You can feel the breath of the beasts, about one kilometer away... Just as Ryoko Sakaki said, these beasts are hiding, and they are all afraid of the powerful strength Tong Yu has shown just now.

"Just what I want. These beasts have no meaning to me. My goal is only that guy... As long as I find this guy, I can get what I want."

"Tong Yujun is talking about the white lion, right?"

"Well, let's go and take a look in front. It is said that the king of beasts is entrenched in the center of the white forest."



Chapter 405: King of Beasts (2)

It is said that there is a king of beasts in the white forest of igo. Because he lives in the white forest all year round, every hair on his body is white, so he is also called the "king of white beasts".

This is a male white lion with a capture level of 35, with a "crown" of delicious food on his head.

Of course, this crown is not a real crown, but a top-grade edible delicacy. It is similar to the meat of the gem. It is a top-grade delicacy that combines the deliciousness of all parts of the body.

Everyone knows that the legal mammoth in Igo's first realm has the flesh of gems in its body, but they ignore the "Crown of the King" of the king of beasts in the White Forest.

The King's Crown is not just pure meat, it embodies all the delicacies of the white forest... There are ferocious beasts in the white forest, but most of them are plants, and most of these plants are rare delicacies.

Among the mushrooms, white mushrooms, white butter trees, white spirit fruits, etc.... The king of beasts is different from ordinary lions. It is never picky about food. From meat to various vegetarian foods, desserts, fruits, etc., they are all here. No one refuses.

As the king of the forest, it has the power to choose any food in the forest, and no one can resist or stop it.

Feeding on high-grade 913 ingredients all year round, delicious food condensed somewhere in his body, and finally he had this "Crown of Kings" on his head.

Since this strange beast only exists in the White Forest and is the only place in the human world, very few people know about it.Although there are people on the market who buy this thing at a high price, no gourmet hunter takes the risk of violating the "Eight Laws of Gourmet" and comes to the first habitat to hunt white lions.

To a certain extent, the King's Crown is worth more than the Legal Mammoth.

In addition, it is rumored that there is a place similar to the White Forest in the food world, which seems to breed more powerful white lions, with the strength to rival the Eight Kings...

"Many gourmet hunters don't know the existence of white lions, and the gourmet hunters who know about it don't dare to come here to catch them without Igo's permission. 'King's Crown', like 'Gem Meat', has become a rare item on the market. Except for the 'Four Heavenly Kings', no one else would have the chance to come here."

While walking towards the center of the forest, Tong Yu told the two women some news about the white lion.

"The 'King of White Beasts' in the White Forest seems not to be mentioned in the comics." Ryoko Sakaki said thoughtfully.

"Well, I also learned about it from the director last night. He didn't intend to say it at first. He accidentally said it when he was drunk. Hehe, this time I will Want them all!”

Tong Yu tightened her fists as she spoke, with a confident smile on her face.


The white forest is not small, and Tong Yu and the other three spent a lot of time walking into the center.

Along the way, they still didn't see the beast. Just when the three of them were getting impatient, the target they were looking for finally appeared in front of them.


The roar from the King of Beasts shocked the entire white forest.

The hair on the whole body has no mottled color, and is as pure white as the white forest.

It has a huge body, with a body height of 8 meters and a body length of more than 15 meters. It has a well-proportioned body, medium-long limbs and long toes.

The head is large and round, and the snout is short...if you look closely, you can see that the upper cleft teeth have three cusps and the lower cleft teeth have 2 cusps.

The size of the teeth seems to be about the same as an ordinary person's arm. If it weren't for the ferocious open mouth, this white feline would still be cute based on its appearance.

Especially the golden crown on his head is dazzling under the sunlight. This is enough to show that he is not some docile kitten, but the king of this forest!

Tong Yu took a few steps forward, looked at the huge white creature in front of him, and chuckled: "We're finally here. It seems you still have the dignity of being a king and didn't choose to run away."

That's right, what appears in front of Tong Yu now is the king who rules this white forest, the White Lion.

The White Lion has a capture level of 35. It has an extremely strong sense of smell, hearing, and vision, and has a strong sense of territory. Once outsiders break into the territory, they will attack mercilessly.

The crown on the head is a symbol of being a king and is extremely valuable.It is said that in ancient times, the gourmet hunter who could obtain the crown on the head of the White Army would be worshiped by others.

With the strength of the white lion, it must have felt threatened by the momentum of Tong Yu's food cells just now, but the fact that it can still appear here is enough to prove its power as a king.

"Interesting, in that case, come and fight me as the king of this forest!"

As soon as Tong Yu finished speaking, the White Lion turned into a white light and rushed towards Tong Yu.

In the blink of an eye, he was in front of Tong Yu.


With a loud roar, the White Lion suddenly waved his right paw towards Tong Yu.

"So fast!"

Tong Yu was a little surprised at the speed of this white lion. This speed was faster than any one he had encountered before.


