In this regard, Tong Yu laughed at Sani's stupidity in his heart. This gem meat is an indispensable ingredient for the evolution of the Four Heavenly Kings' gourmet cells. If you miss this opportunity, you will have to wait at least several decades for the gem meat to return to the legal mammoth. agglomeration in the body.

You know, an ingredient that can make gourmet cells evolve, how precious ingredients are in this beautiful world!

However, Sani wasted this opportunity because he was angry.

Tong Yu didn't bother to pay attention, not only Sani... none of the Four Heavenly Kings were familiar with Tong Yu, so there was no need to care about what would happen to their gourmet cells.

Originally, Tong Yu planned to call Mansam to come with him, but Mansam had no time to come because he had to remove the gem meat from the legal mammoth cub.

So, only Tong Yu and the five of them were together in this celebration of gems and flesh.

However, this is just right, a few people can talk about anything.

In addition, the huge plate placed in front of everyone is not just gem meat. The gem meat is the protagonist, and the supporting roles include good ingredients from the first life.

However, also placed on a plate, only the flesh of the gem shines brightly, its brilliance surpasses everything else!

"々. I've kept you waiting for a long time, this is the complete meal of jeweled meat!"

When it was served, everyone was attracted by the shining gem meat.

"Wow, that's great!"

"Is this the flesh of gems? I've waited too long!"

"This is the first time I have seen such a wonderful brilliance..."

The place where the five people ate was located on the rooftop of the research institute. It was a full moon, and the bright moonlight shone down, adding a dazzling brilliance to the gem flesh.

"The moonlight looks hazy... It's like it's like daytime only here!"

"This is what illuminates the inside of such a giant mammoth. Now this scene is even more excusable."

Kuaga Teruki touched his chin, and glanced back and forth at Dou Yu, Ryoko Sakaki, and Emi Tadokoro, and said suspiciously: "I said, the skin of the three of you is so shining, is it because of..."

"Ah, Senior Kuaga is right. The three of us have already tasted the gem meat in the body of the legal mammoth. You don't have any objections, right?" Tong Yu said with a smile.

Of course Kuga Teruki had no objection, but he just asked casually. Tong Yu was the first to capture the gem meat this time. They were very satisfied to be able to sit here and taste the gem meat.

Of course, the five of them have become very good friends since they met each other, and they also have a relationship of "die-hard fans".

Chapter 415: Delicious food in the world

Tong Yu and the people in front of the table, from the world of eating halberds to the current world of prisoner eating, are no longer ordinary friends, they are partners who have overcome many difficulties together.

We share joys and sorrows and share weal and woe.

These few words are the most appropriate to describe it.

Therefore, it goes without saying that we can gather together and taste the meat of this top-notch gourmet gem at the same table.

Of course, the tone in which Tong Yu spoke just now was just joking with Kuga Teruki and had no other meaning.

The atmosphere at the table was very harmonious. While talking and laughing, everyone began to taste the gem meat that they had been coveting for a long time.

"Anyway, let's eat now, gem meat!"


Everyone picked up their knives and forks, put a large piece of gem meat on the plate like eating a steak, cut off a piece and put it into their mouths.

"It's so dazzling on the plate, but the light is as soft as an incandescent lamp. You can see the meat juices swaying in the air the moment you cut it!"

“It’s my first time seeing such beautiful meat, I can’t wait!”

Everyone put the cut gem meat into their mouths. The delicious food spread at this moment, and their faces were full of enjoyment.

923 This taste is so delicious!

Unrivaled deliciousness.

Although the appearance is so luxurious, the original taste of the meat is not as good as the decoration, but it overflows in your mouth.

Along with the crunching sound of chewing, the heart also beats with the beating frequency.

Boom boom boom!

The sound of the heart beating faster and faster.


Swallow the gem meat, passing it from your throat to your stomach.

At this moment, the stomach and intestines shone brightly, and the brilliance of the gem flesh lit up the entire body organs!

Immediately, the whole person also glowed with the same brilliance as the flesh of the gem.

The people in front of the dining table all had their whole bodies sparkling because they had eaten a piece of gem meat.

"No...incredible, my whole body is glowing! It's like every cell is shining with joy."

"This is the charm of jeweled flesh!"

Moreover, different parts of gem meat have different flavors.

The liver is cut into sashimi. The aroma and taste are completely different from other parts. It has a smooth creamy taste that makes people want to stop eating.

The pork ribs have a rich flavor and plump meat, as if they are superimposed with countless layers of meat and fat. The feeling of loosening up in the mouth is wonderful.

The loin melts in your mouth the moment you eat it. Although the fat content is quite high, it is very smooth and makes swallowing effortless.


