
Chapter 395: IGO Research Institute (continued)

Dou Lang, also called War Wolf, was bred in ancient times to become the king of the continent, the strongest and largest wolf.

Rumor has it that before the ancient times, whether due to mutation or other reasons, the super-giant herbivorous beast [Caleb of Death] was born.

This beast has a terrible appetite, and no grass grows wherever it goes. It eats up all the giant herbivorous beasts in the forest on the road.

In addition to its powerful appetite, it also possesses extremely destructive power, almost turning the forests on the entire continent into deserts in an instant.

This monster known as "the devil" will eat anything!Whether it was meat or grass, these demons used their bottomless pit-like appetite to eat up all the forests on the road, which also meant the end of the world.

The impact of huge meteorites, large-scale volcanic eruptions and climate changes are different from the causes of mass extinction of creatures that occurred repeatedly in the ancient times. Due to the extremely destructive appetite of the "devil", a large number of creatures were wiped out. disaster.

The number of forests devoured by [Death Caleb] is gradually increasing. This is no longer comparable to the current rate of human deforestation, but from one continent to another.

In a short period of time, the continent turned into a desert in an instant. At the same time, the demons also migrated in search of the forest. Where they passed, there was no sign of life at all. As if counting down, the demons gradually let life about to extinct.

When [Death Caleb] crossed the earth, what they finally found was the largest continent in the world. After the second continent, they completely disappeared from the world before they even reached that land and couldn't even eat a bite of the forest. .

Obviously, it was Dou Lang who stopped Death Caleb, which once again proved its power.

Fighting wolves, this kind of creature is not originally seen in the human world. It only exists in the second continent of the gourmet world. One of the eight kings of gourmet food also has fighting wolves.

The only one that exists in the human world is also the clone in the igo research institute.

The IGO Gourmet Research Institute successfully replicated it with its DNA, but many aspects such as its ecology and level of capture are still unknown.

But one thing is certain, Dou Lang's fighting power is by no means comparable to other beasts, even clones are powerful beings.

The place where the fighting wolf appears this time is another tourist feature of the institute and one of the important sources of income here - [Food Arena].

[Food Arena] is a beast fighting arena established to test the fighting power and capture level of beasts.

At first, this place was only for the research department. Later, many people liked to watch the scenes of beasts fighting each other and were willing to pay to watch, so the food arena was made available to the outside world.

Tong Yu and other people followed Mansam to this place.

At this moment, a fierce battle is taking place in the arena. The two parties fighting are the Galara Crocodile, which captures level 5, and the Dora King Kong, which captures level 9.

The capture levels of the two beasts are quite different, but the Galacrocodile in the field is obviously a veteran of this food arena and has rich experience. For a while, he had a back-and-forth fight with Dorok Kong, which was much higher than him.

The seats around the food arena were also filled with spectators. Looking at the two beasts fighting in the venue, the audience's emotions were also high, and they kept shouting and cheering for the beast they had placed their bets on.

In the middle of the food arena, there is a visible large screen, which also displays the names of the beasts in battle as well as the winning rate, odds and other information.

The onlookers were very excited, but this also made Tong Yu and others a little disgusted.

Letting ferocious beasts kill each other violates the chef's principle of "giving thanks to the ingredients" and "giving thanks to all things".

However, Tong Yu didn't show it. After all, igo is also for research, and at the same time, it also needs to make money for more development in order to better benefit mankind.

Chuangzhen didn't think much about it, and said bluntly: "I feel... this kind of place is only for rich people to have fun. It is very pitiful that these beasts are used as entertainment tools."

"Haha, what you said is really ugly, young man, but you are absolutely right and you hit the nail on the head. Oh, let's start the fight!"

Dorokong and Galacrocos fight together again in the field.

Gara Crocodile has rich combat experience, thick skin and extremely high defense. Doroking King's several attacks failed to cause damage to Gara Crocodile.

However, Dora King Kong has a high IQ and is extremely fast. With the continuous fights, he gradually gained the upper hand and finally killed the Galacrocodile!

Dorokjang clasped his fists together and hit Galacrocos' head with one punch.


The sound of broken bones could be heard, and the Galara crocodile fell to the ground.

The winner was decided, and there were exclamations and boos from around the auditorium.

"Doro King Kong is still better. It attacked the position of the head accurately. It saw through the only weakness of Galara Crocodile. The IQ still determines the strength of the beast." Tong Yu looked at Doro King Kong in the field. said.

In this gourmet arena, Dora King Kong is considered an unpopular existence, because his attack method is very simple, even against a beast like Galara Crocodile, it is difficult to defeat him.

In other words, now that Dora King Kong has won, it is considered an upset.

"Wow, hahaha, it's true that it's Dora King Kong, it's unexpectedly popular. However, this also shows that our capture level is so correct, right Tong Yu?" Mansam said while drinking wine.

"This is a gap in wisdom. Compared with this, you said that Fighting Wolf would appear today. You weren't deceiving me, were you?"

In the original work, there is indeed a plot where fighting wolves will compete in a food arena, and now Tong Yu wants to confirm it.

If Dou Lang is determined to appear, it means that there are guys from the gourmet club lurking in this gourmet arena.

Thinking of this, Tong Yu looked around.

"Haha, you actually ask such a question. Take a good look at the packed auditorium. Do you think I'm lying to you? Come on, Tong Yu, I have prepared special seats for you!"

