The Flying Mantis was originally as well-proportioned as an athlete, but now it is even more handsome after eating the meat of gems. It is imposing and a bit ferocious at the same time.


The flying mantis raised into the sky and let out a long roar, and the sound echoed throughout the insect island.

The gourmet cells have been improved and the strength has reached a higher level.

Then the Flying Mantis came to Tong Yu and knelt down on one knee, completely recognizing Tong Yu as his master.

Tong Yu nodded secretly. She didn't expect that this flying mantis could actually know human etiquette. It has a very high IQ!

"Okay, get up. From today on, you will follow me and I will rename you... Since you are my pet and your name is Feitian, I will call you Feiyu from now on, but don't insult this name."


Feiyu roared, extremely excited, and seemed to like this name very much.

Chapter 419: Insect Fight

Tong Yu successfully conquered the flying mantis and named it Feiyu.

After Feiyu ate the gem meat, his gourmet cells were activated and his strength was greatly improved.

Tong Yu initially estimated that Feiyu, who originally only had a capture level of 42, should now be close to 60.

The capture level is 60, which is not bad in the human world, and can access many places unimpeded.

However, Tong Yu knows very well that this is not the upper limit of Flying Mantis, and it still has huge room for improvement...

The reason why I am so sure is that when I conquered Feiyu, the system bound in my mind popped up a prompt box.

[Ding, congratulations to the host for successfully taming the pet 'Flying Mantis'. Since it was detected as the host's first pet, I got a special prop. 】

"Ding! The special prop [Pet Cell Marrow Cleansing Pill] has been distributed to the host space ring. Please check it carefully."

With surprise and surprise, Tong Yu immediately inquired about the props obtained from the space ring.

【Pet Cell Marrow Cleansing Pill】

Props: special props, cannot be obtained directly

Effect: After eating, the quality of gourmet cells can be further improved based on the original gourmet cells, and the upper limit can be increased.

Note: Only available to the host’s pets


The flying mantis, a beast that inhabits the human world, does not have strong food cells, and its upper limit is not very high. Even if the food cells are fully opened, its strength in the food world can only be second-rate.

However, now the system provides this prop, which completely changes the food cells of the Flying Praying Mantis, and the potential is endless!

Without much hesitation, Tong Yu let Feiyu eat the Pet Marrow Cleansing Pill, which further improved the quality of the gourmet cells.

After conquering Feiyu, Tong Yu did not leave the insect island immediately. He always heard something calling him from far away.

"Let's continue exploring this kind of island. I think this place can bring me more surprises." Tong Yu said slowly, looking towards the center of the insect island.

Tong Yu continued to move forward with the new pets she had just added.

Along the way, I also saw the unique style of this island.

There are all kinds of insects and beasts, some big, some small, some cute, and there are also many delicious and rare ingredients that you have never seen before.

When encountering some particularly difficult but edible ingredients, Tong Yu would choose to avoid them, or just tap them without taking his life.

Since Feiyu can fly and its speed is not slow, with its help, it took only 3 days of stop and go to reach the central area of ​​the insect island.

Arriving at the central area, the beast's capture level is significantly improved.


Feiyu shouted and used the scythes in both arms to split an oncoming insect beast in half.

This is a Hera Beetle with a capture level of 46. It has extremely strong defense, but it is also vulnerable to Feiyu's scythe.

"From yesterday to now, the number of beasts has been significantly reduced, but the level of capture is getting higher and higher..."..." Kamikawa said, looking at the corpse of the Hera Beetle on the ground.

Most insect beasts are extremely aggressive and are good at concealing themselves and launching surprise attacks on their prey.

Tong Yu and Shen Chuan have been attacked by ferocious beasts ever since they set foot on the island.

Although the momentum exuded by Tong Yu's Food Cell Demon can drive back some ferocious beasts, it basically has no effect from the moment it enters the "Second Ring".

The closer to the central area, the higher the level of capture of the beasts. These powerful guys are not easily frightened by their momentum.

"It really surprises me. I didn't expect there to be such a dangerous place in the human world. The level of capturing beasts from the central area is at least 50 or above. There are very few places like this in the human world..." Tong Yu said.

"Yes, the Insect Island is also one of the few places that has not been fully explored, especially in the central area now, where almost no one has set foot," Kamikawa said.

Just as Tong Yu and Shen Chuan were talking about this, Feiyu on the side made a warning sound and pointed forward with his finger.


"What's wrong Feiyu?"

Tong Yu looked in the direction Feiyu pointed and saw a huge moth beast confronting a huge spider.

I saw this moth flapping its wings in the air, its huge wings waving in the air, whipping up strong winds and spreading in all directions.

This pair of wings alone is three meters long, and the wings, body and appendages are covered with black scales.

The tail and legs have sharp tufts of hair, thorns, etc.

There are 5 pairs of abdominal legs with toe hooks, which are dark black and appear to be highly venomous.

