"Going to Igo's first realm? I understand, you want to capture the flesh of gems, right? This plot has also begun?"

Kuga Teruki is different from Soma, he is familiar with every plot in this world.

"Yes, this time we are facing several GT robots from the Food Club. I guess there is a 'butterfly effect' due to our presence." Tong Yu said.

Hearing this, Kuga Teruki made his signature move. He put his hand into the shape of an "eight" on his chin and said thoughtfully: "The enemy is not weak this time. I remember there is a GT robot." The second in command of the Food Club is personally controlling it, and he is very powerful..."

"I can deal with the GT robot controlled by Stajiu, but are you okay with the other GT robots?"

"Of course I have no problem...wait, you mean us? Besides you and me, who else is there?" Kuga Teruki asked.

Tong Yu smiled and said: "Ryoko, Xiaohui, Soma, and you, and then I'm going to find Takemi and Misaku Subaru. This time we will go out together."

"Hahaha, that's definitely no problem. This time I'm going to let you see my growth in the Country of Healing, which will definitely surprise you!" A confident smile appeared on Kuga Teruki's face, as if he was very confident about his own strength. Have confidence.

"Oh? Senior Kuuga, you seem to have grown a lot. How is your strength now?"

"Ha, my cooking skills may not be as good as yours, but my ability to deal with ferocious beasts is not necessarily the case."

Tong Yu did not speak, but looked at Kuga Teruki with a smile. He also saw that Kuga Teruki's aura had also changed, and the hidden power in his body seemed to be activated.

Could it be said that Kuga-senpai received guidance from an expert just like Souma?

Soon, Tong Yu's idea was confirmed.

"Kuga, you haven't washed yourself yet, okay? Master is waiting for us."

There were shouts outside the massage parlor, and soon a young man with a green airplane head walked in.

This young man is tall and has a scar on his face from his forehead to his neck. He also has two earrings on his ears. He wears green casual clothes and his expression makes him look like he is doing nothing.

"Ah, Senior Brother Tieping, please wait for me for a few minutes. I am talking to this good friend about something."

That's right, the tall man on the front of the plane in front of you is the famous regenerator Tie Ping.

Teppei, an outstanding member of the younger generation, is also a leader among regenerators. He also inherited the anesthesia skills of his grandfather Jiro, and also learned the skills of regenerators from Yosaku.

The main fighting method is to inject plant seeds through the liquid in the earlobe and nails to make the plants grow and defend against attacks.Also uses Jiro's anesthesia skills.


So that’s it, Kuga-senpai is already the disciple of Reborn Master Yusaku?Tong Yu thought secretly in her heart.

In the original work, Regenerator Yusaku only has one disciple, Tiehei. Now Teruki Kuga has become one of his disciples, Tiehei's junior brother.

"I didn't expect that senior Jiuga and Chuangzhen would be protected and taught by the powerful people in this world. It seems that the worries before were completely unnecessary." Tong Yu sighed secretly in his heart.

"good friend?"

Tie Ping glanced at Tong Yu with a strange look, looked at it again, and then said with a surprised expression: "Aren't you the director of Igo's Food Bureau?"

"That's right, I'm the one who has long admired the name of Regeneration Master Tie Ping. Please give me your advice." Tong Yu said modestly.

"I don't dare to give you advice. Strictly speaking, you are still my elder. Why do you come to the country of healing this time?" Tie Ping asked curiously.

Tong Yu smiled again and said, "You may not believe it, but I am here for enjoyment."


"Ha, the treatments and massages in the Healing Country are top-notch. Come here to relax a little."

"Well, if you want a massage, it's not bad to see the 'diet fish' swimming in the hot spring shark next to you. Although the fee is [-] yen per hour, you can insert the slender mouth into the pores and massage the body. Fish that eats subcutaneous fat is a painless treatment for weight loss..."

"Losing weight? I don't really need it."

"Also here, there are invisible 'blind carps' in the water. They will directly enter the blood vessels to eat the condensed blood clots and then come out. They are very beneficial fish. You can also try this. The cost Is it 5 yuan an hour?”

Later, Tieping and Teruki Kuga acted as guides, introducing Tong Yu to the unique "big health care" project of the Healing Country.

Tong Yu was just here to spend money, she didn't care about money or anything else, she just wanted to be comfortable.

Then, Tong Yu saw the "tumor fish", which is also a kind of fish that can enter the human body and eat malignant tumors after entering the body.

However, the treatment of this kind of fish will take a lot of time, and it may not be eaten depending on the location of the tumor, such as in the brain.

Moreover, this kind of fish is very small and usually lives in the belly of sharks, so it is also very expensive.

Of course, this purely natural treatment method is already very good if it can achieve this level.

After seeing and personally enjoying various project settings, Tong Yu and Tie Ping talked about another topic.

"Kuga, you want to go to Igo's first realm with Director Tong Yu to capture gem meat? That ingredient is not so easy to capture." Tie Ping sighed 0.8.

Although the gem meat is delicious, it grows in the body of the legal mammoth. Let alone entering the body of the legal mammoth safely, even if it enters, it will be difficult to find the location of the gem meat.

The legal mammoth is huge and its body structure is like a maze. It is easy to get lost in it, and there are other dangerous beasts inside its body.

Therefore, capturing the flesh of gems is not an easy task.

"We are very aware of this, but for us, the difficulty in capturing gem meat this time is not the capture itself, but the food meeting..."

When Tie Ping heard Tong Yu talk about the Gourmet Club, his expression changed slightly: "Is the Gourmet Club also eyeing Gem Meat?"


When Tie Ping heard Tong Yu's words, he said with a serious look on his face: "Is the Gourmet Club also planning to rob the Gem Meat?"

