"No, you just reminded me that the BB corn should be ripe too, and I plan to catch it too."

BB corn, it is said that a long time ago, it was the raw material of snack popcorn for gourmet aristocrats. It is a grain mainly grown in the gourmet world.

Just one popcorn after being roasted over a strong fire will instantly turn into popcorn for 100 people.The overwhelming aroma and taste of rice have the effect of increasing appetite after just one bite.

The transaction price in the human world is also hundreds of thousands per piece. For a whole piece, the lowest market price will not be less than 10 billion.

The capture level of BB corn in the human world is 35. If it is in the food world, the capture level will be higher.

As Shi Meng said, these are the very few who originally grew up in the food world, but for some reason (spread by wind flow, artificial transplantation) grew up in the food world.

In other words, the food ingredients growing in the human world are not just BB corn. It’s just that BB corn is more prominent and more popular among people.

Ingredients in the gourmet world are the destination that all gourmet hunters yearn for. Many gourmet hunters are motivated to complete their life menu in the gourmet world.

However, the dangers in the food industry are far beyond everyone’s imagination.

"Thank you for telling me such important news. I will bring you some BB corn after I capture it. But before that, I need a convenient tool. By the way, Shi Meng!" Tong Yu suddenly thought of Something important happened.


"Do you know of any place in the human world where you can capture pets?"

Although Tong Yu is a time traveler and knows the entire plot of the anime, some places and events in this world cannot be explained clearly in the anime, and some events and places are not mentioned.

In the "plot" that was already known, Tong Yu did not expect that there was a suitable place to capture flying pets.

As an experienced ingredient merchant, Shi Meng is familiar with various places in the human world. If you ask him for advice, you will definitely find a good place to capture pets.


Shi Meng looked at Tong Yu with confusion and said, "What pet do you mean?"

There are two types of pets in this food world, one is responsible for being cute, and the other is helpful to the owner.

The pet Tong Yu wants is of course the latter.

"Well, I don't have a flying pet for transportation. It's troublesome to capture food every time. It would be much more convenient if I had a flying pet for transportation." Tong Yu said.

Shi Meng touched his chin and thought for a moment, then said: "If it is a pet with the ability to fly, I know of two places, both of which are dangerous places in the human world, but with the strength of the Director, it should be fine."


"A huge island 2 meters away from here - Insect Island."

"Insect Island?"

Tong Yu tried hard to recall the existence of this island in the anime.

"Yes, there are many flying beasts on this island, most of them are insects. I think there should be pets that meet your requirements. The other place is the 'Valley of Stone' in the southeast, where mainly flying dragon beasts live. But the number is very small, and most of their activities are at night." Shi Meng said.

Whether it was Insect Island or Stone Valley, Tong Yu had never heard of these two places.

Since Ten Dreams recommended these two places, you can’t go wrong.

Before looking for the remaining two ingredients, Tong Yu was determined to capture a flying pet first.

After returning to the villa from the trading market, Tong Yu carefully checked these two places.

However, even after searching, it was found that there is very little information about these two places.

It’s no wonder that even experienced businessmen like Shi Meng only know a few things, let alone others.

After some decision-making, Tong Yu decided to go to the Insect Island first.

Insect Island has more options than Stone Valley. In addition, if you really want to find a flying dragon beast as a pet, you don't need to consider the human world. It is too weak and has no big effect except for transportation.

Before setting off, Tong Yu spoke to the two girls, Ryoko Sakaki and Megumi Tadokoro.

The original plan was to take the two girls with them, but after hearing that the place they were going to was an island where insects swarmed, the two girls gave up the idea of ​​going.

It's understandable, after all, girls are afraid of things like insects, not to mention the main purpose of this trip is to capture pets.


The next day, after Tong Yu tidied up, she brought her deputy.

This deputy is one of Tong Yu's loyal confidants. He shares a lot of work for Tong Yu on weekdays. He handles all trivial matters. He has a particularly strong working ability and is not weak in strength.

After eating gem meat a few days ago, my strength has been improved. Now I can easily deal with beasts with a capture level of 30 or below. If I go all out, I can take down beasts with a capture level of around 45.


At present, Alu, Coco and others among the Four Heavenly Kings are almost at this level of strength.

On Igo's specially designed sonic fighter, Kamikawa placed his hands on the control wheels of the sonic fighter, wearing the flight goggles, looking ahead and controlling it carefully.

"Kamikawa, I haven't seen you for a few days and your strength has improved a lot."

Tong Yu sat in the back and said to Shenchuan in the cockpit.

"This is all thanks to the grace of Master Tong Yu. The last gem meat allowed my gourmet cells to evolve..."

Yes, Kamikawa is one of the very few people who has gourmet cells, and he is one of those who has had gourmet cells since birth.

The future is endless!

It happened that this time the gem meat was one of the indispensable ingredients for his gourmet cells, and his strength was greatly improved after eating it.

Because of this incident, Shenchuan's loyalty to Tong Yu increased a lot, and he secretly swore loyalty to Tong Yu to the death.

Tong Yu opened the bottle of wine he carried with him and took a sip before saying, "Shenchuan, have you been to Insect Island?"

