Mansam is a tall guy with a shaved head. He is the leader of igo. He is cheerful and likes to drink. He is an out-and-out drunkard.

"9998, 9999!"

At this moment, Mansam was doing push-ups with one hand. On the huge office next to him, there was also a pet Ha Yiang Impreza squatting on the side.

Soon, a staff member ran into the door and reported to Mansam: "Director, Director Mansam!"

"What, you said I'm handsome?"

"No, I didn't say, Director Tong Yu and his friends are here."

When Mansam heard this, he put a little force on his hands on the ground, and his whole body shot up.

"Hey, this is an honored guest. Go get ready right away. There will be a feast tonight!"

Tong Yu used the [Character Bead] before entering this world, which not only changed her identity, but also had many social relationships.Among them, Mansam is Tong Yu’s friend.


The helicopter successfully landed outside the first habitat area.

As soon as Tong Yu and others stepped off the helicopter, two igo soldiers came to them.

"Master Tong Yu, welcome to the first realm of life!"

The two soldiers stood up straight and saluted Tong Yu and his party.

Tong Yu nodded: "Thank you very much for standing guard here day and night."

"It is our honor to serve igo!"

After some polite remarks, Tong Yu asked Mansam where he was: "Where is the director?"

"Reporting to Master Tong Yu, the director is already eagerly waiting for you to eat!"


Tong Yu was suspicious, but without asking any more questions, she turned to the igo soldier who had led them here and asked, "Jace, this shouldn't be the formal entrance to the courtyard, right?"

The driver known as Jace nodded and said: "Mr. Tong Yu, your guess is absolutely correct. This is indeed not a regular route. To be precise, it is the entrance of the 'research institute'. The entrance for sightseeing is elsewhere." Place, a small part of the courtyard that is generally open to the public, and access to the courtyard must be through the Gastronomy First Institute.”

Hearing this, Chuangzhen showed a retarded look again: "Hey, isn't the First Life Realm a place for sightseeing? Why is there a research institute?"



Chapter 394: igo Research Institute

"Hey, is there a research institute here?" Chuangzhen asked doubtfully.

No one was too lazy to answer this kind of question and simply ignored it.

Soon, Tong Yu and his group walked into the first habitat research institute. Only by passing through the research institute here can they reach the real habitat area.

After entering, a vast and outrageous factory appeared in front of everyone.

It's not accurate to say it's work, because ordinary factories don't have so many high-tech products.

Not far away, I saw a machine similar to a twisting belt, on which were placed a lot of processed food, such as meat with bones, fish steaks, steaks, etc., as well as whole beasts, such as flame pigs and long-haired cows. wait.

Just the First Habitat Research Institute produces countless amounts of food every day, which will be sent to all parts of the world for sale, or directly distributed to people in some slums and war-torn areas.

The various delicacies and mechanized operations opened everyone's eyes.

In particular, Chuangzhen was as surprised as Grandma Liu entered the compound: "It's so... so spectacular. Is this the Food Research Institute?"

Although most of them are mechanical operations, there are also staff operating on the side. After all, the operation and startup of the machinery require manual labor.

Seeing such large-scale mechanized food preparation, Sakaki Ryoko couldn't help but sigh.

"As expected of igo, manufacturing food on such a large scale can not only ensure delicious food, but also ensure the quality of all aspects of the food."

"About 70.00% of the world's gourmet ingredients can be produced here, although most of them are for research." said Jess, who was leading the way.

"Most of them are ingredients that have never been seen on the market..." Tadokoro said as she stared at one of the machines producing ingredients.

After hearing this, Jess added: "Of course, in the vast courtyard, various ingredients are often improved. Most of the improved ingredients have defects and will not be put on the market on a large scale."

After walking for a while, the group came to the examination room. After undergoing bacterial disinfection and other work, they took the elevator towards the underground - 60th floor.

"The director is already waiting for us underground."

As the elevator went down, several people chatted about Mansam and the institute.

"Speaking of which, Mansam, this old drunkard, is the third in command of IGO, right?"

"It can also be said that in addition to the president of Igo, the vice president Shigematsu, followed by the director Mansam, are all very powerful." "

"That's right. From time to time, something will attack the institute. If there are no powerful people in charge, big problems will occur."

While Dou Yu, Kuga Teruki, and Sakaki Ryoko were chatting like this, Souma, who was walking in the front, suddenly let out a burst of exclamation.


Kuga Teruki was startled, and immediately turned around and said angrily: "Hey, Yukihira-chan, don't make that sound suddenly!"

