The technology in this world is quite advanced, and various high-tech products are emerging in endlessly.

For example, the flashlight we are using now is only about the size of a palm, but it has a brightness of 10 lumens and a battery life of more than 48 hours.

Even though the cave is extremely dark, a flashlight can illuminate the cave as brightly as daylight.

However, deep in the cave, eerie sounds of beasts could be heard from time to time, which made the timid Xiaosong feel creepy.

"What...what a sound, it's so scary!" Xiaosong hid behind Aru in fear.

Everyone was not surprised by Xiao Song's behavior and did not pay attention or care.

As a professional food hunter, Alu is not surprised by caves like this.

"I didn't expect that the cave was much bigger than it looked outside..." Alu said, looking around.

"Liangzi, Xiaohui, please don't stay too far away from me. It's still a bit dangerous here, so don't be careless." Tong Yu said to the two women beside him.

The two women nodded and followed Tong Yu step by step.

Even though there are lights illuminating the cave, it looks like daylight, but the gloomy cave is still scary.

The group of people began to explore the inside of the cave. Everyone had serious faces and cautiously explored forward.

However, just when he was serious, Alu suddenly shouted loudly, startling everyone.


"What's wrong, are there any wild beasts?"

Aru used the flashlight in his hand to illuminate the corner in front and exclaimed: "Look! What I found is the 'Gaba Gaba Mushroom'!"

Gaba Gaba Mushroom, capture level 1, usually grows in dark places.

Ingredients that can be easily seen in the market are mushrooms of the Trichoderma family, which are the same basidiomycetes as Matsutake mushrooms.

As its name suggests, it makes a rattling sound when eaten raw and is extremely stiff, but after being soaked in water, the hardness becomes soft.However, it is more popular to eat it raw without boiling it because it can be chewed with teeth.

"Gabagaba mushroom sticks" lightly sprinkled with salt and pepper have become the most common snack on the menu at izakayas.

How could a guy like Alu, who loves drinking, miss such a delicious food? He didn't care about Coco's speechlessness and ran towards the Gaba Gaba Mushroom.

Tong Yu also had a dark line: "Really, have these two people started acting without permission? They are not cautious at all!"

"As expected of Aru, I don't feel nervous at all in such a dangerous place." Ryoko Sakaki said with a smile.

"It's not that he doesn't feel nervous, it's that he temporarily forgets the danger in front of delicious food. I quite envy him for this... This is pure appetite." Tong Yu said.

Then Tong Yu also took a bite of the mushroom, and it made a crunching sound in his mouth. It had a very good texture and taste, and it was even better when paired with a sip of wine.

In addition to Gaba Gaba mushrooms, everyone discovered that there are many other ingredients in this cave, such as white mushrooms and black cloud mushrooms, which are fungi ingredients like Gaba Gaba mushrooms. These are all good ingredients.

Alu, a glutton, didn't let anyone go. He ate wherever he went and pushed him all the way.

After walking for more than 20 minutes, several people came to a fork.

On both sides was a bottomless cave, and everyone couldn't help but stop.

"The road ahead is divided into two, which way should we go?"

"How's it going, Aru?"

Everyone turned their attention to Aru, because they all knew that he had an excellent sense of smell. He could use his sense of smell to judge the situation in front of the cave entrance and effectively find the location of the cave beach.

Although Tong Yu was reluctant to admit it, it was a fact that Alu had a better sense of smell than him.

One of the abilities of the gourmet cell demon in Aru's body is this extraordinary sense of smell.

Chewing various kinds of mushrooms in his mouth, Alu looked at the dark caves on both sides and said slowly: "You can smell the fragrance from the cave entrances on both sides, but the cave on the right can be mixed with the unique smell of 'Malu'." Smell. This is probably the nest of a giant millipede. And the hole on the left has a little salty smell."

Millipedes, also called millipedes, millipedes, and scale insects, belong to the phylum Arthropoda, the subphylum Myriapoda, the class Diplopoda, and are composed of body segments.

Millipedes can spray liquid with a pungent smell. The scarlet millipede in Madagascar in the tropical rain forest sprays liquid that can make people blind for a moment.

Worldwide, there are approximately 10000 species of millipedes in the world.

The largest millipede in the world is the African giant millipede, which can reach 38 cm in length and 4 cm in diameter.The body is dark and shiny, and when touched, its body will twist into a spiral shape.

However, the body length of the millipede in this cave can reach a terrifying ten meters. Once a person is bitten, his blood will be sucked out in just tens of seconds. It is extremely scary!



Chapter 381: Dangerous Place

Alu's keen sense of smell determined that one of the two forked caves was home to a giant millipede.

When hearing this, Tadokoroe said: "So, does that mean we have to go to the cave on the left?"

"Yes, the cave on the left has a salty smell of sea water in the air. You can't go wrong if you go this way."

After Aru finished speaking, he took the lead and walked into the cave on the left.

Tong Yu said nothing, holding Ryoko Sakaki with both hands and walking forward.

After walking less than half a kilometer, everyone began to feel a little unsteady under their feet, and the walking route turned into a steep slope.

Coco, who was walking at the front, couldn't help but turn around and remind everyone: "Everyone, the road ahead is very slippery, so be careful."

