Killing intent spreads!

"Exactly what I want, now come over here!"

Tong Yu no longer held back, her momentum was high and she was ready to fight.

"Hehe, when we captured the legal mammoth, you defeated the GT robot controlled by Stajiu... Stajiu is very optimistic about you, let me see your strength, Tong Yu~~"

Gu Linbaqi's face gradually became distorted, looking extremely weird.

Tong Yu knew that he was no match for Gu Linbaqi now, but he wanted to escape. Except for strong men like San Hu, no one could stop him.

Taking this opportunity, Tong Yu wanted to test how far he could go with all his strength.

Gu Linbaqi held the straw in two of his hands and looked at Tong Yu intoxicated.

"Tong Yu, can I take a breath of your heart? It must be delicious!"

"I'm afraid you won't be so lucky!"

After saying this, Tong Yu used her eating skills, and a huge black chopstick appeared above her head.

"Oh, what a big chopstick, are these your tableware?" Gu Linbaqi said with a surprised look on his face.

“Mysterious meaning?????????

As Tong Yu shouted, the huge black Mysterious Chopsticks above his head emitted a golden light.

The light condenses on the tip of the chopsticks, and after a short period of time, it emits a laser-like light cannon.

Facing Tong Yu's attack, Gu Linbaqi still remained calm and put the habit into his mouth. This time he took a breath and spit it out.

Once again, Gu Linbachi's abdominal muscles suddenly contracted, and a stream of air suddenly shot out from the special straw.

Gu Linbachi's lung capacity was so powerful that the air he sprayed out caused the straw to expand to the point of exploding.


The two forces collided together, and a huge explosion sounded immediately.

The strong impact caused both of them to step back several meters.

The exchange of blows was evenly matched.

However, Tong Yu knew clearly that just now it was just Gu Linbaqi's casual inhalation movement, a very ordinary blow.

On the contrary, Tong Yu used the secret chopsticks and showed his true skills.

In the first round of confrontation, Tong Yu knew the huge gap between him and Gu Linbaqi.

"I thought that a full blow would cause some damage to this guy, but I didn't expect it to be easily neutralized... The deputy chef of the gourmet club is not at the same level as me now. There is no need to try, it is a meaningless battle. "Tong Yu murmured to herself.

Gu Linbaqi retreated to a height more than ten meters away. Just as Tong Yu said, the attack just now did not cause any harm to him, and the guy's face was even more excited.

"It really shocked me. Your chopsticks are so powerful. That kind of attack is almost as powerful as my 'Breathe Bazooka'. It was so dangerous. If the attack just hit my straw, it would be over! Hehe , it’s very troublesome to make a straw like this.”

"The deputy chef of the Gourmet Club is indeed very strong. Last time I spent a lot of effort to destroy the GT robot controlled by Stajiu. Now I have no chance of winning against you..." Tong Yu had to admit.

Gu Linbaqi saw that Tong Yu had put away his momentum, and the excitement on his face gradually disappeared.

"What, are you not going to fight now? It took a lot of effort for me to get interested. You are just like the igo guys. It's really boring!"

Gu Linbaqi saw that Tong Yu had no desire to continue fighting, and most of the interest he had accumulated just now disappeared.

“But since it’s come to this, let me take a sip~~”

Gu Linbachi put the straw into his mouth again, took another small mouthful of air, and then spit it out through the straw.

The strong pressure compressed the pressure through the tube made by the Demon Mosquito. The moment it rushed out of the straw, the strong pressure exceeded the speed and power of the bullet.

The air flow turned into powerful bullets and rushed towards Tong Yu.

Breath gun!

"Little tricks don't work on me!"

Tong Yu snorted coldly, and used her food skill again, blocking the silver-black spoon in front of her, completely blocking Gu Linbachi's breath gun.

"Gu Linbaqi, I am not your opponent now, but it is impossible for you to keep me. There is no point in continuing to fight... If you really want to fight, we can make an appointment and have a hearty fight. Fan!" Tong Yu said with a low expression.

Gu Linbaqi then moved the straw away from his mouth with a lazy look on his face.

"I'm so humble...forget it, my pet will be back soon, right?"


At this moment, the contact device on Gu Linbaqi's waist rang...

"Is the chef calling? Really, it happens every time. Let's call it a day. My pet is back too..."

Gu Linbaqi looked into the distance and saw a huge insect beast that was larger than Fei Yu and was speeding towards this side.

From a distance, I could hear the flapping sound of the unique wings of insects. A beetle with an elephant trunk and six thick elephant legs was flying towards here holding a BB corn cob that was dozens of times larger than itself. Come.

Jack the Giant Armored Elephant, this is Gu Linbachi’s pet.

Insect beasts with a capture level of 85 mainly live in the Insect Island in the human world. Their adult length exceeds 35 meters and their weight can reach 18 tons. They have no food value, but they are quite powerful pets.

An insect beast that is a mixture of an elephant and a stag beetle.It possesses powerful scissors that can cut through high-rise buildings in one stroke. Its body is made from the skin of an elephant and the carapace of a stag beetle. It has a very strong body and has wings on its back.

Although it is huge in size, it can fly through the air at unimaginable speeds with its wings. It has powerful attack and defense power, combined with mobility, making it a true all-purpose beast.

When Feiyu saw the Jack giant armored elephant, he instantly became vigilant.

