The awakening of gourmet cells also represents a complete transformation.

The awakening of the cells also reaches the standard and can use part of the gourmet cell demon's abilities.

Although it is not yet certain what the abilities of Ryoko Sakaki and Megumi Tadokoro are, they should be known soon.

Tong Yu is now quite satisfied with his meal, but this trip to the vegetable sky does not end there, as the final ingredients have not been found yet.

After walking around the vegetable sky again and collecting a lot of ingredients and putting them into the space ring, Tong Yu and others arrived at the location of the "King of Vegetables"...

This is another scene, as if they are growing in the clouds, and the ozone grass is in front of everyone's eyes.

"These are ozone grass!"

These huge budding green plants are all ozone grass.

There is not just one ozone grass growing in the vegetable sky, there are at least hundreds of them at a glance.

Ozone grass is a vegetable plant with a known capture level of 68. The length is about 50cm, and the leaves wrapped in the outer skin are about 15cm.

If ozone grass appeared on the market, it would cost one billion yuan, and it would be known as the king of vegetables.

In the vegetable sky, there is no plant or beast with a higher capture level than it. If it is not captured, the leaves exude a strong odor, and two leaves need to be peeled off together.

The capture level in a single round is below 60, but like leaves, they are special ingredients that need to be eaten by two people at the same time otherwise they will rot.

Tong Yu, Ryoko Sakaki, and Megumi Tadoko have already known how to capture ozone grass from the comics. This special ingredient is not the biggest challenge for them.

"Are these ozone grasses? There are quite a lot of them! Let's go down and have a look."

Tong Yu took the lead and walked down, and soon came to these ozone grasses that looked like they were in bud.

"I'll give it a try first."

Speaking of 0.8, Tong Yu came to an ozone grass and pulled out one of its leaves.

Immediately, the originally fresh ozone grass turned into rotten stinky vegetables in the blink of an eye.

"Sure enough, it's as rumored. If two leaves are not peeled off at the same time, they will wither in an instant." Tong Yu said while touching his chin.

Tong Yu's words immediately made Ryoko Sakaki roll her eyes: "Really, Tong Yu knew clearly that peeling off a leaf would result in this, but he still did it. Isn't this a waste of ozone grass?"

Ryoko Sakaki wasn't blaming Tong Yu, she just felt it was a pity that a rare ingredient like ozone grass was wasted.

Tong Yu couldn't help laughing after hearing this: "Haha, I'm just curious. Ozone grass grows very fast, so you don't have to worry about waste. Moreover, we don't need much, and there is still a lot left for future generations."



Chapter 438: Ozone Grass 2/2

Tong Yu's curiosity led him to peel off a leaf of ozone grass alone.

Sure enough, if you just peel off the leaves of ozone grass on one side, you will get only a pile of rotten leaves.

To get real ozone grass, two people must peel off the outer leaves of the ozone grass at the same time. Only in this way can the rot of the ozone grass be avoided.

Special ingredients must have special processing methods. Ozone grass is a rare special ingredient in the human world.

Special ingredients such as this, or more complex, abound in the gastronomic world.

After thinking for a moment, Tong Yu said, "Liangzi, let's try it first."

"Okay~" Ryoko Sakaki responded happily.

Tong Yu came to the ozone grass, held a leaf of the ozone grass with one hand, and said: "Liangzi, stand on the other side and hold the leaves of the ozone grass with both hands."

"I know, I've seen how to capture ozone grass in comics." Ryoko Sakaki said with a smile.

"Ha, that's true. Even if you haven't read the comics, you should have heard it." Tong Yu said.

Ryoko Sakaki nodded.

The sound of ingredients comes from the call of ingredients.

31 In the world of Shoji, Tong Yu and others have this ability.

The more advanced the ingredients, the stronger the call, and the ingredients will also choose chefs it deems qualified, telling the chefs its "own" message through the sounds of the ingredients.

Just now, Ozone Grass had already told Tong Yu, Ryoko Sakaki and Tadokoro the news through the sound of ingredients.

In other words, Ozone Grass has recognized three people.

A chef who can be recognized by his ingredients must be extraordinary.

When Ryoko Sakaki and Dou Yu held ozone grass leaves, the sound of the exchange of ingredients became stronger and stronger.

Although I know how to treat ozone grass, this is my first time and my actions are a bit unfamiliar.

"Ryoko, are you ready? I'll count down to 3, and then we'll peel off the leaves of the ozone grass together."

Tong Yu and Ryoko Sakaki have known each other for such a long time, and they have a close physical relationship, so they already have a complete tacit understanding.

