Soon, Coco became a poisonous person.


(To be continued.) [-].

Chapter 382: The determination of the food hunter

When he got to this place, Coco was ready to show off his special skills.

He first took off the bandage on his head, and then his face turned purple-black, and the poison began to spread from the inside of the body to the outside.

Soon, Keke's face became "black and purple", as if he had been beaten.

Then, Coco jumped down towards the huge pit below, which was the scorpion and cockroach's cave.

The moment he jumped down, hundreds of scorpions and cockroaches immediately surrounded him.

Xiaosong didn't know that Coco was a "poisonous person", and his face turned pale with fear.

"Hey, but...what is Mr. Coco planning to do!"

Xiaosong originally thought that Coco would be eaten by scorpions and cockroaches like the man just now, and there would be no trace of his body left.Unexpectedly, after the scorpion and cockroach came around, they stopped half a meter away from Coco, not daring to step forward easily.

"Hey, these scorpions and cockroaches actually backed away?" Xiaosong asked in surprise.

Tong Yu, who was standing next to Xiaosong, added: "That's because they sensed the danger."

"Danger? Mr. Tong Yu, what does this mean?"

"Coco, one of the Four Heavenly Kings, in addition to possessing extraordinary vision, is also poisonous..."

In Tong Yu's explanation, Ke Ke, who had jumped to the scorpion cockroach's nest, passed by unimpeded, and all the scorpions and cockroaches who saw him gave way.

In the end, a path was opened for Coco, which made Komatsu feel even more incredible.

"Xiao Song, don't be in a daze. Let's go down quickly now. If we follow Coco, we can pass through here unimpeded!"

As he said this, Tong Yu joined hands with the two girls and jumped down together.

At a height of more than ten meters, if they had the previous physiques of Ryoko Sakaki and Megumi Tadashi, they would have died or been disabled if they jumped directly like this.

But after entering this world and eating a lot of high-end ingredients, his physique has long since become different from ordinary people, and he can completely withstand this level of impact.

Xiaosong and Alu followed closely behind.

Coco led the way, and everyone followed closely behind.

During the process of passing, Ryoko Sakaki and Megumi Tadoko still held Tong Yu's hands tightly.There is no way, cockroaches and the like are too disgusting for girls.

In the process of passing, Xiaosong was still confused about this scene, and this time it was Alu who started to explain.

"Most of our food hunters are poisonous. We can create artificial immunity to the toxins of living things. We can slowly inject the venom of poisonous insects and snakes in nature into the body in minute amounts to artificially produce antibodies in the body!"

Antibodies refer to immunoglobulins produced by plasma cells differentiated from B lymphocytes by the body's immune system under the stimulation of antigens, and can specifically bind to the corresponding antigens.

Initially, someone used electrophoresis to prove that the antibody activity in the serum was in the ?è?齩?误?兦?????礤褤椤氯globulin.

Later, it was discovered that the antibodies were not all exposed in the ????????????

In short, it is a kind of continuous resistance of the human body to the outside world. It can also be understood that after the same thing acts continuously, the resistance method becomes extremely skilled.

"There are thousands of types of toxins in nature, and it's impossible to make antibodies for all of them, but I only have 70 types of antibodies!"

Aru turned his attention to Coco and said, "And Coco has more than 500 kinds of antibodies, which is the most powerful among gourmets!"

"More than 500 kinds?"

Xiaosong was very surprised after hearing this. He didn't quite understand what more than 500 kinds of viruses represented, but a great gourmet like Alu only had more than 70 kinds. This difference was 7 times, which proved that Coco was indeed unrivaled in this aspect.

Coco, who was walking in front, also heard the conversation between the two and couldn't help but said: "Don't say that, it's just that my body can tolerate the poison that others can't, but because a lot of poison was mixed in in a short period of time, they There is a new poison in my body. Now I am a poisonous person, do I have a very tasteful existence? So there are no wild beasts that attack me in nature, just these cockroaches."

Not only the scorpions and cockroaches just now, but also other beasts. Most of the beasts are afraid of the toxins in Coco.

Of course, it is not ruled out that there are also poisonous beasts in nature. In front of these beasts, Coco is powerless.

Although Coco spoke carelessly, when everyone looked at his back, they saw his sadness and loneliness.

That's right, because the body is highly poisonous, ordinary people who come into contact with cocoa without precautions will definitely suffer from poisoning and death.

Moreover, many scientists and IGO police officers have been chasing Coco for many times to use his blood to make new serum.

It is no exaggeration to say that as a first-level dangerous creature, he was almost quarantined because he also suffered many unpleasant things.

Coco was originally a gourmet, but for these reasons, he had to retire from the food hunter industry and live in a divination town, away from the hustle and bustle of the world.

If it weren't for the divination that Tong Yu would come to him, he wouldn't have returned to his old career.

Xiaosong did not feel Coco's loneliness, and said with an honest smile: "But it is the best thing for me not to be attacked by wild beasts, because this way I can go to dangerous places to look for ingredients. "

"Ha, that's true. I can only say that there are good and bad things."


