Doroking also felt the huge threat from Tong Yu, and they all stayed in place and did not dare to move.

As the momentum continued to build up, a giant with a height of tens of meters appeared in the upper air of the courtyard.

There are horns on the head, holding a huge battle ax, and a pair of blood-red eyes scanning the surroundings.

The Doro Vajra group was trembling with fear after just one glance at the phantom of the Food Cell Demon, trembling in place, not daring to act rashly.

Seeing that all the Dora King Kongs had been conquered, Tong Yu took back the food cell demon and restored its original momentum.

Dora King Kong has a very high IQ. His huge head is lying on the ground, and he does not dare to look directly at Tong Yu.

"What a group of good, obedient children. Don't move for now."

Tong Yu led the two girls through the Dora King Kong group and came to the rainbow fruit tree.

This rainbow fruit tree is more than 20 meters tall, with eight huge fruits half a meter in diameter hanging on the treetop.

The color of each fruit is different. Looking at this attractive fruit and smelling the fruity fragrance in the air, saliva accumulates in the mouth and it is difficult to swallow.

"Great, this rainbow fruit seems to be more delicious than expected... Okay, let's start picking now!"

Tong Yu was about to use his food righteousness when he saw the leader of Doro Vajra, the Silver-backed Prophet, raising his huge head and looking at Tong Yu with pitiful eyes.

Tong Yu immediately understood what the silver-backed prophet meant and smiled lightly: "Don't worry, I only need two colored fruits. I don't want to disturb your lives. The remaining six are enough for you to use to attract prey." . "


Both Silverback Prophet and Dora King Kong understood Tong Yu's words and expressed their gratitude to Tong Yu for his mercy.

After successfully obtaining two rainbow fruits, Tong Yu returned from the courtyard.

Half of them were given to igo, and the other half was taken back to the villa.

Tong Yu plans to use one to make wine and make high-end fruit wine and cocktails.

However, to make high-end wine, rainbow fruit alone is not enough.

As for the remaining half, he shared it with Ryoko Sakaki and Megumi Tadori, and made a delicious dessert.

At the dining table in the backyard of the villa, after enjoying other dishes, Tong Yu and three others saved the dessert made of rainbow fruits for last...

The so-called dessert after a meal, the dessert is naturally left to be enjoyed at the end.

However, when the pudding made with rainbow fruits was placed on the table, neither Touyu, Ryoko Sakaki, nor Megumi Tadokoro could control themselves, and saliva flowed from the corners of their mouths.

"Even though I just ate a lot of delicious ingredients...toffee shrimp, peacock quail eggs, creamy pine mushrooms, White Cindy Leila beef and high-end brandy, none of these can replace the deliciousness of this 'rainbow pudding'. This is so There is a strong sense of hierarchy." Tong Yu said while staring at the pudding made of rainbow fruits in front of her.

"Yes...yes, and with the evaporation and temperature of the juice, a rainbow actually appeared on it!" Ryoko Sakaki also said, looking at it.

"The temperature of the fruit is maintained at 5 degrees Celsius. As time goes by, the temperature rises and the taste changes. Try it as soon as possible..."

Tong Yu said, picking up a spoon, scooping up a spoonful and looking at it in front of her eyes.

It feels very soft when scooped up, but the weight of this spoon is so heavy that it cannot be compared with ordinary pudding and other desserts. It is as heavy as gold.


Tong Yu and the other three people all put it into their mouths and swallowed it in one gulp.


Ryoko Sakaki exclaimed, shocked by the strong taste.

Tong Yu's eyes widened as well, with a look of disbelief on his face. The deliciousness of this rainbow fruit... was indeed not comparable to that of ordinary ingredients.


Four flavors have changed in your mouth, like the sugar content of a hundred ripe mangoes condensed, and the occasional sour taste that is incomparable to lemon and passion fruit. ,


The fragrance of sweet chestnuts and the taste of this rainbow fruit are really like a treasure chest!

Tong Yu put it in his mouth and tasted it carefully, savoring its taste.

Incomparably delicious, swallow it down, the feeling of existence is so strong.


Reaching the deep part of the throat... there is still an explosive presence!

The time it takes for blood from the heart to flow throughout the body is about 1 minute, which feels like forever!

The smell of the rainbow fruit spread all over the bodies of Dou Yu, Ryoko Sakaki, and Megumi Tadokoro in an instant.

It took a long time for the three of them to slowly come back to their senses.

"々. It tastes great."

Tong Yu was very happy and called the two cronies guarding the villa to taste and share the deliciousness of this top-notch food.

-Time dividing line-

After tasting colorful fruits for a few days, Tong Yu, who had nothing to do, took the two girls to a rather special place, a tourist attraction where many people would come.

It started from City A, a small town 900 kilometers east.

This is a place called the Town of Divination. The buildings in the town are very special. They are all low-rise buildings, which is very consistent with the style of this town.

Here, there are no high-rise buildings, only simple famous houses.

