But there was nothing that could be done about it. After Dou Lang gave birth to his son, he consumed almost all of his energy and fought against the demonic snake and several other beasts.

As soon as the fighting wolf appeared, the four beasts were so frightened that they could not move and trembled in place.

Seeing this, Mansam immediately took out his communication machine to contact Ling in the beast control room and asked her to spray "perfume" on the beasts.

"Ling, please deliver more perfume, these beasts don't dare to fight."

Ling, who was in the beast control room, immediately became upset when she received Mansam's call: "It's so noisy to the director, can't you just handle this kind of thing yourself?"

"What, you just called me handsome?"

"No, it's really unclean. I've had enough!"

Ling hung up the phone impatiently, but still started to deliver "perfume" to the venue.

Ling, the sister of Sani, the Four Heavenly Kings, is also Igo's exclusive beast trainer. She can skillfully use various hormones and other scents to control the thoughts of beasts.

And this battle perfume is extracted from a kind of "war flower".

"War Flowers" will only bloom on the war-torn island War Island.The smell of this flower stimulates the central nervous system of living things and has the effect of making living creatures enter a state of excitement.

At the same time, because it can improve physical movement ability in a short period of time, this flower also has another name - "Crazy Flower"!

The essence extracted from the petals of this "war flower" is the "battle perfume", which is also a necessary prop for gourmet competitions.

Originally, the emission effect of a 100-fold dilution was already very obvious, but Ling's temper also changed and it was changed to a continuous emission of 50 times the concentration.

The moment the perfume was sprayed out, the four ferocious beasts in the food arena immediately became wild with their bestiality. They were no longer affected by the aura of the Wolf Fighting King and rushed towards the Wolf Fighting King desperately.

Looking at the winning rate on the big screen, DouLang’s winning rate odds ranked first.

This moment also ignited the atmosphere of the scene.

"Sure enough, the most popular one is Dou Lang! The second ranked Demon Orochi has not even appeared yet, but his winning rate is 2.2 times, and his popularity is also very high..." Mansam stared at the big screen and said with a smile.

"Director... Director, now is not the time to talk about this. Why are these four ferocious beasts attacking the fighting wolf? Also, didn't you find anything wrong with this fighting wolf?" Ryoko Sakaki reminded, trying to remind Mansa Mu.

However, how could Mansam be aware of so much? Besides being drunk again, he was not aware of Dou Lang's pregnancy at all.

It wasn't until four ferocious beasts attacked the fighting wolf, but the fighting wolf didn't resist at all, that Mansam realized something was wrong.

"Tong Yu-kun, if the wolf fight continues like this, you will get hurt, and the food party will definitely sneak in. This battle must be stopped." Ryoko Sakaki said to Tong Yu.

......... 0 ...

Tong Yu nodded and said directly to Mansam beside him: "Boss, that fighting wolf is pregnant and will give birth soon."

"Ah? What did you say!"

"If you don't want the fighting wolves that the institute has worked so hard to clone to die, hurry up and stop this battle. Of course, if you find it troublesome, we can do it for you."

After Tong Yu finished speaking, without waiting for Mansam's reaction, he said to Kuaga Teruki and Yukihira Soma, "Can you handle these beasts like Kuga-senpai and Soma?"

"Hey, of course!"

"Yeah, it doesn't matter if there are a few more!"

After saying that, the two people left the auditorium and ran towards the center of the food competition venue.

"Hey, don't mess around. When did this fighting wolf get pregnant? Is it because of the clone?"

At this moment, Mansam was also a little confused about the situation. There was only a fighting wolf in the research institute, so this pregnancy was indeed incredible.

Tong Yu knew that Dou Lang's pregnancy was entirely due to a prank using a small amount of ancient DNA, which was a gift from Dou Lang's ancestors.

Jiuga and Soma quickly entered the food arena, which also aroused doubts in the audience.

"Hey, someone entered the arena. Who are those two people?"

"Staff? It doesn't look like it. He's not wearing work uniform."

This is how Teruki Kuga and Souma Yukihira show their strength in front of so many people. Both of them studied under famous teachers and have no problem dealing with such beasts.

Soon, there was a huge noise in the food arena, and at the same time, huge trees grew from the ground.

Soma inherited Setsuno's attack method of controlling air pressure.Although this air pressure is far from reaching the level of Granny Setsuno, it is still very easy to suppress and capture beasts below level 20.

The regenerator's fighting method always relies on some seeds, liquids, etc. The direct fighting method is based on skilled acupuncture skills.

Although Kuga Teruki's talent is good, it is still too difficult to master the essence of acupuncture in a short period of time, so his current fighting method is to use the seeds of regeneration to trap the beast.

Soon, the four beasts were subdued by Soma and Kuga together.


Chapter 397: Invasion of GT Robots

The spectators around the food arena were stunned for a moment when they saw how easily Kuga Teruki and Yukihira Soma subdued all the beasts except Dou Lang.

Soon, everyone roared with excitement.

"Are these two food hunters?"

"Wow, wouldn't competition become more interesting in this way~~~"


Soon, the names of Souma and Teruki Kuga appeared on the big screen that announced the winning rate and odds.

