After the collision of forces from both sides, the sound of broken mechanical parts can still be heard.

Stajiu and Tong Yu both took a few steps back before standing firm.

Tong Yu shook his numb right arm, stared at the broken aluminum alloy right hand of the GT robot, and smiled: "Haha, it seems that the performance of this robot is not very good. It can't even withstand my punch. Go back and let the mechanics of your food club refit it."

Although it sounds easy, Tong Yu's right hand was not comfortable. A seemingly ordinary punch required almost six levels of his strength to completely destroy the GT robot's right hand.

Tong Yu knew that he could not fight Sta for a long time, and he had to get the gem meat as soon as possible to join Chuang Zhen and others outside.

"Amazing power. Fighting with you makes my blood boil! Tong Yu, I hope I can have the opportunity to fight you face to face. I really look forward to your growth..."

Stajiu's words were tantamount to indirectly recognizing Tong Yu.


Tong Yu said nothing, raised her right hand, and several black chopsticks gathered in the air.

"This will happen later. Now I just want to get the flesh of the gem, that's all!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the root chopstick cannon bombed towards the GT robot controlled by Stajiu.

The GT robot, which had suffered two fatal injuries, was unable to withstand such an attack and was shattered in an instant.

The place where they are now is originally very close to the Jeweled Flesh. After defeating Stajiu, the three of them found the so-called location of the Jeweled Flesh without much effort.

When you get closer, you can smell the smell of meat... No, it can no longer be described as the smell of meat. This is an indescribable fragrance. Just smelling this fragrance makes people salivate!

"This scent!"

Even Tong Yu, who was well prepared, was stunned at this moment.

It smells so good and so beautiful!

In front of me is a large piece of meat with a diameter of about three meters. It is shaped like a gem. The most important thing is that it shines like a real gem.

Dou Yu, Ryoko Sakaki, and Megumi Tadokoro have never tasted gem meat. When they saw it for the first time, they were attracted by the fragrance and beauty!

Especially Tong Yu, she could feel that her gourmet cells were eager to taste the precious meat in front of her.

For once, Tong Yu's mouth overflowed with saliva.

"This is the ancient food treasure, the meat of gems!"

Tong Yu wiped the saliva from the corner of her mouth and walked towards the Jeweled Flesh step by step, followed closely by Tazoe and Ryoko Sakaki.

The three of them were all deeply attracted by the jeweled flesh in front of them.

Finally, I walked in front of Gem Flesh and looked at it from a close distance. I couldn't take my eyes away.

How beautiful, this is a product of nature's exquisite craftsmanship!

The texture of the flesh of this gemstone seems to be... a work of art that has been processed by craftsmen!

The dripping meat is like placer gold, and the aroma of meat is better than anything else.

This scent is full of class and mellowness that puts even high-end perfumes to shame.

Even Tong Yu was deeply attracted, let alone Ryoko Sakaki and Megumi Tian... They were also extremely excited at the moment. Looking at the top-notch food in front of them, the cells in their bodies and even every pore were calling.

"Xiaohui, Liangzi, let's taste it now. There is so much gem meat anyway." Tong Yu said to the two women.


"I...I can't wait to taste the meat of gems!"

The two girls couldn't wait to taste it, and Tong Yu immediately took out the Garuda knife.

Gem meat is also a type of bird and animal. Although it does not have any peculiar smell, using a Garuda knife can further enhance the deliciousness.


Tong Yu raised the knife and cut off a large piece of gem meat with the Garuda knife.

The moment it was cut, the meat juices flew into the air!

"It's amazing! The flying meat juice is like fireworks!" The two women exclaimed from the side. 923

Tong Yu quickly cut the meat into three pieces and gave two of the pieces to the two women.

"Xiao Hui, Ryoko, let's taste it together."

"it is good!"

Then, the three of them put the gem meat into their mouths.

The moment they put it in their mouths, the expressions of the three people instantly froze.

This taste!

"It's so delicious!"

Tong Yu roared, then cut off a large piece and put it into his mouth, savoring it carefully.

"Different parts have obviously different tastes! The part just now was smooth and moist, but this part is full of wildness! Doesn't the taste of different parts of the gem meat also differ? It makes a gorgeous crunchy sound like chewing gizzards! At the same time, it overflows in the mouth The delicious and rich texture of the melted meat makes you want to eat it!”

In the world of Shoji, Tong Yu and others thought they had tasted countless delicacies, but the moment they ate the meat of gems, they felt ashamed. The deliciousness was simply incomparable.