Alu and Xiaosong walked together, and Tong Yu took the two girls Sakaki Ryoko and Tiansoko Hui together.

Koko didn't have a flashlight, but he was able to walk quickly at the front of everyone. Xiaosong was confused about this.

"Hey, Mr. Coco doesn't even bring a flashlight? And he can walk ahead of everyone so easily. What's going on?"

You know, even if other people hold flashlights, they can't see the road ahead clearly several times.

Regarding Xiaosong's doubts, Keke patiently explained: "Keke's has no eyes."


These words made Xiaosong even more confused. What the hell is it without eyes?

"I'm talking about vision... No, to be precise, Coco's eyes go beyond the visible light that ordinary people can see. He can directly see electromagnetic waves. Because the type of cone cells has a relatively large number of visual cells, from infrared rays You can see even weaker ultraviolet rays!

What Coco saw in this dark cave might be as bright as daytime, and when he was doing divination, he used his vision to capture the weak electromagnetic waves emitted by the human body. From the intensity, shape and other information of the electromagnetic waves, he predicted that person. This ability can also be applied to other living things or inorganic things that will happen around you recently. "

Xiaosong was still a little confused after hearing this, and seemed to understand but not understand.

Seeing this, Tong Yu couldn't help but said: "Xiao Song, you can understand that Coco's visual ability is beyond that of ordinary people, and it is enough to have the ability of night vision. The Four Heavenly Kings of Food all have their own abilities. Alu could smell the cave when he entered it just now. The taste of the depths, so Alu's outstanding ability is 'smell', and Coco can have night vision, so it is 'vision'. As far as I know, Sani and Zebra are 'touch' and 'hearing' respectively... "

After saying these words, a trace of surprise flashed across Alu's expression, and then quickly disappeared.

"The Director knows us very well, the Four Heavenly Kings. It seems that you, Iigo, have a lot of information about us."

Alu believed that Tong Yu, as the deputy director of the Food Food Administration Bureau, would have an easy time getting information on their gourmet hunters.

Not only food hunters, but also ordinary people. For most people, their "ID" has been included and counted by igo from the moment they were born. This information is also called the [Gourmet ID Card].

[Gourmet ID Card] The national cuisine data held by IGO is personal data that records the weight and time of the ingredients eaten since a person was born. This data will be updated every three years and will read all the memories in the brain. The food information of potential food information can be recorded even when eating and chewing food, so it can be completely recognized by each person and can be compared with DNA.

Of course, in addition to records about "eating", basic information will also be recorded.

Therefore, Alu felt that Tong Yu had retrieved their gourmet ID cards, and that's why he knew so much in detail.

However, Tong Yu is not someone who does boring things at all. As a time traveler and the author of comics, he knows that these are natural things.

Tong Yu didn't explain too much, whatever Alu thought.

Due to the slippery road and the steep slope, everyone walked slowly.

About an hour later, Coco, who was walking at the front, suddenly stopped and raised his right hand to signal everyone to stop.

"what happened?"

Coco pointed to her feet, and Xiaosong shined the flashlight there.

Soon, everyone discovered that there was a huge pothole under their feet.

The pothole is about ten meters high. Even if you fall with the physique of an ordinary person in this world, as long as you don't fall headfirst to the ground, there won't be any big problems.

But that's not what people care about, because there are cockroach-like beasts in this cave.

Girls are originally afraid of creatures like cockroaches. When the two girls saw hundreds of "cockroaches" gathered together, their scalps became numb, and they both held Tong Yu's arms tightly.


"No, they still have scorpion tails!"

"This is the 'Scorpion Cockroach', and below is their nest!"

Scorpion cockroach, capture level 7, likes to live in dark and damp places, has almost no edible value, but has high value among some strange smell lovers.

Huge cockroaches, with their weird appearance, extremely high reproductive capacity, and living in groups, seem to double the disgust level of them appearing in a group.

........................ 0

In the "Ranking of Creatures You Don't Want to Hunt" published every year by IGO, this thing ranks first as disgusting rather than dangerous.

"It's these guys, they're disgusting..." Aru also felt a headache when he saw these beasts.

Apparently, Aru had also encountered scorpion cockroaches and was disgusted by them.

"Indeed, these guys are not scary individually. What is scary is that these guys appear in groups, which makes people feel troublesome." Tong Yu said.

As soon as he finished saying this, he heard exclamations coming from the distance.

Everyone looked around and saw a food hunter accidentally falling into the pit below.

"It's a food hunter!"

"Oops, it fell into the scorpion and cockroach's lair."

The unlucky gourmet hunter fell into the nest. In just a second, he was thrown to the ground by the scorpion and cockroach. After a few seconds, only a pile of bones was left.


Seeing this scene, Xiao Song was so frightened that his feet became weak and he fell to the ground.

Alu twitched his nose and looked at the scorpion cockroach's nest below, then looked at the hole on the opposite side and said, "Keke, if we don't pass here, we won't be able to get through. This place is a must-go."


Coco said taking off the bandage from her neck.

Without the restraint of the bandage, the poison began to spread from his face, and soon spread all over his body.

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