"Is this a divination town? It feels pretty good."

After getting off the train, Ryoko Sakaki took off her hat, stood at the entrance of the town, looked around and said.

The small town gives people a leisurely and comfortable feeling, and the faces of pedestrians coming and going are full of joy, making people feel very relaxed.

"I can feel the local customs and customs here..."

As she spoke, Tian Suohui turned around, looked at Tong Yu who was coming from behind and said, "Tong Yu-kun, do you want to play here for a few days?"

Tong Yu walked slowly between the two women, looked at the divination town in front of her and said, "Yes, stay here for a few days, and then you can set off from here to capture the next ingredient. It's almost time." .”

"Tong Yujun is talking about the puffer whale, right?"

"Well, the plot of the puffer whale has almost begun."



Chapter 375: Coco, the Four Heavenly Kings

The divination town has become a holy place for tourism, not just because of the pleasant local scenery. The main reason why tourists keep coming is because of "divination."

Divination means to use small things to see the big things, to see things from the small, and through the connection between the micro and the macro as the principle, using means and signs such as turtle shells, yarrow, copper coins, bamboo sticks, playing cards or astrology to infer the good or bad fortune of the future. Methods for consultants to analyze problems and provide guidance.

The origin of divination can be traced back to primitive tribes.At that time, people lacked sufficient understanding of the development of things, so they relied on signs in nature to guide actions.

But natural omens were rare and had to be tested artificially, and the method of divination came into being accordingly.

Divination is the search for things you want to know from non-human spirits based on the movements and changes in external things.The difference between it and prophecy is that there are usually ambiguous answers, leaving the fortune teller to find a reasonable explanation.

However, in this world, divination is already something that exists almost side by side with science, because the "divination rate" in the divination town has reached more than 90%.

Yes, the accuracy of predictions is very high, which is the main reason why the divination town has become a holy place.

The divination town is home to Coco, one of the Four Heavenly Kings.

Others don't understand Cocoa, but Tong Yu, as a "traveler", understands it very well. 887

Coco, one of the Four Food Kings, has excellent poisoning and divination abilities. He has a pair of powerful eyes with many special functions, and his vision is extremely powerful. Especially for divination, he is welcomed by many women and organizations.

Because the number of "vertebral cells" and "optic cells" in his born eyeballs far exceeds that of ordinary people, he has a pair of eyes with super vision, and his visual acuity can reach an impressive 10.0, which is more than ten times that of ordinary people.

Coco's super vision can also see infrared, ultraviolet and other electromagnetic waves that ordinary people cannot see.He also uses this ability to observe the electromagnetic waves emitted by living or non-living things to perform divination with an accuracy rate of up to 97%, and at the same time, he can see the death of the other party.

It can be said that the reason why the divination town is so popular is mainly because of the existence of Coco.

And Tong Yu and the others came to Divination Town this time just to visit Coco.

Calling it a visit is not entirely correct, because Tong Yu wants to catch Coco's power and get the puffer whale 100%.

"Although we have the ability to capture and handle puffer whales, the caves and beaches where puffer whales live are complex and changeable. It is difficult for us to find the right route, and we may even get trapped inside. Therefore, to be on the safe side, it is better to find Coco Let’s cooperate…”

As Tong Yu walked into the fortune-telling town, she said to Ryoko Sakaki and Megumi Tadokoro next to her.

"Coca-Cola is a handsome guy, right? I hope you won't disappoint me~" Ryoko Sakaki said deliberately.

After hearing this, Tong Yu couldn't help but smile: "It doesn't matter whether he's handsome or not, as long as he can find puffer whales."


The words are divided into two parts, Coco’s divination hut

The layout of the room is very simple, with a table and two stools, a bookshelf next to it, and nothing else.

In front of the table, Coco, wearing a black tights and a green ribbon on her forehead, was performing divination for the guests across the table.

The guest this time was a bald businessman in his 40s, who was anxiously waiting for the results of Coco's divination.

"How...How about Mr. Coco, what's the result?"

Coco looked at her right palm and said to herself: "Ah, I'm in trouble."

"Hey, are you in trouble? How can this be happening! I invested 5000 million yen in golden corn, can't the price go up?" The businessman became even more anxious.

Coco waved her hands and said, "No, no, no, I'm not talking about this, I'm talking about my own business."

"Huh?" The middle-aged businessman looked confused.

"I calculated that there are three guests coming to see me...a powerful man and two other ladies. Well, I have a headache. My hunch is not that good."

"That's it, then should I continue to buy golden corn?"

"I just calculated it with you. You can continue to buy. The price of golden corn continues to rise."

"Really? Great!"


Tong Yu did not go to Coco immediately. Instead, after living in the divination town for one night, he came outside Coco's divination house the next morning.

"Sure enough, as the hotel owner said, now is the time for monsters to go out. There is no one on the street now..." Tong Yu said as he looked around the town.

When I came to the town yesterday, there were still people coming and going, but at this time in the morning, I couldn't see any pedestrians.

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