Feiyu raised his arms, a pair of large scythes emitted cold light, and his pupils turned blood red at this moment.

Swish swish!

Feiyu struck first and easily cut off the goblin's branches with his sharp scythe.

The advantage of goblins is their huge size and numerous tree trunks and branches, which can be used as their own weapons to attack and trap opponents. At the same time, the toughness of the branches is very good, and the attacks of ordinary beasts cannot break through this defense.

However, goblins, like most plants, are most afraid of two things...one is fire, and the other is sharp objects.

The scythe that the Flying Mantis was born with is extremely sharp. As its strength increases, it can cut off everything.

It can be said that Feiyu completely restrained the goblins and had no power to fight back in a head-on confrontation.


Feiyu seemed to want to avenge the previous incident. He yelled and used his special skill - sword dance!

The scythe that protects both arms rotates in the air at high speed, using the centrifugal force generated by the high-speed rotation to launch a fatal blow to the enemy!

When the sword dance is rotated, the movements are as beautiful as dancing, hence the name of the sword dance.

After Feiyu used his sword dance, the goblin was unable to parry and gradually collapsed in the violent storm of attacks.

In the end, all that was left of this goblin that had lived for hundreds of years was a bare main trunk, and it lost the ability to attack others.

Goblins will not die if they lose their branches. Even if they do not devour beasts for decades, they can still survive by simply absorbing nutrients from the ground.

Feiyu originally planned to give the goblin a final fatal blow, but was stopped by Tong Yu.

"Okay Feiyu, there's no need to kill them all!"

Feiyu nodded and let go of the goblin who had lost his aggressiveness.

After the battle, Tong Yu came to Feiyu and said seriously: "Feiyu, you must remember what happened this time and don't make this kind of mistake next time."


Feiyu nodded heavily, the lesson just now was enough for him to remember Tong Yu's words.

"And Feiyu, you have to remember that killing is not necessary if it is not for food. The process of capturing is not only for survival, but also for the life of the captured prey, so you must maintain a grateful and pious heart... "


Feiyu nodded, indicating that he had remembered Tong Yu's words.

After leaving the place where the century-old goblins were and walking for a while, Tong Yu and others finally arrived at the place where BB corn grew.

BB corn does not grow in the land of Xu Zhi Jungle, but in the "forest floor" formed by the entire forest in Xu Zhi Jungle.

"Feiyu, BB corn is right above the forest, let's go up."


One person and one pet quickly arrived at the top of the Xu Zhi Jungle, which was almost 100 meters above the ground.

Tong Yu stood on the network of branches formed by intersecting branches, as if walking on flat ground, without any feeling of shaking.

"Obviously, such a small branch can easily bear the weight of the two of us. The branches are intertwined with each other and can be so tough and durable. Even if we build a dozens-story building in the forest, it will be no problem."

Tong Yu couldn't help but sigh again at the magic of nature, and her heart couldn't help but feel awe and gratitude again.

After a brief sigh, Tong Yu looked up at the huge BB corn cob in the distance.

"Finally found it, this is BB corn! Feiyu, this time you and I are in for a treat!"


Feiyu also looked very happy and came to the biggest BB corn cob.

According to preliminary estimates, this piece of BB corn is at least 30 stories high, which is beyond imagination.

Just one BB jade weighs 960 meters and can make popcorn for 100 people, so it is not surprising that the main body is so big.

"Although BB corn is delicious, it is very difficult to pick. The leaves and ears of corn are very hard, and catching a whole corn requires a very powerful tool, so let's give it a try."

Tong Yu used her food skills to gather a knife and cut it diagonally at the BB corn.


The knife made a rebounding sound as if it was being struck on metal.

"It's really hard, haha, it's interesting... Feiyu, can you cut off the BB corn?" Tong Yu turned around and asked Feiyu beside him.


Feiyu raised the scythe in his hand to show that he was completely fine.

Tong Yu looked around. Currently, there were two huge BB corn cobs growing in the entire Xu Zhi Jungle. One of them was the one Tong Yu and Feiyu found, while the other one was picked up by another one an hour ago. Beast captured.

Tong Yu looked at the smooth slices in the distance and murmured to himself: "One of the corn cobs was caught in advance. Alu couldn't come to the Xu Zhi Jungle, but did the people from the food party still come? It's interesting, so I'll go If you try the food, the other deputy chef will be better."



Chapter 424: BB Popcorn

Cross Scissor, this is the flying mantis' special move. It turns the scythes on both arms into a "cross" shape, and then concentrates all the strength of the body on the arms. After a short period of energy accumulation, it swings hard towards the opponent.

The power of this move is much stronger than that of "Sword Dance", but the attack area is not comprehensive and can only be used to focus on attacking a certain place.


