Chapter 439: Gather together

Tadokoro's gourmet cells are further activated, the body has received great benefits, and the unknown power hidden in the body has been further awakened.

Later, Tong Yu and Ryoko Sakaki bit off the ozone grass together. After eating the ozone grass, Ryoko Sakaki was in the same situation as Tadokoro, and her gourmet cells were also activated.

Of course, Tong Yu's strength has also been greatly improved. From eating the glorious phoenix to the current ozone grass, his strength has improved a lot this time.

In addition, Feiyu’s strength has also improved.

All in all, the overall strength of Tong Yu’s team has been greatly improved in this trip to the vegetable sky, which is fully prepared for the upcoming plot.

After capturing a few ozone grasses and putting them in the food safe, Tong Yu and others returned from the vegetable sky.


A few days later, in the courtyard of Tong Yu’s private villa,

"It's really rare that everyone is together again. This time even Mitsuo is here. I think there must be something going on this time, right?" Teruki Kuga said while looking at the other people on the table.

In the courtyard, die-hard fans gathered together, and this time even Mimasaku Subaru came.

All six die-hard fans were present.

Subaru Mimasaku, Teruki Kuga, Soma Yukihira, Aldini??勧????逦??波牥???Υ??觧??

Everyone gathered around the table, enjoying the food on the table and talking.

There are two tables in the courtyard, one is a Western-style rectangular table, and the other table is the "Eight Immortals Table" that everyone is sitting on now.

The Eight Immortals Table is one of the traditional Chinese furniture.

It is a square table with the four sides of the tabletop being equal in length and a wider tabletop. Two people can sit on each side of the square table. Eight people sitting around it look like the Eight Immortals, so it is called the Eight Immortals table.

Tong Yu was still used to this kind of table, and the long Western-style table always felt a bit awkward.

Everyone comes from another world and is a "traveler". We have no scruples and can talk about anything.

This time everyone was also called by Tong Yu and gathered here.

Tong Yu smiled slightly, but did not answer directly. He pointed to the delicious food on the table and said, "Eat the food first, and then talk about this time after you finish eating."

"Tong Yujun is showing off again... But since there are so many delicious dishes, I won't argue with you! Wow, there are so many high-end ingredients, and this mung bean soup smells delicious."? "

Chuangzhen was still the same, seeing the delicious food on the table that he had never seen before, and he started to get excited again.

The dishes on the table are all made with high-grade ingredients that have been caught recently. Most of them are cooked by Tong Yu himself, and a few dishes are cooked by Tadokoro Megumi and Sakaki Ryoko.

Everyone at the dinner table did not talk about unhappy things, they were all about recent personal experiences.

Come to this new world of haute cuisine and make a difference in just a few months.

By the way, Mimasaku Subaru seems to have joined a special organization of food hunters, traveling around the human world and completing tasks assigned by the organization.

From this point of view, Mimasaku Subaru's strength should be higher than others.

While chatting and eating, everyone had smiles on their faces, and laughter echoed in the courtyard.

After spending a few hours slowly enjoying the food, Tong Yu began to talk about the main thing that brought everyone together this time.

Tong Yu stopped beating around the bush and went straight to the point: "It's rare that all the members can be here this time. Let everyone take time out of their busy schedules to come here mainly for two things. The first one is to miss you all, and also want to know how you are here. The situation in the world, let's get together together. The second thing is the upcoming plot, which is also a very important ingredient for us..."

Everyone present, except Chuangzhen, who has never understood the plot of the anime, everyone else knows it very well. They have read the comics published by Tong Yu at least two or three times.

After hearing this, the thoughtful Takmi immediately guessed what Tong Yu was going to say.

"Is it the soup of the century?" Tuckermi asked.

"Yes, we must get this ingredient. My goal is very simple. Each of us can taste some of the soup of the century, and then we can work together to reproduce it." Tong Yu said his ultimate goal.

Century soup is another important high-end ingredient in the human world. It is a natural century soup in the gourmet showcase of the "Ice Continent" in extremely cold places.

However, as time goes by, the soup of the century has been nearly exhausted by this time, and the natural soup of the century is about to disappear.

In the original work, Komatsu tasted the last drop of century soup, thus regenerating a new century soup.

There is almost no difference between Komatsu Regeneration's Century Soup and nature's Century Soup...but it took many twists and turns and his own strong food luck to make it.

Now that Tong Yu and others have come to this world, the remaining century soup must not be given away. Moreover, everyone present is a chef. Why should the job of regenerating century soup be handed over to others?

It's completely unnecessary, Tong Yu and the others are completely enough.

Whether it's searching for the soup of the century or rebirth, Tong Yu believes that his team can accomplish it.

"The important task of this Century Soup trip is to obtain ingredients, and the second is to allow you to adapt to the harsh environment in advance. Our ultimate goal is the food world. I expect it will take about 10 days to complete the task, so I hope You can make time for yourself. After getting the century soup, I will take everyone back to the world of Shoji..."