After tasting it, Tadokoro Megumi and Sakaki Ryoko were also deeply attracted. They ate several large pieces in a row before stopping.

After he had almost eaten, Tong Yu cut off all the remaining gem meat, wrapped it in the food bag he brought, and then put it into the space ring.

Then, the three people left the legal mammoth's body and came outside.



Chapter 414: Taste the meat of gems

Tong Yu and the other three got the gem meat and immediately came out from the body of the legal mammoth.

Sure enough, the fighting outside was fierce.

Souma Yukihira, Teruki Kuga and Rei failed to cause substantial damage to the large GT robot. Instead, the three of them suffered varying degrees of injuries.

"But... damn it, attacks have almost no effect on it. Are the defenses of such a large GT robot so strong?"

Yukihira Soma spent a lot of energy and was a little out of breath when talking.

Kuga Teruki is slightly better, using regenerated plants to continuously recover.

"Xing Pingzi, try a few more times. If it still doesn't work, just run away... It's been so long. With Tong Yu's speed, you should get the gem meat."

As soon as Kuaga Teruki finished speaking, Ling pointed to the distance and said loudly: "Quick...look over there!"

The two of them looked at each other and saw Tong Yu jumping in front of several people with one arm around Tazoe and Sakaki Ryoko respectively.

"Everyone, please wait, I have captured the gem meat, you can leave here." Tong Yu said to everyone with a smile.

"Ah haha, as expected of Tong Yu-kun, you got it so quickly! Isn't the gem meat delicious? Let's go back and try it right away." Xingping Soma was as excited as ever.

"Idiot, are you going to enjoy gem meat in a place like this? It's so tasteless!"

The conversation between several people was listened to by the GT robot in front of them. Gordo, a member of the Gourmet Club who controlled this huge GT robot, couldn't help but be stunned.

"What, they have already obtained the gem meat? Didn't the sous chef also enter the body of the legal mammoth? What the hell is going on!"

Gordo couldn't figure it out, and he didn't think too much about it. The sous chef had already gone to seize the gem meat. His mission was only to eliminate the group of people in front of him.

So Gordo launched an attack on Tong Yu and others.

"Go to hell, you little devils!"

Gordo controlled the large GT robot, raised its huge arms, and then swung them down suddenly.

At this moment, the huge aluminum alloy arms that fell turned into a sharp kitchen knife, and the huge force it wielded seemed to be able to split everything.

"Paring knife shot"! "

That's right, this movement of raising your hand and lowering it is like peeling. The extremely sharp move can chop the enemy into pieces in an instant.

"here we go again!"

Soma and Teruki Kuga were injured by this move just now, which shows that the power of this move is extraordinary.

However, Tong Yu did not avoid such an attack at this time, and his eyes exuded a terrible murderous look.

Tong Yu raised his hand, and the two huge spoons easily blocked the attack of the giant GT robot.

Gordo was shocked when he saw this.

"What move is this? Wait...wait, when did this guy show up!" Godot then noticed the sudden appearance of Tong Yu.

"Do you really think being bigger means you have an advantage? Just disappear!"

Tong Yu shouted loudly, and a huge black mysterious chopstick appeared above the head of the GT robot.

Although the GT robot is huge, Tong Yu's "chopsticks" can also freely change volume and size, all based on its own strength.

Tong Yu is not very strong now, but it is not difficult to destroy this kind of GT robot...

If we were to judge the GT robot in front of us based on the beast's capture level, the capture level would only be around 42 if it were stretched to death. Tong Yu could easily deal with this level of strength.

"Mysterious meaning?E??????"

Following Tong Yu's loud shout, the huge black Mysterious Chopsticks fired a laser cannon with a diameter of more than 10 meters, instantly covering the giant GT robot.

A moment later, the giant GT robot collapsed, and its entire body was charred black, emitting black smoke.

This blow failed to turn the GT robot into pieces, but its inner core device was destroyed and it lost its ability to move.

"Let's go back and taste the meat of gems."

The Gem Flesh has been obtained, all enemies have been dealt with, and there is no need to stay here any longer.

This time, everyone suffered only minor injuries during the capture of Gem Flesh.

That night, Tong Yu took out half of the gem meat for celebration. The gem meat was cut into thin slices and placed on a large plate on the dining table.

Everyone was already sitting at the table, waiting to taste it.

When the shiny gem meat was served, everyone was fascinated by it.

There is no one else here except Dou Yu, Tadokoroe, Sakaki Ryoko, Kuga Teruki and Rei.

Originally, Ling also called Sani (with Tong Yu's consent), but Sani seemed to be still angry and refused to taste the gem meat...

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