Tong Yu was sent flying, and the huge force caused him to knock down several giant trees before he stopped.

The two girls, Ryoko Sakaki and Megumi Tadokoro, who were far away, screamed in surprise when they saw this scene.

"Tong Yujun, are you okay?"

Although both women knew that capturing a level 35 beast would not cause fatal injuries to Tong Yu, they still became worried when they saw this situation.


The next second, Tong Yu flew out from the place where he was hit, like a bow and arrow that had been charged for a long time.

The speed was actually higher than that of the White Lion just now!


Tong Yu punched the white lion just below the neck...

This position is the weak point of most beasts and the most vulnerable part.

This punch caused the White Lion to scream in pain, and also because of the huge impact, it was pushed back again and again. It didn't stop until several giant trees broke.

"Yes, you are definitely the first beast in the human world that can hit my body so close. You have thought too much than other beasts and are worthy of the title of 'king'. Although I really want to fight you a few more times." , but time does not allow. Then, I will accept your crown of king with gratitude to you..."

As soon as he finished speaking, a huge black chopstick appeared above his head.

Under the horrified gaze of the White Lion, the chopsticks split into several small chopsticks.

“Mysterious Chopsticks??Emu??

Several chopsticks were used to indiscriminately tap various points on Shiro's body.

Acupuncture successful!

The White Lion temporarily fainted.

Taking this opportunity, Tong Yu used "chopsticks" to remove the king's crown from his head.



Chapter 406: Demon Arena

Tong Yu showed his true strength and successfully tranquilized the White Lion with only two moves.

After a short period of anesthesia, he took off the "Crown of the King" from his head and left the white forest without any harm to his life.

To get food in a proper way, not to kill innocent people indiscriminately, and to be grateful for all things, these are the principles that Tong Yu pursues as a cook.

After wasting a certain amount of time in the white forest, Tong Yu did not stop and moved forward with all his strength in the direction of the legal plateau.

In order to save time, we temporarily hired a transportation tool in the White Forest.

At this time, Tong Yu, Tadokoroe, and Sakaki Ryoko were sitting on a dinosaur beast, galloping towards the legal plateau at an extremely fast speed.

This dire tyrannosaurus is not very big, only 4 meters long and 2 meters high. It has a slender body and a pair of big eyes that are almost protruding.

White Troodon, capture level 25, is a small beast that lives in the white forest. It has slender limbs, showing that they can run fast.

They have long arms that can be folded back like birds, and their hands have thumbs that can make opposite movements. They have large, retractable, sickle-shaped claws on their second toes. These claws are used when running may be lifted.

Troodon's combat effectiveness was not strong, but it was extremely fast and could reach a speed of 120 kilometers per hour.

Moreover, Troodon can run at its fastest speed for 5 hours. At this speed, it can easily catch up with Souma, Teruki Kuga and others who are rushing ahead.

Meanwhile, the First Gourmet Research Institute, a special kitchen on the 53rd floor underground

The legal mammoth cub captured by Sani has been placed on a super huge cooking table, and has multiple special aluminum alloy chains tied to it.

A group of staff from the First Research Institute were about to extract the gem meat from this young legal mammoth.

In addition, this place is the place where the First Research Institute mainly cooks and researches special cooking ingredients that are difficult to disassemble and prepare!

Special and high-end ingredients such as puffer whale and gem meat are sent to this place for processing.

The door to the underground kitchen opened, and Mansam walked over with a bottle of wine in his arms, with a hint of drunkenness on his face.

"How's the situation? Did you take it out successfully? Gem Flesh..."

Mansam came to several staff members and asked.

The staff present all wore masks and professional chef uniforms... Even though the legal mammoth in front of me was a cub, it looked like a big mountain here.

"Director, there is still a little bit left."

The staff present had sweat on their foreheads and varying degrees of nervousness on their faces. It was obvious that it was not an easy task to remove the gem flesh.

"Wow haha, if you don't hurry up, the time to tap the acupuncture point will be over. If it wakes up, it will be in trouble. Even if the cub wakes up, it will have huge destructive power!" Mansam said casually while drinking wine. said.

Gem meat is a special meat that only exists from the body of the legal mammoth (also known as the legal mammoth).

Be it tenderloin, loin, or even the heart, it is the highest quality cut that combines the delicious taste of all parts of the body.

This part is why the legal mammoth is called an ancient food treasure.

Mansam picked up another bottle of wine and drank it. Looking at the cub of the legal mammoth in front of him, he continued: "In the past, after killing the main body, it disintegrated and took out the gem meat. In recent years, it has been possible to do this without killing The gem meat can be removed from a living body. This is to re-obtain the gem meat in order to let the legal mammoth live again. This is also an extremely complicated task. It is very difficult to find the gem meat in the maze-like body of the legal mammoth. …”

Before Mansam could finish speaking, the legal mammoth in front of him began to move.

It turned out that the time for the acupoint anesthesia had passed, and the legal mammoth regained his strength and began to struggle.


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