Young 6

Water 56

first 61

Hair 8

New 8

Book 96

After Tong Yu counted to three, the two of them exerted force almost at the same time, working their way down the top of the ozone grass and tearing off the leaves of the ozone grass.

There is a perfect tacit understanding and almost no errors.

The two outer leaves of the ozone grass were successfully peeled off, and this time there was no rot like before. This is also the best proof of the initial success of the ozone grass capture.

"This is ozone grass!"

As the leaves peeled off, the ozone grass also revealed its true appearance in Lushan.

The ozone grass that was originally curled up in a ball suddenly spread out because it was not restrained by the outer leaves.

The stretched ozone grass was in the shape of a long tongue, and the moment it spread out, pearl-like water droplets splashed on Tong Yu and others.

"Just a little movement, there is such a powerful splash, it is full of moisture!"

"It is worthy of being the king of vegetables. The water inspiration that bursts out is like it just grew out of the water."

The three people who saw ozone grass for the first time couldn't help but marvel.

Under the sunlight, the water droplets attached to the surface of the ozone grass shine even more like pearls, giving it infinite beauty.

Tong Yu squatted down and observed the ozone grass up close.

"We were not disappointed. This tongue-like leaf is so beautiful. The thick leaves look like they can be broken by a blow. If you look closely, even the inner parts of the leaves are glowing, moving like a human heart. This is the first time I have seen such vibrant vegetables." Tong Yu said.

Ryoko Sakaki and Megumi Tadano also came over, both attracted by the charming appearance of ozone grass.

"It's really beautiful~ It just bathes in the sun, wantonly absorbing the nutrients in the mineral-rich ash rain, and the leaves grow. The fragrance is better than countless meats. The leaves wrapped around it layer by layer absorb Poisonous ingredients with a strong bitter taste.”

"That's not all. The aroma of ozone grass is the aroma of fresh food that arouses appetite. Rather than arousing our appetite, it is better to say that our bodies demand it unilaterally. Only such ingredients can be considered real food. Excellent food."

Tong Yu wiped the saliva from the corner of her mouth and said impatiently: "Okay, having said all that, let's taste the deliciousness of ozone grass right away!"

"Okay~" the two women responded at the same time.

"It was me and Liangzi who peeled off the ozone grass just now, now it's me and Xiaohui!"

After saying that, Tong Yu cast an ambiguous look at Tian Suohui.

Tadokoro suddenly blushed, but she did not refuse, blushing and nodding.

The outer leaves of ozone grass need to be peeled off by two people at the same time. When eating it, two people also need to eat it at the same time. If you only take one bite of ozone grass, it will rot immediately.

The peeled ozone grass is less than one meter tall, so you need to squat down to bite it.

Tong Yu and Tian Sohui lowered their heads and approached the ozone grass. At this moment, their heads were almost touching.

Although Tong Yu and Tian Suohui also confirmed their relationship, in fact, nothing happened.

Tadokoro was always a shy girl, not to mention that Ryoko Sakaki was watching next to her.

"Tong Yujun..."

Tadokoro Hui called Tong Yu with a red face.

Tong Yu knew that Tian Suohui was thin-skinned, so he did not tease her and said, "Xiao Hui, I will count to 3 and we will bite together."

"Yes." Tadokoro responded in a mosquito-like voice.

Hearing Tong Yu shouting 1, 2, 3, the two of them also had a tacit understanding, and together they took a bite of the high-end ingredients that 970 had never tasted before.


It's as crisp as biting into an apple, but the texture in your mouth is so soft, like marshmallows.

This taste is very magical.

Tong Yu was surprised. The smell of ozone grass did not disappoint him.

"It's great! The taste is excellent, and there is a lot of delicious juice contained in the ozone grass. When you bite it, you can clearly feel the vibration in your mouth. Chewing slowly, it turns out to be a kind of enjoyment... and bursting out at the same time The crisp and refreshing taste that comes out is irresistible, and at the same time, the perfectly addictive and delicious bitter taste of the leaves constitutes the unique taste of ozone grass.”

Tong Yu praised the delicious taste of ozone grass, which goes beyond the scope of delicious vegetables and is worthy of being the "King of Vegetables".

After Tadokoro took the next bite, she was also shocked and speechless by the delicious taste of ozone grass.


As he swallowed the ozone grass in his mouth, an electric current flowed through Tadokoro's body.

Food cells are active throughout the body, and a force is constantly boiling in the body.

Tazoe closed her eyes involuntarily, feeling the changes coming from her body.

Tong Yu also noticed the changes in Tian Shihui's body and knew that this was a manifestation of the activation of gourmet cells.



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