On the stone slab with a temperature of 1000℃, Tong Yu sat cross-legged on the ground. Although the sweat on his body and forehead fell like rain, his expression remained calm and unfazed. His eyes fell on the two BB popcorns in front of him, watching them quietly. The gradual change process of BB corn.

At first, the BB corn is golden yellow, and as the temperature rises, it gradually turns to burnt black.

Burnt black, this is a sign that the corn is about to burst and become popcorn.

If you want to get high-quality BB popcorn, you don't just throw the BB corn on a high-temperature stone slab. You also need to observe the charred condition of the corn surface and flip the corn. If it is overcooked, the popcorn will have a burnt smell. , the color is not nice either.

Tong Yu has super sense of touch, and as an excellent chef, she is very familiar with the control of heat.

About 30 minutes later, I could only hear that the corn kernels, whose surface had been burnt black, were expanding at a speed visible to the naked eye.


Sounds can be heard inside the corn kernels, and finally, with a loud explosion, the corn finally turns into popcorn.

At this moment, white popcorn rained from the sky.

"々. Success, is this BB popcorn? What an amazing output!"

After all the hardships, a smile appeared on Tong Yu's face.



Chapter 425: Gu Linbachi

After enduring the high temperature for more than 20 minutes, the BB corn finally couldn't bear the temperature and exploded from the inside out, turning into BB popcorn!

One BB corn is enough to feed a hundred adults, and these two are 200 people.

At the moment of completion, white popcorn rain began to fall in the sky, which was very spectacular!

At the same time, there is an overwhelming aroma permeating the air. This is the unique aroma produced after the collision of grains and high temperatures.

This fragrance stimulates the taste buds and has the effect of enhancing appetite.

"Finally successful, all the hard work comes with joy!"

Tong Yu also had a smile on his face, and with a wave of his right hand, he put all the BB popcorn into the space ring.

This place is worth 1000 yuan. If you want to enjoy BB popcorn, you have to move to another place.

Tong Yu quickly reached the position above and saw Feiyu closing his eyes on a stone slab, trying hard to withstand the high temperature.

It can be seen that Tong Yu's words just now have an effect, and it is working hard to overcome its shortcomings.

"Well done, Feiyu. You are determined to overcome this difficulty. Your momentum and spirit are already remarkable. Okay, 960, come back to this place later. When the popcorn is ready, let's move to another place to taste it slowly."


Afterwards, the two came to the plain next to the Xulu volcano.

Tong Yu placed the huge dining table that had been prepared in the space ring on the open space. After placing the tableware, she took out the BB popcorn she had just made.

The freshly made BB popcorn was still steaming, and the aroma suddenly hit your nostrils.

"Feiyu, this is a rare food ingredient that grows in the human world. Let's taste it together!"


"Okay, let's start."

Tong Yu said as she picked up a piece of BB popcorn, and instead of putting it into her mouth in a hurry, she put it in front of her eyes and looked at it.

"It's the same size as a marshmallow. I didn't expect that one BB popcorn could produce such a large amount. It's really amazing!"

After saying that, Tong Yu put the popcorn in his hand into his mouth.

The moment it enters the mouth, a strong aroma of rice spreads around.


Tong Yu knew that the ingredients from the gourmet world would be quite delicious, but he was still surprised the moment he put them into his mouth.

"The taste was so strong that I swallowed it unconsciously. My body seemed to be controlled by magic. I couldn't help but pick up another one and put it in my mouth. It seemed that I could eat no matter how much."

Tong Yu kept pushing the BB popcorn on the table towards her mouth, unable to stop taking one bite after another.

The aroma is a bit special. In addition to the unique aroma of cereals, there is also the aroma of freshly baked crepes.

Crepes are traditional French delicacies. The traditional preparation method is to heat them over firewood on a large clay disk, then pour flour batter onto the disk to bake a thin, cheese-flavored crepe.

Later, cooking utensils improved and flat tile plates made of iron were used.

In modern times, there are ready-made crepe machines and special crepe powder that can be cooked directly.

"The delicious food couldn't stop, and I swallowed it all without realizing it. My body couldn't stop at all, as if I could eat no matter how much. As I chewed carefully, the delicious food spread in my mouth..."

