I saw a huge frog with a strawberry on its head appearing in front of me.

Yes, this is the strawberry frog.

The strawberry frog is an amphibian with a capture level of 6. It likes to live in areas such as grasslands and swamps. It is good at lurking underground and waiting for prey when hunting. It uses the scent of strawberries to attract prey.

Its movements are slow, so although it is very good at sneaking into the ground for assaults, other hunting operations almost always end in failure.

The meat is bland like bird meat, but the strawberries on the head used to attract prey are excellent.


Feiyu was about to pluck the strawberries from Strawberry Frog's head, but was stopped by Tong Yu.

"Feiyu, forget it. If you pick the strawberries, the strawberry frog will starve to death. There are many fruits in the Xu Zhi Jungle. You can catch them yourself when you enter the jungle."

The strawberry frog can only live in the outskirts of the Xu Zhi Jungle, which is quite pitiful. If it loses the strawberries that lure its prey, this strawberry frog will most likely starve to death because it cannot catch prey.

Feiyu nodded after listening to Tong Yu's words and ignored Strawberry Frog.

By the time Tong Yu and Feiyu arrived at the entrance of Xu Zhi Jungle, it was already the morning of the next day.

What was in front of Tong Yu at this moment was a forest full of trees and countless unknown plants.

The trees are densely packed together, blocking most of the sunlight. Looking from the outside in, it is pitch black, giving people an eerie feeling.

...................... 0

"Feiyu, I know you grew up on an insect island and are very adaptable to such an environment. However, I still remind you not to relax your vigilance and to face nature with awe at all times."


"Very well, let's go if you understand."

In this way, Tong Yu and Feiyu began to truly set foot in the jungle of Xu.

The Jungle of Xu is also known as the Plant Hell... If the Insect Island is an island covered with insect vegetation, then the Jungle of Xu is a forest dominated by plants.

The plants here are all "living creatures" and are extremely aggressive!

As they walked forward, Tong Yu said to Feiyu: "Feiyu, until we find the BB corn, we can't rescue each other in danger. The first key to surviving in the wild is to protect ourselves. When we can protect ourselves, I can't rescue my teammates until later. So no matter if I encounter danger later, I can't take action and rely on my own strength to solve it, no problem!"


Feiyu still looked confident and did not take the Xu Zhi Jungle in front of him at all.

Tong Yu secretly shook his head at this. Feiyu was a little overconfident. This overconfidence might become a fatal injury in the future.

Chapter 422: The Jungle of Xu (2)

Feitian grew up on the Insect Island. Coupled with Feitian Mantis's innate adaptability, this jungle of Xu can't trouble it at all. Entering this place is like returning to his hometown.

After eating the meat of gems and taking the pills given by the system, Feitian's strength has been improved and his food cells have become stronger.

But after these few days of getting along, Tong Yu also discovered a flaw in Feitian... that is, he is too confident no matter what he does.

Confidence is a good thing, but if it is too much, it will become your own fatal injury!

Tong Yu was ready to let Feiyu understand this truth in this jungle of Xu, so before setting off, she proposed not to rescue each other until BB Corn was found.

Entering the jungle of Xu, the roars or screams of wild beasts can be heard constantly in your ears.

The Jungle of Xu is an area ruled by plants, and beasts devoured by plants can be seen everywhere.

Just like a giant piranha flower in front of Tong Yu, it bit the little beast that strayed here by mistake.

Once a weaker beast is bitten by a plant, it will be difficult to break free. No matter how hard it struggles, it will be useless, and the body will be eaten away bit by bit.

Beasts trapped by plants will not die immediately, but will gradually die in a long period of despair and pain. This is an important reason why the Xu Zhi Jungle is called the "Plant Hell".

"The Jungle of Xu is a hell of plants. It is no exaggeration to say that it is a forest dominated by plants. The beasts that inhabit this forest will also be on high alert at all times, otherwise..."

Before Tong Yu could finish speaking, something suddenly fell from the sky.

Tong Yu had already activated his super five senses, and could predict incoming dangers in advance, and easily avoided the unknown objects falling from the sky.


This unknown white object fell to the ground and instantly grew into a small sapling.


Feiyu made a warning sound above Tong Yu's head.

Tong Yu looked up and saw two extremely disgusting birds croaking above her head. The unidentified white object just now was their feces.


These guys!

Tong Yu raised her right hand and swung out two chopsticks instantly, killing the two "poop birds" above her head instantly.

Dungbirds, capture level 22, are birds that like to poop everywhere. They like to swallow the seeds of various plants, so the poop they poop is mixed with seeds.

Most of these seeds come from the human world, and a few come from the food world. They have extremely strong vitality and can take root and sprout even in cracks in rocks or on houses.

If this kind of seed falls on a living creature, it will absorb the nutrients in the living body and grow wildly. The living creature that has been sucked of nutrients will soon turn into a mummy.

"Is this the plant hell? It's really interesting to give me a slap on the wrist when you first come here!"

Tong Yu raised the corners of his mouth slightly and continued to move forward, while not forgetting to remind Feiyu.

"Feiyu, you have to be careful and don't forget the agreement between us."


Feiyu was still confident and not afraid of this plant hell.

