That's right, the old man in front of you is one of the three most powerful people in the world, one of Acacia's disciples, the legendary gourmet, and acupuncture expert Jiro!

No one else in the carriage recognized Jiro, but Dou Yu, Ryoko Sakaki, and Megumi Tadokoro recognized him.

Jiro is a heavy drinker and has an extraordinary sense of smell for the aroma of fine wine.

No, after Tong Yu took a few sips, Jiro smelled the smell and came over to ask for a drink.

Tong Yu was not stingy either. This time he brought the few remaining rain liquids and gave one bottle to Jiro.

In fact, if the muscular man just now was a little more polite and came up to ask for drinks and food, he might be in a good mood and he would share the favor.

But from the beginning, he wanted to step on Tong Yu and establish his prestige, which already touched Tong Yu's bottom line.

Not taking his life was an extra mercy to him.

Jiro took the wine from Tong Yu, unscrewed the bottle cap and poured it into his mouth. He took a big sip, burped and said: "Ah, good wine, great! Although the alcohol content is not very high. High, but the taste is too honest. Good wine, good wine!"

After drinking it, Jiro kept praising the deliciousness of the wine, and then drank the rest of the wine in one gulp.

"It's so delicious. I'll definitely repay you for this bottle of wine in the future, hehe."

After Jiro drank this bottle of wine, he, who was already a little drunk, began to stagger when walking.

"Uncle, have you drank a lot, right? Also, you love drinking."

"Yes, wine is my life. Without wine, my life has lost its meaning. My friend, you are very accomplished in wine making. The brewing of this kind of multi-grain wine requires the proportion of ingredients, but drinking this wine is Such coordination shows that you did it perfectly. I didn't expect that you have such wine-making skills at such a young age, it is really rare." Jiro praised.

Chapter 379: "Great God" Zonga

Jiro is a heavy drinker and has been drinking wine for hundreds of years. He is extremely familiar with the types and flavors of wine.

After tasting the Yulianglu given by Tong Yu, I immediately knew that this wine was extraordinary.

"After drinking this wine, you will have an endless aftertaste. It has a pure taste and a refreshing feeling across your throat. The proportions of various ingredients are just right. Good wine, really good wine."

Jiro drank the entire bottle of Yulianglu in one gulp. The deliciousness of this wine could be said to be beyond his imagination.

"Brother, you are very accomplished in brewing, right? Haha, if I give you high-end ingredients, I will definitely be able to brew a more delicious bar?" Jiro said with a smile.

"That's natural, but it's a pity that there are no good ingredients at the moment. I heard that puffer whales are about to lay eggs, and I'm planning to catch them back... I've long heard that the fins of puffer whales can be made into good fin wine. The taste is quite good, I finally have a chance this time.”

"Haha, it's not that easy to catch a puffer whale. Just be careful... Then I wish you good luck and see you again if you have the chance."

After Jiro finished speaking to Tong Yu, he shook his body and left.

"The legendary gourmet really has his own style..." Ryoko Sakaki said as she looked at Jiro's leaving figure.

Indeed, if you just look at his appearance, Jiro is a drunk old man, and no one would associate him with the world's strongest gourmet.

After Jiro left, the food train continued to move forward at an extremely fast speed, and soon it reached the cave beach.

Cave Beach is also known as the Death Beach. Legend has it that the survival rate of this cave is only a very low 0.1%. However, even so, many food hunters go there regardless.

People like Aru, Jiro, and Coco who go to "eat" puffer whales are only a minority, accounting for only about 1% of the total number of people who go there. The remaining 99% of people go there just for money.

Yes, the value of puffer whales on the market is 5 million yen. If ordinary people can catch one, they will not have to worry about food and clothing for the rest of their lives.

However, capturing puffer whales is not an easy task. Every time puffer whales lay eggs, only one person in 1000 can successfully resist the place where puffer whales lay their eggs.

To get to the cave beach, you have to go around a labyrinth-like dangerous cave where countless beasts gather. Deep in the cave, there is a sandy bay connected to the deep sea, where puffer whales lay their eggs.

All in all, there is only one way to enter the cave, and that is through the dangerous cave.


At this time, many food hunters have gathered at the cave entrance located on the cave beach.

Suddenly, the sound of running for life came from the dark cave.

"Ah, help! Lord Zonga, save me'!" "

A food hunter who seemed to have no strength at all was escaping from the cave in a hurry. Behind him were several huge centipedes.

These centipedes are one of the beasts in caves. They live in groups. Once bitten by one, it is difficult to survive. The capture level is 6.


Food hunter Zonga held an ax and chopped the centipede chasing him into half, saving his little brother.

The younger brother was saved and looked at Zongjia with a moved face: "Master Zongjia, you are finally here!"

"Hahaha, what do you think, I'm good, right? I don't take this kind of little centipede seriously!" Zongjia laughed loudly with his hands on his waist, but in fact, killing this centipede was enough for him.

"Lord Zonga, there are other centipedes coming around!"

Zonga was suddenly shocked: "What, aren't there only two left?"

Looking down the depths of the cave, I saw huge centipedes emerging from the dark and bottomless cave in a steady stream.

Zongjia and his two younger brothers were immediately frightened. They had never seen such a battle before.

