If you look carefully at the street entrance of the town, there will be a road sign with a monster picture painted on it.

When I walked out of the hotel just now, the boss said the same thing.

The fortune teller in this town will calculate the time when the beast appears, and then notify the residents of the town to hide during that time, and in houses built with poisonous walls.

In the past ten years, no one in the town has been attacked by wild beasts, which is why the fortune-telling town has a high reputation.

In addition, the news that puffer whales are about to lay eggs on the cave beach also came from the fortune-telling town. It is precisely because of the credibility of the fortune-telling town that the market has begun to become chaotic.

Just when Tong Yu and the others were about to knock on the door and enter Coco's divination cabin, a huge dinosaur monster appeared behind them.

"It's a ferocious beast!" Ryoko Sakaki said in slight shock.

This is a beast with a capture level of 12, a mimic Tyrannosaurus rex, a typical carnivorous beast, with the ability to travel on land and fly, and is extremely destructive.

"The fortune-telling town is well-deserved. The predictions are very accurate."

Tong Yu dealt with the beast as he spoke, throwing the Mimic Tyrannosaurus dozens of meters away with his huge black chopsticks.

The mimic Tyrannosaurus rex saved its life and ran away in a hurry, not daring to look back.


The door of Coco's divination hut was suddenly pushed open, and Coco walked out wearing a headband.

"Sure enough, it's still here..."

As Coco said this, her eyes fell on Tong Yu and the other three people.

Black tights, green sash, white cape, earrings on both ears.

The figure is not that of Aru. It gives people a sense of explosive muscles, a well-proportioned body, a handsome face, and a sense of affinity all over his body.

This is Coco, one of the Four Heavenly Kings.

Tong Yu looked at Coco in front of him and smiled: "Coco, the Four Heavenly Kings, I have long admired your name."


Chapter 376: News about the Puffer Whale

Tong Yu looked at the man in front of him with a handsome face and a gentle aura in his bones, and smiled and said: "The Four Heavenly Kings Keke, I have admired him for a long time, and today I saw him and he is indeed worthy of his reputation."

"You are the deputy director of the Food Administration Bureau, right? Mr. Tong Yu, I have been waiting for you for several days..." Coco put her fingers at the corners of her eyes and looked at Tong Yu.

Tong Yu smiled again: "Oh, did you already know that I was coming? It's a divination, right? In that case, I'll get straight to the point and say, I'm here to find you..."

Before Tong Yu could finish speaking, Coco raised her hand to stop him and said, "This is not the place to talk. Go to my house."

The divination house is just a temporary place for Coco to work. Coco's home is not in the divination town, but on a cliff a few kilometers away from here.

The main reason why Coco built her home so far away was to prevent harassment from others... to be precise, harassment from women.

You must know that Coco is deeply loved by girls because of her handsome face, gentleness, strength, and extremely accurate divination.

Girls account for more than half of the people who come to Coco for divination every day.

Tong Yu and the other three followed Coco and soon came to a cliff.

On the opposite side of the cliff, there is a single towering stone pillar with two stone houses on it - that is Coco's home.

Looking at the two houses opposite the stone pillars, Coco said: "You three, you will be home soon - come with me."

Shen Lianzi and Tian Yue couldn't help but glance at each other, and they both saw doubts in their eyes.


This is a cliff.

"Mr. Coco, is your home there? It looks so dangerous."

"Yeah, and how are we going to get there?"

Facing the doubts of the two women, Coco showed a gentle smile again, and then whistled to the sky: "Qisi!"

As Coco's whistle sounded, a huge black crow appeared in the sky.

Soon, the crow landed next to Coco and nuzzled Coco affectionately with its head.

Tong Yu looked at the black crow falling from the sky with a calm expression: "Oh? This is not the 'Emperor Crow'. Is this your pet companion Keke?"

The emperor crow is an extinct species known as the "chief of the sky". Because of its unique super intelligence, if it is tamed, it can also understand human commands.

As the only surviving Emperor Crow, Chiss is also Coco's most important family member and has been raised by Coco since he was a young crow.

Although considered an extinct species, there are rumors that the Emperor Crow still exists somewhere in the "food world" to this day.

In the world of halberd eaters, crows are a bad omen for many people, meaning they are unlucky.

But it's different in this world.

One of the eight kings of the food world, the one who rules over the Third Continent is the Emperor Crow.

It can be said that seeing the Emperor's Crow is a symbol of luck.

In this regard, Tong Yu added: "I am really lucky to be able to see the Emperor Crow, which is about to become extinct."

"Chisi, lean down!"

Coco knelt down and came to the Emperor Crow and said, "Then I want to send these three people over. Is that okay, Chiss?"