"Hey, don't try to lie to me. Isn't this place always packed?"

"Hahahaha, that's right, but everyone's mood is different today, don't you feel it?"

As he spoke, a group of people followed Mansam towards the special seats.

As we walked to our seats, we could see a lot of spectators, including many familiar faces.

"Do you think you've seen these people somewhere?" Chuangzhen asked suspiciously.

After hearing Chuangzhen's words, Mansam immediately turned around and said, "Boy, take a good look at what's on the audience's chest."



Chapter 396: Wolf Fighting

"Boy, take a good look at the audience's chests." Mansam reminded Chuang Zhendao.


Only then did Chuangzhen see that many people had logos on their chests, and each one's logo was different.

"Does the logo on their chest represent their country?"

A smile appeared on Mansam's face again, and he said: "Almost all the guests here are famous rich men from various countries, or presidents. The people sitting here are all VIPs of IGO countries, and some even have leaders who want to I joined here specifically because I wanted to watch the game. Once you see the beasts fighting, you will become addicted. It is no different from drugs. Moreover, there is also gambling here, and the amount of money flowing in a day is quite huge!"

"Director, it's really incredible to hear such words coming from your mouth." Tong Yu said deliberately.

Mansam turned back suddenly: "What, you called me handsome guy?"


"Oh, it's started, it's started! Today~'s finale is on!"

Mansam suddenly turned back and set his sights on the food arena.

I saw that the gate was slowly opening, and the beasts appeared one after another.

What came out of Door 17 was the rioters from the Northern Continent, capturing the level [-] Dinosaur Elephant.

At Door No. 13, an amphibious demon appears, capturing a level [-] long-tusked herdsman.

Gate No. [-] is the boss of Dora Vajra, the Silver-backed Prophet.

Number 15 is the strange bird Gerald, with a capture level of [-].

These four beasts are all popular beasts in this food arena, but what the guests sitting here today want to see more are the beasts from Gate [-] and Gate [-].

Gate No. 5 is the beast from hell, the demonic serpent.

Gate No. 6 is the much-anticipated wolf fight.

Although the Demon Orochi and Dou Lang are both beasts that existed in ancient times, there are huge differences between them now.

With the passage of time, the Demonic Orochi has long lost its deterrent power. If it were not the original species that existed in ancient times, its strength would not be on par with the Eight Kings.

From this, we can boldly speculate that there are many types of Demon Orochi, first of all, the Demon Orochi with capture level 21 that lives in the human world, and then some variants of the Demon Orochi, mainly in the food world.

Tong Yu was not interested in these ferocious beasts. Like most people here, he came here to fight wolves.

"If we follow the plot, the fighting wolf will give birth to a son next time, and then he will be attacked and killed by the GT robot from the food club... If I hadn't encountered it, I wouldn't have paid attention to it. But since I'm here today , just take action to treat him."

Thinking of this, Tong Yu called Teruki Kuaga to his side and said: "Senior Kuaga, please also pay attention to the auditorium later. If it is confirmed that it is the GT robot from the food club, take action without hurting others. Bar."

"it is good."

Ryoko Sakaki and Megumi Tadokoro also gathered around.

"Tong Yujun, do we want to save Dou Lang?"

"Well, it's still a life after all, and it's a fighting wolf. It would be a pity to die."

Soon, gate No. 6 slowly opened, and the strongest fighting wolf in ancient times appeared.

The moment he appeared on the stage, Tong Yu and others felt his powerful momentum. This is the momentum of a king!

"So... so strong, is this a wolf fight!"

Kuaga Teruki was stunned for a moment by Dou Lang's powerful aura. Even though he knew that Dou Lang was very strong, this aura was too powerful.

Even Chuangzhen lost his usual retarded look. Looking at the fighting wolves in the arena, he was shocked and said: "It makes people tremble uncontrollably, such a strong sense of presence!"

Ryoko Sakaki and Megumi Tadokoro also looked surprised.

No, I'm afraid everyone's eyes are on Dou Lang at this moment.

The figure of the ancient king is not something ordinary people can see casually.

Mansam also stared at the fighting wolf in the venue, and said slowly: "Hey, this is a clone body restored based on the DNA that was accidentally taken from the place where the Warcraft 'Death Caleb' was exterminated a long time ago. The body. It is 18 meters long and weighs 11 tons. Although the ecological environment of the fighting wolf is still a mystery, but it is probably the largest among its kind? In any case, it has inherited the role of saving the crisis of mass extinction of creatures and is the legendary king. talent and strength.”

There was a proud look on Mansam's face. After all, this was a product of the institute. To have such great scientific research results, he, as the director, was naturally proud of himself.

However, Tong Yu secretly shook her head when she heard this.

Compared with the fighting wolves currently living in the second continent in the food world, this fighting wolf is still far behind.

Fighting Wolf Guinness, one of the Eight Kings, is almost 60 meters tall and weighs 20000 tons.

Of course, the DNA of this cloned fighting wolf may have been obtained from an ordinary member of the fighting wolf clan. Its strength is definitely not as good as the fighting wolf from the second continent, but it is not much worse.

Tong Yu initially estimated that the capture level of this fighting wolf in its heyday should be around 1000 to 2000.

With such great strength, it was a pity that he was accidentally attacked and killed by a GT robot from a food club in the original work.

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