"I went there once. When I was still working as a food hunter, I received a mission from that place and needed to capture a 'killer bee'. At that time, I had not received the favor from the adults. I was too weak and almost died. Fortunately, I went together. The food hunter was so powerful that he saved his life," Kamikawa recalled.

"That means you are more familiar with this place? That's great."

"Sir, that happened many years ago, and at that time we only set foot in the outer areas of the forest, and we did not dare to go forward to the central area of ​​the island..."



Chapter 417: Insect Island (2)

Insects are of various types and shapes. They belong to arthropods among invertebrates. They are the largest group of animals on the earth. They account for more than 50% of all biological species, including bacteria, fungi, and viruses. Their traces are almost everywhere. Every corner of the world.

Until now, there are more than 100 million species of insects known to humans, but there are still many species that have yet to be discovered.

Insects are the most diverse and abundant species in the animal kingdom and have a significant impact on agricultural production and human health.

The most common ones are locusts, butterflies, bees, dragonflies, flies, grasshoppers, cockroaches, etc.

Not only are there many types of insects, but the number of individuals of the same species is also staggering.The distribution of insects is so wide that no other class of animals can compare with it, almost all over the earth.There are different types.Most insects can be used as specimens and are good biological resources that humans can use.

At the same time, a small number of insects also make huge contributions to human medicine and other fields.

As the largest island among the islands in the human world, the Insect Island covers an area of ​​256000 square kilometers, almost twice the size of the Baron Islands.

This place is home to more than 95% of the insect species in the human world, making it a true kingdom of insects.

However, this 95% refers to the insect species discovered by humans so far... So far, more than 100 million species of insect beasts have been discovered on the Insect Island alone, but this has only explored 50% of the resource area.

In the central area of ​​​​the insect island, scientists cannot go deep at all. The danger here is so high that even food hunters dare not set foot easily.

It is reported that the average capture level of beasts in the outer areas of the insect island is above 36, and the capture level of beasts further in will continue to increase.

According to Igo's statistics, the highest capture level currently found on this island is 72. It is a giant queen bee that has lived for more than a hundred years.

However, many people speculate that there are beasts on the insect island that are higher than the queen bee, but they have not yet been discovered.

After the sonic plane traveled for several hours, we could finally see the endless insect island...

Calling it an island is a bit inappropriate. Even if you look down from high in the sky, you can't see the end of the island.

Boundless, beyond the horizon.

This would have to be placed in Tong Yu's original world, or the world of Shoji. The area of ​​​​this insect island is equivalent to the area of ​​many European countries.

Insect Island is a paradise for insects. The vegetation coverage is also very vast. In addition, you can also see mountains, rivers, etc.

"Is this the Insect Island? It's also an island, but the pressure is much stronger than the Baron Islands." Tong Yu looked at the Insect Island below and couldn't help but sigh.


To the west of the insect island, Kamikawa parked the plane in an open area, took some things with him, and the two began to explore the insect island.

If you just want to capture pets, you don’t have to stop at the edge. You can go directly to the center of the island.

The beasts in the central area must be captured with a high level to meet the basic requirements for pets.

But Tong Yu didn't do this, naturally there was a reason. All of this was to explore ingredients that he had never seen and tasted before.

The sonic plane stopped in an open area and was buckled with a special metal cover to prevent it from being damaged by wild beasts.

But even so, Shenchuan was still a little worried.

"I hope if we park the sonic machine here, no wild beasts will come to cause trouble."

"Most beasts are only interested in living creatures, so it should be fine to put the sonic machine here."

After Tong Yu said this, Shenchuan stopped talking and followed behind silently.

Before coming here, Tong Yu inquired about almost all information about Insect Island.

Insect Island, just like its name, is an island dominated by insects. The insects on the entire island are very powerful. The most famous among them is the killer bee series of beasts. Not only are they huge in size and have a high level of capture, but they also carry Highly toxic.

Judging from the information Tong Yu consulted, the entire insect island can be divided into five dangerous places with different levels.

The entire insect island is nearly circular in shape and is divided from the outer circle to the central area of ​​the inner circle.

The "Fifth Ring" is the outermost area. This is a place that many food hunters often explore, and it is also the most developed and utilized place. The capture level of beasts here is around 28~36.

The "Fourth Ring" is around capture level 36-46. This is the area where Kamikawa and others set foot.

"Third Ring" and "Second Ring" are rarely reached by people. The beast capture levels here are generally above 50. There is almost no chance of survival if you go there alone...

"One Ring" is the center of the island. According to a legendary gourmet, the beasts here are ferocious. It is not recommended for people who have not entered the food world to go there, although there are indeed many high-end and rare ingredients here...

It is not recommended for gourmets who do not have the ability to enter the food industry!This shows what?

Obviously, the danger level of this place is almost the same as the entrance to the food world. For ordinary people, there is only a dead end.

Tong Yu's current strength is only preliminary enough to enter the food world. If the center of Insect Island is really as rumored, then this is definitely a good place to hone oneself.

Along the way, you can see insects and beasts everywhere.

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