The three of them plus Feiyu didn't feel any shaking when standing on a leaf, which shows that the leaf is very stable and strong.

This is true for the leaves of the vine, not to mention the vine as the main trunk. It is initially estimated that the diameter of the smallest part of the vine is more than ten meters. Even if high-rise buildings are built on vines, it will be no problem.

"Ha, let's start from here. Just think of it as mountain climbing, so that you can have a sense of accomplishment. Have you prepared Xiaohui and Liangzi?" Tong Yu asked with a smile on his face as he looked at the two women beside him.

In order to have a sense of ceremony, the two women specially changed into hiking suits.

Shoes, clothes, pants, backpacks, knee pads and other supplies... Although these climbing equipment are of no use here at Sky Vine.

After getting ready, the three of them started climbing up.

Feiyu is responsible for clearing obstacles during the climb, such as some threatening beasts, etc. This also saves Tong Yu and others a lot of time.

When traveling, you are accompanied by someone or with someone you like. Even if the journey is full of danger, it is still happy.

The three of them were talking and laughing along the way, with laughter.

"Okay, let's take a rest here."

Tong Yu considered that the climbing speed of Tadokoroe and Sakaki Ryoko was not very fast, so they only rested every few hours.

If you climb too fast, the higher the altitude, the thinner the oxygen will be. The two women need to be given an adaptation process, otherwise altitude sickness will easily occur.

The three of them sat on a giant leaf to rest, while Feiyu 963 stood aside to protect them from other beasts.

Tong Yu took out the prepared water from the space ring and handed it to the two women.

"Thank you."

The two women took the kettle and drank heavily.

The place where the three of them are at this moment is 1200 meters above the ground.

Standing at this height, the view is quite vast.

Tadokoro took out the multifunctional instrument developed by igo, looked at the altitude and height of the location, and said: "The current altitude is 1256 meters, and the body temperature is 23 degrees Celsius."

Ryoko Sakaki took off her hat, her short burgundy hair blowing in the air.

The wind at this altitude is not bitingly cold, and there is no special feeling when it blows on the body.

"Haha, this height is very suitable for picnics and camping, but we have only gone a tenth of the way. The weather will get worse as we go higher, so be mentally prepared." Tong Yu reminded.

"Yes, the higher the place, the lower the temperature, and the greater the physical exertion. The amount of water vapor in the air at high altitudes decreases and becomes dry, so a large amount of water needs to be replenished..."

The space ring on Tong Yu's finger contains enough food and water, as well as emergency daily necessities.

After a short rest, everyone continued climbing up.



Chapter 429: Scenery along the way

After a short rest, Tong Yu and the two girls continued to climb along the sky vines.

In this world of gourmet food, many people just go straight to the destination for the purpose of catching ingredients, but ignore the scenery along the way. Some people are nostalgic for the scenery along the way, but forget the ultimate goal.

As an excellent cook, Tong Yu will never forget his original intention as a chef, and capturing ingredients is of course the ultimate goal.

Don’t miss the scenery along the way. Appreciating the beauty of nature with the people you like is also a great happiness in life.

Happiness is not only about having enough food and drink, but also about family affection, love, and the scenery we pass by. All of these make up this colorful road of life.

With this mood, Tong Yu and the other three will enjoy this wonderful journey.


Night came quietly, and from noon to night, the three of them had reached an altitude of nearly 3000 meters.

Tong Yu was okay, with strong food cells as support, so she didn't feel tired.

Ryoko Sakaki and Tomoe Tian were slightly tired. Climbing a height of 3000 meters in one day is already very difficult.

"Let's rest here tonight."

Tong Yu took out the camping tent prepared in advance from the space ring, found a sheltered position and propped it up.

This tent is a high-tech product from igo. It is a camping tent that can withstand severe cold, warm in winter and cool in summer. It is equivalent to having a natural air conditioner.

This is a must-have prop for wild camping, and the size of the tent can be adjusted freely, up to 100 square meters.

"The wind is still a bit strong, so Feiyu went to cut off a few leaves to block the surrounding area."


After receiving the order, Feiyu easily cut off the branches on the vines, cut off a few leaves, and blocked them around the tent.

The surrounding wind was obviously much lighter, as if it were on the ground.

Tong Yu then took out the stove and other cooking tools and prepared to cook a delicious dinner on the 3000-meter sky vine.

Then, he took out the main ingredients for tonight.

"Let's use this sea lion bird to make a few dishes tonight." "

This sea lion bird was caught in the afternoon.

Sea lion birds, capture level 18, live in cold areas. They can be seen in the air, sea or land. They are sea lion mammals with wings on their backs.

It is best at sniping at the openings of its prey from the air. Its belly is plump, elastic and very delicious.

The feathers on their backs vary in color, and most are used to make decorations such as fans.