After walking a few steps, a huge rose with a diameter of more than 2 meters stood in the middle of the road.

This rose exuded a strong fragrance, and for just a moment, Tong Yu's mind went blank.

It may only be less than a second of distraction, but it may also become a fatal injury.

Only then did Tong Yu see clearly that there was an almost invisible red powder surrounding the huge blooming rose.

"So it turns out that these roses can produce powder of psychedelic creatures, which can make the brain fall into short-term thinking... When the brain loses its thinking blank, it emits the fragrance of roses, attracts the creatures to it, and then swallows it in one gulp! Man-eating roses , one of the terrifying plants in the Xu jungle!"

As we continue to explore forward, we encounter more and more plants. Although most of the plants are very aggressive, they only live in one place and cannot be moved.

Tong Yu has extraordinary perceptual abilities and can easily determine which plants are aggressive and choose the correct route to avoid all dangers.

However, Feiyu cannot predict the danger that is coming at every step, but fortunately, it is strong enough that even the beasts in the Xu Zhi Jungle can't do anything to it.


Feiyu roared loudly, swung the scythes in his arms, and cut off several unknown plants in front of him.

Just when Feiyu was feeling proud and the plants in front of him were no match for it, a crisis suddenly emerged!

Behind Feiyu, a huge green tree spirit appeared.

Without any warning, Feiyu tied his body with thick branches.


Only then did Feiyu react. He wanted to use a sharp scythe to cut off the branches that bound his body, but the tree spirit had lived in the jungle of Xu for hundreds of years and had rich fighting experience. He immediately stretched out another branch to cut Feiyu's hands. The arms are tightly trapped... .

Now it has become very difficult for Feiyu to even move, let alone launch an attack.

The flying mantis is several meters in size, but it looks so small in front of this huge tree spirit.

"Isn't this a goblin? And it's a century-old goblin, so its strength is extraordinary!"

When Tong Yu saw Feiyu trapped, he didn't go to rescue immediately. He just stood there and looked at it calmly.

Goblins are monsters that absorb the essence of heaven and earth. They are a special kind of beast. Their strength will continue to increase as they grow older.

It takes about 20 years for a goblin to grow from a seedling to a strong tree. At this time, the capture level will reach 33, and the size will reach an astonishing more than ten meters (the height of the entire branch).

At the same time, the whole body is covered with thick branches, which can tie up prey very flexibly. Once entangled, it is difficult to escape, and the goblins will absorb it until only the bones are left.

There are few creatures in this jungle that are opponents of goblins, let alone goblins who have lived for 100 years.

Tong Yu initially estimated that this guy's capture level was close to 60. Feiyu, who was entangled in branches, could not break free from this guy no matter how hard he tried.

"This is the first time I've seen a walking plant, and it's also a goblin that has lived for hundreds of years..."

In fact, if you observe carefully, you will know that the way the goblins move is to hang down their air roots and spread them into the ground, and use them as pillars to move.

Aerial roots, also known as oxygen roots, are the roots usually visible on evergreen plants that are exposed to the air.

They lower this root to the ground and then use it as a support root to support the trunk. In fact, if this process is repeated over decades, it will make people feel that the tree is moving.

"After living for hundreds of years, I have my own unique aura. It is natural that I can move freely in this forest."

Tong Yu then looked at Feiyu, who was still struggling, trying to break free from the shackles of the century-old goblin, and said: "Feiyu, strictly speaking, the strength of this century-old goblin is far inferior to you, but you are in a trap now. , do you know what caused all this?”



Chapter 423: The Jungle of Xu (3)

Tong Yu did not go to rescue Feiyu immediately. He planned to take this opportunity to make Feiyu understand a truth.

"Feiyu, it's precisely because of your arrogance that you didn't take the Jungle of Xu seriously, thinking that with your own strength you could run rampant in this forest, you fell into the trap of the goblins. I remember when I conquered the forest on Insect Island When you were young, I told you to be fearful and grateful to nature. You must have completely forgotten about it after your strength improved!" Tong Yu said to Feiyu with a serious face.

Feiyu felt the pain, looked at Tong Yu with pitiful eyes, and made a weak sound.

After tying up Feiyu, the goblin's thick branches kept tightening it tightly. Feiyu's body was squeezed and he kept making sounds for help toward Tong Yu.

Seeing that the lesson given was almost the same, Tong Yu raised his right hand and cut off the tree trunk that bound Feiyu.

Feiyu breathed a sigh of relief, cast a grateful look at Tong Yu, and then glared at the spirit in front of him with a pair of eyes filled with fighting intent.

"Feiyu, this century-old goblin is not that easy to deal with. You have to be more careful this time and observe carefully to find a countermeasure."

Tong Yu still had no intention of taking action, and was preparing to face Feiyu alone, 31, which was currently the strongest plant in the Xu Zhi Jungle.

As a fighting clan in the insect world, the Flying Mantis will not lose its fighter due to a momentary failure. After being rescued by Tong Yu, the flying mantis immediately ignited the flames of war. It is bound to smash the enemy who made it taste pain to pieces!

The more you fight, the braver you become, and you learn lessons from the battle. This is the excellent gene of the Flying Mantis clan that has been continued from ancient times to the present.


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