The taste of each part is different, and the taste can be called top-notch!

Jewel meat is truly the best meat dish in the human world, there is no dispute about this.

Rainbow fruit, puffer whale, and gem meat, Tong Yu was still short of two ingredients for brewing top-notch wine.

The next ingredient has also been decided.

That night, the celebration focused on Gem Flesh lasted until midnight.

Everyone is very happy, not only because of the delicious taste of gem meat, but also because of this precious friendship and... love.


Tong Yu and the others were at the Gem Meat celebration, and they traced the time back to a few hours ago, to the sixth branch of the Gourmet Club.

Gt robot control room.

Stajiu, who was wearing a mask, suddenly opened his eyes in the control room and stood up immediately.

Qiao Niang and other members of the sixth branch who were standing outside watching were all shocked.

Qiao Niang came to the door of the control room and asked hurriedly: "What's wrong with Mr. Si... Stajiu?"

Stajiu pondered for a moment before speaking: "The GT robot was destroyed."

"Wha...what? The GT robot controlled by Master Stajiu was also defeated! Could it be...that the director of Igo personally went out to capture the meat of the gem? Even so, Master Stajiu personally controlled it and would not be at a disadvantage. ." Mrs. Qiao said in surprise and panic.

"No, it's not Igo's strength, but another person..."

"The other person? The performance of the GT robot is not good enough, and it cannot bring out one-tenth of Master Stajiu's strength. If the performance is improved a little more, maybe it won't miss this time..."

Qiao Niang knew that if even the GT robot controlled by Stajiu was destroyed, then the others must have also failed, and the gem meat must have fallen into the hands of the enemy (IGO).

"You don't need to blame yourself. The performance of the GT robot does need to be improved, but the full responsibility certainly does not lie with you. I didn't expect Tong Yu to be such a person... Haha, I really look forward to his growth."

Stajiu couldn't help but laugh under the mask. "Tong Yu! Then... isn't that the director of the IGO Food Management Bureau? Could it be that he destroyed Master Stajiu's GT robot!" Qiao Niang was surprised in her heart.

Originally, according to the development of the original work, the protagonists of Meat of Jewels this time were Alu and others, and the person who destroyed Stajiu was also Alu.

Now Tong Yu appears in the legal mammoth's body with a few die-hard fans, easily destroying the GT robot controlled by Stajiu, which makes Stajiu turn his attention to Tong Yu and others.

Tong Yu didn't pay attention to this, because it was only a matter of time before the war with the Food Club started.

A few days later, Tong Yu returned to City A, to the villa where she lived.

Soma and Teruki Kuga also returned to their original places, continuing to practice with their masters to increase their strength and prepare for the next event.

A few days later, Tong Yu came to the food market alone.

The food trading market is still as lively as ever, with people coming and going.

Along the way, I met many people. Whether they were people Tong Yu knew or didn't know, they all took the initiative to say hello to him.

Tong Yu responded politely with a smile.

I don’t know why, but I felt particularly good when I walked to this food market. Especially when I saw the dazzling array of food, I felt that the world was so wonderful, and I was grateful for the gifts of nature.

"Hey, isn't this Shi Meng? How is business lately?"

Tong Yu soon met Shi Meng, a famous businessman in the food trading market, and saw him unloading goods on the dock.

"Oh, it's Master Tong Yu. I haven't seen you come to the trading market recently. Have you gone to catch some rare ingredients?" Shi Meng asked as he put down the goods in his hands.

"Well, something took up some time. Compared to this, have you received any good ingredients recently?"

Tong Yu just asked casually, but Shi Meng immediately told the collected information.

"I have a good piece of information here, and I will tell it to you for free. I think you will be very interested."

"Well, let's talk about it.".

Chapter 416: Insect Island (1)

Shi Meng's words made Tong Yu interested.

"Oh, there is some information that I am definitely interested in? Tell me what it is."

Shi Meng looked around and found that no one was paying attention here, so he whispered: "It is a super rare ingredient, an ingredient in the gourmet world that rarely grows in the human world."

“Ingredients of the gourmet world!”

When Tong Yu heard this, he realized what the ingredient Shi Meng was talking about was.

Sure enough, Shi Meng immediately said: "Corn, popcorn that used to be a snack for gourmet aristocrats in the past, is collectively called BB corn."

"BB corn, this is the ingredient. Haha, Shimeng, you are quite well-informed!" Tong Yu said with a smile.

Seeing Tong Yu's dull reaction, Shi Meng knew that he had known about the existence of this ingredient for a long time.

"It seems that the Director has long known about the existence of BB corn, ~ I am talking too much..."

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