After saying that, Kuga Teruki immediately threw the seeds he carried towards the approaching rock drum.

The moment the seeds come into contact with the rock drum, they take root and sprout.

The plants look weak, but they grow surprisingly powerfully.

The roots grown from the seeds penetrate into all parts of the body of the rock drum... The body of the rock drum is originally a rock. Although it is very hard, it is so vulnerable to these plants.


The sound of breaking rocks was heard, and the rock drum collapsed.

I thought it would be over, but who knew that these growing plants were still growing crazily in all directions at an extremely exaggerated speed.

In the blink of an eye, the two rock drums were entangled again, and soon the body was penetrated by the roots that grew out.


Kuga Teruki killed three rock drums in the blink of an eye and looked at Yukihira Soma with a proud look on his face.

"How about it? Xiao Yukihei, the power of this 'fertile creeper seed' is pretty good! It can grow easily even on iron soil."

Not to be outdone, Yukihira Soma immediately used his skills to repel several rock drums.

Originally, the matter was over here, but who knew that Ling made another stupid mistake and used the wrong perfume, which made Rock Dagu excited and rushed towards everyone desperately.

In response to this, Tong Yu could only shake his head, thinking that Igo's trainer was not very reliable and always made such low-level mistakes.

Fortunately, these rock drums are not very strong and Tong Yu can easily deal with them.

After easily solving the rock drum, Tong Yu and his party continued to move towards the legal plateau.

Starting from the First Research Institute, it is a certain distance to reach the legal plateau where the mammoths are located. You must know that the total area of ​​the first habitat reaches 37.7 square kilometers, almost spanning a north-south direction.

After walking out of the black grassland, Tong Yu and others had three routes to take.

First, go straight ahead without thinking about anything. There is nothing special along the way, and you will definitely encounter a lot of beasts.

The second route is the mushroom forest. After passing through this forest and then through the ancient swamp, you can reach the entrance of the legal plateau.

The third route is the white forest on the right. After passing through this white forest and then passing through the "Devil's Arena", you can reach the entrance of the legal plateau.

All three routes encountered different levels of ferocious beasts, and their strengths and weaknesses were not much different.

But generally speaking, the first route is less dangerous and consumes the least time. After all, it is going in a straight line.

However, if you choose only one route, you may miss the food club members on other routes.

After some thought, Tong Yu decided to leave.

"Ling, which way did your brother go just now?"

After thinking for a while, Ling pointed to the direction of the mushroom forest on the left and said, "It seems to be over here."

"Sani is taking the mushroom forest. Let's split up for the remaining two routes. Kuuga-senpai, Souma and Rei, the three of you will go straight through. I will take Tadokoro and Ryoko and take the white forest on the right." Tong Yu arranged.

Several die-hard fans have read the comics and know Tong Yu's intention for this arrangement.

"Okay, then let's meet up at the legal plateau, but we are a day late. The people from the food club should have arrived faster than us." Teruki Kuga guessed.

Tadokoro also looked at Tong Yu and said in confusion: "Kuga-senpai is absolutely right. Tong Yu-kun, if we want to eliminate the GT robots in the food club, we can go directly to the legal plateau, because the goal of the food club is the legal mammoth. As long as Find it and people from the Gourmet Club will definitely show up.”

Of course, Tong Yu is also very clear about this.

Ryoko Sakaki had already seen through Tong Yu's thoughts and said with a smile: "Tong Yu went to the White Forest specifically because he wanted to see the ingredients there, right? It's not just to find the GT robot at the food party."

"Haha, after all, Liangzi understands me."

Tong Yu smiled, held Ryoko Sakaki in his arms, and said, "I heard that the White Forest is the place with the most ferocious beasts in the first realm. I want to see if there are any available ingredients. I want to make something unique. The wine is delicious, but it still lacks a lot of ingredients.”

After saying this, everyone understood Tong Yu's intention, which was to find ingredients.

"Okay, without further ado, let's set off right away."

After Tong Yu finished speaking, she took Ryoko Sakaki's hand and walked towards the white forest, followed closely by Tadokoro 910 Megumi.


The White Forest, located 500km north of the Black Grass Grassland, is the forest where most of the first habitat beasts inhabit.

Most of the forest is white, hence the name.

It is said that the average level of beasts here is above 23+, second only to the legal plateau.

"Actually, I have wanted to go to the White Forest for a long time. I heard from the director that there is a king of beasts in the forest..."

"The king of beasts is the lion, right?"

"Yes, it is said that there is a white lion with capture level 35, which rules the entire white forest. I have a strong feeling that this guy will have what I want." Tong Yu said to the two women.

This premonition is very strong, so Tong Yu goes to the white forest.

It didn't take much time for Tong Yu, Ryoko Sakaki and Megumi Tadokoro to arrive at the entrance of the white forest.

Looking at the vast expanse of white in front of them, the three of them couldn't help but be amazed.

"It's all white, what a beautiful forest." Ryoko Sakaki couldn't help but praise as she looked at the white forest in front of her.

Indeed, looking at this white forest from the outside gives people an infinite sense of beauty, but once you actually step into it, you will immediately know how terrifying the beasts inside are. These guys are not vegetarians!



Chapter 404: King of Beasts (1)

Tong Yu took Ryoko Sakaki and Megumi Tian into the white forest. This forest can be said to be the most beautiful place in the first habitat.

