In an instant, the legal mammoth broke free from its chains.

The staff ran away in fear and screamed.

"Ahhhh, it's not good!"

"Mammoth has woken up, what should we do now? Director, help quickly!"

The institute staff could only turn to Mansam for help.

However, at this critical moment, Mansam narcissistically thought that everyone was calling him handsome.

"Hey, are you calling me handsome guy again?"

"No, come here and help!"

Mansam looked at the rampaging legal mammoth cub and fell into deep thought again.

"Let me just say, Sani's little bastard's touch was too superficial... and the fact that he captured the cub first is obviously a failure. Its parents must be looking for the child at this moment. And even if it is a child It is almost impossible for Yu to capture an adult legal mammoth. In the worst case scenario, it is necessary to directly obtain gem meat from an adult legal mammoth..."

Even Mansam was a little worried at this moment.

Looking back, Tong Yu and the others rode the White Troodon and quickly arrived at another dangerous place in the first realm - the Demon Arena.

The Demon Arena is also known as the place where demons play.

Choose the route from the White Forest. If you want to reach the legal plateau, you must pass through this place.

The Demon Arena is generally a huge abyss, with many giant pillars standing in the bottomless abyss of darkness.

You can only cross this place by stepping on these huge pillars.


However, each pillar may be home to a beast, and its strength varies.

"Is this the Demon Arena?"

Tong Yu looked at the many huge plum blossom pillars in front of him, and could feel that there were many beasts lurking in front of them.

There is not only one route to go forward. You can choose a route in the arena that is like a plum blossom pile structure. Whether you go in a circle or in a straight line, as long as you can reach the end point, it is considered a success.

Because of the different routes chosen, the number of pillars also varies.

But for Tong Yu, no matter which route he chooses to go forward, it is very easy for him, even when he is taking Ryoko Sakaki and Tasukei with him.

"Let's go, I hope this arena can give me a little fun." Tong Yu said, hugging the two girls with his left and right hands respectively, and jumped to the middle of the first pillar.

The route Tong Yu chose was the middle one. This route had the fewest pillars, about ten.

As soon as he landed, a beast appeared in front of him. He saw that it was an ugly monster with its legs upright and hair all over its body, a bit like a gorilla.

"Devil King Kong, capture level 28. Although the meat is edible, it has a smell that is 100 times stronger than mutton. The texture of the meat is like stone, and the edible value is extremely low..."

Tong Yu has a system that can instantly read the basic information of the beast in front of him. After knowing that this guy has no edible value, he jumped over the first pillar after tapping the acupuncture points.

Chapter 407: Legal Wall

The Demon Arena is also known as the place where demons play and the amusement park of demons. There are some powerful beasts living here, and there are also many precious and rare ingredients among them.

This is another reason why Tong Yu wants to take this road to the legal plateau. In addition to the white forest, good rare ingredients can also be found here.

Continue along the pillars, and you will encounter beasts on each pillar, and the farther forward you go, the higher the level of capture of the beasts will be.

On the fifth pillar, another beast blocked the path of Tong Yu and the others.

It is another ferocious but suspicious beast, with a body similar to most birds, a face with many wrinkles, and a pair of white eyes with only a gap.

Lupine, the strange bird, captures level 30 birds and beasts. It lives up to the reputation of this demonic arena. A pair of mouths full of sharp teeth can easily tear prey into pieces. However, the most troublesome thing about this guy is its special ability. Breath that creates hallucinations.

Its strength and speed are very average, but it has unique movements, creating illusions that give many food hunters a headache.

The beasts in the Demon Arena can use incredible illusions and mimicry. They are demons who are keen on cunning striped invaders and wearing down their physical strength bit by bit. This is another reason why this place is called a devil's play. .


The strange bird Lupine began to use illusions on Tong Yu and the others, and only afterimages of the strange bird Lupine appeared around them.

Ryouko Sakaki and Tasoko are just ordinary people now and cannot avoid this illusion.

"Hey, a lot of beasts suddenly appeared!"

"And... the number of pillars has suddenly increased, and there's no end in sight?"

Apparently, Ryoko Sakaki and Megumi Tadoko, who were mortals, had fallen into the illusion of the strange bird Lupin.

In hallucinations, countless repetitions of seemingly indistinguishable terrain can easily put you into a state of sensory deprivation, which is the same as driving for a long time on an identical highway with little stimulation such as no signal.

When a person maintains this state for a long time, the brain's thinking ability will be reduced, and illusions will also be seen during this period.

At the same time, if you are exposed to the hallucination components that act on the central nervous system of the brain, your consciousness will become blurred.

However, this is completely ineffective for Tong Yu...

After activating the "super five senses", Tong Yu's concentration is more than ten times that of ordinary people. After obtaining food cells, his abilities in all aspects are greatly enhanced. This illusion is just to paralyze the mental state of ordinary people.

In other words, if the strange bird Lupine wants to confuse Tong Yu, his mental power and concentration must be at least ten times that of Tong Yu to make this possible.

However, even in the food world, it is difficult to find the existence of such beasts, because there are very few beasts that can create hallucinations. It is also something that scientists cannot explain at present, and can only explain a small part from a scientific perspective.

