The legal height of the wall is 3000 meters, but in fact the altitude of the legal plateau has reached about 5000 meters.

The legal plateau, like most plateaus, has a broad surface and not much undulating terrain. You can see far away at a glance.

However, the legal plateau is different from what Tong Yu and others imagined... I thought it should be a place with long grass, green water and blue sky, but in front of me it looks like a wasteland. At a glance, there is no green place at all. In many places It was still full of potholes, as if it had been stepped on by something heavy.

At the same time, you can also see the bones of many beasts on the ground, which fills the entire legal plateau with an aura of terror.

Ryoko Sakaki and Megumi Tadoko only saw bones all over the ground, and they didn't know who caused these bones.

"The legal mammoth, it ate all the remains of these animals, right? It is worthy of being the king of this plateau, with such an amazing appetite..." Ryoko Sakaki said while looking at the bones on the ground.

The size of a legal mammoth cub exceeds [-] meters, let alone an adult legal mammoth. Its size and appetite are not comparable to those of ordinary beasts.

On this plateau, the legal mammoth has no rivals, and any beast it encounters becomes its food.

Of course, there are many ferocious beasts on the legal plateau. No matter how the legal mammoth eats, it will not destroy the ecological balance of this area, and the environment of the first habitat can be maintained.

"The gem meat hidden in the legal mammoth can be said to have absorbed the essence of the entire first habitat. You can imagine how delicious the gem meat is, which is really exciting... However, the top priority is to replenish physical strength. This plateau's There are a lot of ferocious beasts, so before Chuangzhen and the others come up, let’s find something to eat first." Tong Yu said to the two women.

The two girls also knew that Tong Yu had brought them here from the legal wall at a height of 3000 meters, which had consumed a lot of energy, and now they needed to eat to replenish energy.

After searching around for a while, I came across some good ingredients.

"Luckily, it turned out to be a legal black wild boar!"

Tong Yu looked at the huge black wild boar walking upright in front of her, her eyes shining.

The legal black boar, capture level 32, walks upright like a human. Its IQ changed after swallowing the "intelligent bug", and it is good at using weapons to fight.

In addition to extremely high intelligence, his strength cannot be underestimated, and his destructive power is astonishing!

Due to the difficulty of catching, the price of legal black wild boar remains high in the market. The meat is rich and plump, and it is an essential ingredient in high-end restaurants.

Tong Yu would not miss the food in front of him, and would kill the black wild boar before it could react.

After successfully capturing it, Tong Yu took out the Garuda knife to cook it, and then made it into a roast pig for a feast!

The barbecue made from black wild boar was so delicious that Tong Yu and the other three people praised it for its deliciousness!

The meat of a legal black wild boar is so delicious. How delicious is this gem meat?

Everyone is looking forward to the meat of gems even more.

Tong Yu ate 1% of the legal black wild boar weighing a full ton.

After eating, Tong Yu's physical strength also recovered by [-]%.

After drinking another bottle of Yulianglu, Tong Yu was satisfied.

After eating and drinking, the three of them continued on the road, heading towards the center of the legal plateau.

The three Chuangzhen people were also contacted just now. They also arrived at the legal plateau and were heading towards the center of the legal plateau. Everyone also decided to meet at the center of the plateau.

On the way forward, Tong Yu was wary because he knew that he had not yet encountered the GT robot sent by the food club.

Will gourmet food give up capturing the meat of gems?

No, this is absolutely not possible!The Gourmet Club will always stick to their style and will never give up until they reach their goal. They will never leave until they get the meat of the gem.

Then, there are only two possibilities. The people from the food club have already determined that the mammoths have begun to be captured... 917 The other possibility is that the people from the food club have not arrived here yet and are still behind.

However, the first possibility is very likely.

Thinking of this, Tong Yu and the two girls couldn't help but speed up their pace.

After walking for about half an hour, Tong Yu suddenly realized that something was wrong with the "mountain" ahead.

Just as I reacted, a huge suction force came...

Tong Yu subconsciously wanted to launch an attack, but suddenly thought of something, she stopped and protected the two women as they entered the huge elephant trunk.

That's right, Tong Yu finally met the legal mammoth.

This adult legal mammoth was in a state of rampage because its children were kidnapped by Sani. Everywhere it went, there was no grass growing, and the beasts that were sucked into its nose were turned into a pile of bones.

Tong Yu, Ryoko Sakaki, and Megumi Tadokoro rowed in the trunk of the elephant.

"Tong Yujun, what...what's going on!"

Ryoko Sakaki hadn't figured out what was going on now, so she and Tazoe held Dou Yu's arms tightly.

Tong Yu held the two girls in his arms and said, "We were sucked into the nose of the legal mammoth and are now sliding towards its mouth."

After saying that, rows of sharp teeth appeared in front of him.



Chapter 409: Inside the Mammoth

Tong Yu held Ryouko Sakaki and Megumi Tadori in his arms and slid along the legal mammoth's nose to its mouth.

Soon, sharp teeth appeared in front of me, extremely sharp!

This is the key to the fact that the legal mammoth can swallow the beast in an instant. Once it enters here, it will spray out from the other nose and turn into a pile of bones in an instant. This is also the reason why the legal plateau is full of bones.

Facing the teeth that were about to pass through, Tong Yu calmly raised her right hand and hit the chopstick cannon, shattering the teeth of the legal mammoth.The three of them successfully entered the mammoth's belly through the shattered teeth.

