The seemingly random exhalation is as powerful as a bomb.


Not to be outdone, Feiyu faced the oncoming strong airflow and spun in the air.

Sword dance!

Flying Mantis's special skill is actually slicing Gu Linbachi's powerful air cannon open.

speed and power.

These are the two strongest places of Flying Mantis.

Gu Linbaqi also didn't expect that a beast that was inconspicuous in his eyes could have such explosive power.

In the blink of an eye, the scythe on Feiyu's right arm had arrived in front of Gu Linbaqi.


Feiyu struck hard and cut Gu Linbachi's body hard.

No matter who it was, they would be killed or injured if they were attacked by the flying mantis at such a close range.

Gu Linbaqi didn't dare to greet him, so he could only dodge sideways.


Feiyu's scythe struck the ground hard, and a bottomless ravine suddenly appeared.

The cracks in the gully extended tens of meters, which showed how powerful this move was.

"It was so dangerous. If I hadn't avoided it, I would have been seriously injured."

Gu Linbaqi took a few steps back and looked at Feiyu in front of him with a bit of surprise on his face.

Feiyu's attack failed, so he raised his scythe and prepared to attack again.

"Feiyu, stop."

Tong Yu stopped Feiyu who was about to attack.

Feiyu stopped raising the two scythes and looked at Tong Yu with confusion.

"Feiyu, you are no match for this person, at least not now. Just watch from the sidelines." Tong Yu said to Feiyu.

Feiyu stepped aside reluctantly, looking at Gu Linbachi warily with a pair of insect eyes.

Tong Yu walked up to Gu Linbaqi, his expression still calm.

"One of the three deputy chefs of the Food Club, Gu ate other people's hard-earned food without even saying hello, and you also attacked my pet. Are you too rude?"

Gu Linbaqi knew Tong Yu's identity, so he didn't act in a hurry, and a strange smile appeared on his face.

"If you want popcorn, I'll give it to you~~"

After saying that, Gu Linbaqi's chin bulged like a frog, and then he spat out the BB popcorn he had just eaten.

It's just that the popcorn has been chewed, and it's very disgusting to spit it out like this.

But the moment he spit it out, he sucked it back in and chewed it again with relish.

This series of disgusting operations made Tong Yu frown.

Gu Linbaqi disagreed and said with a look of enjoyment: "It's delicious food. It would be a pity not to taste it again, hehe."

Tong Yu soon regained her composure. Everyone has all kinds of delicious food, and it is not surprising that they have all kinds of strange ways of eating.

"BB corn, by the way... my pet happened to be picking it too. He will probably be back soon. Then I will give you what I just ate, Tong Yu? I should have remembered you correctly. Name it."

As soon as he finished speaking, a magma rat that lived near the Xulu volcano jumped out.

Gu Linbaqi's eyes shone brightly, he immediately picked up the straw in his hand and stabbed the magma rat, then slowly sucked it away with all his strength.

A strong appetite, a special straw, and eccentric eating habits led to the way Gu Linbachi eats.

After Gu Linbaqi finished sucking the magma rat, he looked at the straw in his hand with a leisurely look: "My straw is not bad, right? This is a straw made from the mouthparts of the devil mosquito. It has a durability worthy of praise. , but it was almost cut off by your pet just now. Its scythe looks very sharp! Speaking of which, my pet is also an insect, and they seem to be equally powerful."

"Then, what do you want to express?" Tong Yu still looked calm.

"Hey, for the failure to capture the legal mammoth, all the members of the Sixth Branch seem to be responsible. The head of the Sixth Branch, Sedoulu, was beaten to half his life, and the new guy was indirectly responsible for taking the credit. As a result, the mission failed and he was beaten to death.

However, such punishment still cannot calm the chef's anger.Our BOSS's appetite has increased greatly recently, and the food preparation speed can't keep up, so the task of recycling this time fell on me. "

Hearing this, Tong Yu couldn't help but ask: "Recycling, what do you mean?"

"Several GT robots were invested in capturing the legal mammoth. If the wreckage was left in that place, igo's scientific research team would definitely do something for me. This task fell on my head, but I didn't expect to wait at that time. It was actually those two people who were looking at me..."

Gu Linbaqi recalled the scene when he took his pet to the first habitat to recover the GT robot.

The people waiting for him at that place were Mansam, the director of igo research institute, and Shigematsu, who was the vice president of igo.

It can be said that these two people are among the best in IGO. Gu Linbaqi also knew this very well. After seeing these two people waiting for him, he turned around and left without paying any attention to the broken copper left behind. Rotten iron.

"Really, those two people looked serious and wanted to fight with me... I didn't want to fight them because it was troublesome, and the broken GT robot was useless, so I just treated it as a favor. But in exchange , I ate all the animals on that island. I couldn’t go back to the headquarters empty-handed, so I thought that the BB corn, the ingredient here, would be a good souvenir to bring to the BOSS.”

At the end of Gu Linbaqi's words, he actually sat cross-legged on the ground with a leisurely look on his face, as if he was chatting with good friends about home affairs.

"Then igo really wants to thank you. With the broken GT robot, it won't be long before igo will also develop a GT robot. It will be very interesting by then... Speaking of which, what is the purpose of your food party?"

