Since Tong Yu had already noticed it, he held his chopsticks in front of him and cut off the venomous snake that was coming towards him.

"It's... it's a poisonous snake!"

"And it's a 'zombie viper', an extremely poisonous snake..."

[Zombie venomous snake] is a venomous snake that likes to live in rocks or mountainous forest areas.Although the capture level is only 1, once bitten by it, the venom can poison the prey with capture level 10 once it enters the blood. The meat is inedible. Legend has it that once the prey is bitten, Lei Wu will not let go until he breathes. As long as he is bitten by it, Being bitten is a very painful thing.

"They are indeed troublesome. Fortunately, I knew of their existence in advance. Forget it, let's go over there first."

Tong Yu lowered the suspension bridge, and under the watchful eyes of two guards, female reporter Tina, and the director of the Institute of Nothingness, Tong Yu walked across the suspension bridge and began to officially enter the courtyard area, which is the territory of Dorokjong.

However, when Tong Yu and the others crossed the suspension bridge, they were already under surveillance by the super-intelligent Dora King Kong, and two incoming "scouts" had already targeted the three of them.

Walking off the suspension bridge, Ryoko Sakaki discovered the natural ingredient grown in the garden, which is also a very popular ingredient [bacon leaves].

Bacon leaves, as the name suggests, look a lot like bacon, but the overall shape is like winter melon, but not as plump as winter melon and somewhat flat. It is a favorite ingredient of many vegetarians.

"This is the first time I've seen bacon leaves growing naturally."

"Yes, it would taste good to wrap bananas and cucumbers in these leaves."

As he spoke, Tong Yu wrapped the banana yellow 0.8 melon he brought with him in bacon leaves and took a bite.


The crunchy sound and the mixed taste of the ingredients are wonderful in your mouth.

Because it was a vegetable ingredient, the two women would not refuse it and rolled it up to taste it.

"Crispy and sweet, this is perfect as a weight loss meal, right Xiaohui?"

"Yes, take more with you when you come back."

The two women ate happily.

Tong Yu put all the food in his hand into his mouth and ate it, and said: "Speaking of which, this bacon leaf grows nearby. I think it can be paired with the rainbow fruit to make a good dish."

"I also think it goes well together, just like tomatoes and other fruits. It's also very delicious when made into a salad." Ryoko Sakaki also said.

Chapter 373: The Threat of the Food Cell Demon

In Igo's courtyard, there are many artificially grown or naturally grown ingredients, but the rarest one in this courtyard is of course the rainbow fruit.

Of course, [Bacon Leaves] are also considered a good ingredient.

"It feels like rainbow fruits and bacon leaves go well together!"

Tong Yu picked up a piece of bacon leaf again and looked at it: "Indeed, this thing is originally very close to the place where the rainbow fruit grows. I don't know what kind of dishes can be made with the rainbow fruit."

"You can give it a try when you get back, maybe you can make some good food." Ryoko Sakaki said, picking off a few more bacon leaves and putting them in her backpack.

Tong Yu walked in the front, followed closely by Ryoko Sakaki and Megumi Tian, ​​and the three of them headed forward.

After taking a few steps, a huge pothole appeared in front of me.

This pit is several meters high. It is not difficult to walk along the huge rocks.

There are uneven hillsides on both sides of the pothole. If you want to avoid this pothole, it will take a lot of time.

Tong Yu jumped directly into the pothole without thinking too much, which could save a lot of time.

Jumping towards a big rock, the huge rock broke into pieces as soon as you jumped.

At the moment 31, Tong Yu also realized something was wrong.

"No, this is a trap! Liangzi, Xiaohui, don't come down." Tong Yu shouted to the two women behind him who had not yet jumped down.


As soon as Tong Yu finished speaking, his head went dark, and a dangerous aura of wild beasts came over him.

Looking up, I saw a Dora King suddenly jumping out from behind the side hillside, holding a huge rock in its four thick palms.

The mouth enlarged, revealing a mouth full of sharp teeth, and the saliva was fishy.

With the ferocious face and the harsh roar, the average food hunter would be so frightened that his limbs would become weak when encountering this kind of situation.

But Tong Yu was not an ordinary person. Shi Yi was instantly used, and two huge chopsticks flew out and caught the Dorothea in the air.

The huge black chopsticks clamped down on Dorokjang, and the guy made a wailing cry of struggle.

Tong Yu waved his right hand, and the huge Dora King Kong was thrown dozens of meters away.


The thrown Dorokjang rolled on the ground several times before stopping, and quickly stood up again.