"Liangzi, Xiaohui, how do you want to eat this beast? Steamed, braised or..."

Ryoko Sakaki smiled playfully: "I want to eat them all~~"

"Well, there's really nothing I can do about you."

Tong Yu smiled and placed a whole sea lion bird on another huge leaf.

The meat quality of the sea lion bird is very good overall. The belly meat is plump and fat with moderate fat content, so it is most suitable for braised.

The tail is like the tail of an airplane. The meat is chewy and elastic after being moved for a long time. It is chopped into minced meat and made into meatballs, and the bones are used to make the base soup.

The wings of sea lions are almost the same as those of sharks. Steaming them can maximize the delicious flavor and tender texture.

Considering that Sakaki Ryoko and Tadokoro didn't like eating meat, they made a simple salad using local materials and the greener leaves of the sky vine.

These four dishes were all cooked by Tong Yu himself.

Although the ingredients used are not the best, the taste is definitely top-notch, better than other chefs using high-end ingredients.

After eating and drinking, we rested in the tent for a whole night.

Early the next morning, after having a simple breakfast, we continued walking up the sky vines.

After adapting on the first day, the two women also gained some experience, and their speed became faster on the second day. It took them another whole day to reach an altitude of 5000 meters above sea level.

At an altitude of 5000 meters, white clouds were already lingering, and Tong Yu could already feel a chill even though he was unable to use the power in his body.

The temperature is already minus 2 degrees Celsius, and the temperature concentration is only about half (50%) of that on land. Tadokoro, who is the weakest in this environment, is already somewhat uncomfortable.

"Xiao Hui, are you cold? Do you want Feiyu to take you to a place with a lower altitude to rest?" Tong Yu came to Tian Suohui and asked with concern.

At an altitude of 4000 meters, Tadokoro put on an oxygen mask and put an [Oxygen Maple Leaf] in the mask. The two together became a convenient oxygen tube that could provide oxygen for several hours.

Oxygen maple leaves, the capture level changes with the habitat, and grows in both the human world and the food world.

The precious leaves of the relatively rare maple oxygen tree can photosynthesize water and carbon dioxide to produce oxygen when exposed to a small amount of light. The leaves can only be picked for one month, but they can continue to produce oxygen through light.

An oxygen maple leaf has the same high transaction value as a cypress tree.It can also be used as an ingredient to fry and make oxygen maple leaf tea.It is rich in vitamins and catechins and is extremely popular as a premium health tea!

If placed in an oxygen mask, it can provide 12 hours of oxygen.

"々. No... no need, I can adapt to this climate."

You could see the white cold air coming out of Tasokoro's mouth as she spoke.

"Okay, but don't force yourself to go." Tong Yu didn't say much.

If Tagumi and Ryoko Sakaki want to follow him to the food world and cannot adapt to this climate, going to the food world and other more dangerous places can only be a fantasy.

Tadokoro also knows this very well, so he persists.

The same is true for Ryoko Sakaki. Apart from anything else, a qualified cook should have the spirit to overcome difficulties.

Moreover, Tong Yu, Ryoko Sakaki, and Megumi Tadori all knew that the natural cold at an altitude of 5000 meters was nothing compared to the "Ice Continent" where they would go next after capturing the ozone grass.

This is one of the reasons why Tong Yu came to Ozone Grass in advance, just to let the two girls adapt to the environment in advance.

But then again, she is his woman after all, and she should adapt to the environment, but Tong Yu also feels distressed.

"Put this on so you won't get cold."

Tong Yu gave the two girls the fire tights they had prepared in advance.

The ignition tights use the heat generated by the friction of overlapping layers to keep the body high, which can withstand the cold of minus [-] degrees Celsius.

The two girls also felt Tong Yu's deep concern and love, and put on tight-fitting clothes without refusal.

After putting on fire tights and oxygen masks, the two women became very relaxed.

After replenishing water and energy, we continued towards the vegetable sky.

Chapter 430: Sky Beast

After another night's rest, Tong Yu took the two girls, Tasoko Hui and Sakaki Ryoko, and continued on their way.

The height of the entire vegetable sky is [-] meters. It will take a certain amount of time to completely conquer this place.

This is already the third day of climbing. Tong Yu and the others reached an altitude of 6000 meters above sea level at night.

The tent has been set up in a place covered by vine leaves... As night falls, the sky is filled with stars. Looking at the night sky from such a height is incredibly beautiful.

The stars in the sky seemed to be within reach.

"It's so beautiful. This is the first time I've seen such a night sky."

Both Tadokoroe and Sakaki Ryoko were wearing fire tights and oxygen masks. They couldn't help but sigh as they looked at the stars in the sky.

Even Tong Yu was attracted by the beautiful night sky in front of her, sitting on the giant leaf with a bottle of wine in her right hand.

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