"Xiaohui, Liangzi, close your eyes and cover your ears. The hallucination will disappear soon." Tong Yu said to the two women.

"Are these hallucinations?"

The two women immediately did as they were told. Less than half a minute after they closed their eyes, they heard the strange cry of the strange bird Lupine.

"Okay, you can open your eyes."

Hearing Tong Yu say this, the two women opened their eyes again.

The strange bird Lupine was defeated and his eyes finally returned to normal.

"I didn't expect to encounter a beast that can create illusions in a place like this. It's really hard to guard against." Ryoko Sakaki said while looking at the stone pillars around him that had returned to their original state.

Tian Suohui also nodded and said: "Yes, if Tong Yujun hadn't been there, I would have been in danger."

"Let's go and see if there are any beasts we're looking for on the pillars in front of us," Tong Yu said.

As we continued walking forward, we encountered many ferocious beasts, but unfortunately they were all of little value for food.

Even after passing through the entire Demon Arena, Tong Yu could not find the ingredients he wanted.

There is no other way, Tong Yu can only give up and continue searching, time no longer allows.

Passing through the Food Demon Arena, the entrance to the legal plateau is right in front of you.

"Great, we finally passed the Demon Arena! It's all thanks to Tong Yujun, otherwise we might still be wandering on the stone pillars now."

"Is the entrance to the legal plateau ahead? It's very high!"

The entrance to the legal plateau, the "statutory wall", reaches a height of 3000 meters. This is an almost [-]-degree vertical cliff. It is impossible to pass here without the help of the most advanced high-tech aircraft (provided that it is not attacked by wild beasts) )... .

Looking at the towering cliffs in front of them, Ryoko Sakaki and Megumi Tadokoro began to worry again.

"Tong Yu-kun, how do you get through this place? If you use a plane, you can pass directly. Do you want someone to send the plane over?" Ryoko Sakaki looked at Tong Yu and asked.

Letting the personal guards fly over the combat aircraft can indeed quickly pass through the legal plateau, but this will waste a lot of time.

At this time, it would be nice to have a flying pet, there is no need to bother at all.

Tong Yu secretly made up her mind that after capturing the gem meat this time, she must get a flying pet for transportation.

However, there are no flying pets now, and there are no specialized combat aircraft, so we can only find other ways.

Ordinary climbing methods will definitely not work, because Tongyu also needs to take two girls, Ryoko Sakaki and Megumi Tadokoro.

After thinking for a short time, Tong Yu could only consume a certain amount of physical energy and use the power of gourmet cells.

Chi You, the gourmet cell demon in the body, has the ability to fly, but using the ability without eating the corresponding food will consume a lot of energy.

Tong Yu estimated in her mind that climbing over the 3000-meter height with two people would consume at least 60% of her physical strength.

It consumes too much physical energy. Not only do we have to deal with the legal mammoths, but we also have to deal with multiple GT robots from the food club...


"It seems that we can only wait to climb over the legal wall and replenish our strength."

After making the decision, Tong Yu took off her upper body clothes and used the power of the gourmet cell demon to grow a pair of black wings from her back.

The two girls were shocked when they saw the black wings growing out of Tong Yu's back.

After Tong Yu briefly explained, the two women calmed down.

Then, holding it in his left and right hands for two years, waving his black wings, he quickly flew over the legal wall at a height of 3000 meters.

It was the first time that Tong Yu used the flying ability of the Food Cell Demon, which was somewhat inapplicable, and it was with two people.The flying speed was not very fast at first, but as I got used to it, the speed became faster and faster.

At this speed, the legal wall can be passed in half an hour, but the physical exertion is more severe than expected.

Chapter 408: Legal Mammoth

In the process of crossing the legal wall, Tong Yu also saw the three people and the gregarious beasts living in the cliffs-snake wolves.

Snake wolves, capture level 30, they have another name "Snake Cliff". As the name suggests, they are a group of beasts that live on the cliff, and they are also the overlord of the legal wall.

Although they are as black as coal and look very scary with their teeth exposed, under normal circumstances they will not actively attack humans as long as they are not provoked.

Of course, Tong Yu was not afraid of these snakes and wolves, but he did not provoke them. He successfully passed through the legal wall and reached his destination, the legal plateau.


Putting down the two women, Tong Yu was panting and exhausted.

Immediately retract the wings of the gourmet cell devil into the body, and then the energy consumption gradually stops.

"Tong Yu-kun, are you okay?" Ryoko Sakaki hurriedly stepped forward and asked with concern.

Tian Suohui said nothing, but looked at Tong Yu with a worried look.

Tong Yu shook his head and stood up: "It's okay, it's just that the physical strength is too much. It's the first time to use the flying ability of the Food Cell Demon. I didn't expect the physical consumption to be so huge. As long as 31 energy is replenished, it will be fine."

After saying that, Tong Yu looked around the legal plateau.

Plateau generally refers to an area with an altitude of more than 1000 meters and a relative altitude of more than 500 meters. The terrain is relatively flat or a vast area with certain undulations.

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