Not only Dou Yu, but also the two girls Ryoko Sakaki and Megumi Tadokoro sensed the crisis.

"Suddenly it became like this. Just a moment ago, the sky was clear and clear, and in the blink of an eye it became covered with dark clouds!" Tasoko said in surprise as she looked at the darkness above her head.

Ryoko Sakaki has a good knowledge of geography, and knowing the plot, she knew what was going on.

"It should be that the atmosphere close to the ground becomes extremely unstable, causing the unstable atmosphere to turn into an updraft, and cloud thunder will occur..."


As soon as he said these words, a large amount of water vapor suddenly rose near the huge sky vines, and the air suddenly dropped. Even the two women wearing fire tights couldn't help but shiver.

Insects such as the Flying Mantis are not particularly afraid of the cold. In addition, Raindance Food Cells have been activated several times, so this environment will not have much impact on it.

Needless to say, Tong Yu did not wear a fire-fighting tights and an oxygen mask like Ryoko Sakaki and Megumi Tadori, relying on the body's most primitive instincts to resist the harsh environment.

"It's about to begin. From here on, we have to face more attacks from nature..."

After Tong Yu reminded the two girls, she took the lead in climbing forward.

Without further ado, we must pass through the thundercloud before it reaches its maximum. As long as we pass through this place, it will become extremely easy to enter the vegetable sky.

During this period of the journey, Tazoe and Sakaki Ryoko cannot go forward on their own.The two women patted Feiyu on the back and followed Tong Yu quickly through this dangerous area.

There were thunderstorms, strong winds, and deafening thunder and lightning.

Suddenly, the weather changed again.


A strong blizzard suddenly hit from the front, trying to stop everyone from moving forward.

The blizzard was also mixed with fist-sized hailstones, which were extremely powerful. When they hit the huge vines, a huge hole suddenly appeared.



Chapter 432: Glorious Phoenix


The wind was howling, and a strong blizzard was blowing directly.

At first, the hailstones that hit everyone were just egg-sized hailstones, but as they went up, the number of hailstones gradually increased, and they also became quite huge.

"Tong Yu-kun, be careful ahead!" Ryoko Sakaki's warning voice came from behind.

I saw a huge hailstone with a diameter of more than 10 meters falling straight in front of Tong Yu.

"Nature really thinks highly of us, and has actually prepared such a huge gift for us... However, this level of attack is useless to us! Food skills??ゥ???

Tong Yu shouted loudly and used a food technique that he had rarely used until now.

The chopsticks, which didn't look too big or too small, easily penetrated into the center of the huge hailstone.

Then, the huge hailstone began to shatter from the inside out.

Breaking chopsticks, this move is like a nail, causing destructive force to penetrate deep. The more force used at the same time, the greater the destructive force caused.

At the same time, fragmentation is quickly divided into diffuse type and concentrated type.

The concentrated type is to reduce the range of movement to the limit when using chopsticks in succession. It requires higher skills and concentration, and it cannot be used without learning the meaning of food. 31

Now Tong Yu uses diffusive shattering chopsticks, which disintegrate the hailstones from the inside out.

"Feiyu, protect Liangzi and Xiaohui, we will rush over in one go!"

Tong Yu roared and jumped up to break through the clouds first.

However, the dark clouds changed again in the next second.


The deafening sound became more obvious, and another change occurred in the dark clouds.

Soon Tong Yu knew that there was turbulent airflow near the clouds. The strong airflow would be swept away if not careful.

Neither Tong Yu nor Feiyu dared to be careless.

Moving forward in harsh environments requires strong willpower and physical strength.

This is also a great exercise opportunity.

The airflow in the clouds... was as powerful as a tornado on land, accompanied by strong lightning.

Neither Tong Yu nor Feiyu wore oxygen masks, and breathing became very difficult now.

"I didn't expect this airflow to be more difficult than I thought! No matter which way it is, up, down, left, or right, it will be sucked in... It's like being in an atmospheric blender, and breathing becomes difficult. Ordinary breathing won't work. , in such low oxygen conditions, we must not let go of even a tiny bit of oxygen that limits breathing.”

In fact, Tong Yu could have put on an oxygen mask like Ryoko Sakaki and passed through this thundercloud area easily, but she did not do so... The reason is obvious. This is all to train herself and prepare enough for entering the food world. Prepare.

When Tong Yu breathed out, he stopped breathing through the throat area in the upper part of the trachea. In order to retain body temperature, water and oxygen in the body, he did not continue to breath out.

Of course, air close to -80C will drift in from the mouth and nose, and will be the first to freeze the components contained in the breath that remain in the mouth... carbon dioxide with the highest boiling point and melting point.