Doroking seemed to be unwilling, and grabbed the stone again with four hands. This time, the target was not Tong Yu, but aimed at Tazoe and Ryoko Sakaki who had no fighting ability.

Tong Yu originally planned to let this guy go, but this guy didn't care about life and death and attacked Ryoko Sakaki and Tasoko E. This has already touched the reverse scale.

"court death!"

Tong Yu's face instantly darkened, and he fired out the chopstick cannon, killing him instantly.

This time, Dorothea finally fell into a pool of blood and could no longer stand up.

Ryoko Sakaki and Megumi Tadokoro had just recovered from the tension just now, and they were sweating coldly when they looked at the corpse of Dorokanguang not far away.

"Just... it was so dangerous just now. If Tong Yujun hadn't saved us, we would have been hit by the stone in its hand."

"Yes, but this Dora King Kong is just like the rumors. He has a very high IQ."

Tong Yu took back his chopsticks, looked at Dorojin's body and snorted coldly, saying: "Hmph, I originally planned to let this guy go, but who knew he would attack you, so he had no choice but to kill him! Our target is the Rainbow Fruit?" Wrong, it has nothing to do with Dora King Kong, but if the killing cannot be avoided, there is nothing we can do about it.”

"Yes...yes, but it also made this hole, right?"

"Well, Doroking is good at using traps. He is not a brainless beast. In a sense, it is difficult to deal with."

"Be careful, Mr. Tong Yu."

"Okay, follow me."

The three of them continued to cross the hole and continued toward the front of the courtyard.

The yard is not very big, so it is not difficult to find rainbow fruits.

After two hours, Tong Yu and the other three were very close to the place where the rainbow fruit grew.

Why do you say very close?

The reason is clear, the air is filled with a fruity aroma.

Ryoko Sakaki's nose twitched slightly and she sniffed. The fragrance in the air continued to enter her nostrils.

"I smell it... this alluring fruity scent is so amazing! Tong Yujun, Xiaomei, do you smell it?" Ryoko Sakaki asked excitedly.

Tong Yu nodded and said: "Well, I smell it, it's a very refreshing fragrance. This is the unique taste of rainbow fruits."

"No...but it also has other flavors. It must be Dora King Kong."

"Well, and this time they are not the 'children' just now, they are all adults, at least hundreds of them... It is still a bit difficult to subdue them without killing them," Tong Yu said.

"Hundreds of them, are there really that many?"

Tong Yu said nothing and continued to walk forward, followed closely by the two women.

Soon, the three of them came to the plain area where Dorokjong lived.

I saw hundreds of Dora Vajra inhabiting the wide plain.

Compared with the ones at the entrance of the courtyard just now, they are about twice the size. Just as Tong Yu said just now, these are the real adult Dorokangs, and their fighting power is stronger.

Dorokjang's sense of smell is also very sensitive, and he quickly noticed the presence of Tong Yu and the others.


Dorokjang roared at Tong Yu and the other three. Some of them beat their chests and made "drumming" sounds, while others kept jumping on the spot.

All in all, a warning was issued to Tong Yu's three intruders.

"Haha, he didn't forget to threaten us before the war started. He is indeed a smart guy." Tong Yu stared at the Dora King Kong group dozens of meters away and smiled.

"We can only fight, right?"

Tong Yu wanted to protect the two girls and could not leave too far away, but Dora King Kong would not attack at this distance.

You can't see rainbow fruits growing in this place right now, which means that to get rainbow fruits, you have to defeat more than 100 tricky guys in front of you.

"Trouble, let's try to intimidate."

After Tong Yu finished speaking, he began to use the power of the gourmet cell demon.

As Tong Yu's momentum continued to rise, a purple-black power was rising from his body.

A pair of blood-red eyes opened.

Above Tong Yu's head, the appearance of the gourmet cell demon loomed.

The gourmet cell demon with horns on its head and holding a golden battle ax threatened with momentum!

The threat from the demonic aura of the ancient gourmet cells and the unstoppable murderous intent spread around.

Doroking, who was extremely arrogant and about to launch an attack, received a huge threat. They stopped roaring and looked at the gourmet cell demon above Tong Yu in fear.

"If you don't want to die, just surrender!"

Tong Yu's voice rang in Dora Kingang's ears.



Chapter 374: The delicious taste of rainbow fruits

Tong Yu knew that the best way to subdue such a large number of Dora King Kongs without being able to kill them directly was to use intimidation to make them surrender obediently.

At the same time, I also want to test the strength of the gourmet cell demon in my body.


As the phantom of the Food Cell Demon appeared above Tong Yu's head, an extremely oppressive momentum spread towards the surroundings.

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