It has been several months since everyone came to Shoji, the prisoner of delicious food, and almost a month has passed in Shoji's world.

I don’t know what happened in Shokuki’s world in a month, so I’d better go back and take a look.

"it is good."

No one had any objections to Tong Yu's suggestions and arrangements.

The plan was decided.

Tong Yu and others were not the only ones who knew about the Century Soup. The Gourmet Club and other gourmets also learned of the news immediately.

Faced with ingredients that are rare in a century, no one can resist the temptation.

A few days later, the largest city in the human world, City A.

The most prosperous area of ​​Food Town.


This is the most famous bar nearby. Food hunters from all over the world gather in this bar. Many famous food hunters have stayed here again.

Famous food hunters from all over the world come to this wine shop in order to obtain "々. Ingredients information" and "jobs". Many food hunters gather here, so this wine shop is also nicknamed "the bar where you meet."

The bar is still the same, noisy and noisy, with all kinds of people gathering here.

"Wine, bring the wine! There's not enough food at all. Hurry up and bring it to me. If you don't entertain me well, the consequences will be serious!"

There was a scar on his face and the naked upper body man slapped the table and shouted loudly.

The scars on the body are a symbol of the gourmet hunter's strength, but the more scars, the stronger the strength. At least it proves that the gourmet hunter has rich hunting experience and is not a fledgling gourmet hunter.

This man's name is Brubo, and he is quite famous among food hunters. Employers often find him and entrust him with tasks.

But recently, for some unknown reason, Brumbaud has not received any commissions for a long time, which makes him very depressed.

At a wine table not far from Brubo, a man in black who was also a food hunter held a large glass of beer in his right hand and laughed: "Gahaha, Brubo, you are not because of You’re starting to feel distressed because you don’t have any commissions, so you came here to drink away your sorrows and see if you can pick up the commission lungs.”

The food hunter sitting at a table next to the man in black also laughed after hearing this: "Gilliwell, I think you are absolutely right. That guy's (life) menu cannot be listed at all. He only knows Use a thick skin to be arrogant."



Chapter 440: Soup of the Century (1)

Facing the ridicule of the two men, Brumbaud said nothing and could only drink in silence.

At this time, the competition between the big eaters who are good at making decisions in the bar also begins.

In the corner, a fat man with a big belly and weighing at least 300 kilograms was frantically eating the food on the table.

After a while, all the food on the table was eaten by the big fat man. At the same time, the people who competed with the big fat man to "eat" also collapsed one after another.

The big fat man immediately stood up and shouted proudly.

"Wow, I won, who else? Who else can eat better?"

Faced with the big fat man's shouting, no one in the bar dared to step forward to challenge 970.

No wonder, in terms of food, no one can match this guy named Delanka. He is a famous big eater in this bar and is also the big eater champion of the South Island.

"It's so noisy, can you guys be quiet?"

"Hey, where are you from? This is the bar. If you feel noisy, you can go somewhere else!"


All in all, this bar is full of people from all walks of life.

Moreover, there are an unusually large number of people in the bar today, simply because in recent days, a piece of news has spread in the bar that attracts all food hunters.

That's the news about the soup of the century... But only a small group of people got the news. This small group of people want to call on more food hunters to go together.

The reason is very simple, because the location of Century Soup is in the "Ice Continent".

The Ice Continent, also known as the Ice Hell, has an average annual temperature of minus 50 degrees Celsius. It is not only a beast-catching level, it is designated as a dangerous area simply because of the climate.

This place is also recognized as one of the most dangerous areas in the human world.

Although this place is full of dangers, food hunters simply cannot resist the temptation of top-quality ingredients.

Then Alu, the leader of the food hunters, appeared in the bar.

Alu's appearance brought the atmosphere of the bar to the highest point.

Then, another key figure appeared in the bar, Kaneru Mokui. This person is one of the world's richest people, and his property can no longer be calculated in numbers.

It is said that he created hundreds of doubles for himself, and they were not himself anywhere he appeared in public.

Regardless of whether it was a substitute or himself, Canelu showed up at the bar and proudly hired all the food hunters present.

In this way, the first batch of food hunters heading towards the Ice Continent has been assembled. We temporarily call it the first team.


Forest of Crisis, Song Lin

This is the headquarters of the Gourmet Club in the human world.

"Barry, where is the deputy chef? Why didn't you see him?"

Bucky Wuzi walked out of the gate and saw Balikamon waiting at the gate and couldn't help but ask doubtfully.

This muscular man who is more than two meters tall is none other than Balikamon, the director of the fourth branch of the Food Club.

And this person hiding in other people's bodies is Buji Wuzi, who is also the branch director of the 5th branch of the Food Club.

This time they went to the Ice Continent to capture the century soup. The Gourmet Club sent a trio of deputy chefs, headed by deputy chef Domilot.

One deputy chef and two branch managers are enough to show that gourmet food attaches great importance to Century Soup.

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