"Wow, there are a hundred more, Master Zonga!"

The black army of centipedes frightened the three of them and ran away quickly.

It wasn't until they escaped several hundred meters from the cave that the centipedes stopped chasing. They seemed to be afraid to appear in too bright a place and could only retreat into the dark and damp cave.

Seeing the centipede retreat, Zongjia and the other three breathed a sigh of relief, leaning against a boulder and breathing heavily.

"Finally... finally saved, what the hell is going on!"

"Lord Zonga, why didn't you see the puffer whale?"

"You ask me, how do I know! And my life is almost gone, why bother with that thing? This cave is really disgusting!"

After splitting their words, Tong Yu and the other two teams finally arrived outside the dark cave on the beach of the cave.

At first glance, there are rocks of different sizes all around, and there are isolated hills in the distance. It looks like a wasteland, with nothing special about it.

"By the way, is today an auspicious day? Mr. Coco."

Tong Yu looked around and asked Keke who was walking behind.

Coco also looked around, and then said: "々. Neither bad nor good, it is a mediocre hexagram, and it can be deduced that our plan to capture the puffer whale this time will not be smooth sailing."

Alu and others didn't pay much attention to Coco's divination words.

Especially for Alu, he now wants to know how to capture the puffer whale quickly and with a high success rate, and taste the deliciousness of the puffer whale as soon as possible. This is what Alu wants to do the most.

"Mr. Alu, is this really the entrance to the cave beach?" Xiaosong asked, looking around.

"There can be no mistake, Coco's intuition is not wrong."

At this moment, Zongjia and his two younger brothers walked towards Tong Yu and others.

Aru and Coco met Zonga on the food train before and had a close relationship.

When Alu saw Zongjia, he couldn't help but said proactively: "Ah, aren't you the zombie gentleman on the train before?"

Hearing that Alu called his name wrong, Zongjia suddenly had a few black lines on his forehead: "Hey, my name is not Zombie, but Zongjia! Gourmet, Lord Zongjia! What are you doing, even the name is wrong? Can you remember the wrong person?"

"How's it going? Have you found the cave leading to the cave beach?" Alu asked casually.

Zongjia looked aside guiltily and hesitated for a long time before saying: "Well, this... this, how should I say it? Although we are about to reach our eyes... to be precise, we have already seen the puffer whale, but we immediately thought of such an easy thing. It was too boring to get the puffer whale, so I just returned. What do you think, do you need me to tell you about the puffer whale?"

At the end of the speech, Zongjia still looked proud, knowing clearly that he was bragging, but what he said was true.

Even Zonga's younger brother couldn't stand it and immediately exposed his lie.

"Lord Zonga, you are lying. We clearly stopped at the entrance and never saw a puffer whale at all!"


(To be continued.).

Chapter 380: Entering the Cave

Even though his lie was exposed by his younger brother, Zonga remained extremely calm without blushing at all. He crossed his hands and continued: "Am I wrong? If we really caught the puffer whale, it would be really meaningless. It’s the same when playing games. I always feel pity when I get to the last level, so I stop. It’s like this every time I play a game.”


Aru looked at Zongjia and smiled without saying a word.

Perhaps in the eyes of most people, Zonga is just a talkative, powerless gourmet hunter, not even a gourmet hunter.

However, the strong food luck behind him is better than that of a chef like Komatsu.

The importance of food luck in this world is self-evident. It can even be said that the strength of food luck directly determines the upper limit of the strength of cooks and food hunters.

Of course, this is not absolute.

But one thing is certain, the stronger the food luck is, the easier it is for people to find rare ingredients, and they can be guided by the ingredients or hear the sounds of the ingredients.

The huge role Zonga played in the later stage of the "plot" of this world is only known to several time travelers such as Tong Yu, Ryoko Sakaki, and Megumi Tadokoro.

Alu and Keke didn't talk too much with Zonga. After saying a few words, they came to the entrance of cave 890.

However, there are quite a few people waiting here on the huge rocks surrounding the cave exit.

"Who are these people?"

"Those are 'food thieves'."

Coco looked at the people sitting on the rocks in the distance and said: "In addition to the food thieves, there are also food killers. They want to launch an attack when the food hunters who captured the puffer whales come out."

"I'm planning to take advantage of the situation."

Coco's eyes scanned them for a while, and then said: "They are all dead, and everyone has signs of survival."

"Forget it, don't worry about them, let's go."

Tong Yu didn't want to waste any more time, so she took the lead in leading the two girls, Tazoe and Sakaki Ryoko, towards the dark cave.

"Okay, let's go together!" Alu was also very motivated.


Zong Jia from a distance looked at Tong Yu and the others entering the dark cave they had just stepped into, and a mean smile suddenly appeared on his face.

"Hehe, these guys are going to get a taste of it soon. Just watch... In less than a minute, they will be so scared that they wet their pants and run out!" Zongjia said with a smirk on his face, holding his hands in his arms.

In Zong Jia's eyes, Tong Yu and the others didn't even bring weapons and entered a cave that even he couldn't reach. Isn't this an act of seeking death?

In the pitch-black cave, where Tong Yu and others entered, they turned on the flashlights.

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