"Didn't I say it? Your core device has been destroyed and the battle has ended long ago."

"No...impossible, how did you remove my core..."

Until now, Alfalu still doesn't believe how Tong Yu did it, destroying the internal core device without destroying the GT robot's outer body defense.

"How did you do it? It seems that you still don't understand the attack method of the tooth-knocking chopsticks that hit you just now... My initial target is your core. The tooth-knocking chopsticks are similar to the technique of 'beating a cow across the mountain', so Do you understand?" Tong Yu said.

"Haha, although I don't understand much, I know that I'm no match for you. I won't be able to capture the gem meat this time, so I'll leave it to the sous chef and the others... You have to be careful, the sous chef is so powerful It’s definitely not what you can imagine! Well, see you next time!”

After saying that, Alfalu activated the self-destruction device.


The huge explosion was deafening and left a huge crater in place.

The power of the self-destruction device was huge, but Aifa Road was more than ten meters away from Tong Yu. He didn't want to use this trick against Tong Yu, he just wanted to end himself in this way.

After the battle with Alfa Road, Tong Yu took the two girls and began to search for the location of the Gem Meat using food luck as a guide.

At the same time, Souma Yukihira, Teruki Kuga, Rei and others outside the legal mammoth body were already facing off against the other two GT robots of the Gourmet Club, and the two sides started a fierce battle.

......... 0

Although Yukihira Souma received the true inheritance from Setsuno's mother-in-law, he can use air pressure to cause damage to the enemy, but he only has a superficial understanding. The air pressure is not strong enough to destroy the GT robot, not to mention that this gourmet party sent a huge GT. robot.

The height of the large GT robot is almost 30 meters. Even many beasts cannot match this height.

Soma was stunned for a long time when he saw such a huge GT robot: "I...there is such a huge GT robot? I have never seen it before, Kuga-senpai!"

"Idiot, if I had already understood the plot, you wouldn't be at a loss when encountering a guy like this!"


Ling was confused after hearing the conversation between the two.

This super huge GT robot is specially made by the Food Society to deal with large beasts.

It is huge in size, and its power and destructive power are also amazing. It is much stronger than ordinary GT robots.

Coupled with its extremely strong defense, Kuga Teruki and Yukihira Soma were unable to do anything with it for a while.

"What should I do, Senior Kuuga? My attacks are completely ineffective against him. It seems difficult to defeat this kind of robot." Soma said with a headache.

Kuga Teruki also had sweat on his face and said: "There is no need to defeat it, as long as we can delay Tong Yu to find the gem flesh."



Chapter 412: Stajiu

"Is this a new type? But it's much bigger than expected. The world of food fairs is really changing with each passing day. This makes us so ignorant!"

Teruki Kuga looked at the giant GT robot in front of him and felt stressed. It seemed impossible to destroy such a huge GT robot.

As Igo's trainer, Ling often goes to the research institute and has a certain understanding of high-tech products. She couldn't help but be surprised when she saw the giant GT robot in front of her.

"It is impossible to defeat a GT robot with this level of performance with bare hands. We will try to hold it back and buy as much time as possible for Tong Yu," Ling Ye said.

Looking back, Tong Yu, Ryoko Sakaki, and Megumi Tadokoro had almost reached the location of the Jewel Meat with their strong food luck.

The location where the three of them are now is a very bright place.

The light does not mean that there is sunlight shining inside, but that the "flesh walls" around it are shining brightly, like a mirror.

"It's amazing. Is there such a bright place in the body of a legal mammoth?" Tazoe looked around and said in surprise.

"The brilliance of the gem meat illuminates the body of the legal mammoth...the gem meat will still sparkle even if it is cooked. This light is the best proof that it is infinitely close to the gem meat." Tong Yu also looked around and said.

The name Gem Meat is not groundless. It accumulates in the body of the legal mammoth over time. Not only is its deliciousness concentrated into the essence, but its appearance is also dazzling, because the light is like a gem, and the name Gem Meat comes from this.

"Wow~ It's amazing. The faint light inside the body from the moment I came in is because of the gem flesh, right? I always feel that the gem flesh gives people unlimited expectations!" Ryoko Sakaki said with a look of anticipation.

Indeed, gem meat has been the top delicacy pursued by gourmet hunters and gourmets since ancient times, not only because of its superb taste, but also as a symbol of strength after obtaining it.

Just as the three of them were talking about this, a dangerous breath came from behind.

This dangerous aura is stronger than any enemy or beast that he has encountered before.

Tong Yu immediately became vigilant and protected the two girls behind him.

"Are you here? The strongest enemy this time!"

I saw a gray-black Nitro, which easily tore open the wall with its aluminum alloy hands and appeared in front of Tong Yu and the others.

There is nothing special about this gray-black Nilot. The important thing is that the person controlling it is the second-in-command of the gourmet club...

"We're finally here, the deputy chef of the gourmet club, Stajiu." Tong Yu said, looking at Stajiu in front of her.