Tong Yu nodded: "Yes, this gourmet fair is bound to win, and we have also prepared the latest GT robot they developed."

"That's it. Then go and help Kuaga, and I will explain it to the master." Tieping said to Kuuga.

"Thank you, Brother Tieping!" Teruki Kuaga quickly thanked him.


Two days later, Tōyu left the Country of Healing with Teruki Kuga, Ryoko Sakaki, and Megumi Tadokoro, and headed to the next place to find the two remaining die-hard fans, Subaru Mimasaku and Takemi.

However, after searching for several days, they could not be found. This made Tong Yu confused. Could it be that the information mentioned before was wrong?

After failing to find the two of them, Tong Yu did not waste any more time. He knew that if they didn't act quickly, the Food Club would take action.

Two days later, Tong Yu and the others finally boarded a helicopter heading to the first habitat.

Dou Yu, Tadokoroe, Sakaki Ryoko, Yukihira Soma, and Kuaga Teruki, five people gathered around a table.

On the table, there are various delicacies, including a golden puffer whale that has been cut into sashimi after removing the poison bag.

"Wow, is this a puffer whale? I've wanted to eat it for a long time!"

Kuga Teruki unceremoniously picked up a few pieces and put them into his mouth, and immediately let out a delicious exclamation.

The same goes for Chuangzhen. After eating it, he kept praising the deliciousness of the puffer whale31.

While tasting the food, he talked about the entire process of catching the puffer whale.

"Well, it seems that you spent a lot of effort catching the puffer whale, but the taste is worth it!"

"Kuga-senpai, don't talk when you're eating. It's so dirty!"

"Well...Xiao Yukihei, you have no right to criticize me."

Seeing the two of them like this, Tong Yu couldn't help but a drop of sweat hung on his forehead: "That's enough for you two, be a little more normal."

The two of them stopped "flirting" and calmed down a little.

"I said Tong Yu, this puffer whale is so delicious, it won't be included in your luxury set meal (life menu), right?" Kuga Teruki asked.

Tong Yu drank the cool dew and answered slowly: "Although the puffer whale is a creature that is called the 'Fantasy Ingredient of the Deep Sea' and is somewhat charming, I am hesitant to add it to the 'fish dishes' on the menu of life." Among them, the ocean is huge and full of wonders, and there are many fish dishes we haven’t eaten before.”

Hearing Tong Yu's words, Sakaki Ryoko couldn't help but smile and added: "To be precise, Tong Yu only likes the ingredients in the food world, and only the ingredients from that place will consider whether to add them to the menu of life."

Chuangzhen showed an expression that was indeed true, and said: "That's right~~Then the gem meat is not within the scope of consideration this time, why do we still need to capture it?"

"Soma-kun, although it cannot be added to the menu of life, gem meat is also a rare delicacy and cannot be left to the gourmet party in vain." Tadokoroe said in a low voice.

"What Tian said is correct, and there is another point. Jewel meat is one of the main ingredients I plan to use to make wine."


Both Kuga Teruki and Soma were confused.

"In fact, puffer whales, gem meat, and BB corn from the Jungle of Xu are all the ingredients I use to brew top-notch wine. Yes, I plan to brew the only top-notch wine in the human world!"

"That's it. It's a pity that I'm not interested in wine~~~But my alcoholic master is different. When the time comes, you can make some wine and share it with me."

Tong Yu nodded: "Of course."

"By the way, where is this igo's first realm? Why haven't I heard of it?"

When Chuangzhen said these words, several people immediately rolled their eyes and stared at him like they were idiots.

Even if you haven’t read the manga and don’t know the plot, it’s common knowledge that everyone knows about Igo’s Garden.

Fortunately, everyone knows Chuangzhen and knows that this is what he is like.

Before a few people could explain, the igo staff sitting in the cockpit started to explain.

"The first habitat, also called the first protected area, is igo's largest courtyard at present."

"Hey, the biggest courtyard?"

"Yes, it is said that the courtyard is slightly different from the previous ecological zones. It is just an isolated island. The area of ​​Qunabu is only 50 square kilometers."

"Only...50 square kilometers?" The corners of Kuga Teruki's mouth twitched, how dare you say that.

It's no wonder that Kuga Teruki had such a reaction, because in the world of Shokugeki, the Neon Country's mainland area is only 37.7 square kilometers, which is not as large as Igo's first habitat.

The pilot positioned the plane and said to everyone: "It was established for the development and research of food, but in such a big place, igo cannot control everything. Now it is for the purpose of putting modified species and cloned animals in the research institute." , which is convenient for further making artificial creatures. Moreover, this is an island that has formed an independent ecosystem, and it used to be possible for sightseeing.”

"Sightseeing? Isn't this a tourist area?"

"Yes, but there are restrictions on entering the island. The number of tourists cannot exceed 100 million, and if you make a reservation, you have to wait five years. Also, it is forbidden to bring food into this place..."

The driver who was talking about igo turned his head and glanced at Tong Yu and others who were gathered around the table, eating delicious food.

However, Tong Yu and others simply ignored it and continued to drink wine and eat delicious food.

Seeing that Tong Yu chose to ignore it, the driver could only shake his head helplessly in his heart. He had no way to deal with the young director of the Food Administration Bureau, and it was not his turn to ask.

"The first habitat is also called the 'Garden of Gourmet Food', and now it is known as a place where you can create more delicious food. Among them, the ancient precious ingredient, legal mammoth, is what you are going to do this time. The food you caught..."

"Yes, besides Jewel Flesh, there are other tasks."


The words were divided into two parts, just as Tong Yu rushed towards the first life realm, in the office of the director of the first life realm.

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