Feiyu roared loudly, concentrated all his body strength, and suddenly cut off the bottom of the corn cob where it grew.

The root of the huge corn cob was cut off, and it gradually tilted after losing its support. At first, it tilted and fell slowly. When it exceeded 45, it suddenly fell down.

Tong Yu, who had been prepared for a long time, immediately stored the huge BB corn cob in the space ring.

"Haha, well done Feiyu, your scythe is really useful."

Tong Yu praised Feiyu without hesitation and stroked its head with his hand.

For pets, there should be clear rewards and punishments, so that they can be an excellent helper.

Feiyu was extremely happy to receive praise from his master.


Suddenly, Feiyu pointed at a cut off BB corn cob in the distance and made a sound.

"Oh, you said that... someone must have beaten us to it."

Tong Yu nodded secretly in his heart. Feiyu's observation skills were good, and he actually noticed that someone had captured the BB corn first, and judging from the cut marks, he had just picked it not long ago.

Moreover, the place where Qi Gen was cut was so clean and smooth, just like Feiyu had cut it off with one knife just now.

"It seems that guy is here too..."

Tong Yu murmured to himself, looked at Feiyu beside him and said, "Feiyu, you have to be mentally prepared to face a terrible enemy later."


Feiyu yelled, saying that he would not be afraid of anyone.

Place the largest captured corn in the space ring for later use. In addition to the two largest corn cobs, there are also other mature and edible BB corns.

Tong Yu asked Feiyu to cut another branch and took out a few BB corns, and then prepared to go to another place where BB corns could be made into popcorn.

It is not that easy to make popcorn from BB corn. Just relying on ordinary firepower is obviously not enough. It requires a very high temperature to explode the corn into popcorn.

Therefore, the only perfect place to make BB popcorn is the Xulu volcano, 1500 kilometers away from here.

The Xulu volcano is located about 1500 kilometers north of the North Xulu continent. The rock temperature is about 50 degrees to 1200 degrees, which is hot enough to make BB grains pop into popcorn.

The erupted volcanic ash contains a moderate amount of salt, and is also known as the "hot spot". The underground of this area is a volcanic zone of extremely high-temperature magma, and the surface is also like a sauna.

The closer to the magma, the higher the temperature, which can reach a high temperature of 1400 degrees Celsius.

Because the melting point of the rocks here is very high, famous gourmet craftsmen use the stones here to cook pots, or they cast them directly here.

1500 kilometers, it only takes about an hour to arrive at the speed of Raindance.


In about an hour, Tong Yu and Feiyu arrived at Mount Xulu.

As soon as the rain fell on the rocks of the Xulu volcano, it was immediately burned and jumped up.


Feiyu, who was naturally afraid of fire, hurriedly flapped his wings and flew in the air, not daring to move forward when he saw the hot lava in the distance.

Insects are all very afraid of fire, and Raindrops is no exception.

"Ha, Feiyu, if you are afraid, just wait for me here."

Feiyu shook his head and said that he wanted to go with him, and it didn't matter as long as he didn't fall to the ground.

"Okay, then you can follow me."

Tong Yu looked at the magma area in the center and couldn't help but sigh slightly: "I'm afraid the only one who can freely enter and exit such a place is the GT robot. At this time, I really envy these guys."

However, this difficulty is not a problem for Tong Yu. In the food world, such magma can be seen everywhere. He cannot overcome this and is not qualified to go to the food world.

The overall structure of Xulu Volcano is a place where huge rocks and rock slabs are piled up.The deepest part of the earth is magma with a temperature of 1400 degrees. The closer the rock is to the ground, the higher the temperature.

The place Tong Yu is stepping on now is the highest rock, and the temperature is about 50 degrees. If you want BB corn to become popcorn, it must be on a rock of at least 1000 degrees Celsius.

"Feiyu, do you want to try to overcome your weakness? The food world we are going to in the future will have a much harsher environment than the current environment... I know that you insect family are naturally afraid of flames, but since you are my pet, It should be different.”

Tong Yu knew the character of his pet quite well. Sure enough, after saying this, the rain fell slowly from the sky.

When it landed on rocks with temperatures reaching over 50 degrees, Feiyu was still extremely uncomfortable.

Adaptation is a slow process, and it is also something that is inherently fearful.

Tong Yu did not put any pressure on Feiyu, letting him stay on the top stone slab to slowly adapt, and went to the lower stone slab alone to roast the BB corn.

Two corn kernels with a diameter of 3 meters and a length are placed on a stone slab with a temperature of 1000 degrees Celsius. As the temperature heats up over time, the surface of the BB corn begins to turn an attractive golden yellow.

Ordinary corn, placed in a 100-meter microwave oven, will turn into popcorn in just 5 minutes.

BB corn is larger and requires higher temperature and longer time.

The most basic rule of food ethics is to have enough patience.

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