits is the territory of 'Dora King Kong'. In order to deal with Doro King Kong, A few days ago, we dispatched a gourmet tank worth 2 million yen, but it was easily overturned by him. The tank weighed 40 tons!" Dora King Kong, a beast that captures level 9, mainly Living in the garden of IGO, it is over 4.5m tall and weighs 2T.

Although the whole body of muscles of this gregarious beast cannot be eaten, some enthusiasts regard it as a treasure due to the unique delicacy of its brains.

In addition to their innate wrist strength, they also retain the unique high intelligence of apes. Therefore, in addition to simple physical strikes, they often use traps or props to carry out cunning attacks in battle.Moreover, the social hierarchy is clearly established in the group, and all members must obey the orders of the leader, but do not exclude respecting very individual individuals. In all aspects, it is very similar to human society.

"Dora Kongang is a gregarious beast with a capture level of 9. It will be difficult to deal with it," Ryoko Sakaki said.

"Madam is right, the capture level announced by the administration is 9, and its strength is still higher than that of Gallagher." Nakata Naganobu said.

Tong Yu smiled and said: "It's just a level 9 beast. It's very easy to kill. But it's quite difficult to capture the rainbow fruit without killing it. However, the deliciousness of this rainbow fruit , I have to try it no matter what. I will take over this mission. You can go back and tell Director Ness and wait to harvest the rainbow fruit."


"Let's leave tomorrow, Ryoko."


When Nakata Naganobu heard that Ryouko Sakaki was also going, he couldn't help but look at Tong Yu and reminded him: "Master Tong Yu, there is not just one Doraka in the courtyard, but hundreds of them. If Madam wants to go together, she may encounter to danger.”

"Ha, you don't need to worry about this. I know that Dora King Kong is a social creature."

"Yes, then I wish you good food luck and come over soon."


On the second day, Tong Yu took Ryoko Sakaki and Megumi Tadori and set off to Igo's courtyard.

Ig Development Bureau, No. 8 Food Research Institute, Building C, 9F, second reference room of the building.

If you want to enter the courtyard, you must pass through the Institute. In other words, you cannot enter the courtyard without Igo's permission.

There are countless specimens of beasts in this research institute, among which is the beast Tong Yu needs to deal with this time, Dora King Kong.

This specimen of Dora Vajra has reached a height of 6 meters. The two arms in front are standing on the ground, and the two arms behind are raised high. It looks extremely terrifying.

The jet-black hair all over the body, the mouth full of sharp teeth, and the ferocious face give many food hunters a headache.

The two guards standing guard here also had sweat on their foreheads when they saw the specimen of Dorothea.

"No matter how you look at it, it's very compelling, isn't it?"

"Yes, there is a monster like this walking around in the courtyard. It is said that it is a specimen made from a corpse that was accidentally found a long time ago. Even though I know it is dead, I still get goosebumps!"

"Dora King Kong is really not something that ordinary people can deal with."

"I don't know if the deputy director of the Food Bureau can deal with it this time. Even if I have missiles, I don't want to fight it."

"Stop talking, I don't want to fight even if I have a missile, and a tank worth 2 million yen has already been crushed."

At this time, Tong Yu had already taken the two girls in a special car provided by the Food Research Institute, driving on the road to the courtyard.

The person in charge of the transfer was the director of the Food Research Institute. At this moment, he was acting as the driver, sending Tong Yu and the other three people to the courtyard.

A lot of delicious food was prepared on the luxury limousine.

Tong Yu was not polite, picked up a large bowl of golden salmon roe and started eating.

"Well, it tastes very good, the Q-bomb is full, and the two delicious attacks are really irresistible." Tong Yu ate while paying no attention to the female reporter wearing a pink OL professional uniform.

Food reporter Tina has been engaged in food live broadcasts for several years. She specializes in reporting news and food to gain popularity, thereby gaining popularity and rewards.

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