"Look, what's in there?" Chuangzhen said, pointing to a beast in a transparent container in the distance.

I saw an ape-like beast in a closed transparent container, and next to the container were two staff members wearing white coats.

"What kind of beast is this? I've never seen it before!"

Tong Yu looked at the appearance of the creature and said, "It should be a chain creature, a new species invented by igo."

Everyone continued to walk forward and saw many improved igo and chain beasts along the way. They were all placed in closed containers as experimental subjects.

"If I read correctly, these are all extinct cloned bones or hybrids between gourmet animals. There are almost no wild ones, they are all artificially created new species." Kuga Teruki said as he looked at them.

Tong Yu walked at the front of the crowd and said calmly: "Yes, these creatures are collectively called chain animals. Although in the name of the Gourmet Research Institute, from the perspective of animal protection and ethics, this place can be regarded as the most important place in the institute. Top secret."

"Speaking of which, these ferocious beasts are really pitiful. They can only be kept in a place like this for experiments. They are also alive." Tian Suohui's kindness began to overflow again.

"Xiao Hui, there is nothing we can do about it. Although they are living beings, they are also living beings created by igo. It is also their innate destiny in this laboratory." Ryoko Sakaki comforted her.

Just as he said this, a cry for help suddenly came from the front.

"Help, it's bad, the muscle crab has escaped!"


Everyone looked ahead and saw a crab over 3 meters tall with explosive muscles running out.

Obviously, this is another improved variety of igo.

This is a hybrid species of [Muscle Python] and [Razor Kurabu]. The places where the two creatures live are very suitable. Therefore, Muscle Python and Razor Kurabu can each other create the birth of new species. They are very popular in some areas. The coolie beast.

Because it is a mixed breed, this guy's temper is also a mixture of the temperament of two beasts. It is very violent and a group of staff can't do anything about it.

"Hurry...get anesthesia quickly!"

"No, it's very angry now and can't get through it at all!"


The muscle crab made a series of sounds and quickly rushed towards Tong Yu and others.

Seeing this, Kuga Teruki moved his body, and the joints of his hands made a crackling sound.

"Oh, I'm running here, so let me move around a little bit."

Just as Kuaga took action according to the instructions, a tall figure appeared in front of everyone, and immediately knocked the muscle crab away with an iron fist.

"Pan Punch!!"


Muscle Crab hit the wall hard and was temporarily knocked unconscious.

The staff ran over quickly and anesthetized the unconscious muscle crab.

"々. Didn't I say that? Chain animals should be watched carefully!" Mansam said angrily to a group of staff.

That's right, the person who came was Mansam, the director of igo and also the third-in-command of igo.

"Is this what Director Mansam is good at? As expected, he is an alcoholic as rumored!" Ryoko Sakaki looked at it and thought to herself.

Mansam was wearing a short T-shirt, exposing his arms full of explosive muscles. He held a bottle of white wine in his right hand and poured it into his mouth. He had a drunken expression on his face. He had obviously drank a lot.

"I'm telling you, this is a level 3 beast. You have to show some mercy to the animal. You're still as merciless as ever." Tong Yu looked at Mansam and said with a smile.

Only then did Mansam put down the liquor in his mouth and laughed and said: "Haha, no matter who the opponent is, fighting with all your strength is love. What do you think, Tong Yu!"

"You drunkard, you started drinking before I even saw you, and I brought my private wine with you."

"Haha, I've heard from others that you brewed a very good wine. Can you give it to me to drink now?"

"No, let's wait until the banquet is held in the evening."

"You are the ruthless person, right? What are these?"

Only then did Mansam turn his attention to the die-hard fans on the side.

Ryoko Sakaki and Megumi Tadokoro took the initiative to stand up, bending slightly to introduce themselves.

"Hello, Director, I am Ryoko Sakaki, and I am Tong Yujun's girlfriend~"

"Hello, I am Tian Suohui, Tong Yujun's... friend."

"Ah, I am Teruki Kugaga, and I am also a friend, Nori."

"Oh, me too."

After the four people were introduced, Mansam laughed again.

"As expected of you, you already have a girlfriend, and you are such a reliable partner... You are both very strong. You should be able to hold on to your jeweled flesh this time." Mansam looked at Soma and Kuga Teruki. .

"Hmph, delicious food is nothing more than a bunch of clowns."

"By the way, you haven't watched a game for a long time. Today's game is worth watching."

"Who will show up?"

When Mansam heard this, his drunken eyes flashed with light and he said, "It's the Wolf Warrior."


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