The emperor's crow cawed a few times to indicate that there was no problem.


Later, Tong Yu and the other two rode Coco's pet companion, the Emperor Crow, to the house on the stone pillar.

Keke received Tong Yu and the others as guests, poured the drinks himself, and set a table full of delicious food.

"Thank...Thank you."

Ryoko Sakaki took the drink that Coco brought over and said.

Coco finally poured herself a cup of coffee, sat across from Tong Yu and said, "As I calculated, you have already captured the rainbow fruit."

"Have you divined all this?"

"I also agree with the rainbow fruit. It can change into seven flavors and seven colors, the more interesting it is, it is a snack that makes people happy to eat!"

"However, rainbow fruits are just desserts at best. The real delicacy has to be the puffer whale."

Hearing this, Coco stopped what he was doing, looked at Tong Yu and said, "You are really here for this. The news of the puffer whale has now spread from the fortune-telling town, and now many food hunters plan to capture the puffer whale." .”

"It's really to the point. I can't hide anything from you. Yes, I'm here for this too." Tong Yu said without being long-winded.

"With Mr. Tong Yu's strength, there is no problem in capturing the puffer whale, but you should know that the most difficult problem with the puffer whale is not the capture..."

"Of course I know, it's to remove the poison bag, right?"

Tong Yu smiled, looked at Ryoko Sakaki and Emi Tadokoro beside him, and said, "The three of us can remove the poisonous bag of the puffer whale."


Coco was silent for a moment after hearing this, holding the coffee in her right hand to her mouth.

Because he was thinking too seriously about the problem, Coco failed to control the speed on his face, and the right side of his face turned a terrible purple.

Toxins... seeped out.


Seeing the changes on Coco's face, Sakaki Ryoko and Tadokoro's expressions changed.

Only then did Coco realize that the poison in his body had suddenly escaped. He hurriedly controlled the poison and immediately returned to his previous appearance.


"It's really rude, I let the three of you see the ugly side. Well, the three of you are chefs, right?" Coco asked, changing the subject.


Coco picked up the coffee on the table again and took a sip before saying: "As Mr. Tong Yu said just now, it is not difficult to capture a puffer whale, but the most difficult thing is to deal with the puffer whale's poison bag. As far as I know, the current world can There will be no more than 10 cooks handling puffer whale poison bags..."

Puffer whales, also known as "water whales", are, as the name suggests, about the same size as real puffer whales.

Without considering poisoning, even normal people can handle it.

Every year, more than 10 people die from poison in puffer whales.

For this reason, puffer whales are also called "a delicacy that must be tasted even if they die of poisoning."

Coco's face gradually became serious, and he looked at Tong Yu and the others and continued: "The toxin of the puffer whale only requires 2 milligrams of nerve poison to cause death, and once the poison bag is damaged and poisoned, all parts of the puffer whale cannot be eaten. ! I’d better say it first, I’m only five-level sure that I can capture non-venomized puffer whales, and then the possibility of removing the captured puffer whales is only 1%..."

"Mr. Coco, you just need to capture the puffer whale. I just told you to leave the job of removing the poison bags to us. You don't need to worry."

Keke heard Tong Yu say this, eight.

Chapter 377: Team up and go

When Coco heard what Tong Yu said, she held the coffee in her hand and was silent for a moment.

"If the three of them can really successfully remove the poison bag, the success rate of capturing the puffer whale will increase a lot..."

"That's enough."

Tong Yu looked at Coco and said again: "For us, the biggest problem is not dealing with the poison bags of the puffer whales, but getting to the 'cave beach' where the puffer whales spawn."

"Indeed, the cave beach where the 'puffer whales' have laid their eggs over the years is more than ten kilometers long and 800 meters deep. Through the maze-like cave, the probability of reaching the cave beach is 0.1%. In the professional gourmet 1000 Among people, only one can reach the end,” Coco said.

"So, we need your strength, Coco. As long as we can reach the cave beach smoothly, the next step of capturing and removing the poison bags will be easy." Tong Yu said with a smile.

Coco nodded and added: "I heard that deep in the cave beach, there is a ferocious beast, the demon serpent, that comes from hell."

"The demonic snake is indeed difficult to deal with. Let's talk about it when we meet it."

The Demonic Serpent is a beast with a capture level of 21. It likes to live in dark caves. It is more than 30 meters long and has extremely strong fighting power.

The legendary monster from hell, with its infrared senses that detect prey based on heat, and its poison that can accurately shoot its prey, makes it very difficult for gourmets to fight it in the dark.

In addition, even if it is injured, the Devil Orochi itself can immediately form a universal cell to instantly regenerate the body.

Therefore, when captured, it must have the strength to destroy its omnipotent cells, as well as a highly technical impact.

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