The group continued to move forward, and encountered no danger after passing the scorpion cockroach nest. Except that the cave was still dark, the journey was peaceful.

After walking for another hour, a group of people came to the cave.

There is no road ahead, and we have reached the bottom, which means that the bottomless black hole under our feet is the only way to the next place.

Coco looked at the cave in front of him for a moment and said, "About 100 meters down here, there is a huge cave."

The 10 meters just now were fine, but if you jump this 100 meters, something will definitely happen.

At this time, Ryoko Sakaki came to Tong Yu and whispered: "Tong Yu-kun, after I go down here, I remember that I will meet..."

"Well, the demonic snake, and according to the development of the original work, Xiaosong will also..."

"Then do we need to make a move?"

Tong Yu looked at Xiao Song beside him, and then whispered to Ryoko Sakaki: "Just wait and see what happens. This is a battle between Aru and Coco on their growth path. Let's try not to interfere."

"it is good."

"Well, please don't leave my side. Although the capture level of the Demonic Serpent is low, the male is no worse than a gourmet beast. Be careful."

The two women nodded heavily.

Coco took out a thin rope from his waist and said to everyone: "There is no other way. We can only reach our destination by going down here. Let's go down vertically. The rope we brought is 150 meters, which is completely enough."

The rope in Coco's hand is only the size of a thumb, but the rope's endurance is quite amazing, because it is a special steel rope made of carbon iron. Even if 100 people hang on it, it will not break. It is a necessary rope for traveling far away.

Aru carried Komatsu on his back, while Tong Yu carried Ryoko Sakaki on his back, with his left hand around Tazoe, and his right hand grabbed the rope and slid down easily.

When we slid down to about 50 meters, a light like fireflies appeared in the dark cave.

If you glance at it, you might mistakenly think it is fireflies flying in front of you, but everyone knows that there is no such thing as fireflies in this kind of place...

"They are not fireflies, these are 'jellyfish' that drifted into the cave from the sea. This also shows that we are not far from the cave beach." Tong Yu said.

"But these jellyfish are really beautiful, right Xiaohui."

"Yes, Ryoko."

The two women were attracted by the jellyfish in front of them, temporarily forgetting their current situation, which was suspended in mid-air.

But after beautiful things, there is always danger.

After the jellyfish, a large number of UFOs suddenly appeared ahead.

Puff puff.

It seemed to be the sound made by some kind of creature rapidly vibrating its wings, and then screams came from under everyone's feet.

"Ah ah ah ah ah!"

The sound was so miserable that it sent a chill down your spine.

"This...this sound is the screams of other gourmets!"

"Wait a minute, what's flying over this time?"

Ahead, a dense mass of darkness came over instantly.

Everyone sped up their descent, but still encountered the bat-like beast that rushed towards them.

"No, it's a group of swallowtail bats. Get down to the ground quickly. It's difficult for us to deal with them in the air!" Coco said loudly.

Papilion bat, a mammal, capture level 2, likes to live in dark caves.

In the market, Papilion bats can be sold for 1 yen each. Although the price of a single one is not very expensive, as an ingredient, the scale powder attached to its wings is more widely used than the body parts. Used to make spices, this delicious scale powder has become a necessity for most cooks as "Papilly Bat Spice".

Due to their habit of moving in groups and their naturally timid character, they do little harm to outside creatures other than hunting for food.

In other words, Papilio bats usually do not attack humans and are considered harmless beasts.

However, today this group of swallowtail bats was so abnormal that they actually flew over on their own initiative, opened their mouths, and exposed their fangs to attack everyone.

Everything is so abnormal!

The crazy Papilio bats kept coming, and Tong Yu and others were forced to fight back.

Coco waved her right hand, and the venom sprayed like a machine gun.

Alu was more direct. He opened his mouth and swallowed all 0.8 of the oncoming swallowtail bats.

This made everyone speechless, thinking that Alu would not let go of anything, and he would also eat this thing.Although Papilio bats are edible, eating them without any treatment will make them hungry.

Of course, everyone just complained in their hearts and did not show it directly.

No one expected that the number of Papilion bats was so large that they could hardly handle it, and several of them almost bit Ryoko Sakaki.

Alu and Keke were also in a hurry, almost unable to cope.

Tong Yu knew that it would be unjustifiable not to take action.

Black chopsticks appeared in his hands, and the remaining swallowtail bats were instantly destroyed with one hit of the chopstick cannon.

This was the first time that Coco and Alu saw Tong Yu take action... They also knew that Tong Yu was very powerful and had extraordinary skills, but they were still a little surprised when he instantly wiped out the remaining Papilio bats.

" powerful, they were all wiped out at once!" Xiaosong also said in shock, standing still in the cold place.

Alu and Coco quickly recovered from their surprise.

Looking at the remaining carcasses of swallowtail bats on the ground, I couldn't help but wonder.

"That's strange. Coco's body clearly contains poison that scares ferocious beasts. Why do they still attack?" Aru asked doubtfully.

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