At this moment, Tong Yu expels the frozen carbon dioxide and swallows the remaining breath including oxygen.

"It's this...breathing method that strives to maintain oxygen, moisture and body temperature."

Although it's not smooth yet, I can move around more freely than before.

If Tong Yu had also used an oxygen mask at the beginning, he would not have been able to master this breathing method.

As for Raindance... it doesn't need such a breathing method at all, because the respiratory system of insects is different from that of humans, and there is no problem even if it doesn't breathe for a long time.

After sighing at the magic of nature, Tong Yu gathered up her energy and prepared to rush through here in one breath.

"Speed ​​up and rush over in one go!"

Just when he was about to break through the dark cloud area, there was a bright light flashing in the dark cloud.

"what is that?"

Tadokoro was the first to notice it and saw the bright light approaching here and getting bigger and bigger.

A bright light, like the brightest star in the night sky.

Golden light!

With the appearance of golden light, the originally windy sky suddenly became quiet.

Time seemed to stop at this moment, and soon everyone saw clearly what this golden light was.

It turned out that this was a huge flying bird with golden hair and two pairs of eyes.

"This is... the glorious phoenix!"

Even Tong Yu couldn't help being surprised.

The glorious phoenix can capture birds and beasts at level 75. It is already the strongest player at the top of the food chain in the entire human world, and has no rivals in the thunder clouds.

It is said that the legendary beast, the legendary thunderbird, lives in the thunder clouds. The meat that swims with electricity is so delicious that it is said to be able to evolve cells.

The deliciousness of the meat is self-evident, and its feathers have the effect of rebounding lightning.Clothes made of body hair shine with gorgeous elegance, and a bride wearing a wedding dress made of lightning phoenix body hair can obtain eternal happiness. This has been a legend since ancient times.

The legendary thunderbird, the glorious phoenix!

"The Shining Phoenix... this is a legendary bird that can bring happiness. The area we are going to pass next is attacked by lightning, and her feathers can be used to resist lightning. But I don't just want a feather."

Tong Yu made a bold decision at this moment. He wanted to tame this glorious phoenix.

If you can't tame it, just capture it!

This is not the first day that Ryoko Sakaki and Megumi Tian have met Tong Yu. How can they not know what he is going to do next when they hear him say this.

"Hey, Tong Yujun, don't you think about using this glorious phoenix..."

"Yes, you guessed it right. Feiyu, you are ready to help me conquer this phoenix!"

Even if the glorious phoenix is ​​not surrendered in this dangerous thundercloud, it will be very difficult, not to mention that the current terrain is extremely unfavorable to Tong Yu and others.

But Tong Yu can't control that much. The glorious phoenix is ​​hard to come by, and its number is extremely rare. If you miss it this time, you don't know how long you will have to wait.

Not to be missed.

Tong Yu's whole body was filled with energy and power, and he unleashed it without any reservation.


A loud shout, the sound was louder than the thunder in the thunder clouds.

This loud roar actually caused the glorious phoenix that was about to leave to stop and turn around to look at the furious Tong Yu.

"Glorious Phoenix, become my pet companion or become a part of my flesh and blood, it's your choice!"

Tong Yu said with a low expression to the glorious phoenix who had turned to look at him.

The glorious phoenix, a beast like this, can naturally understand human speech, and became furious after hearing these words.

Are you kidding? He is the master of this thunderstorm. How can he become a human pet?



Chapter 433: Legendary kitchen utensils

The glorious phoenix is ​​a bird that is said to bring happiness. It is also one of the few rare ingredients in the human world that can significantly evolve food cells. People without strong food luck will not encounter it.

This is already considered the top beast in the human world. Tong Yu took a fancy to this glorious phoenix at a glance and wanted to tame it.

The Brilliant Phoenix also understood what Tong Yu said and was immediately irritated. In its eyes, this tiny human being was like an ant-like existence, but he actually said that he wanted to tame himself?

This legendary bird has the blood of the mythical beast Phoenix flowing in its body. How can it still sit still after being provoked by such words... The more powerful the beast, the more it values ​​its dignity. Now this glorious phoenix just wants to kill the child in front of him. Yu swallowed it into his belly to vent his hatred.

Tong Yu couldn't help laughing when he saw the furious phoenix that was already gathering momentum: "Haha, are you angry? You want to eat me, right? Then let me over here and let me tame you. A guy with an unruly head."

A battle in this sky vine is about to begin.


Ryoko Sakaki, who was on Feiyu's back, looked in the direction of Tongyu and the Shining Phoenix, and couldn't help but frown slightly.

"What's wrong, Sister Ryoko?" Tian Suohui asked.

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