"Golden gun locusts, hedgehog grasshoppers...all are insects that are difficult to deal with in daily life. They can be found everywhere in this place."

Shenchuan walked behind Tong Yu and saw many insects and beasts along the way, but he was relatively calm and did not show any panic.

"Sir, it seems that these beasts are very afraid of your momentum... If it were anyone else, they would have been attacked long ago." Kamikawa said, looking at the insect beasts around him that did not dare to move forward.

Tong Yu also glanced at the insects and beasts around him, then looked forward and continued moving forward.

For some unknown reason, after eating the gem, Tong Yu's strength increased and he also had a special aura of 0.8. Normal beasts would be afraid after feeling this aura, and would turn around and run away if they were timid.

Tong Yu initially concluded that this was a manifestation of the evolution of the gourmet cell demon... After all, Chi You was the kind of existence that would make people fearful just by looking at him. It was not surprising that he would exude such aura after evolving cells.

However, in fact, as Tong Yu's strength continues to improve, this momentum will scare more beasts...

To give a simple example, the maximum capture level of beasts that Tong Yu can defeat is 150. Then he can "intimidate" beasts with capture level below 50, which is one-third of the strength.

Of course, this is not absolute, but only for most beasts.

Some ferocious beasts have unyieldingness in their blood and bones, and they will not give in easily to others, no matter how strong the enemy is.

Chapter 418: Flying Mantis

All in all, the Insect Island covers an extremely vast area and is home to countless creatures. Especially in the central area, there are many unsolved mysteries. It is also one of the few places in the human world that has not been fully explored.

After Tong Yu ate the gem meat, her strength increased slightly, and her aura also changed. Normal beasts did not dare to approach, and she walked for a while without being attacked by any beast.

After walking for more than 2 hours, I came across several good ingredients.

“I didn’t expect tenderloin bananas to grow in a place like this, so I got a good ingredient!”

"Seven-star bloodworm! This is a very rare insect. It is used to treat patients with excessive blood loss. It has a miraculous effect. It stores a large amount of blood in the body and can change different blood types according to the input body. It is said that his body structure is still a mystery to this day."

"Flying ladybugs, their carapace is the best spice!"


Night fell quietly, and Tong Yu and Shenchuan found an open place to set up the camping tent, preparing to rest for a night before moving on.

The campfire was also raised, and Shen Chuan was roasting a beast caught in the afternoon in front of the fire.

The aroma of the meat being roasted in the flames, and the special spices made from the carapace of flying ladybugs ground into powder, filled the air, attracting many beasts from around.

However, due to the strength of Tong Yu and Shenchuan, these beasts did not dare to move forward rashly. At the same time, most of the beasts were very afraid of flames at night.

They could only watch from a distance with their mouths full of saliva.

"In one day, we are still on the edge of the island. At this speed, it will take at least a week to reach the central area."

Tong Yu leaned against a tree, holding a drink in his right hand and said slowly: "The beasts encountered are all under 40, so there is no challenge at all."

31 "Sir, according to my calculations, we will be able to reach the area I originally explored tomorrow. The beasts there may be more valuable."

"Well, let's take a look tomorrow."


In this way, Tong Yu and Shenchuan rested for a night on the outskirts of the insect island, and continued to explore towards the center of the forest the next day.

Just as Kamikawa said last night, when entering the more central location, the so-called "fourth ring" area, the number of beasts encountered and the level of capture have increased.

Insects can be seen everywhere, and there is a huge hornet's nest on a huge tree.

This is no ordinary hornet's nest at all. It is five or six meters in diameter, equivalent to a room covering an area of ​​about fifty square meters.

Surrounding this "hornet's nest" are killer bees with a length of about 40 to 60 centimeters. They are so numerous that it makes one's scalp numb just to see them.

"These are Teros killer bees!" Kamikawa said seriously as he looked at the bees with yellow patterns in front of him.

Tross killer bee, also known as killer bee for short, is a hybrid of different species of the family Hymenoptera, with a capture level of 28.

There is nothing scary about them just based on their capture level, but what is scary is that they are social animals, with at least hundreds of family members in a hive.

In addition, there is a queen bee with a capture level between 28 and 50, which is characterized by a larger size and different patterns and colors on her body.

In addition, this kind of killer bee is an omnivore, mainly feeding on other insects. Of course, it also has the habit of feeding on pollen.

These bees themselves are also insects that are beneficial to the natural environment and ecological construction. Since they often prey on various pests in the forest, they play a great role in preventing and controlling forest diseases and insect pests.

It can be said that Tros killer bees are important in maintaining the ecological balance of the insect island.

Kamikawa already has a psychological shadow on these Teros killer bees. When he came here with the expedition team composed of food hunters, he was attacked and almost died here, which is enough to show the danger of these killer bees.

"Sir, be careful, these killer bees are very dangerous..." Kamikawa reminded.