Of course, this is just the beauty on the surface. The beasts living in this forest are not vegetarians.

As soon as they entered the forest, the three of them were "welcomed" by wild beasts. A huge rhinoceros with a height of more than 6 meters appeared in front of them.

"Isn't this a horned rhinoceros? It turns out that it also exists in this forest. Its horn is a rare and precious instrument, and its value in the market is also very high... However, it is precisely because of this that the wild population has declined rapidly, and igo will We have artificially cultivated some and raised them here." Tong Yu said while looking at the horned rhino in front of him.

"Yes, the number of creatures like rhinos in our world is very small, and they are also national and protected animals." Ryoko Sakaki said.

"We'd better not capture it..." Tadokoro was kind-hearted and didn't want to carry out meaningless killings.

Tong Yu nodded, picked up the horned rhinoceros that was attacking them with the chopsticks of his food skills, and threw it outside the forest.

Keep moving forward, and there will be many beasts, and the average capture level is around 20.

Most of these beasts have food value or other values, but Tong Yu's target is not them.

The White Forest is known as the place where the largest number of beasts gather in the first realm. This must be something that Igo can only determine after investigation.After entering the forest, you can encounter several, or even dozens of beasts within a few steps.

The capture level of the beast is not high, so it is not difficult to deal with it, but it is very troublesome to keep coming up.

"So...there are so many ferocious beasts. The way forward is blocked. Do you want to defeat them all?"

"It's unlikely. I don't know how much time it will take to defeat these ferocious beasts. Kuuga-senpai and the others should reach the legal plateau soon." "

The two girls, Ryoko Sakaki and Megumi Tadokoro, looked at at least hundreds of beasts in front of them. They were both in a dilemma and didn't know how to deal with this matter.

The two women naturally turned their attention to Tong Yu and asked him to make a decision.

"Bear horses, horned tigers, bullfighting... they are all fierce and warlike guys, but I don't have time to play with you today. So, use intimidation."

It's not that Tong Yu has no way to destroy these ferocious beasts, he doesn't want to carry out unnecessary killings.

Since you want to catch something, you will never waste it. Be grateful for all things. A good cook should follow this principle.This is very similar to Aru's principle of "don't kill anything if it's not for eating, but once you kill something, you must eat it."

Since you can't kill them, you can only drive them away.

After saying that, Tong Yu's face gradually darkened.

As the momentum continued to gather above the head, the shadow of the gourmet cell demon gradually appeared above the head.

The Chiyou demon, holding a huge battle ax and with horns on its head, stared ahead with a pair of blood-red eyes.

The moment the Food Cell Demon appeared, the beast in front of him felt the threat of death and fled as fast as possible.

The beast fled, and Tong Yu immediately regained her momentum.

Using the power of the gourmet cell demon takes a lot of physical energy.

"In the final analysis, it is just a means of threat, a means of avoiding unnecessary battles... Or are some guys unwilling to give up, or do they not feel the threat of death?"

King Tong Yu looked into the distance and saw that in the open space where other beasts had fled, there was actually one beast that had not been scared away.

This beast is huge, with two heads open, and it crawls on the ground.

Logically speaking, with the power of the gourmet cell demon in Tong Yu's body, any beast in the human world would run away after being intimidated by its momentum, but this guy didn't seem to be under any threat.

Tong Yu was puzzled and finally understood after seeing the beast clearly.

"It's actually [Diplassaurus]. If it's this guy, it's normal not to run away..."

Dignathosaurus, capture level 28 mammals.

A very interesting beast with certain strength in the human world.A beast that will let a master who is stronger than itself ride on its back, and will never disobey its master's orders until another stronger master appears.

Every time a new owner appears, he will be beaten to pieces, but his characteristic is that he will recover immediately and become vigorous and vigorous.

Although there are legends that it should be a beast that likes to be crazily squashed and has a tendency to be abused, but the detailed ecology of Dignathosaurus seems to be unable to be explained clearly until now.

"It seems like he wants to attack us? I understand. I'm afraid his master is a GT robot. Is he ordering to delay here? It's interesting. From now on, I will be its new master!"

Tong Yu didn't really want to conquer the Dignathosaurus. This thing was too weak and its maneuverability was extremely weak. It was just a whim to conquer it.

The Dignathosaurus moved very slowly, and Tong Yu whipped it with a halberd and chopsticks. After a while, the Dignathosaurus bowed its head.

As rumored, Dignathus recovered in a short time after being beaten all over. Its healing ability was comparable to that of the demonic serpent.

During this time, Tong Yu also became interested in the recovery ability of Dignathosaurus, which may provide a good research for Igo.

Subsequently, Tong Yu ordered the Dignathosaurus to go in the direction of the research institute, and called Mansam to tell him to put the Dignathasaurus in the research institute.


Continuing to move forward, I don’t know if it was because of the intimidation just now, but I didn’t see any other beasts along the way.

"々. The other beasts have disappeared. Is it because of Tong Yujun's threat just now?" Tian Suohui looked at the white forest with no beasts and couldn't help but wonder.

Ryoko Sakaki also said: "Yes, there are no traces of other beasts at all. Are they all hiding?"

Tong Yu said nothing and looked into the distance.

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