The head is hemispherical, with multi-segmented antennae and a comb-tooth shape, with upper and lower jaws. It has a typical siphon-type mouthpart for most species, somewhat similar to the nose of an ordinary mosquito.

The spider crawling on the ground has a purple-black body, eight eyes on its huge head, and eight legs with purple fluff. It looks like it is a poisonous guy.

Through the system, Tong Yu learned the information about these two beasts.

"It's the Elmos Moth and the Wolf King Spider!"

Elmos moth, capture level 65, is an insect of the order Lepidoptera. It is mostly active at night and likes to gather in bright places.

In the juvenile stage, they mainly feed on plants, and in adulthood they feed on adult birds, reptiles, amphibians, etc. It is an important food chain in the nature of the insect island.

Like most Lepidoptera moths, Hermosus moths are vulnerable as larvae and can be eaten by other insects because their numbers are so small.

According to statistics from igo, the survival rate of Ermos moth larvae is only 80%, and only about 5% can fully grow into adults.

Wolf King Spider, capture level 50, has powerful poison like most spiders. Even large beasts will die in a short time after being poisoned by Wolf King Spider. Their main habitat is the entire insect island. Not limited to a certain area, he is one of the most famous killers on the Insect Island.

The capture level of the Wolf King Spider is only 50. This does not mean that it is not strong, but that it is abundant in number and can be found everywhere on the Insect Island. It is not as rare as the Elmos Moth.

In other words, the number of Elmos moths is very small, and the capture level is therefore higher.

Whether it is the Elmos Moth or the Wolf King Spider, they are all the local overlords of the Insect Island.

Normally, these two ferocious beasts would not conflict, but now for some unknown reason, the two ferocious beasts here are ready to fight with arrows and crossbows drawn.

Soon, Tong Yu knew the reason.

I saw that the Elmos moth was holding a colorful flower bone on its feet.

This flower bud that is about to bloom is as delicate as a rainbow, emitting a strange brilliance under the sunlight.

"This bud!"

Tong Yu's eyes flashed with surprise. The moment he set foot on the insect island, he felt ingredients calling him constantly.

So, is this the colorful flower bud in front of me?

Tong Yu still doesn't know what these colorful flower buds are, but one thing is certain, they are extremely rare ingredients, otherwise these two beasts would not be fighting here.

Tong Yu and the others stood relatively far away, and the two beasts did not notice this side.

Without waiting for a while, the two beasts started fighting.

The Ermos Moth took advantage of the air from the beginning and continued to launch fierce attacks on the Wolf King Spider on the ground.

However, the Wolf King Spider is not stupid, and it seems that this is not the first time it has encountered this situation. It has experienced every round of attacks from the Elmos Moth.

After several rounds of confrontation, both sides were injured, and for a while they couldn't tell the winner and reached a deadlock.

"々. The colorful flower buds held by the feet of the Elmos moth must be obtained. Kamikawa Feiyu will assist me later."

Regardless of the outcome of the two beasts, Tong Yu has made arrangements, and this flower bud must be obtained.

"Yes, my lord."


Shenchuan and Feiyu responded at the same time, indicating that they were ready.

The battle between the two insects continued, and the fierce confrontation quickly spread to the surrounding forests and other beasts.

Although the Wolf King Spider was on the ground, its speed was unexpectedly fast, which made the Hermos Moth in the air a little confused, and several of its attacks failed.

Seeing this, Tong Yu couldn't help but said: "Interesting, the Hermos Moth, which should have the advantage in the air, is at a disadvantage."

If the place at this moment was a flat and open place, the Wolf King Spider would definitely not be able to avoid the attack of the Hermos Moth so easily.

However, it was surrounded by tall trees at this moment, and the Wolf King Spider did not take the initiative to attack. It used the natural obstacles around it to avoid attacks again and again.

"Feiyu, you should take this as a warning. Fighting is not just about relying on brute force. You can use the advantages of the terrain to create advantages for yourself, and you can also turn defeat into victory in unfavorable situations. The Wolf King Spider uses this to make up for its inability to fly... …”


Feiyu responded loudly, indicating that he understood what Tong Yu meant.

The Ermos moth failed to attack several times and became completely angry. It vibrated its huge wings and a huge air current suddenly appeared around it.

Soon, a special smell filled the air, and tiny scales were scattered in the strong wind.

Tong Yu could see clearly through super vision, and at the same time, she was also keenly aware of the strong poisonous gas contained in these scales through super smell.

"Be careful, there is a very strong poisonous gas in the air, don't be careful about breathing it in!" Tong Yu reminded Shenchuan and Feiyu.

The poisonous gas spread in all directions. Fortunately, Tong Yu and others were standing far enough away, but even so, a small amount of poisonous gas could spread here.

Fortunately, the three of them are not ordinary people and can easily resist this poison.

The Elmos Moth showed its special skills, and the poison on its body spread through the air, leaving the Wolf King Spider with nowhere to hide.

The Wolf King Spider, poisoned by phosphorus poison, began to move slowly, and the Hermos Moth's attack was immediately effective.

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