Shenchuan's intention is also very obvious, let Tong Yu leave here as soon as possible. Once these guys are provoked, it will be difficult to escape.

"Leave? Kamikawa, what are you talking about? Don't you feel it?"

"Huh? What, sir?"

Shenchuan did not understand the meaning of Tong Yu's words.


Tong Yu pointed to the oversized hornet's nest hanging on the giant tree and said: "There is a strong sweetness in the air, which means there is honey in it. And this sweetness means that the honey is very delicious and worth catching... …”

Shen Chuan couldn't help but take a breath of cold air in his heart. Most of the gourmet hunters didn't have time to escape when they saw the Tros Killer Bee, but Tong Yu was thinking about how to capture it.

This is a crazy idea!

However, Tong Yu has this strength.

Tong Yu used the food halberd and the phantom "spoon" to easily drive away all the Gerteros killer bees, and then only took one third of the honey, not all of it.

Get the honey from Tross Killer Bee and move on.

After walking for half an hour, a huge green mantis suddenly emerged from the grass nearby.

The green mantis was extremely fast and attacked Tong Yu the moment it emerged!


When Shenchuan saw the green figure approaching, he immediately stood in front of Tong Yu and suddenly grabbed the air.

But he saw a green mantis with a pair of sharp pincers, tightly grasped by Shenchuan.

"The murderous mantis!"

The killer mantis, as its name suggests, is a ferocious mantis that specializes in attacking humans and other creatures. Its characteristic symbol is that it has two sharp "big knives".

Capture level 42, extremely fast, green in body, and has the ability to fly.

Unlike ordinary praying mantises, whose forelimbs have a row of hard serrations, the murderous mantis is a real murderer's knife!

The head is reptilian-shaped with three separate horns.

The scythes on both arms are as sharp as magic weapons.It has two pairs of small wings, but only rarely uses its wings for flight.

The thighs are full of sharp edges and corners, and each foot has three toes with sharp claws.

It can be said that the murderous mantis is full of offensive weapons, and it also has the ability to fly. It is very suitable to be used as a flying pet, so some people also call it the flying mantis.

"Ha, it's a pet that can be trained and put to use. Kamikawa, please step aside and let me do it."


Shenchuan let go of his hand, but at this moment the flying mantis launched another attack.

The scythes in both arms were raised high and quickly struck towards Tong Yu.

"Not bad, very fast."

Tong Yu raised his right hand, and a silver spoon appeared in front of him, easily blocking the flying mantis' scythe.


Flying Mantis's scythe struck Tong Yu's spoon without moving at all. Not only did the force of the rebound make Flying Mantis's arms numb, his body also took a few steps back.

"Haha, it seems your sickle is useless to me. Be my pet and you will benefit from it in the future."

Tong Yu knew that this kind of capture-level pet already had a high IQ and could understand human speech.


The flying mantis let out a strange cry, raised the scythe in his hand high, and kept waving it.

Obviously, this flying mantis refused to give in.

"Ask yourself for trouble!"

Tong Yu chuckled, raised her hand and several small black chopsticks appeared.

Then, chopsticks were slapped all over the Flying Mantis' body continuously, causing the guy to cry out in pain.

Tong Yu controlled the intensity, neither too light nor too heavy, just enough to make the flying mantis feel intense pain.

A few minutes later, Flying Mantis was lying on the ground with wounds all over his body. His face no longer looked arrogant, and he had completely succumbed to Tong Yu.

Tong Yu came to the Flying Mantis and said with a smile: "Do you still want to resist me now? If you still don't want to surrender to me, I don't mind cooking you up!"

After saying that, Tong Yu exuded a terrifying murderous aura.


The Flying Mantis screamed feebly and cast a pitiful look at Tong Yu.

"Ha, wouldn't it be enough if this was the case 923? I told you that I won't treat you badly!"

After saying that, Tong Yu took out a piece of gem meat from the space ring and threw it to the flying mantis.

Although the Flying Mantis is an insect, like most of the insect beasts on this insect island, it loves meat. A piece of good meat can make its eyes shine, let alone the meat of this top-quality meat gem.

The Flying Mantis temporarily forgot about the trauma, opened its upper and lower jaws to the maximum, and bit down on the gem meat in front of it.

In less than a moment, the flesh of the gem was eaten.

After eating, the Flying Praying Mantis's skin injuries were all healed, its body became brighter, and its muscles also swelled.

Seeing this, Shen Chuan on the side couldn't help but be startled.

"This is... the food cells are going to evolve!" Shenchuan said in surprise.

The body of the Flying Mantis swelled. The body that was originally only over three meters tall actually almost doubled in size. The scythes on both arms also became much larger and looked sharper!

The body has almost doubled in size. How active are these gourmet cells!

At the same time, the green hair also became brighter, with the same dazzling brilliance as the gem flesh. This is because all the nutrients of the gem flesh have been absorbed.

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