Tong Yu knew the general purpose of the food party, but from Gu Linbaqi's mouth, he might be able to find out other useful information.

"You said this."

Gu Linbaqi slowly took out a cigarette stick and lightly touched it with his finger to light the fire.


He took a comfortable drag on the cigarette branch before continuing: "As the director of igo's food management bureau, you can't possibly not know the existence of GOD, right? Our goal is of course the food called 'GOD', the king of food! "

GOD, known as the "King of Ingredients", is also the apex of all ingredients in the world.

Rumor has it that as long as you get such ingredients, you can dominate and conquer the world.

It was discovered by the legendary gourmet hunter and "god of gourmet" Acacia 500 years ago, which led to the current gourmet era.

"GOD, it's true. The pinnacle of all ingredients in the world is indeed very attractive. Is this the purpose of the three tigers as well?"

Gu Linbaqi continued to smoke the cigarette and rolled the branches, exhaling a cloud of white smoke happily and said: "As long as you are a food hunter... no, as long as the eating creature wants to get GOD. That ingredient can conquer everyone and dominate the taste of the entire world. , don’t you want to taste it?”

As a chef and a gourmet hunter, Tong Yu also hopes to get these legendary top ingredients.

However, it is not easy to get GOD. At least Tong Yu dare not think about it now. Now he does not even have the basic ability to enter the food world. GOD is too far away.

"Acacia, the God of Food... is said to have eaten all the ingredients in the world. The only ingredient he found only in his later years was GOD. The discovery of GOD can even be said to have liberated the entire world and stopped the war years around the world."

...................... 0

"Do you know it in detail?"

"Of course, because I have long added GOD to my life menu."

Gu Linbaqi turned his attention to Tong Yu and continued calmly: "Really? There are many gourmets who are eyeing GOD, but do you really know GOD?"


"It can be said that this is a gourmet solar eclipse that only happens once in a century. Legend has it that the beginning of the solar eclipse is the day when GOD starts its activities. It seems that the gourmet solar eclipse is very likely to occur in two years, so are you ready?"

As a time traveler, Tong Yu knows the plot well and knows that GOD will appear in about 2 years (the time of the captive world of delicious food).

Now Tong Yu also knows that he is no match for Gu Linbaqi, let alone competing with Sanhu, Acacia, Gioia and others for GOD. With such strength, he can only risk his death.

In other words, Tong Yu only has two years to become stronger.

The most direct way to become stronger is to eat high-grade ingredients and continuously activate gourmet cells.

If Tong Yu can awaken the Chi You demon in her body, Acacia and others will have no problem.

At present, even the ingredients in the human world have not been collected, and the road to awakening the gourmet cell demon is long and arduous.

"Although this is just information that has been spread, I heard that some food research institutes and famous food houses have already started to take action, and it seems that there are still powerful people who have retired! Recently, our boss's appetite has increased abnormally. This kind of physiological The reaction is also a sign that GOD is coming. Those of us who cook and find ingredients have a hard time, but it is also a very happy thing."

Gu Linbaqi said excitedly, but in the end his face gradually became gloomy, and he also exuded a terrifying aura.

"The era of gourmet food that was born hundreds of years ago has now begun and evolved again. But having said that, as a member of igo, you are also pursuing the ingredient GOD, which means... we will one day become enemies. For It won’t be so troublesome in the future, let’s understand it now!”

After saying that, Gu Linbaqi's murderous intention spread and pressed towards Tong Yu.

Tong Yu, who had been ready to fight for a long time, also showed his momentum at this moment.

"Just what I want, then come on!"



Chapter 427: Gap in strength

About 500 years ago, it was still a war era, and the war lasted for more than a century.

According to incomplete statistics, the number of dead in the war alone reached one billion.

It was a dispute caused by the use of modern weapons, regardless of various reasons such as ethnicity, religion, politics, and economics. It was only based on the most primitive reasons. It was also a battle for food.

And it is said that this opportunity that brought this world war to a sudden end was the only ingredient discovered by a certain gourmet. This is an ingredient that no one has tasted and no one has discovered so far.

Just because of this ingredient, the leader who started the war was moved to tears.

After tasting the ingredients sent by Acacia, this war that lasted for a century came to an end.

At that moment of termination, the happiness and emotion of eating delicious food are things that humans will never forget.

The food that ends war and leads to world peace is called GOD.

GOD has become a legend. From now on, the era centered on "food" has begun. GOD itself has the power not only to attract humans but also to guide all the ingredients in the world. The moment it is obtained, it can even be said that the ingredients in the world are Take it all as your own.

Hundreds of years later, there will be another solar eclipse, and someone who hopes to get GOD with a heart to share will appear.

It is impossible to predict who will get this ingredient, and gourmets around the world are preparing for it.


Gu Linbachi stood up from the ground, exuding a terrifying aura.

"Really, everyone wants to snatch GOD in the end. It would be too troublesome to wait until the end. Let's find out now."

Gu Linbaqi, who was talking to Tong Yu like an old friend a second ago, exuded a terrifying aura at this moment.

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