"Hey, hey, hey, that's too much. You actually treat us like beasts to place bets! And the odds are so low, who are you looking down on!" Teruki Kuga said angrily, staring at the big screen.


The long-tusked herdsman with capture level 13 broke free from the shackles of Kuga Teruki's regeneration seeds and let out a roar.

"Hey, hey, these guys will get carried away if they have a little bit of energy left! Don't force me, I'll kill you!" Teruki Kuga said in a deep voice.

Due to the stimulation of "perfume", the long-tusked shepherd didn't care so much, and turned into a full-fledged fighter and rushed towards Kuga Teruki.

"It's really troublesome."

Kuga Teruki calmly took out a seed from his arms and threw it on the ground, and then took out a bottle of liquid and dripped it on the seed.

The moment the liquid comes into contact with the seeds, the seeds take root and sprout, and grow into towering trees in the blink of an eye.

The branches growing out of the towering tree seemed to have self-awareness, entangled the long-tusked shepherd, and tied him into a big rice dumpling in a blink of an eye.

"The seeds of the giant tree combined with the fertile liquid are very effective. It's the first time I use it... Well, wait, there seems to be something wrong!"

Kuga Teruki suddenly raised his head, looking at the growing giant tree, his eyes widened.

I accidentally used too much fertile liquid just now, which caused the giant tree to overgrow and soon reached the protective barrier of the food arena.

The arena is surrounded by 2.5-meter specially reinforced acrylic panels, which can block even rocket launchers.

However, this giant tree was originally a plant that existed in the gourmet world, and was brought back by Yosaku for successful regeneration.Now Kuaga Teruki has lost control and allowed this giant tree to grow crazily...

As a result, the giant tree grew and burst the protective shield of the food arena!


The protective shield of the food arena was opened by a giant tree, and a large hole was opened. The skin was scattered everywhere, and the audience was dumbfounded.

Only now did Mansam know that Teruki Kuga was a regenerator. The regenerated giant tree was also an outrageous thing. It actually broke the protective shield that could protect against missiles.

"What is that regenerator doing! Hey, don't run, don't panic!"

Mansam tried to maintain order at the scene, but when they saw the beast emerging from the broken protective shield, they were completely in chaos.

Nonsense, although these people are rich, they are just ordinary people. Facing these beasts with a capture level of over 10, they can only run away.

Not running?Are you waiting to die?

Fighting wolves are proud creatures. Not to mention that they usually don't let humans see them. At this moment when they are about to give birth, they don't want anyone else here.

The proud fighting wolf clan all have their own dignity.

After Tong Yu sent Ryoko Sakaki and Megumi Tian to a safe place, she also entered the food arena.

When fighting wolves, one must remain upright even in death.

But at this moment, it fell to the ground, obviously entering the state of giving birth.

Tong Yu stood next to Dou Lang, who exuded an aura of vigilance.

"Don't be nervous. I have no hostility towards you. I am here to help you give birth smoothly. If you want to save your life, the rest of the gang has already left here. Now you can just give birth in peace and leave the beasts around you to us. "

After saying that, Tong Yu turned around and gently waved his right hand at the crazy beast.

A pair of 5-meter-long chopsticks appeared out of thin air, picked up the oncoming beast, and then threw it out of the food arena with a wave, scaring the audience into panic and fleeing.

A few minutes later, the fighting wolf successfully gave birth to a little fighting wolf.

At this time, the two mother and son were getting intimate together, licking each other's hair and communicating.

Tong Yu looked at the fighting wolf in front of her, knowing that it had almost exhausted all its energy due to giving birth, and couldn't help but sigh at the greatness of maternal love.

"Senior Kuga, do you have any medicine to restore your physical strength?" Tong Yu shouted to Teruki Kuga in the distance.

"Oh, yes, but will this fighting wolf accept help from humans?"

Kuga Teruki walked over, put a fruit into Tong Yu's hand, and said, "This is the Flame Fruit, which can quickly replenish your physical strength."

"Eat it, if you don't want your child to lose his mother..."

Tong Yu threw the fruit in front of Dou Lang.

The fighting wolf with silver-white hair looked at Tong Yu and hesitated for a moment, but finally ate the flame fruit.

After swallowing the Flame Fruit, Dou Lang's body no longer trembled, his eyes became sharp again, and he immediately stood up from the ground.

A single flame fruit cannot restore the fighting wolf's full strength. Now the fighting wolf only has one-third of its physical strength and condition before giving birth.

Seeing that Dou Lang had regained some of his strength, Tong Yu felt a little relieved.


On the other side, due to Kuga Teruki's mistake, the protective shield of the food arena broke, and the audience fled in panic.

The status of the audience who can come here is extraordinary. Mansam maintains order at the scene and tries not to let anyone be harmed.

In line with that sentence, the richer the people, the more stingy they are with their lives. Many people had already fled the scene the moment the protective shield was broken.

Now there are only a few people around the food arena.

Mansam directed everyone to evacuate, but soon discovered that someone in the auditorium did not move at all.

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