"Is this person Stajiu? This momentum..."

The two girls, Ryoko Sakaki and Megumi Tadokoro, were affected by Stajiu's aura, and large amounts of sweat gathered on their foreheads.

The Gourmet Club's GT robot can operate anywhere in the world, and its various senses such as vision and smell can be faithfully transmitted to the operator, with an action error of only one thousandth of a second.

On the contrary, the operator's momentum will also affect the GT robot.

In other words, part of Stajiu's powerful aura has been transmitted to the current GT robots, which is also the reason why the two girls, Tadokoroe and Sakaki Ryoko, feel pressured.

The GT robot scratched its head with its aluminum alloy claws, looked at Tong Yu and said, "Strange, I didn't identify myself, right?"

"It's not important at all. I didn't expect that the second-in-command of the gourmet club could use the ingredients in the human world. Although he only controls the GT robot, this can be regarded as a mobilization of troops, right?"

While Tong Yu was speaking, he did not dare to let down his guard. The person standing in front of him now was the top powerhouse in the world.

In the captive world of gourmet food, headed by Acacia's three disciples, one dragon, two wolves, and three tigers, these three are undoubtedly the strongest in the world. They are T0 level strong ones, followed by Gioia.

Under this, the strong T1 players include Stajiu, Setsuno and others.

With the help of the system, Tong Yu learned the ultimate meaning of food, and awakened the gourmet cell demon Chi You. The beasts in the human world did not pose any threat to him, but he had no chance of winning against an enemy like Stajiu!

That's right, there is no chance of winning at all.

This is the case.

Stajiu has followed Sanhu for so many years and has eaten countless top-quality ingredients. His gourmet cells have long evolved to a certain level. In this world, except for a few strong men from T0, there are almost no opponents...

Tong Yu knew very well that he was not Stajiu's opponent, but that was in a face-to-face situation... But the situation now was different. In front of him was just the GT robot controlled by Stajiu.

"It's not a big deal, I'm just more interested in the latest GT robot. Qiao Niang didn't disappoint me either. The performance of the GT machine in all aspects is better than I imagined. Don't you think it will be better if you don't go out?" Isn’t it interesting to be able to capture ingredients?”

"It's indeed interesting, but the act of 'capturing food' you mentioned is worse than openly robbing!"

Stajiu once again made a habitual move, moved his head with his fingers, and said: "By the way, you seem to be the director of IGO, I remember? What's your name?"

"Haha, don't bother a big shot like you to remember my name. Stop talking nonsense! Stajiu, I will accept the precious meat here!"

After saying that, Tong Yu took the lead in attacking Stajiu.

The sudden attack was extremely fast!

Most people cannot react at all and will either die or be injured when hit by a chopstick cannon!

However, Stajiu's reaction was not ordinary. Even though the GT robot had certain errors, it still easily dodged the attack.


The chopsticks bombarded Stajiu's feet, and a hole suddenly appeared.

"This reaction force...0.8..."

Tong Yu only returned to normal after being briefly surprised.

After thinking briefly, Tong Yu gave up long-range attacks and switched to melee attacks.

For the first time, Tong Yu used a new eating skill!

He stretched out his right hand and turned it into a sharp knife in an instant.


The speed is like lightning.


This time Stajiu failed to react, and the knife hit the GT robot's body impartially.


Immediately, a crack appeared on the surface of the Gt robot.

Stajiu took a few steps back before standing still. He looked down at the scars on his "body" and said slowly: "With rare speed and explosive power, you have good strength."



Chapter 413: Gem Flesh

Stajiu looked down at the damaged area of ​​the GT robot, and couldn't help but said slowly: "Speed, power... I can't use my full strength with the GT robot. Igo Deputy Director Tong Yu, you are also a gourmet! Your speed Your strength and strength are extraordinary, and I am fascinated by you. After being attacked by you a few times, this machine will become shattered. However, I will be serious in the next battle and will not be as careless as I was just now. , and also test the performance of this robot..."

"Are you done? If you're done, then let your horse come over!"

Tong Yu got into a fighting stance and glanced at the two girls next to her, Tazoe E and Sakaki Ryoko.

To be honest, if Stajiu was more despicable and attacked the two women, it would be difficult for him to escape unscathed.

However, Stajiu's character is beyond words, and he would not do such a bad thing... Stajiu's character and strength are both very high, which is also an important reason for his high prestige in gourmet food.

Stajiu didn't waste any more words. He maximized the speed of the GT robot, making it almost impossible to catch with the naked eye.

Tong Yu tensed up her nerves and did not dare to be careless at all. She clenched her right fist and punched the oncoming Stajiu (G31T robot) with all her strength!

"Good come!"

Stajiu shouted, and the aluminum alloy hands of the GT robot turned into fists: "Crushing Fist!"

Like the mixing barrel of a washing machine, the aluminum alloy claws rotated at high speed the moment it was swung out.


The fists on both sides collided together, making a muffled sound.


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