Ordinary popcorn doesn't have this chewing and swallowing feeling at all. It has a chewy flavor, and the deliciousness will improve with repeated chewing.

It doesn't taste like ordinary popcorn, and it doesn't have the feeling of cutting your throat if you swallow the popcorn...

All in all, this is a top-notch delicacy that makes people unable to stop after one bite. It seems to make the stomach even hungrier. The effect of increasing appetite is really obvious.

It's perfect as an appetizer on a menu.

The feeling of touching, a feeling of happiness rises from the bottom of my heart.

This feeling soon disappeared.

I really want to let Ryoko and the others try this popcorn right away. They will definitely be very happy after eating it!

Tong Yu slowly came back to her senses from this feeling of happiness,

"Raindance, how are you? These BB popcorn are delicious!"


Feiyu also ate happily, with a happy smile on his face.

There is nothing happier than tasting delicious food... However, sometimes, happy time is always short-lived and uninvited guests always come to disturb you.


Suddenly, a strong suction force came, and a small type [-] hurricane seemed to blow around.

In an instant, all the BB popcorn on the table was sucked away and swallowed by the tall man behind him.

Tong Yu turned around calmly. From the moment the man appeared, he noticed it and ignored it just because he knew who it was.

To be precise, Tong Yu was mentally prepared before coming to the Xu Zhi Jungle.

"It really is him..."

Tong Yu looked at the man not far away.

This man was tall and actually had two extra arms under his armpits. The color of these arms was very different from the color of normal arms. It seemed that they were not natural arms, but more like transplants.

He held a straw in his hand and put it in his mouth. The BB popcorn just now was taken away through this straw.

Wearing a green turban and dark eyes, he is not a normal person no matter how you look at him.


The moment it saw this man, the hair on Feitian's body stood up. It felt... strong danger from this man!

This is not an ordinary dangerous smell, it is a creepy smell.

"I didn't expect to meet the other deputy chef of the Food Club in this place... If I remember correctly, your name is Gu Linbachi."

Tong Yu looked at Gu Lin Baqi in front of him and said with a low expression.

Gu Linbaqi was not surprised that Tong Yu could recognize him, and a pair of strange eyes fell on Fei Yu.

"It's delicious~ BB jade! Next, can I suck that mantis?"

After Gu Linbaqi finished speaking, he put the straw into his mouth, and the killing intent that spread inspired Feiyu's fighting instinct.

Feiyu retreated suddenly, avoiding Gu Linbachi's attack very lightly.

"Oh ~ very agile skills."

Gu Linbaqi smiled ferociously and took a breath this time.

This terrifying amount of lung capacity was all produced by the straw, and actually formed a powerful whirlwind, rushing towards Feiyu again.

Feiyu had never faced such an enemy before. Without knowing how to deal with it, his whole body was sucked away and flew in the direction of Gu Linbachi.

Once it is sucked in by Gu Linbachi, it will be sucked through the straw made by the demon snake, and nothing will be left.

This is also Gu Linbachi's unique way of eating.

Chapter 426: Ingredients called GOD

Feiyu was sucked into the air by the strong suction force, spun around in the air and then headed towards Gu Linbachi's direction.

If Feiyu is sucked over, the straw made by the demon mosquito in Gu Linbaqi's hand, coupled with the suction power of Gu Linba's strange creature, Rainy will be sucked dry immediately.

Feiyu also realized the seriousness of the matter and used all his strength to break away from this powerful airflow...


The Flying Mantis clan was also one of the powerful beasts in ancient times. The blood of their ancestors flows in their bodies and they will not be afraid of any enemy.

Although he knew that the enemy in front of him was very powerful, Feiyu still charged forward without hesitation.


Feiyu increased his speed to the extreme and rushed towards Gu Linbachi.

"Oh? It's stronger than expected."

Gu Linbaqi said leisurely and put the suction tube into his mouth again.

He took a casual breath, only to see his abdominal muscles contract, and a stronger airflow than before suddenly spurted out from the straw.


The power was so strong that the lawn under Gu Linbaqi's feet turned into a wasteland in an instant.

As Tong Yu and Feiyu saw, the special straw in Gu Linbaqi's hand was not only a tool for him to eat, but also a weapon for his attack.

Gu Linbaqi has a terrible lung capacity. So far, no one has a stronger lung capacity than him.

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