Seeing Feiyu's appearance, Tong Yu couldn't help but guess, "What's wrong with Feiyu? Did this guy also live on the Insect Island?"

Feiyu nodded his head.

"I see, not only did it come from the Insect Island, but it is also your opponent? Haha, then you have to work hard for Feiyu, now you may not be its opponent."

Feiyu looked at Jack's giant armored elephant with a raging fire in his eyes. Although he wanted to go up and compete with Jack's giant armored elephant, it would never launch an attack without Tong Yu's order.

Obviously, the huge corn cob that disappeared from the Xu Zhi Jungle just now was easily cut off by Jack's giant armored elephant. 0.8

Gu Linbaqi waited until Jack's giant armored elephant flew over, jumped on his back, turned around and smiled at Tong Yu: "Tong Yu, that's it for today. Although it's not very pleasant, it's okay to say the least. It killed the boring time, we must have a good fight next time."

After saying that, Gu Linbaqi left without looking back.

Tong Yu looked at Gu Linbaqi's leaving figure and couldn't help but murmured: "Next time... next time may be the day you die! Just wait, let's have a delicious food party!"

After this incident, Tong Yu's determination to improve her strength was accelerated.

It is urgent to improve your strength, and the way to improve your strength is also obvious... that is to eat high-grade ingredients.

Looking back at the plot, the ingredients Tong Yu has obtained include rainbow fruits, puffer whales, gem meat, BB corn, and the colorful snow lotus whose function is not yet known.

The remaining four are Ozone Grass, Century Soup, Fragrant Coke, and Cancan Silk Foot Fish.

Excluding the colorful snow lotus that does not appear in the plot, there are only eight high-end ingredients in the human world.

Now Tong Yu has only captured four of them, and there are four more that he has not yet completed.

Chapter 428: The target is ozone grass

City A, in the backyard of Tong Yu's private villa.

A variety of delicacies were placed on the large round dining table, but they were not the protagonists of today's table.

At this moment, what was in front of Ryoko Sakaki and Megumi Tadokoro was a steaming white fluffy dish, which looked like marshmallows, but its aroma was countless times better than marshmallows.

It's so tempting on a dinner plate that you cut it open and put it in your mouth.

Chew slowly, and the delicious taste continues to spread in your mouth.

"It's... so delicious. This is the first time I've tasted such delicious popcorn. It tastes so smooth and refreshing!"

Ryoko Sakaki raised her head and looked at Tong Yu, who was also sitting at the dining table, and said, "Tong Yu-kun, this BB corn tastes so good!"

Tasokoro's face was also filled with excitement, and an indescribable feeling of happiness came to her heart.

"The taste is not comparable to other popcorn, and it is so delicious that you can swallow it directly. This...this is the popcorn that was once a snack for the nobility of Gourmet 31 in the past! Blue blood corn, collectively known as BB corn!" Tadokoroe praised.

Tong Yu put down the wine glass in his hand and said slowly: "Yes, the texture and taste of BB corn are top-notch. After all, they are ingredients from the gourmet world, and cannot be compared with similar ingredients in the human world."

"Now that the Bb corn has been captured, Tong Yu-kun, the only ingredient left for your brewing is ozone grass, right?" Ryoko Sakaki asked.

Tong Yu nodded: "Well, in theory it's ozone grass, but whether you want ozone grass or century soup, you still need to try it to see which ingredient is more suitable."

“Chowder of the Century.”

Tadokoro stopped eating, put down the knife and fork in her hand and said, "After the BB corn, I remember it was the plot of the soup of the century, right?"

"Yes, but capturing BB corn is ahead of schedule. I estimate that the plot of Century Soup will only start in about three months. So, we can take advantage of this time to capture ozone grass..."

As Tong Yu spoke, her eyes fell on Tazoe and Ryoko Sakaki, and this time she extended an invitation to the two girls, saying: "Ryoko, Xiaomei, come with me to capture ozone grass in the vegetable sky this time. This place is also worth a visit. "

Ozone grass is known as the legendary king of vegetables. It is said that as long as you take a bite, you will feel that the vegetables on the land taste like they have passed their shelf life. They have a fresh and refreshing taste that is directly given by God.

If the pinnacle of meat in the human world is gem meat, then the pinnacle of vegetables is this ozone grass.

Capture level 68, a vegetable plant growing in the vegetable sky. The adult ozone grass is 50CM.

If ozone grass appeared in the food trading market, the value of one piece would be as high as 10 billion yen.

There is no higher capture level in the vegetable sky than it. It is also a very special ingredient that is rare in the human world. You need to peel off two leaves at the same time.

If two people don't eat it at the same time, most people can only taste the rotten taste.

At the same time, ozone grass is also an ingredient that can quickly increase the level of gourmet cells!


"I want to go too!"

Of course, the two women would not refuse. In addition to ozone grass, Vegetable Sky also has many valuable and delicious vegetables, which taste sweet and can whiten and moisturize the skin.

This is also where the two women wanted to go before coming to this world.


Three days later, Tong Yu took the two girls to the entrance of the Vegetable Sky, also known as the entrance to the Vegetable Sky - the sky vine.

The vine in the sky is a huge vine descending from the sky, known as the "invitation from heaven." Tens of thousands of meters upward from this vine is the entrance to the sky vegetable garden.

The rain fell on a leaf of the vine, and Tong Yu and the others stepped off its back.

"Such a big vine, no wonder it's called an 'invitation from heaven'!"

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