From the mouth to the throat, and finally to the stomach, it slid for at least several hundred meters before stopping.

Standing firm in the belly of the legal mammoth, Tong Yu helped the two girls up and looked around.

"Is this the body of a legal mammoth? Just like the rumors, it's a huge maze." Ryoko Sakaki looked around and said.

The length of the legal mammoth exceeds 1500 meters, and it is almost like walking in a maze inside the body, so it is not easy to find the precious flesh inside.

"There should be a lot of interesting ingredients here, let's take a look around, Tong Yu-kun." Tian Suohui said to Tong Yu.

Tong Yu nodded: "Okay, let's look around."

In the body of the legal mammoth, in addition to the highest-grade gem meat, there are also many precious ingredients alive.

Logically speaking, it is already a very strange thing to have a living thing living inside the body, but the legal mammoth is different.This is because the legal mammoth accidentally spit out the seeds of the food into its body when eating, and these seeds grew out of the mammoth's body.

In addition, most of the living beasts here are parasitic and have not survived. This is why legal mammoths are also called "ancient mammoths."

After walking for a while, the three of them encountered rare ingredients.

"Aromatic mushrooms? I didn't expect that they would actually grow in the body of a legal mammoth. These are top-quality mushroom ingredients. Pick some and take them home."

"Oh? These are Shangri-leaf fruits! The skin can be made into a good seasoning, so I'd love to get some of this too." "

"Tong Yujun, there are still ingredients here!"

The three of them used the legal mammoth's body as a food store. After searching for a lot of ingredients, they simply sat there and tasted the meat from other parts of the legal mammoth's body.

The legal mammoth was huge, and cutting off a large piece of meat like this would not hurt or itch it.

The cut part is the tenderloin part of the ribs. It is sliced ​​into thin slices and is extremely tender. It is paired with the oily grasshopper soy sauce caught from the white forest. It is so delicious that you can't stop eating one piece.

“It’s so delicious~~The pork belly is moderately fat and lean, and the texture is soft and delicious!”

"It's really good. In terms of parts here, it should be the tenderloin of the ribs. If you want to make sashimi, you just need to cut it into thin slices. Xiaomei, you should try it too!"

"it is good."

Tadokoro picked up her chopsticks and tasted a piece.

"It melts in your mouth, and the grasshopper soy sauce enhances the umami flavor of the meat. It tastes wonderful." Tadokoro said, holding her cheek.

Just as the three of them were happily tasting the meat of the legal mammoth, a group of beasts suddenly attacked.

But what I saw was a mollusk covered with countless tentacles, which looked like a type of squid.

Tong Yu quickly learned the information about the beast in front of her through the system in her body.

"It's actually the 'Bloodthirsty Squid', and it's also lodged in the body of a legal mammoth? It's interesting, this is a highly utilized ingredient."

The bloodthirsty squid is a soft-bodied beast that captures level 25. It is a special beast that can survive on land and in the sea. It is a soft-bodied beast that can freely control tens of thousands of legs.

It usually hides in the darkness of rocks in the sea, and can catch prey by surprise with its countless legs. Because it has respiratory organs that can live on land, it can imitate various things on land and lay traps waiting for prey to take the bait.

It has a unique texture and is very delicious.One tentacle can make takoyaki for 300 people, and one bloodthirsty squid can supply the raw materials for a prosperous takoyaki chain for a year.

The bloodthirsty squid is full of treasures, and almost every part of its body can be used. It is also the target of many food hunters.

However, it is not easy to capture this guy. The capture level 25 is relatively strong. If it is in the sea, it will be more difficult to capture.

It's a pity that it's inside the legal mammoth's body now, and Tong Yu can just raise his hand to capture it.

I cut off one of the tentacles of the bloodthirsty squid and drove it away just for the taste of the squid horns, so there was no need to kill them all.

"What's it this time, a snake?"

After eating and drinking, Tong Yu led the two girls toward the location of the gem meat, and met other beasts on the way.

This time what blocked the way was a group of snakes that looked like spoons.

"It's another mollusk. This is a telephone snake. Although it has edible value, its taste is very ordinary."

Continuing to move forward, Tong Yu did not relax his vigilance.

Ryoko Sakaki was also fully vigilant, and said next to Tong Yu: "Tong Yu-kun, you must have felt it too, right?"

"Well, it's indeed strange. The murderous auras released by the beasts living in the bodies of legal mammoths are extraordinary." Tong Yu said while looking around.

"々. Is it because we entered the mammoth's body?" Tadokoro guessed.

"No, when we came in, it was not so nervous that it was on full alert. The air circulating in its body also obviously changed..."

Tong Yu has a super sense of smell and can easily judge the smell of the air. The sense of smell is not limited to cooking, it can also come in handy in situations like this.

"The strong sour smell is a large amount of digestive acid secreted by the stomach. This is evidence that the mammoth hand has been strongly stimulated. It is like something similar to a virus that erodes its own life, directly entering the body's resistance reaction." Tong Yu looked serious. road.

Both women were extremely smart, and they immediately understood something when they heard Tong Yu's words.

"Resist, don't tell me!"

Just as he said this, a huge suction force came and actually sucked away all the phone snakes that had been cleaned up just now.

Tong Yu reacted very quickly and immediately protected the two women.

"Is this... is that Mammoth guy planning to expel all the foreign matter in his body? Hurry up, we are going to another place!"

Tong Yu and the two women quickly shuttled through the mammoth's body.

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